Monday, October 31, 2016

Those Were the Days (1997)


John Gedo (2017)

The Biology of Clinical Encounters: Psychoanalysis as a Science of Mind, by John E. Gedo, Routledge, March 2, 2017

In The Biology of Clinical Encounters, Gedo utilizes recent findings in neuroscience and cognitive psychology to elaborate his conception of psychobiology and to consider its implications in clinical analysis.  He pursues this challenging undertaking in several directions.  He illuminates the way in which psychobiology enters into his hierarchical model of mental functioning, and goes on to examine three clinical syndromes - phobias, obsessions, and affective disturbances - in which biological considerations are particularly important.  Of special note are chapters examining the implications of a biological approach for clinical psychoanalysis.  Gedo explores the notion of transference that grows out of attentiveness to psychobiological factors, elaborates the concept of therapeutics that follows from looking beyond mental contents, and discusses the problem of assessing clinical evidence produced by analyses informed by a psychobiological orientation.  Drawing on his own analytic work of over three decades, he compares analyses conducted with a psychobiological orientation with the outcome of analyses conducted earlier in his career with a more traditional psychological approach. (amazon)


1. Ferenczi, Severn, and the Origins of Trauma Theory: Mutual Analysis (Relational Perspectives Book Series), by Peter L. Rudnytsky, Routledge, August 9, 2017

2. The Discovery of the Self: A study in psychological cure (Relational Perspectives Book Series), by Elizabeth Severn, ed. by Peter L. Rudnytsky, Routledge, March 10, 2017 (kindle 2017-4-16)

Elizabeth Severn, known as "R.N." in Sandor Ferenczi’s Clinical Diary, was Ferenczi’s analysand for eight years, the patient with whom he conducted his controversial experiment in mutual analysis, and a psychoanalyst in her own right who had a transformative influence on his work. The Discovery of the Self is the distillation of that experience and allows us to hear the voice of one of the most important patients in the history of psychoanalysis. However, Freud branded Severn Ferenczi’s "evil genius" and her name does not appear in Ernest Jones’s biography, so she has remained largely unknown until now. This book is a reissue of Severn’s landmark work of 1933, together with an introduction by Peter L. Rudnytsky that sets out the unrecognized importance of her thinking both for the development of psychoanalysis and for contemporary theory.
Inspired by the realization that Severn has embedded disguised case histories both of herself and of Ferenczi, as well as of her daughter Margaret, Rudnytsky shows how The Discovery of the Self contains "the other side of the story" of mutual analysis and is thus an indispensable companion volume to the Clinical Diary. A full partner in Ferenczi’s rehabilitation of trauma theory and champion of the view that the analyst must participate in the patient’s reliving of past experiences, Severn emerges as the most profound conduit for Ferenczi’s legacy in the United States, if not in the entire world.
Lacking any institutional credentials and once completely marginalized, Elizabeth Severn can at long last be given her due as a formidable psychoanalyst. Newly available for the first time in more than eighty years, The Discovery of the Self is simultaneously an engaging introduction to psychotherapy that will appeal to general readers as well as a sophisticated text to be savored by psychoanalytic scholars and clinicians as a "prequel" to the works of Heinz Kohut and a neglected classic of relational psychoanalysis. (amazon)

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

well, simply shine, simply crazy, simply fucking great

Echoes (Pink Floyd)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

criminal (2016)

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Push the Sky Away

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966)





5. Binswanger, L. (1957). Freud: Reminiscences of a friendship (N. Guterman, Trans.). New York, NY: Grune and Stratton. (not available yet)

6. Being-in-the-world: Selected papers of Ludwig Binswanger, ed. by Jacob Needleman, New York, NY: Basic Books, 1962 (accessible via questia)

Binswanger does not seek spheres of man‘s existence that argue
against the explanatory power of psychoanalysis. 
What he asks is a Kantian question: "What is it in man that 
enables his existence to be explained by psychoanalysis? 
When, therefore, Binswanger complains of the reductionism
of natural science as applied to man, he is not questioning
science‘s ability to explain, he is rather urging that that which
is being explained be kept in mind in its full phenomenal reality.
He is not saying to science: "You cannot explain the spirit of
man"; what he says is: "Be sure it is the spirit of man you are
explaining!"(ibid, p. 4)

Binswanger took Heidegger's analysis of the structure of human
being as it constitutes world and self by being essentially being-in-
the-world as the instrument with which to understand the
existence of his patients. 

... he demanded a presuppositionless entering into that world as
the precondition for explanation of it. (ibid, p. 6)

George Boeree (pronounced boo-RAY)

to find back the language of the downcast


Depression, like most words, nests within a semantic web of similar-but-different words—
call this “the language of the downcast.” The language of the downcast lends itself to
nuanced reflection and analysis. Because our ability to manage our lives depends on the
ability to differentiate and articulate emotions and to represent them in scenarios of causation
and action, this is no small thing. Of late, the language of the downcast has been hollowed
out and rendered feeble, eaten away from the inside by the invading language of Depression—
with a capital D, to make the point that the word has changed, becoming the proper
name of a formal disorder. This impoverishment of language entails destruction of thought
and consequent debility of lives. (Robert T. Fancher (2016) The Humanistic Psychologist, Vol. 44, No. 2, 215–219, italics added)

Ikiru (Akira Kurosawa, 1952)

that bunny saved them both

Cigarettes After Sex - Affection


Bon Iver - I Can't Make You Love Me

Mono - Pure As Snow

Aesthesys - Sailing to Byzantium

Over The Ocean - I Will Be Silent

Stray Ghost - Day Without Evening

Bon Iver - Holocene (Official Music Video)

One Hour Before The Trip ~ Vagabond




taiwan politics, in the last one year, has deteriorated into something, frankly crony, honestly greedy, shamelessly shameless, manipulative, intrusive, rude, demanding, orchestrating lies, yet, always wearing that fucking faint sly smile, like (no, worse than) the famous borderline patient, getting under your skin, or rib, which means, they would not allow you, not to feel, to know, to worship, their presence, from this breath, to the next  (2016-10-29)

The Metapsychology of Christopher Bollas: An Introduction (Sarah Nettleton, Aug 24, 2016)

now, metapsychology is a serious word, terribly serious, in our age of the end of metaphysics

Friday, October 28, 2016


Josef Pieper (1904-1997)

One of the most important philosophy titles published in the twentieth century, Joseph Pieper's Leisure, the Basis of Culture is more significant, even more crucial than it was when it first appeared fifty years ago.

Pieper shows that Greeks understood and valued leisure, as did the medieval Europeans. He points out that religion can be born only in leisure-a leisure that allows time for the contemplation of the nature of God. Leisure has been, and always will be, the first foundation of any culture. He maintains that our bourgeois world of total labor has vanquished leisure, and issues a startling warning: Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for nonactivity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture-and ourselves. These astonishing essays contradict all our pragmatic and puritanical conceptions about labor and leisure; Joseph Pieper demolishes the twentieth-century cult of "work" as he predicts its destructive consequences. (amazon) 

Leisure, the Basis of Culture. Translated by Alexander Dru. With an introduction by T.S. Eliot, London: Faber and Faber, 1952. (Originally Muße und Kult. München:Kösel-Verlag, 1948).

this one, was written, in that summer, in the ashes, of war (with an introduction by T.S. Eliot)

Michael Foley

this one (2010), almost a bible, for me (accessible via scribd)

Endless Melancholy - Music For Quiet Mornings

Imbaru - Vigías

Thursday, October 27, 2016

沈瑞章是人何況他是台灣人 (1:13-28;10)



Kierkegaard’s Rebellion (Peter E. Gordon, NYRB, Nov 10, 2016)

同學們大家不要以為齊克果是個內向溫吞適應障礙的傢伙socratic irony是他(1813-1855)1841年的博士論文題目講存在主義的人會喜歡他是有理由的他跟失明的加拿大樂手jeff healey一樣都只活了42歲

On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates (DanishOm Begrebet Ironi med stadigt Hensyn til Socrates) is Søren Kierkegaard's 1841 doctoral thesis under Frederik Christian Sibbern.This thesis is the culmination of three years of extensive study on Socrates, as seen from the view point of Xenophon, Aristophanes, and Plato.(



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Logan (2017) (b 1954) (imagined soundtrack by Tommy Lucas)

The Conspiracy (2012)

now, this one, is very interesting, which tells us, there is another world, behind this world, and, another history, behind this history, yet, we are sure, we know, what is reality, what is real

road house (1989)

Patrick Swayze (1952-2009) 

Jeff Healey - As The Years Go Passing By, etc (1966-2008) (river of no return) (Marcon Georgia Blue)

鉢蘭街馬王 (2000)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



the terror experiment (2010)

kitaro kitaro kitaro

glaston - sailing stormy waters
(we travel, some of us forever 00:00-4:54) now, forever, means never reach home

train to kaohsiung



Beers Criteria (2012) (2015) (see also)

Monday, October 24, 2016

湄公河行動 (2016)

惊心破 (2016)

Mark Rothko (1903-1970)

You need to see these paintings, to experience them as physical entities, to be in their presence in order to get them. (The Hope of Therapy, by Paul Gordon, 2009, p. 71, italics added)

Strictly speaking, it’s not my home town any more. I feel a deep sense of loss at this fact, as if the axis of my memories is faintly, but audibly, creaking within me. It’s a physical sensation. (A Walk to Kobe, by Haruki Murakami, italics added)

Sitting by my father’s bedside, felt sure that the esoteric philosophical position was alien —so mistaken as almost to be offensive. Here was man loved dearly, robbed of his identity because small clot on his brain had potently wounded his consciousness. Of course consciousness is physical thing ... (The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning, by Daniel Bor, 2012, introduction, italics in the original)

paul gordon is back

our old boy Paul had been away, for quite a while, glad he decided to come back

check it out, especially some writings

Sunday, October 23, 2016

into the sun (2005)

midnight diner 深夜食堂 (2014)

北監 3435

10/23 2:14 PM. 入監前日霜降聽到小澤征爾七英里路 is there a place, called core network, inside the brain, which is supposed to be the home of consciousness?  but, citadel, of the senses? (daniel bor, 2012) well, it sounds like a defensively-guarded prison, doesn't it? 讓訊息進來讓經驗穿過你讓它們把你搞亂再看有沒有新的秩序發生或即使不發生也沒有關係因為七英里路半客死他鄉是最好的旅途結局
10/23 3:03 PM. YM (12/21) (rev 1051023)
10/23 3:06 PM. 點起一支Peace
10/23 6:25 PM. s/p lousy traffic
10/24 9:21 AM. was notified just now that L was sent to ICU due to fever and leukopenia 10/22
10/24 4:54 PM. tired. take a break. till 6:00 PM.
10/24 11:33 PM. all quiet on the western front, at least, so far. four consults, tomorrow morning.
10/25 7:25 AM. well, this is day 2.
10/25.10:57 AM. one consult unfinished. ICU-21 transferred back 10/26. 走進陽光
10/25 4:42 PM. "我賺最多"     "讓他演"     "Welcome"     "Of course, (you bitch)"     蘇清公公是一個傑出的吹簫演出家     屁眼們說       輕諾寡信     說得真好
10/25 7:00 PM. remembering kitaro koi. the violin interlude is very very beautiful.
10/26 6:08 PM. this is day 3. two MC case notes (done 7:01 PM).    社關案待評估是否可行 (forward to 正熙, consider asking him to take in charge of this project, 7:32 PM).   case report awaits review (done 7:16 PM)
10/27 4:26 AM. day 4. 弦月 山頭
10/27 4:17 PM. just back.
10/27 8:43 PM. W agitated at H2, restraint, RT. titrating clozapine from tomorrow. (DC clozapine, sialorrhea much, 10/28)
10/29 9:12 AM. day 6. duty from 10 PM. not for weak or fainthearted.
10/29 10:47 PM. duty from 10 PM till 10/30 10 PM. ER one, 71 y/o, r/o delirium; H3 one, 70 y/o, manic.
10/30 1:19 AM. H3 new pt AAD. back to the office.
10/30 9:41 AM. ER not yet calling.
10/30 10:31 AM.  清楚穩穩做人    清楚包括看清想清

看清想清     包括台灣大陸 (taiwan watch, china watch)      李登輝留給台灣兩個禮物     一是黑金     一是宋楚瑜     前者培養了他自己和國民黨的吃相優雅      後者造成國民黨分裂       唯其分裂      民進黨才可能一次二次奪權      我先前說過      中共需要出現他們的李登輝       來把龐然巨獸從裡面搞爛      民主才能從中發生      但是看習近平幾年來佈局       這條路越來越不可能了     民進黨的尷尬不在陳水扁有本事亂搞      在陳水扁貪汙    這破壞了革命的integrity和正當性    以目前局勢看來     陳水扁必反撲      順便搞亂所有理性的可能的進程      如果大陸的痛苦在imposed deception和self-censorship      民進黨的痛苦則在吃相難看和self-deception     國民黨的痛苦則在宮廷政治腐敗     且由奢入儉難     不歸零不足以復興      所以顧立雄不知道     他正在做一件幫國民黨死去活來的事      以近一年的變化觀之     蔡英文應會用力做很多糟糕但振振有辭的事      女人玩政     搞了半天小動作和文雅的潑辣      就是演得不大像政治家      雖然台灣男性也沒有人演得好      基本上      這群傢伙     男女不論      皆演技欠佳      跑龍套      在第三世界     混口飯吃而已  

10/30 2:43 PM. nine hours to go
10/30 4:39 PM. ER 邱 adm.
10/30 6:11 PM. virtual 白斬雞 for dinner, 所謂畫餅. 還有三小時到LA  轉機十小時
10/31 12:20 MN. windy. sleeping in the airport. waiting for dawn.
10/31 12:13 Noon.  有點急    這樣不好    我知道
10/31 10:18 PM. day 8, very busy. 5 consults, tomorrow morning. day by day. one day at a time.
11/1 6:49 AM. day 9. 邱 agitated, singing loudly, around 3-4 am. sleep for 1+ hr after haldol / anxicam 1/2 amp im, wake up just now, disturbing again. shall add risperidone 1 mg bid from today.
11/2 6:57 PM. 94 y/m, day 10. dementia with depression and BPSD, adm.   小鬼難纏.   preview ppt tomorrow noon at 天成.
11/3 1:46 AM. 逐漸成形  原鄉   ordered two books from abebook (uneasy dwelling, daseiinsanalysis)  ordered a kindle (mick cooper, 2e, existential therapies)
11/3 3:48 PM. day 11. back from 天成, Nobita 公文宿舍文將出, 11/4 PM 2:00 觀音演習無法派人出席.
11/4 7:46 AM. day 12. 我今天下午要去高雄.

The Seven Mile Journey - Templates for Mimesis (Full Album)

afraid that, still unable to enjoy these post-rocks, still unable to feel life there, though, paradoxically, which may be just the point of post-rock

Seiji Ozawa (小澤征爾) (b 1935)

wonderful valley, wonderful afternoon


打雀英雄傳 (2006)

a happy one, rare these days, nor in those days. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Novemthree - This Is My Home

now, WOW, here is that owl


back to june, 1979

Hear the Wind Sing (風の歌を聴け Kaze no uta o kike)

accessible via scribd

jack daniel

Being the best thing he knew about America, Jacques Lacan once said. 

now, this is for real, isn't it


Falcon Rising (2014)

the color, is great, in this one, due to Rio, must be

though, who says, that life, is not redundant

2016-12-28 Lecture (DSM-5 in perspective)

2016-12-26 Lecture (Psychological Models of Suicide)

2016-11-28 Lecture (Phenomenology for Therapists) (Finlay 2011)

2016-10-31 Lecture (Davie Rennie)

2016-11-17 Lecture (Ketamine and Other NMDA Antagonists: Early Clinical Trials and Possible Mechanisms in Depression) (Newport et al, 2015)



2016-10-26 Lecture (Dementia Care)

2016-12-3 SP (15)

rev 10/22, add 宋永毅, need to tighten it up, before 12/3

Waking the Giant: How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes (Bill McGuire, 2012)

2016-12-21 YM

not yet merged, into one single ppt file, at most 50-60

here is the final draft, so far (2016-10-23)

The Lancet Psychiatry

Psychological Models of Suicide

suicidal mind  vs  suicidal brain

Suicide: Phenomenology and Neurobiology, ed. by Keri E. Cannon, Thomas J. Hudzik, Springer, 2014

Friday, October 21, 2016


international membership, $190 per year

Lightnin' Hopkins - Cotton

now, this one is fucking beautifully elegiac

Lightnin' Hopkins - Black Cat Blues

no doubt, this is the funny one

Lightnin' Hopkins - Woke Up This Morning

Lightnin´Hopkins... My starter won´t start this morning

Lightnin' Hopkins Ain't Nothin' Like Whiskey

Lightnin' Hopkins ~ Bring Me My Shotgun


very strong, vertiginous, not sold in Japan, and people like to say, opium was added in it


now, besides dish-washing, this is what i make a living for

The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning (Daniel Bor, 2012)

In The Ravenous Brain, neuroscientist Daniel Bor departs sharply from this historical view, and builds on the latest research to propose a new model for how consciousness works. Bor argues that this brain-based faculty evolved as an accelerated knowledge gathering tool. Consciousness is effectively an idea factory—that choice mental space dedicated to innovation, a key component of which is the discovery of deep structures within the contents of our awareness.
This model explains our brains’ ravenous appetite for information—and in particular, its constant search for patterns. Why, for instance, after all our physical needs have been met, do we recreationally solve crossword or Sudoku puzzles? Such behavior may appear biologically wasteful, but, according to Bor, this search for structure can yield immense evolutionary benefits—it led our ancestors to discover fire and farming, pushed modern society to forge ahead in science and technology, and guides each one of us to understand and control the world around us. But the sheer innovative power of human consciousness carries with it the heavy cost of mental fragility. Bor discusses the medical implications of his theory of consciousness, and what it means for the origins and treatment of psychiatric ailments, including attention-deficit disorder, schizophrenia, manic depression, and autism. All mental illnesses, he argues, can be reformulated as disorders of consciousness—a perspective that opens up new avenues of treatment for alleviating mental suffering. (amazon)

accessible via questia

六根六識六塵是生命所繫最好的和最糟的都來自於此比如說在廢院坐了五年我發現聽力變好 (2016-10-23)

Maurizio Pompili

1. Medical Conditions Associated with Suicide Risk, ed. by Alan B. Berman, Maurizio Pompili, American Association of Suicidology, 2011
2. Evidence-Based Practice in Suicidology, by Maurizio Pompili, Roberto Tatarelli, Hogrefe Publishing, 2010
3. Phenomenology of Suicide: Unlocking the Suicidal Mind, by Maurizio PompiliSpringer, June 9, 2017

Third Contact (2012)

Psychotherapist David Wright runs a private practice in London but is struggling to motivate himself. Memories of lost love torment him, while Rene, a client, has committed suicide and David is now in such a state he considers following the same path. Meanwhile, another client also talks of suicide; but this is "quantum suicide" – a thought experiment which implies immortality for conscious beings. Rene's sister, Erika Maurer, finds his apartment is almost empty except for one cup, spoon, fork and knife, frames without pictures, a torn family photo and a list of memories – four dated descriptions of specific moments in his life. David meets Erika, as she seeks to understand his state of mind, and the two damaged souls look to each other for some kind of comfort. Another client, Helen, acting strangely, walks out of her session. But when he discovers Helen has met the same fate as Rene, leaving behind another mysterious list of memories, David is drawn into an obsessive investigation, determined to find out who or what is responsible before any more lives are lost. (wikipedia)

Katie-Jane Hall said it was difficult "to convey the sheer artistic brilliance and visual beauty that the work possesses". (The London Film Review, March 6, 2013) 

now, the beauty lies in black and white, but not unexpectedly, they talk too much, thus therefore, this is a film, not to be watched, but, to be listened to, like blues

Glacier National Park - MONTANA - Travel Documentary

Half Past Dead (2002)

The Patriot (1998)

now, Montana, is very very beautiful

Rise of The Zombies (2012)

Thursday, October 20, 2016


"Okay, thank you, Emily," Reacher said. "It was nice to meet you. Have a great day."
"That's it?"
"What else is there?"
"Aren't you going to ask what a nice girl like me is doing in a job like this? Aren't you going to give me advice for the future?"
"No," Reacher said. "No one should listen to my advice. And you seem to be doing fine anyway. A thousand bucks an hour ain't bad. I know people who get screwed for twenty."
"People who wear uniforms, mostly." (Never Go Back, p. 280)



The term "Snoezelen" is a neologism formed from a blend of the Dutch "snuffelen" (to snuggle, also: to sniff) and "doezelen" (to doze, to snooze). 

Snoezelen room顧名思義就是美麗新世界裡五星級裝潢吸幾管大麻昏昏睡去的地方

Rhythms of the Brain

Rhythms of the Brain, by Gyorgy Buzsaki, Oxford University Press, 2011

Studies of mechanisms in the brain that allow complicated things to happen in a coordinated fashion have produced some of the most spectacular discoveries in neuroscience. This book provides eloquent support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities. It takes a fresh look at the coevolution of structure and function in the mammalian brain, illustrating how self-emerged oscillatory timing is the brain's fundamental organizer of neuronal information. The small-world-like connectivity of the cerebral cortex allows for global computation on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The perpetual interactions among the multiple network oscillators keep cortical systems in a highly sensitive "metastable" state and provide energy-efficient synchronizing mechanisms via weak links. (amazon)

The short punch line of this book is that brains are foretelling devices and their predictive powers emerge from the various rhythms they perpetually generate. At the same time, brain activity can be tuned to become an ideal observer of the environment, due to an organized system of rhythms. The specific physiological functions of brain rhythms vary from the obvious to the utterly impenetrable. 

simple but persuasive example is walking. Bipedal walking is a periodic series of forward falls interrupted regularly by alternate extensions of each leg. It is almost as natural to us as breathing. This effortless exercise is made possible by the predictive nature of spinal cord oscillators. On smooth terrain, the alternation of leg movements can take us any distance. Perturbation of the clocking, on the other hand, signals a change in the terrain. This general mechanism is the same in all animals, including eight-legged scorpions and centipedes. 

The notion that oscillators or “central pattern generators” are responsible for the coordination of motor patterns, such as breathing and walking, is old and well accepted in neuroscience.

But the tantalizing conjecture that neuronal oscillators can be exploited for a plethora of other brain-generated functions, including cognition, is quite new and controversial. And it is the latter topic, the contribution of oscillations to the invisible, inferred operations of the brain, that this book is mostly about. (ibid, Prelude, pp. vii-viii)

Cycle 1. Introduction.
Cycle 2. Structure defines function.
Cycle 3. Diversity of cortical functions is provided by inhibition.
Cycle 4. Windows on the brain.
Cycle 5. A system of rhythms: from simple to complex dynamics.
Cycle 6. Synchronization by oscillation.
Cycle 7. The brain's default state: self-organized oscillations in rest and sleep.
Cycle 8. Perturbation of the default patterns by experience.
Cycle 9. The gamma buzz: gluing by oscillations in the waking brain.
Cycle 10. Perceptions and actions are brain state-dependent.
Cycle 11. Oscillations in the "other cortex:" navigation in real and memory space.
Cycle 12. Coupling of systems by oscillations.
Cycle 13. The tough problem.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


(林茂榮 2005)


Robert B. Cialdini (b 1945)

Cialdini's theory of influence is based on six key principles: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity

Also published as the textbook Influence: Science and Practice (5ed, 2008)

accessible via scribd (first edition, 1984)

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, by Robert Cialdini, Simon & Schuster, Sep 6, 2016 (accessible via scribd from Sep 6, 2017)

His 1984 book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, was based on three "undercover" years applying for and training at used car dealerships, fund-raising organizations, and telemarketing firms to observe real-life situations of persuasion. (

The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration

Oct 18, 3:58 AM

re-reading never go back, from 2 days ago, reacher has not yet escaped from fort dyer, with turner, playing his game of imaginary coin, the fourth one, now, missed a call, at 2:08 AM, unusual for me, shall go for a long ride, to the seaside, on business, after daylight, be back, in early afternoon, good qualitative research reports, are like good detective novels, e.g. what i know about new york city, came from lawrence block and matthew scudder; what i know about LA, came from michael connelly and harry bosch; and, of course, what i know about north dakota, came from lee child and jack reacherm and those fucking cold 61 hours; no, good novels, not only good detective novels; what i know about portugal, came from remarque and that last night in lisbon; what i know about spain, came from benjamin and portbou, robert bolano and barcelona and costa brava; now, the wind blows, intermittently, badly, need, a coffee; shall organize a program, for mild dementia day care, cannot stop its tragic trajectory, but may help to soothe the families, help them to better deal with the years ahead, in a more manageable and graceful way; now, if they are difficult, they are difficult for good reasons; i used to be there, you see; to live, one day, at a time; when it took gadamer 60 years to write truth and method, you'd know how difficult it is to say something, anything, about hermeneutics; 10/18, 7:06 PM, windy, 8:15 PM. moon, nearly full, coming out, of the hill. interesting things. always happen. at odd hours. the wise guys. used to. say.10/19 3:48 AM. yes, one, day, at, a. time. reacher and turner, on the way, in the stolen sports car, just arrived at a certain airport. D39, membership, renewed. i saw fatigue there yesterday, do i see fatigue here today.10/19 5:03 AM. well, they fucked, after all, and are talking now. (NGB, p. 190) 10/19 9:36 PM. they've just arrived at long beach. need a bath. apparently. this is a burnout thing. A.M. 3435. mystic code. usually number. forget about taiwan watch. nothing to watch. 10/20 4:30 PM. one day at a time. i know. take a break, as possible. i know. nowhere to (wish to) go. anyway.