These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Rudolph Loewenstein (1898 – 1976)
who practiced in Germany,
and the United States.
After studying medicine in Poland, he moved to Zurich, apparently to flee antisemitism, and began new medical studies, specializing in neurology and studying under Eugen Bleuler. At this time he became acquainted with psychoanalysis. He then moved to Berlin where he was certified as a psychoanalyst after undergoing a training analysis with Hanns Sachs. He became a member of the German Psychoanalytic Society (DPG) in 1925.
At the request of Sigmund Freud, Loewenstein moved to Paris, France in 1925 in order to train new analysts. He was the second licensed psychoanalyst, after Eugenie Sokolnicka, to practice there. He trained most of the first two generations of French analysts, including, notably, Jacques Lacan (between 1933 and 1939). He was a founding member and also secretary of the first French psychoanalytic society, the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP). (Some of the other founding members included René Laforgue, Marie Bonaparte, Raymond de Saussure, and Angelo Hesnard.) In 1927, he participated in the creation of the SPP's journal, the Revue française de psychanalyse; and in 1928 he and Marie Bonaparte translated Freud's case-study of Dora into French.
In 1930, he became a French citizen and obtained his medical license anew - defending his thesis for a doctorate in medicine in 1935. In 1939, he was mobilized as a doctor in the French army. After the Armistice, he fled to the south of France, and in 1942 left there for the United States, where he settled in New York. There he pursued a distinguished institutional career with the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), becoming its vice president from 1965 to 1967.
He died in 1976 in New York City.
Loewenstein is known, along with Ernst Kris and Heinz Hartmann, as one of the foremost figures of what has been called Ego psychology.
After studying medicine in Poland, he moved to Zurich, apparently to flee antisemitism, and began new medical studies, specializing in neurology and studying under Eugen Bleuler. At this time he became acquainted with psychoanalysis. He then moved to Berlin where he was certified as a psychoanalyst after undergoing a training analysis with Hanns Sachs. He became a member of the German Psychoanalytic Society (DPG) in 1925.
At the request of Sigmund Freud, Loewenstein moved to Paris, France in 1925 in order to train new analysts. He was the second licensed psychoanalyst, after Eugenie Sokolnicka, to practice there. He trained most of the first two generations of French analysts, including, notably, Jacques Lacan (between 1933 and 1939). He was a founding member and also secretary of the first French psychoanalytic society, the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP). (Some of the other founding members included René Laforgue, Marie Bonaparte, Raymond de Saussure, and Angelo Hesnard.) In 1927, he participated in the creation of the SPP's journal, the Revue française de psychanalyse; and in 1928 he and Marie Bonaparte translated Freud's case-study of Dora into French.
In 1930, he became a French citizen and obtained his medical license anew - defending his thesis for a doctorate in medicine in 1935. In 1939, he was mobilized as a doctor in the French army. After the Armistice, he fled to the south of France, and in 1942 left there for the United States, where he settled in New York. There he pursued a distinguished institutional career with the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), becoming its vice president from 1965 to 1967.
He died in 1976 in New York City.
Loewenstein is known, along with Ernst Kris and Heinz Hartmann, as one of the foremost figures of what has been called Ego psychology.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
1.人的歷史 徹底造作
2.人和人的關係 不如 牛和牛的關係
3.人和自然的關係 掠奪控制 生靈塗炭 自然遭殃
4.人的生老病死 虛張聲勢 矯揉作態
5.你聽過 牛過世後變成僵屍嗎
6.當然你沒聽過 牛去念倫敦政經學院 或學精神分析
7.或當選台灣立委 圍事關說
8.牛只是慢慢走完一生 吃了一堆青草
9.所以歷史的人自然的人 指的是符合牛的自然的人的歷史的人
歷史的人 和自然的人 基本上矛盾
素來以人為本位 早已失去自然
理想中 符合牛的自然的人的歷史的人 是荒山野嶺的人 他回到自然 與自然一體
或更正確的說 牛把他當好兄弟
into the thick woods
foresee, almost guarantee,
that we're going, to get lost
the wise man said, to reach
the lake, you
shall, meander
Friday, April 28, 2017
RSP (2017-4-29)
my friend, to reach the lake, we've got to meander
my friend, to reach the lake, we've got to meander
Raymond Carver (1938-1988)
Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life. Contributors: Comninos, Susan - Author. Newspaper title: The Christian Science Monitor. Publication date: December 14, 2009
Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life. Contributors: Comninos, Susan - Author. Newspaper title: The Christian Science Monitor. Publication date: December 14, 2009
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Wolves (Act 1 & 2) - Bon Iver (The Place Beyond The Pines, 2013)
Someday my pain, someday my pain
Will mark you
Harness your blame, harness your blame
And walk through
With the wild wolves around you
In the morning, I'll call you
Send it farther on
Solace my game, solace my game
It stars you
Swing wide your crane, swing wide your crane
And run me through
And the story's all over you
In the morning I'll call you
Can't you find a clue when your eyes are all painted Sinatra blue
What might have been lost -
Don't bother me
Someday my pain, someday my pain
Will mark you
Harness your blame, harness your blame
And walk through
With the wild wolves around you
In the morning, I'll call you
Send it farther on
Solace my game, solace my game
It stars you
Swing wide your crane, swing wide your crane
And run me through
And the story's all over you
In the morning I'll call you
Can't you find a clue when your eyes are all painted Sinatra blue
What might have been lost -
Don't bother me
4/27 12:02 AM
now, waiting for mid-term essays, surprised, found yann tiersen, via lenin, or good bye lenin, cool, french guy, glad to know that kafka meant so much for kohut, now, we're witnessing the in-the-name-of-justice fucking slaughter, which shall wait for another four hundred years to get even,
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Yann Tiersen - Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
侠僧探案传奇 (2014)
a few words about narrative truth and historical truth
when the missing links of historical facts are uncovered, one by one, the narrative is more and more complete, told again and again, till it can be left alone, nothing drastically new can readily be found, then one can start forgetting about it, and pondering about it, then the historical truth starts revealing itself, slowly, so, you see, the historical truth is something metaphysical, it is not about facts per se, this is what i mean, when i say, to heal is to forget (and forgive), which takes place only long long after recalling
Monday, April 24, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017
relational psychoanalysis revisited (2017-4-29)
二訪關係學派之前 2017-4-28
1. 不滿意 暫時只能這樣
2. 不滿意的原因是 無法全盤處理關係學派 也無法對話
3. 無法全盤處理的原因是 他們跟其他學派不同 沒有頭頭 不是一座山 是一片山 且系譜不明 不易梳理
4. 幾個 重要的當代作者 stephen mitchell, jay greenberg, lewis aron, adrienne harris, donnel stern, irwin hirsch, neil altman, irwin hoffman, jessica benjamin, benjamin wolstein, anthony bass, emmanuel ghent, muriel dimen, don troise, philip bromberg, sabert basescu, carlo strenger, 每個都不成系統 雖然都有見解
5. 批判者寡 jon mills曾試過 但顯然碰了一鼻子灰
6. 對話者 自體心理學這邊有 其他學派恐怕不會有
7. 自體心理學這邊曾與之對話者 james fosshage, estella shane, barry magid, howard bacal, robert stolorow, george atwood, donna orange
8. 無法對話的原因是 各說各話 或西瓜偎大邊 好像在遞投名狀 申請加入梁山泊 其實不是對話
二訪關係學派之前 2017-4-28
1. 不滿意 暫時只能這樣
2. 不滿意的原因是 無法全盤處理關係學派 也無法對話
3. 無法全盤處理的原因是 他們跟其他學派不同 沒有頭頭 不是一座山 是一片山 且系譜不明 不易梳理
4. 幾個 重要的當代作者 stephen mitchell, jay greenberg, lewis aron, adrienne harris, donnel stern, irwin hirsch, neil altman, irwin hoffman, jessica benjamin, benjamin wolstein, anthony bass, emmanuel ghent, muriel dimen, don troise, philip bromberg, sabert basescu, carlo strenger, 每個都不成系統 雖然都有見解
5. 批判者寡 jon mills曾試過 但顯然碰了一鼻子灰
6. 對話者 自體心理學這邊有 其他學派恐怕不會有
7. 自體心理學這邊曾與之對話者 james fosshage, estella shane, barry magid, howard bacal, robert stolorow, george atwood, donna orange
8. 無法對話的原因是 各說各話 或西瓜偎大邊 好像在遞投名狀 申請加入梁山泊 其實不是對話
4/23 4/24 4/25
now, finish, second draft, may be of use at sp in dec, controversial, i know, but, true to myself, have to, s10 4/29, review their mid-term papers, revise rp files, condense into one file, in manageable size, now, 4/23, 10:08 AM, ordered that 2002 book on therapist's use of self, after all, expect it to be incomplete, windy, 4/23, 5:24 PM, rp revisited, done,130, may be too much, waiting for jessica benjamin (2017), donnel stern & irwin hirsch (in press, forthcoming),should i omit jon mills' critique this time, 4/23, 10:24 PM, maybe Barry Magid and Estella Shane's dialogue with relational psychoanalysis is the most coherent one we have, the dialogue of Stolorow with them is mainly about intersubjectivity, and the one Donna Orange with them is mainly with Jessica Benjamin on mutual recognition, the latter are both kind of abstract, i can't recall the details of Fosshage's, Bacal's is mainly to explicate his specificity theory, 4/24, 10:14 PM, how to keep the right to be quiet in this maddening world, try Arvo Pärt Fur Alina 1976, according to the wise guy, 4/25, 6:42 AM, when the missing links of historical facts are uncovered, one by one, the narrative is more and more complete, told again and again, till it can be left alone, nothing drastically new can readily be found, then one can start forgetting about it, and pondering about it, then the historical truth starts revealing itself, slowly, so, you see, the historical truth is something metaphysical, it is not about facts per se, this is what i mean, to heal is to forget (and forgive), which takes place only after recalling
Saturday, April 22, 2017
龍天樓後無樓 只是荒野
實情是 龍天樓後有樓 一模一樣的樓 更高聳不堪的樓
中國歷史封建幾千年 就是樓後 有樓 復有樓的絕望故事
包括梁山 水滸結義 結局卻是 圖個招安
改名忠義堂 就已經決定了結局
勢均力敵的兩個 或兩個以上的玩家 互相牽制 互相制衡
所以誰都貪不了太多 玩不了太久
遂打破了禁臠 遂打破了 樓後 有樓 復有樓的絕望
蔡英文的愚蠢 就在她以為消滅了國民黨 民進黨就是永恆當家獨大的民主
說明了她根本不知道甚麼叫做民主 雖然她知道大狼犬和奧迪和法國料理和免治馬桶
Friday, April 21, 2017
they say, identity politics must be hate politics, and, in the name of political correctness, we, are going to see blood
they say, identity politics must be hate politics, and, in the name of political correctness, we, are going to see blood
Roger Waters - Smell the Roses
from his new album 'Is This The Life We Really Want' available June 2nd
from his new album 'Is This The Life We Really Want' available June 2nd
Richie Sambora When a blind man cries
"When A Blind Man Cries" (Deep Purple)
"When A Blind Man Cries" (Deep Purple)
If you're leaving, close the door
I'm not expecting people, anymore
Hear me grieving, lying on the floor
Whether I'm drunk or dead, I really ain't too sure
I'm a blind man
I'm a blind man
And my world is pale
When a blind man cries
Lord, you know
There ain't a sadder tale
Had a friend once, in a room
Had a good time, but it ended much too soon
In a cold month, in that room
We found a reason, for the things we had to do
I'm a blind man
I'm a blind man
Now my room is cold
When a blind man cries
Lord, you know
He feels it from his soul
I'm not expecting people, anymore
Hear me grieving, lying on the floor
Whether I'm drunk or dead, I really ain't too sure
I'm a blind man
I'm a blind man
And my world is pale
When a blind man cries
Lord, you know
There ain't a sadder tale
Had a friend once, in a room
Had a good time, but it ended much too soon
In a cold month, in that room
We found a reason, for the things we had to do
I'm a blind man
I'm a blind man
Now my room is cold
When a blind man cries
Lord, you know
He feels it from his soul
Still Playing The Blues
now, first draft, done, in a rush, though, issues remain, how do self psychology and middle school deal with countertransference, kleinian needs to be re-reviewed, if i say i am 1.5 post-kohutian, what do i mean, what am i aiming for, exactly, isn't it social psychology, only, well, what's wrong about social psychology, or (i'd say) "historical" psychology, too vague, you say, isn't it, put oneself upon the altar, to feel the pulse and raw nerves of the times, must identity politics be hate politics, how frequently should one take baths, ask jack reacher, what do those bunch of schools say about 'use of therapist's self',
now, first draft, done, in a rush, though, issues remain, how do self psychology and middle school deal with countertransference, kleinian needs to be re-reviewed, if i say i am 1.5 post-kohutian, what do i mean, what am i aiming for, exactly, isn't it social psychology, only, well, what's wrong about social psychology, or (i'd say) "historical" psychology, too vague, you say, isn't it, put oneself upon the altar, to feel the pulse and raw nerves of the times, must identity politics be hate politics, how frequently should one take baths, ask jack reacher, what do those bunch of schools say about 'use of therapist's self',
Thursday, April 20, 2017
自體的心理學: 從溯源和比較研究到龍天樓後無樓
前言: 兩個命題和第三個轉折
(一) Heinz Kohut: 其人其說
(二) 溯源的路之一: Sandor Ferenczi
(三) 精神上的好兄弟: 中間學派和依附理論
(四) 觀點不同的借鑑: 克萊茵學派
(五) 必須發生的對話: 關係學派
(六) 後寇赫特的發展: 互為主體性理論, 特異性理論, 和嬰兒觀察
(七) 兩個命題的說明: 1991, 2006
(八) 以自體心理學為基調的心理治療
(九) 人的復位: 回到歷史 回到自然
結語: 自體的心理學: 未完成的革命
溯源的路之一: Sandor Ferenczi
這時2017-4-20 5:10AM 微曦山頭 先說幾個印象
1. 一般的說法是 SF是促成客體關係理論發生的源頭
2. 他成長在 十九世紀末 布達佩斯的前衛書店 浸潤在這樣的氛圍 你想他怎麼可能不熱情
3. 他與Freud不同
他的命格是臨床者 有furor sanandi (rage to
cure) 據說當時 四方治癒不了的病人 都會千里迢迢 來到他那邊 尋找最後的希望 所以我們可以假設 他會有機會見到很多嚴重的病人 尤其是that area的病人
4. 依此推論
他有可能是第一個想到 用到 反移情這個概念的治療者 那是被臨床情境逼出來的
5. That area的病人 不缺trauma和loss 你想 每天面對trauma的回憶 和loss給人帶來的傷害
hypothesis 或以tenderness作為基本態度 而tenderness離empathy又有多遠呢
6. 但病人要tenderness 也要passion 你想 SF怎麼可能不陷入boundary
7. 於是 1930s初的SF 開始他的實驗
8. RN教了他甚麼 我想 RN教了他那個實驗的限制
9. 那本Clinical Diary 寫於1933 到1985法文版出版
1988英文版出版 才見天日
10. 時至今日 我們仍在他當時面對的難題中
11. 我們不能期待 他留下清晰的概念 和完整的理論 這不是他的命格 也不是他的強項
12. Clinical Diary和COT 像是黑暗世界的探險家 帶回來的一張殘缺的地圖的一角
13. Kohut有沒有受SF影響 我的判斷是 Kohut不能承認有 但如果Kohut承認受Michael Balint影響 那怎麼可能不受SF影響 而且不止一個Kohut的學生 引述Kohut說過
「Ferenczi got it right」 他心裡應該知道 點點滴滴 SF是說對了 我想 那是因為上述 SF面對過的病人
(that area) 就是Kohut面對的病人 (self disorder)
14. Klein有沒有受SF影響 她曾被SF分析治療五年 不太可能沒有 但後來SF變成圈內人的禁忌
SF 1933年過世 之前之後 Klein還在試著站穩 她應該不能承認有受SF影響
15. 關係學派有沒有受SF影響 當然有 那是因為當年Sullivan推薦
SF的種子 遂老早種在WAWI
16. 我們今天所說布達佩斯學派 指的是匈牙利在地的學派嗎 這點還要細考 看看匈牙利的作者們怎麼說