Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trauma and Loss: Key Texts from the John Bowlby Archive (ed. Robbie Duschinsky, Kate White, Routledge, 2019-10-20)

During his lifetime John Bowlby, the founder of attachment theory, was unable to publish as he wished due to strong opposition to his ideas. Now, with the support of the Bowlby family, several complete and near-complete works from the John Bowlby Archive at the Wellcome Collection are published for the first time.
The collection spans Bowlby’s thinking from his early ideas to later reflections, and is split into four parts. Part 1 includes essays on the topic of loss, mourning and depression, outlining his thoughts on the role of defence mechanisms. Part 2 covers Bowlby’s ideas around anxiety, guilt and identification, including reflections on his observations of and work with evacuated children. Part 3 features three seminars on the subject of conflict, in which Bowlby relates clinical concepts to both political philosophy and psychoanalysis in innovative ways. Part 4 consists of Bowlby’s later reflections on trauma and loss, and on his own work as a therapist.
This remarkable collection not only clarifies Bowlby’s relationship with psychoanalysis but features his elaboration of key concepts in attachment theory and important moments of self-criticism.
It will be essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and others interested in human development, relationships and adversity. (amazon) 

Groundwork for a Transpersonal Psychoanalysis: Spirituality, Relationship, and Participation (Robin Brown, Routledge, 2019-10-20)

This book explores how a deeper engagement with the theme of spirituality can challenge and stimulate contemporary psychoanalytic discourse.
Bringing relational psychoanalysis into conversation with Jungian and transpersonal debates, the text demonstrates the importance of questioning an implicit reliance on secular norms in the field. With reference to recognition theory and shifting conceptions of enactment, Brown shows that the continued evolution of relational thinking necessitates an embrace of the transpersonal and a move away from the secular viewpoint in analytic theory and practice.
With an outlook at the intersection of intrapsychic and intersubjective perspectives, Groundwork for a Transpersonal Psychoanalysis will be a valuable resource to analysts looking to incorporate a more pluralistic approach to clinical work. (amazon) 

Creative Repetition and Intersubjectivity: Contemporary Freudian Explorations of Trauma, Memory, and Clinical Process (Bruce Reis, Routledge, 2020-1-2)

Creative Repetition and Intersubjectivity looks at contemporary Freudian and post-Freudian theory through an intersubjective lens. Bruce Reis offers views on how psychoanalytic conceptions from the last century uniquely manifest in the consulting rooms of this century – how analytic technique has radically evolved through developing Freud’s original insights into dreaming, and hallucinosis; and how the presentation of today’s analysands calls for analyst’s use of themselves in unprecedented new ways.
Taking up bedrock analytic concepts such as the death instinct, repetition, trauma and the place of speech and of silence, Reis brings a diversely inspired, twenty-first century analytic sensibility to his reworking of these concepts and illustrates them clinically in a process-oriented approach. Here the unconscious intersubjective relation takes on transformative power, resulting in the analyst’s experience of hybridized chimerical monsters, creative seizures, reveries and intuitions that inform clinical realities outside of verbal or conscious discourse -- where change occurs in analysis.
Drawing on an unusually broad selection of major international influences, Creative Repetition and Intersubjectivitywill be of great interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists across the schools of thought. (amazon) 

How Madness Shaped History: An Eccentric Array of Maniacal Rulers, Raving Narcissists, and Psychotic Visionaries (Christopher J. Ferguson, Prometheus Books, 2020-1-7)

This book considers the impact of psychology on world events, looking at how mental illness and personality disorders have affected history.

How have mental illness and personality disorders influenced history? This lively investigation demonstrates that, when conditions are ripe, one unstable individual can create the best or worst moments of a generation or even a century.

Beginning with Alexander the Great, whose megalomania caused widespread bloodshed yet powerfully shaped world history through the spread of Greek culture, the author examines the various forms of mental illness among people of great influence. These includes emperors, like the Romans Caligula and Elagabalus, kings like George III of England and Charles II of Spain, and lesser known rulers such as sixteenth-century Hungarian noblewoman Elizabeth Bathory, who is in the Guinness World Records as the most prolific female serial killer of all time. 

In more recent times, the author considers the mental instability exhibited by dictators Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Idi Amin, as well as female prison guard Irma Grese, whose cruelties at Auschwitz were infamous.

He also discusses rumors of cognitive decline among American presidents Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump, and the ways in which American democracy copes with the disability of its leaders. And he considers cases where whole societies seem to be gripped by the madness of mob rule.

Ferguson concludes with an eye toward the future, considering the power of social media to amplify fringe ideas, giving extremist and outright crazy perspectives greater exposure and influence than ever before. (amazon) 

Francis Bacon: Painting, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis (ed. Ben Ware, Thames & Hudson, 2020-1-21)

The latest book in a series that seeks to illuminate Francis Bacon’s art and motivations and open up fresh and stimulating ways of understanding his paintings.
Francis Bacon was one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. His works continue to puzzle and unnerve viewers, raising complex questions about their meaning. Over recent decades, two theoretical approaches to Bacon’s work have come to hold sway: first, that Bacon is an existential painter, depicting an absurd and godless world; and second, that he is an antirepresentational painter, whose primary aim is to expose his work directly to the spectator’s “nervous system.”
Francis Bacon draws together some of today’s leading philosophers and psychoanalytic critics to go beyond established readings of Bacon and open up radically new ways of thinking about his art. The essays bring Bacon into dialogue with figures such as Aristotle, Georg Hegel, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Theodor Adorno, and Martin Heidegger, and situate his work in the broader contexts of modernism and modernity. The result is a timely and thought- provoking collection that will be essential reading for anyone interested in Bacon, modern art, and contemporary aesthetics. (amazon) 



M (Dec 2019) - Psychoanalytic Inquiry 2019, 39(2)

Issue 2 - Relational Turn: How and Why It Happened

Daniel Goldin, Psy.D.
Original Articles
Anthony Bass, Ph.D.
Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D.
Donnel B. Stern, Ph.D.
Introduction to Harris and Seligman
Adrienne Harris, Ph.D. and Stephen Seligman, Ph.D.
Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.
Stephen Seligman, Ph.D.
Joye Weisel-Barth, Ph.D., Psy.D.
Rachel Kabasakalian McKay, Ph.D.
Christina Emanuel, Psy.D.
Daniel Goldin, Psy.D.

M (Dec 2019) - Donnel B. Stern

After the publication of Unformulated Experience in 1997, I found myself drawn to the ideas of enactment and dissociation and the conception of the self as multiple.

In the years that followed the publication of Unformulated Experience, the link between dissociation and enactment took center stage for me.

Stern, Donnel B.. Partners in Thought: Working with Unformulated Experience, Dissociation, and Enactment (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series). Taylor and Francis. 2010, 136/5900, Kindle edition.

why study Donnel Stern, because these ideas - unformulated experience, enactment, dissociation, multiple self - came from him

Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Posthumanities Book 27) (Timothy Morton, University of Minnesota Press, 2013)

Having set global warming in irreversible motion, we are facing the possibility of ecological catastrophe. But the environmental emergency is also a crisis for our philosophical habits of thought, confronting us with a problem that seems to defy not only our control but also our understanding. Global warming is perhaps the most dramatic example of what Timothy Morton calls “hyperobjects”—entities of such vast temporal and spatial dimensions that they defeat traditional ideas about what a thing is in the first place. In this book, Morton explains what hyperobjects are and their impact on how we think, how we coexist with one another and with nonhumans, and how we experience our politics, ethics, and art.
Moving fluidly between philosophy, science, literature, visual and conceptual art, and popular culture, the book argues that hyperobjects show that the end of the world has already occurred in the sense that concepts such as world, nature, and even environment are no longer a meaningful horizon against which human events take place. Instead of inhabiting a world, we find ourselves inside a number of hyperobjects, such as climate, nuclear weapons, evolution, or relativity. Such objects put unbearable strains on our normal ways of reasoning.
Insisting that we have to reinvent how we think to even begin to comprehend the world we now live in, Hyperobjects takes the first steps, outlining a genuinely postmodern ecological approach to thought and action. (amazon) (accessible via scribd) (so is Ecology Without Nature, 2007)

The Infinity of the Unsaid: Unformulated Experience, Language, and the Nonverbal (Donnel B. Stern, Routledge, 2018)

The theory of unformulated experience is an interpersonal/relational conception of unconscious process. The idea is that unconscious content is not fully formed, merely awaiting discovery, but is instead better understood as potential experience―a vaguely organized, primitive, global, non-ideational, affective state.
In the past, the formulation of experience was most commonly understood as verbal articulation. That was the perspective Donnel B. Stern took in 1997 in his first book, Unformulated Experience: From Dissociation to Imagination in Psychoanalysis. In this new book, Stern recognizes that we need to theorize the formulation of nonverbal experience, as well. Using new concepts of the "acceptance" and "use" of experience that "feels like me," Stern argues for a wider conception of "meaningfulness." Some formulated experience is verbal ("articulation"), but other formulations are nonverbal ("realization"). Demonstrating how this can be so is at the heart of this book. Stern then goes on to house this entire set of ideas in the commodious conception of language offered by Charles Taylor, Gadamer, and Merleau-Ponty.
The Infinity of the Unsaid offers an expansion of the theory of unformulated experience that has important implications for clinical thinking and practice; it will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists across all schools of thought. (amazon) (kindle 2019-6-29)

see also 

Stern, D.B. (2019). Unformulated Experience and the Relational Turn. Psychoanal. Inq., 39(2):127-135.


Deep Web (乃至 Dark Web) 就是 Internet 的潛意識 
Clint Burnham 講的恐怕只侷限在 Surface Web


Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons and Jails 2 ed (Christine Tartaro, Lexington Books, 2019-5-10)

The second edition of Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons and Jails provides a comprehensive exploration of how the stress associated with arrest, sentencing, and incarcerated life can contribute to the onset of a suicidal crisis even among those who never before experienced suicidal ideation or self-harmed. Using the most recent prison and jail suicide data available Christine Tartaro discuses prison and jail administrations’ efforts to curtail the use of restrictive housing for inmates with mental illness, more recent suicide screening forms for incarcerated populations, therapeutic options for working with inmates in crisis, appropriate monitoring of people in danger of self-harm, and situational and environmental prevention tactics. Tartaro also provides examples of ways to structure and implement diversion and transition planning programs to improve the odds of facilitating offenders’ successful integration into the community and reduce communities’ reliance on jails to house and treat people who suffer from mental illness. (amazon) 

see also

Keeping Mentally Ill Offenders out of Jail: EVALUATION RESULTS. by Christine Tartaro, American Jails. 2016, 30(1): 20+ (accessible via questia) 





Orwell versus the Terrorists: A Digital Short (Jamie Bartlett, Cornerstone Digital, 2015)

On 5 June 2013, the Guardian began publishing a series of documents leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden, revealing the extent of internet surveillance undertaken by government and intelligence agencies. It provoked an immediate outcry. ‘I didn’t want to change society,’ Snowden would later say, in exile. ‘I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.’ And to some extent, he has.
Snowden’s leaks have provoked important debates about the precarious balance between individual privacy and national security on the internet. As a result of his revelations, the internet – and the way many of us use it – is changing dramatically. A new ‘crypto-war’ over the right to online privacy is being waged, with the net becoming increasingly difficult to monitor, and censorship more difficult to enforce. New opportunities are opening up for human rights activists and journalists, but also for criminals and terrorists.
Orwell versus the Terrorists is an insightful and revelatory examination of the history of the battle over privacy online, and a shocking glimpse of the frontline tactics of both sides. In a world in which the rules governing online activity are hazy, nebulous and often contradictory, it also presents a powerful and convincing model for the future of net-surveillance post-Snowden. (amazon) 

程晓农 陈小平:大阪G20峰会愁云密布

Dr Chen says China has always been a liar, bandit, victimizer, and perpetrator, and now it demands to be THE rule-maker, and orders you how to live your fucking life, in HIS fucking way

Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America (Qiao Liang, Wang Xiangsui, Echo Point Books & Media, 2015)

A sobering and fascinating study on war in the modern era, Unrestricted Warfare carefully explores strategies that militarily and politically disadvantaged nations might take in order to successfully attack a geopolitical super-power like the United States. American military doctrine is typically led by technology; a new class of weapon or vehicle is developed, which allows or encourages an adjustment in strategy. Military strategists Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui argue that this dynamic is a crucial weakness in the American military, and that this blind spot with regard to alternative forms warfare could be effectively exploited by enemies. Unrestricted Warfare concerns the many ways in which this might occur, and, in turn, suggests what the United States might do to defend itself.
The traditional mentality that offensive action is limited to military action is no longer adequate given the range of contemporary threats and the rising costs-both in dollars and lives lost-of traditional warfare. Instead, Liang and Xiangsui suggest the significance of alternatives to direct military confrontation, including international policy, economic warfare, attacks on digital infrastructure and networks, and terrorism. Even a relatively insignificant state can incapacitate a far more powerful enemy by applying pressure to their economic and political systems. Exploring each of these considerations with remarkable insight and clarity, Unrestricted Warfare is an engaging evaluation of our geopolitical future. (amazon) 

in other words, malevolence is everywhere, and bottomless

紀 2019-6-26


The People Vs Tech: How the Internet Is Killing Democracy (and How We Save It) (Jamie Barlett, Dutton, 2018)

From the bestselling author of The Dark Net comes a book that explains all the dangers of the digital revolution and offers concrete solutions on how we can protect our personal privacy, and democracy itself.

The internet was meant to set us free. But have we unwittingly handed too much away to shadowy powers behind a wall of code, all manipulated by a handful of Silicon Valley utopians, ad men, and venture capitalists? And, in light of recent data breach scandals around companies like Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, what does that mean for democracy, our delicately balanced system of government that was created long before big data, total information, and artificial intelligence? In this urgent polemic, Jamie Bartlett argues that through our unquestioning embrace of big tech, the building blocks of democracy are slowly being removed. The middle class is being eroded, sovereign authority and civil society is weakened, and we citizens are losing our critical faculties, maybe even our free will.

The People Vs Tech is an enthralling account of how our fragile political system is being threatened by the digital revolution. Bartlett explains that by upholding six key pillars of democracy, we can save it before it is too late. We need to become active citizens, uphold a shared democratic culture, protect free elections, promote equality, safeguard competitive and civic freedoms, and trust in a sovereign authority. This essential book shows that the stakes couldn't be higher and that, unless we radically alter our course, democracy will join feudalism, supreme monarchies and communism as just another political experiment that quietly disappeared. (amazon) (kindle 2019-6-26) (b 1970)

Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing: A Holistic Relational Perspective on the Therapeutic Process (Steven Stern, Routledge, 2017)

Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing is both a personal analytic credo and a multidimensional approach to thinking about clinical interaction. The book’s central theme is that of analytic needed relationships—the science and art of co-creating unique, evolving relational experiences fitted to each patient’s implicit therapeutic aims and needs.
Steven Stern argues that, while we need psychoanalytic theories to "grow the receptors and processors" necessary to sense, understand, and connect with our patients, these often tend to frame the therapist’s participation in terms of theoretical and technical categories rather than offering a more holistic view of the relationship in all of its human complexity. Stern believes that a new set of higher order constructs is needed to counteract this tendency. In addition to his own concept of needed relationships, he invokes principles from the work of renowned developmental researcher and theorist, Louis Sander: especially his concept of relational fittedness. Stern draws on the work of Freud, Bion, Winnicott, Kohut, and a broad spectrum of contemporary psychoanalytic authors, in fleshing out the therapeutic implications of Sander’s (and Stern’s own) vision. The result is a rich, humane, and accessible narrative.
Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing offers diverse clinical examples in which you will find Stern engaging with each of his patients in idiomatic, spontaneous ways as he attempts to contour interventions to the evolving analytic situation. This case material will inspire therapist-readers to feel freer to find their own creative voices and idioms of participation, as they seek to meet each patient within the psychoanalytic space. The book is intended for psychoanalysts and psychodynamic therapists at all levels of experience, including those in training. (amazon) (kindle 2019-6-26)

now, finally, someone is talking sensibly

Morris N. Eagle

From Classical to Contemporary Psychoanalysis: A Critique and Integration (Psychological Issues), by Morris N. Eagle, Routledge, 2010


Core Concepts in Classical Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Research Evidence and Conceptual Critiques (Psychological Issues), by Morris N. Eagle, Routledge, 2017


Core Concepts in Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Research Evidence and Conceptual Critiques (Psychological Issues), by Morris N. Eagle, Routledge, 2017

New Discoveries in Child Psychotherapy Findings from Qualitative Research (ed. Margaret Rustin, Michael Rustin, Routledge, 2019-5-28)

New Discoveries in Child Psychotherapy presents eleven new contributions to child psychoanalytic research, most of them based on the experience of the clinical consulting room. Each chapter is the work of an experienced child psychotherapist or child analyst, vivid in their description of the children and families they encountered. Their understanding of the "inner worlds" of patients and the clinical consulting room is clearly evidenced in their analysis of clinical presentations.
The chapters are the result of the psychoanalytic clinical and observational practices of their authors, allied to their use of rigorous qualitative research methods, in particular Grounded Theory and interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). They describe developments of child psychoanalytic knowledge in several fields, including autism, psychotherapy with severely deprived children, and the study of early infancy. They demonstrate advances in child psychoanalytic theories and methods and the development of new forms of clinical service provision. Contested issues in psychoanalytic research are thoroughly evaluated, showing how it can be made more accountable and rigorous through the adaptation of established qualitative research methods to the study of unconscious mental phenomena.
New Discoveries in Child Psychotherapy will be an essential text in the field of child psychoanalysis and will be highly useful in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis training courses and for psychoanalytic researchers, as well as for practitioners. (amazon) 

M (FJU 2019) - 渾沌的一

因為自覺的意識 (self-consciousness)




Saturday, June 22, 2019



M (FJU 2019) - 數問

理想的 人和自然的關係 ~ 守護 歸真
如何讀宋明理學 ~ 選作者 不羈者 落拓者 俠行者
關係學派  vs  Guntrip
An analysis of the trend of therapeutic excess in the literature of relational psychoanalysis

M (FJU 2019) - Harry Guntrip (1901-1975)

但是有人說過Guntrip是第一個Self Psychologist

M (FJU 2019) - 夏至次日




Jon Mills說一到Division 39你就知道你進入了關係學派的語境
其實不只D 39只要打開任何一本英國以外地區出版的英文書


Friday, June 21, 2019

M (FJU 2019) - 結語

1. 自體的心理學說 人的救贖之道 在回到歷史 回到自然
2. 當然 我們知道 他回不到歷史 也回不到自然
3. 在這兩個回不到的悲喜劇中 他的位置在系統的邊緣 那裡是批判唯一得以發生的地方
4. 存在的本質 就是上述的悲喜劇 意思是說 讓你笑到落淚不已的好看的戲
5. 比如說 我們都知道 好看的殭屍片 一定要有阿財 這樣的中弱智者
6. 否則 就沒有人 甘願皓守義莊了
7. 關係學派 本質上 是美國製造的精神分析
8. 你必須是美國人 尤其是紐約客 才能興高采烈相信
9. 你知道 我不是美國人 也不是紐約客
10. 所以你知道  我對關係學派之為精神分析的顯學  是有意見的
11. 那 你說 你到底相信甚麼
12. 我相信 那個一切 由之呈現 的自體
13. 我相信 那個自體 是由關係養大的
14. 但是 自體 不是關係決定的
15. 他 以其所能及的不完美 發生其所能及的不完美
16. 這是他此生 唯一 所能及的不完美的作品
17. 意思是說 關係是不完美的 自體是不完美的 自體的行徑和作品是不完美的
18. 意思是說 造物者是不完美的
19. 但幸好 衪 是不完美的
20. 否則 我們 就沒戲 或沒戲可看了
21. 如果 這是結語 我說
22. 我們終於來到 那個街角

M (FJU 2019) - annexed

In Division 39, the relational perspective is everywhere: in the APA journal, the newsletter, and the annual conference. The annual conference, usually sponsored by a local contemporary psychoanalytic institute, is dominated year after year by relational, intersubjective, interpersonal, and postmodern perspectives. Most paper and panel presentations cover the same topics and have the same presenters over and over. The invited presenters and panelists are largely relational in orientation, and the more traditional psychoanalytic camps have been so marginalized that one would be lucky to see the words Freud or unconscious in any presentation titles. Because the contemporary institutes that host the annual conferences control the conference agenda, Freudian approaches, object relations theories, and ego-psychological positions are barely represented. Even self psychology and the interpersonal school have been annexed by relational perspectives to the point that most visible distinctions have vanished. And because contemporary paradigms within the past three decades have gradually fallen in love with the language of philosophy, it becomes equally confusing to know what—if any—distinctions exist within contemporary perspectives.

Mills, Jon. Conundrums: A Critique of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (pp. 140-141). Taylor and Francis. 2012, Kindle edition.





M (FJU 2019) - 突然知道

