Monday, July 31, 2017





Saturday, July 29, 2017





























馮勝平 (b 1954)

                                               google play  2017-7-29!/2013/05/blog-post_21.html








"黨主憲政" "讓一部分人先民主起來" (意思是說   "讓趙家人先民主起來"   一般百姓消受不了民主    亂了就糟了   實在像當年鄧小平講的   "讓一部份人先富起來")

epilogue (peppiatt 2015)

One late-autumn afternoon, many years later, I am back in Francis’s old studio on the rue de Birague. All the furniture, including the brass-bound sea chest, the big easel and the trestle table with its paraphernalia of paint tubes, brushes and rags, has long disappeared. The walls and the heavily beamed ceiling have been repainted in the exact matt white that Francis originally chose. The room stands 
totally empty but nothing else has changed: the same, even northern light coming through the tall, elegant windows, the same carved wooden shutters, the same Versailles parquet on the floor. The nostalgia I feel looking round this immaculate, vacant room turns to melancholy as I reflect on how brimming with life this space once was and how neutral and banal it is now, emptied of all traces of Francis’s presence and creativity. I can still see him here, laughing, full of vitality, eager to get back into the pleasures of Paris. I start thinking too of the various canvases painted here, from the intimate evocations of George, whose suicide still weighed on him, to the astonishingly vivid portraits of Michel Leiris and the starkly concentrated, translucent images of his last years. 



I turn to leave, hoping to get away from the powerful feelings of loss and sadness that are enveloping me, but just before I go I pull open the built-in wardrobe where Francis always left a few clothes. It is completely bare inside now but the haunting, pungent smell of his asthma inhaler, which always pervaded the places where he lived, wafts up. The moment I breathe it in it sets off a series of images sliding through my brain that I cannot stop. Francis’s face close up laughing, the spin of a roulette wheel, Nada, Nada, a glass of wine spilling like blood over a tablecloth. I push the wardrobe doors to right away but the inhaler’s corrosive smell is already settling in my lungs, releasing a chaotic flow of memories. 



Outside it is already dusk and a fine rain has begun to fall. The ancient lamps cast a faint glow over the large, empty courtyard. Once it would have been filled with horses and carriages, with people going intently about their lives. They have gone, and coming after them others immortalized in early photographs taken here with their confident expressions and stiff clothes have gone. Generations have gone, and the courtyard is silent now. Emotional and confused, I think of people I have been close to and who are now dead. I think of you, Danielle, and you, Zoran, and I think fleetingly, awkwardly, of my own dead father. As I make my way over the courtyard towards the street I picture each of the glistening, yellowish cobblestones as marking a grave, uneven little memorials to the dead whom I knew and who are now beyond recall and whom we will rejoin, whatever and wherever they may be. And standing under the lamplight, although I know it is no more than a rush of fantasy, I find a headstone for you, Sonia, and for you, George and John Deakin, for Michel Leiris and Isabel Rawsthorne and all the others I have known through those hundreds of hours in clubs and restaurants, with the champagne pouring and the conversation rising as if neither would ever end. I think back to that mass of time bright with the hopes and illusions I once had, the unbearable excitement entwined with the blackest despair, now all gone, all past, all lost. I think of the horror of life and the beauty of life, standing there in this graveyard of my own imagining, its fleeting grandeur and its certain decay. And I can no longer hold back the tears. Emotions that have been held in check for years well up, and I cry as I haven’t cried since I was a child sobbing myself to sleep, but I also cry as an adult in the awareness and acceptance of death. I cry for myself and I cry for all the dead and I cry for Francis, through whom I came to know them and who, like a light gone out, is himself dead. And slowly it comes home that this powerful surge of feelings that he has left in me can be unleashed at any moment, out of the blue, when I come across a torn photo, glimpse a familiar face or hear a half-forgotten song. Once Francis Bacon is in your blood, he will be there for ever. 



Gradually the tears subside, leaving a huge void of relief behind. The light coat I’m wearing is wet from the rain. I shake myself like a dog, then I move on, crossing the formal gardens of the Place des Vosges and into the old, dark streets beyond.

michael peppiatt (2015) francis bacon in your blood



ritual and symbol






action (language)














































roy schafer on the Kleinians (1995)

Firstly he contends that the contemporary Kleinians remain ‘objectivist’ or ‘realist’ in their phenomenology, as if operating as independent observers. Schafer goes on to contend that they have not yet described a coherent position on many matters of importance, such as the distinction between the self and the ego. Thirdly, he questions their de-emphasising reconstruction.

Stern, J. (1998). The Contemporary Kleinians of London. Edited by Roy Schafer. Madison: International Universities Press. $65.00, £62.00. Pp. ix + 442.. Psychoanal. Psychother., 12(1):75-79

see also

V  Critical Remarks

I come now to some concluding observations, suggestions, and criticisms of the work I have been sketching. Like what has come before, however, these concluding remarks are hardly more than signposts of important problems to be confronted in relation to these Kleinian advances in clinical work.  

1. These Kleinians remain objectivist or realist in their phenomenology.

They consistently present their material as though they are in the position of purely independent observerseven of their own countertransferences.

To my mind, this is contrary to what one might expect from the object-relational point of view. That point of view would seem inherently to favor a dialogic rather than objectivist idea of the material being analyzed; by "dialogic" I mean put into words and developed jointly by analysand and analyst in their interchanges (Schafer, 1992).

They, however, maintain a steadily factual or realist tone throughout their writings; they "discover" rather than "coauthor." In this respect, they do not differ from standard Freudians.

Neither group does much to acknowledge divergent points of view, that is, to practice what I call comparative analysis (Schafer, 1985).
2. As I see it, these Kleinians have not adequately developed a position on matters of importance in standard Freudian structural and functional theory.

For example, beyond some dynamic propositions, they do not concern themselves sufficiently with such key questions as what enables their analysands to answer with more or less stable understanding to interpretations. I have tried to show that they do put a lot of emphasis on the motives, mechanisms, and fantasies that interfere with the reception and understanding of what the analyst imparts to them.

But because their paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions are presented as all-encompassing, even if with adaptive potential, there is no well-developed theoretical provision for what standard Freudians call the observing ego and the ego's synthesizing function, that is, the analyst's structurally and functionally stable and intact collaborator and dialogical partner in the process.

In this connection, the Kleinians do not draw systematic distinctions between self concepts and ego concepts; using them rather interchangeably, they speak comfortably about attacks on the ego, the self, even the mind, in a way that refers in part to actual functional disturbances and in part to unconscious fantasies of the ego, self, or mind being a substance that can be ejected, spoiled, or broken into pieces.

The concretistic fantasy of mind is not foreign to any analyst who works on primitive levels of function, but fantasy is not systematic theory, and primitive dynamics cannot account adequately for secondary process communication and organization. 

Although it can therefore be argued that significant aspects of their work is undertheorized, it is not at all clear that at this stage of creative endeavor comprehensive systematization should be emphasized; the model set by Heinz Hartmann (1964) is, in general, no longer a major influence in psychoanalysis. Also, variations of function can be taken up in terms of fantasy, too. 

3. More and more, these Kleinian Freudians de-emphasize reconstruction. Going further, I would say that they seem to deemphasize causal explanations of any sort.

Not that they scrupulously avoid these formulations or condemn them, but primarily they remain intent on developing explicitly the phenomenology of the internal world and the way it is played out in relations with the external world.

They fear that otherwise they might interpret before they truly understand, and this, I would say, is a well-taken caution. One sign of this shift of emphasis away from explanation is that, in their case presentations, they do not develop accounts that warrant the designation "life histories."

Typically, the examples of work they present are in midstream, and we do not get much of an account of the preceding analytic process and its place in overall history.

Thus, they seem to follow the guidelines laid down by Bion (1967): to approach each session so far as possible "without memory or desire." I believe that this restricted emphasis on the present, technically and interpretively, pushes other aspects of the analytic context out of sight and leaves their readers with too many unanswered questions. 

Further to this point, I believe that Bion's advice makes a good deal of sense so long as it is not examined too closely; in his own way, Freud had already recommended the same basic approach when encouraging bending one's own unconscious to the patient's. More closely examined, however, the advice clearly misrepresents the mind of any analyst working with an analysand about whom a good deal has already been formulated and in relation to whom a good deal has already been experienced. And this is not yet to speak of theoretical orientation and therapeutic aims, however well regulated they may be. Nor is it to speak of all those benign and malignant countertransferential aims that require constant monitoring. Finally, thinking causally and retrospectively is probably impossible to suspend altogether; certainly, this is so for the short term, and probably it is indispensable in organizing any significant intervention, however phenomenologically cast it may be. 

4. Characteristically, these Kleinians view their analysands, including those who diagnostically would not be put in any seriously disturbed group, as struggling with many unresolved primitive issues associated with the paranoid-schizoid and early depressive positions.

By implication, then, it is as if the analysands are struggling with problems that date from their earliest years.

Consequently, the prototypical objects they refer to in their interpretations tend to be the mother of unconscious fantasy with her baby or toddler though sometimes also an undifferentiated parental couple.

Similarly, the prototypical issues and modes of relationship tend to center around primitive experiences of pain, goodness and badness, anxiety, dependency, loss, abandonment, and the like.  

In the current life details in their published process notes, however,their analysands often come across much like those presented in papers written by members of other schools of psychoanalytic thought.

That is to say, the analysands are often preoccupied with their sexual relationships, usually heterosexual desire, love and its frustrations, and sometimes with similar homosexual issues. Triangulations, ambitions, and feelings of inadequacy, damagedness, and undesirability are also common.

But the Kleinian analyst's interventions tend to reduce this material rather quickly to what the
standard Freudians would call the pregenital or preoedipal levels of experience and organization.

Consequently, there is precious little
development of the analysis of conventionally oedipal sexual conflict in and of itself. Although, in working through problems of
the paranoidschizoid and depressive positions, the analyst may take note of the analysand's developing a reliable capacity for love and concern and a readiness for sexual gratification, and although he or she may refer to an early form of the oedipus complex, that analyst may still treat genital matters much as the manifest content of a dream should be treated, that is, primarily as a pathway to unconsciously dyadic issues.  

On their part, however, contemporary Freudians have been paying much more attention to the preoedipal or pregenital, dyadic foundations of
the oedipus complex and its disturbances. They also keep a sharp eye out for signs of early oedipal developments as well as disruptions of early ego and superego development and the stable and constant object relations that should be beginning to evolve. In this, they move closer to the Kleinians. Rather characteristically,
however, they seem to me to try to work with both dynamic levels, that is, to maintain an optimally flexible position with regard to the dynamic level most appropriate to take up at any given time. In any event, they would not be so quickly reductive as the Kleinians, which is to say that they would not be so quick to view conventional sexuality with suspicion as probably being emphasized for defensive
purposes in order to avoid the larger issues appropriate to the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions. Consequently, in my
view, the standard Freudian phenomenology and patterning of sexual experience is more developed even if not always appropriately applied and even if still, and far too often, quite limited in its departure from a narrow oedipal approach.  

How does this Kleinian focus on the primitive tie in with these Kleinians' de-emphasis of reconstruction? Much of their argument seems to depend on the idea that accounts of the past or of events outside the consulting room, even those in the immediate present, are
unreliable. These accounts are not necessarily false; rather, patients are probably presenting them as props in order to develop an emotional position vis-à-vis the analyst. Consequently, one cannot be sure of having a rounded or balanced or comprehensive picture or what, in ordinary terms, would be accepted as the actual life history or the actual present life situation or even a specific other person. I believe that there is much to recommend this policy of suspicion or suspended judgment. Remaining with this moment-to-moment work is essential in the opening up of significant themes and the establishment of communication that resonates with the deep emotional experiences of hitherto inaccessible analysands. I believe that standard Freudians in general take a similar view of the unreliability or undecidability of "case history" material, and yet in their published reports they often seem to forget their appropriate reservations in this regard. 

5. Finally, taken in its entirety, we can see that this Kleinian approach is so centered on the dynamic present, and on issues of relatedness and the many forms of dialogue, that it allows these Kleinians much narrative freedom in writing up their cases for publication.

We can tell that this is so from the titles of many of their papers. In Betty Joseph's work, for example, we find such titles as "The Patient Who Is Difficult To Reach," "Addiction to Near-Death," "On Understanding and Not Understanding." Other titles from this group of workers emphasize resonance, reassurance, retreats, enclaves, and so on.

This narrative freedom becomes most evident within the bodies of Kleinian Freudian papers where the theme announced in the title becomes and remains an organizing principle. On their part, standard Freudians no longer systematically avoid colorful experiential titles, but usually they practice more reserve in the body of their papers, as though to demonstrate that they are scientifically sound and safely neutral. Consequently, and as an extra bonus, these Kleinian Freudians are, I think, usually more engaging writers, and, in this stage of the evolution of psychoanalysis, they can have a liberating and invigorating effect on the reader as well as helping him or her work with patients with greater acuity and depth.  

Schafer, R. (1994). The Contemporary Kleinians of London. Psychoanal. Q., 63:409-432

Thursday, July 27, 2017

tragic knots (roy schafer 2009)

Schafer orients his chapters around a concept that he calls “tragic knots.” The idea is complicated, but what I think he is getting at is that life, as it can be understood and studied in psychoanalysis and literature, can be experienced through impossible or tragic choices. These are not necessarily tragic in a heroic and fixed way, rather in the sorrowful recognition that reality limits sometimes in very unhappy ways. He also suggests that such tragic knots often have elements out of one's control and perhaps without the possibility of considering the outcome.

He illustrates this with the dilemma of Cordelia in Shakespeare's King Lear. Cordelia loves her father and is asked to compete with her sisters to express devotion to their father beyond realistic possibility, but her personal integrity foreswears her participating in such distortion, leading to tragedy for her and her father. With that template, Schafer more directly enters into the field of the analytic setting.

Basseches, H.I. (2014). A Psychoanalytic Life. DIVISION/Rev., 10:13

Schafer writes modestly about his development as a psychoanalyst, reserving the designation “memoir” for something that in fact captures the essence of the whole book: “I have written extensively: first on testing, then more or less in turn on psychoanalytic ego psychology, an action language for psychoanalysis, feminist issues, narrative in psychoanalysis, and the contemporary Kleinians of London. This memoir traces the intellectual continuity that characterizes these writings and my continuing development as a psychoanalyst—my first ambition and great love” (“The Author's Odyssey: You Can Get Here from There”, p. 155, emphasis added).  

Kite, J.V. (2012). On Roy Schafer. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 60(4):851-859



Roy Schafer (b 1922)

action language

Following literary theorists, who examined the role of telling and showing in narration, Roy Schafer makes a distinction between telling and showing in the psychoanalytical situation. Telling happens when the analysand tells in words about events; about the past. Showing happens when the analysand conveys ideas, feelings, fantasies or reactions, verbal or non-verbal and freely associates these in an unselective way and without rehearsal. The analysand seems to be operating in the present; even when talking about the past.

Aspects of Internalization (1968)
A New Language for Psychoanalysis (1976)
The Analytic Attitude (1983)
Retelling a Life (1992) (questia)
The Contemporary Kleinians of London (1997)
Bad Feelings (2003)
Insight and Interpretation (2003)
Tragic Knots in Psychoanalysis (2009) (kindle)

Schafer, R. (1980). Action Language and the Psychology of the Self. Annu.
Psychoanal., 8:83-92

Schafer, R. (2013). Final Word. Psychoanal. Q., 82(1):83-85



Michael Peppiatt (b 1941)七十前後
急著回憶Francis Bacon (1909-1992) 

From Bacon I learnt that my own contradictions could only be resolved by letting myself drift as freely as possible. (Peppiatt 2015, p. 8)

In 1994, Peppiatt returned to London with his wife, the art historian Jill Lloyd, and their two children, where he wrote the biography of Francis Bacon (1909–1992), whose close friend and commentator he had been for thirty years. Chosen as a ‘Book of the Year’ by The New York Times and translated into several languages, the biography is considered the definitive account of Bacon’s life and work.



x   =   (右手中指的長度  x  0.375)   +   (鼻子到肚臍的距離  x  0.625)   +   (姓名筆劃數  x  0.223)   +   (托福成績減收縮壓  x  0.444) 

y   =   [ (上輩子讀過幾本書  +  這輩子讀過幾本書  +  下輩子打算讀幾本書)   x   0.188 ]   +    [ (上輩子用過幾根牙膏  +  這輩子用過幾根牙膏  +  下輩子打算用幾根牙膏)   x   0.743 ]  

i   =   有關單位自由心證決定的參數


Francis Bacon in Your Blood: A Memoir (Michael Peppiatt, 2015)

accessible via scribd
In June of 1963, when Michael Peppiatt first met Francis Bacon, the former was a college boy at Cambridge, the latter already a famous painter, more than thirty years his senior. And yet, Peppiatt was welcomed into the volatile artist's world; Bacon, considered by many to be "mad, bad, and dangerous to know," proved himself a devoted friend and father figure, even amidst the drinking and gambling.  

Though Peppiatt would later write perhaps the definitive biography of Bacon, his sharply drawn memoir has a different vigor, revealing the artist at his most intimate and indiscreet, and his London and Paris milieus in all their seediness and splendor. Bacon is felt with immediacy, as Peppiatt draws from contemporary diaries and records of their time together, giving us the story of a friendship, and a new perspective on an artist of enduring fascination. (amazon)