These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
M (FJU 2019 入夏之後) - workable, manageable
可以繼續下去的意思是說 workable, manageable
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
A Brief History of Western Thought, Richard Tarnas (2012) (1/5, 2012-10-5) (2/5, 2012-10-19) (3/5, 2012-11-9) (4/5, 2012-11-30) (5/5, 2012-12-14) (2/5, 2012-10-19) (3/5, 2012-11-9) (4/5, 2012-11-30) (5/5, 2012-12-14)
A Psychoanalyst on His Own Couch: A Biography of Vamik Volkan and His Psychoanalytic and Psychopolitical Concepts (Ferhat Atik, Phoenix Publishing House, 2019-7-31)
Vam k Volkan puts himself on his couch and tells his fascinating life story as an international psychoanalyst who has seen and studied humans in many parts of the world to renowned writer, scriptwriter, and director Ferhat Atik.
Born to Turkish parents in Cyprus in 1932, Vam k moved to the US in 1957 where he still resides today. Over the past half century, his career has flourished in ways few could have foreseen. He has founded many worthwhile organisations and initiatives and has taken his research and work into real-world international relations. Therefore, any book about Vam k Volkan cannot limit itself to mere biography; it is also a professional guide, the life of a professor and his real-life stories, a means towards understanding humanity, societies, memories and modes of psychological treatment. Within, are many influential and widely accepted concepts that Dr Volkan introduced to the wider world.
Ferhat Atik carried out exhaustive research involving many hours of interviews with Dr Volkan as well as reading and digesting all forty-two of his book. Once Atik had mastered the minutiae of Dr Volkan's works, the interviews were transcribed and they became the backbone of the book. Dr Volkan's first-hand accounts are throughout this thoughtful and empathetic biography and he has also written a foreword.
This collaborative biography is full of fascinating insight into a modest man whose work took him to some of the most combative and volatile parts of the world, where his interventions had positive, real-world effects for us all. Professionals working within his field and also those outside will find it full of inspiration and innovation a riveting read for anyone with an interest in international relations, which should be us all in these uncertain times. (amazon)
Psychoanalysis and Other Matters: Where Are We Now? (ed. Judith Edwards, Routledge, 2019-7-15)
Can we ‘stand inside’ new thoughts, rather than outside, looking at a closed box? This innovative and interdisciplinary collection aims to answer this question by broadening the way we look at and work with psychoanalytic ideas. By examining these ideas through the lenses of other disciplines, the contributors reveal what can be found when ‘boundaries’ are breached and bridges are built in psychoanalytical thought.
Judith Edwards here calls upon international analysts, psychotherapists and other professionals to explore the concepts of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ in psychoanalysis, boldly challenging existing boundaries. In this unique and ground-breaking collection, chapters are written by a mathematics professor, a sculptor, film-makers, anthropologists from Australia and Canada, an Ofsted inspector, a neuroscientist and two Chinese psychotherapists. The book emphasises the importance of listening across disciplinary lines, and crossing frontiers within psychoanalysis itself, by integrating psychoanalytic elements with poetry, music, literature, quantum physics, cultural studies and education. Edwards presents this original and global research with authority, showing us how these fields intersect and produce new understandings in us all that allow us to grow and benefit from new perspectives.
This collection is unlike no other in its interdisciplinary and international approach. It will be an essential tool for all psychoanalysts, including those in training, as well as psychotherapists and psychotherapeutically-engaged scholars. It will also be of immense interest to academics and students of interdisciplinary studies, psychosocial studies, cultural studies and film studies. (amazon)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
黃愛玲的最後演講——記費穆費明儀 (2018-1-7)
Thursday, July 25, 2019
費穆(1906 - 1951)
this explains why relational psychoanalysts so cherish their dissociations
As Birksted-Breen aptly put it:
The individual is forever looking to achieve non-recognition of aspects of himself through splitting, denial, disavowal, repression and projection, while also looking to achieve coherence. (2016: 50)
Lemma, Alessandra. The Digital Age on the Couch (p. 7). Taylor and Francis. 2017, Kindle edition.
The individual is forever looking to achieve non-recognition of aspects of himself through splitting, denial, disavowal, repression and projection, while also looking to achieve coherence. (2016: 50)
Lemma, Alessandra. The Digital Age on the Couch (p. 7). Taylor and Francis. 2017, Kindle edition.
space - an absence of presentation
It could be argued, with some justification, that psychoanalysis as a discipline needed to speed up to keep apace with the changing times in order to remain relevant to contemporary culture. In the current climate, however, it is important to also pause for breath and draw on one of its key tenets: absence, waiting, gaps – all of which march to a slower tempo – may be painful and frustrating, and their toleration should not be fetishised as the path to mental health, but these are essential experiences that push us towards the vital psychic task of representation.
Speed introduces a tension between presentation and representation. On a daily basis we are ‘presented’ with numerous images and sound bytes. The world afar is presented to us via various media that collapse space into time. This constant feeding means that we have on tap unprecedented access to knowledge that can expand the mind. At the same time in order for the mind to develop the emotional resilience required to process experience the mind needs to have space – an absence of presentation – that impels (allows) it to represent experience. This, as I shall suggest in this book, is necessary for the successful integration of mind and body, for sustaining the necessary ‘work of desire’ and for the development of sexuality during adolescence.
Lemma, Alessandra. The Digital Age on the Couch (pp. 5-6). Taylor and Francis. 2017, Kindle edition.
Speed introduces a tension between presentation and representation. On a daily basis we are ‘presented’ with numerous images and sound bytes. The world afar is presented to us via various media that collapse space into time. This constant feeding means that we have on tap unprecedented access to knowledge that can expand the mind. At the same time in order for the mind to develop the emotional resilience required to process experience the mind needs to have space – an absence of presentation – that impels (allows) it to represent experience. This, as I shall suggest in this book, is necessary for the successful integration of mind and body, for sustaining the necessary ‘work of desire’ and for the development of sexuality during adolescence.
Lemma, Alessandra. The Digital Age on the Couch (pp. 5-6). Taylor and Francis. 2017, Kindle edition.
One late afternoon in the summer of 1972, I heard a performance of one of Hindemith’s viola sonatas in a small church in New England. (Bollas, 1989, pp. 55-56)
If a tree falls on the Internet and no search engine indexes it, does it make any noise? (Marc Goodman, 2016, p. 162)
If a tree falls on the Internet and no search engine indexes it, does it make any noise? (Marc Goodman, 2016, p. 162)
新华社北京7月24日电 国务院新闻办公室24日发表《新时代的中国国防》白皮书
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You (Eli Pariser, Penguin Press, 2011)
An eye-opening account of how the hidden rise of personalization on the Internet is controlling-and limiting-the information we consume.
In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.
Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like The Washington Post devotes the top of its home page to a news feed with the links your Facebook friends are sharing. Behind the scenes a burgeoning industry of data companies is tracking your personal information to sell to advertisers, from your political leanings to the color you painted your living room to the hiking boots you just browsed on Zappos.
In a personalized world, we will increasingly be typed and fed only news that is pleasant, familiar, and confirms our beliefs-and because these filters are invisible, we won't know what is being hidden from us. Our past interests will determine what we are exposed to in the future, leaving less room for the unexpected encounters that spark creativity, innovation, and the democratic exchange of ideas.
While we all worry that the Internet is eroding privacy or shrinking our attention spans, Pariser uncovers a more pernicious and far- reaching trend on the Internet and shows how we can- and must-change course. With vivid detail and remarkable scope, The Filter Bubble reveals how personalization undermines the Internet's original purpose as an open platform for the spread of ideas and could leave us all in an isolated, echoing world. (amazon)
In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.
Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like The Washington Post devotes the top of its home page to a news feed with the links your Facebook friends are sharing. Behind the scenes a burgeoning industry of data companies is tracking your personal information to sell to advertisers, from your political leanings to the color you painted your living room to the hiking boots you just browsed on Zappos.
In a personalized world, we will increasingly be typed and fed only news that is pleasant, familiar, and confirms our beliefs-and because these filters are invisible, we won't know what is being hidden from us. Our past interests will determine what we are exposed to in the future, leaving less room for the unexpected encounters that spark creativity, innovation, and the democratic exchange of ideas.
While we all worry that the Internet is eroding privacy or shrinking our attention spans, Pariser uncovers a more pernicious and far- reaching trend on the Internet and shows how we can- and must-change course. With vivid detail and remarkable scope, The Filter Bubble reveals how personalization undermines the Internet's original purpose as an open platform for the spread of ideas and could leave us all in an isolated, echoing world. (amazon)
徐渭 (1521-1593)
高友工 (Yu-kung Kao,1929-2016)
M (FJU 2019 入夏之後) - 無天地山水可回 遂回到六根六塵
起因是 Marion Milner 在她的最後一本書 Bothered by
Alligators (2012) 說
However I slowly came to realise that it was not a question of me
analysing him, but rather of his images analysing me. This meant that I had to
go on with no idea where this undertaking was going to lead me.
Milner, Marion. Bothered By Alligators (Kindle location 319-320).
Taylor and Francis. 2012, Kindle edition.
再者是因為 如果寫意(xieyi)是寄情於天地 放懷於山水
Over the past 900 years, China has endured the ravages of wars,
rule under suppressive autocracies, and nomadic conquerors. The written word
was harshly censored while widespread traumas and dispossession prevailed.
Successive generations of Wen Ren, or scholar-gentlemen, thus retreated to
self-cultivation and, to evade political persecution, collectively fostered Xie
Yi, or writing–mind painting, a culture of therapy expressing Daoist philosophy
through imbued metaphors. Xie Yi, in essence, provides an evocative visual
journey that joins the artist and viewer from trauma, fragmentation to the
coherent widening of one's inner scene. This ultimately arrives at the Daoist
ideal of integration with nature, where the individual returns to being
elemental and authentic.
Richard Wu (2015)‘Xie Yi Painting as a Culture of Therapy’: Part 1
– Introduction, in Scharff, David E.(ed). Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in
China: Volume 1 (Kindle location 2466-2471). Phoenix Publishing House. 2015
(2019), Kindle edition.
雖然我不確定 寫意的本意 是不是僅止於避禍於亂世 如果是的話
然後 這兩天 翻閱那本 史亡而後詩作 第六章講到林風眠
Lin invoked the term shuqing as early as 1926, considering it the
keyword to modernizing Chinese art. At the time, he had just returned to China
after a six-year sojourn in Europe. While he was eager to introduce
contemporary European trends, from late impressionism to expressionism and
fauvism, he was already pondering the direction Chinese artists should take.
For him, lyrical evocation constituted the core of Chinese aesthetics, as
evinced by the spectrum of articulation from xieyi 寫意, or
expressive-style painting, to multiple poetic and performing genres. (p. 376)
The Lyrical in Epic Time: Modern Chinese Intellectuals and Artists
Through the 1949 Crisis, by David Der-wei Wang, Columbia University Press, 2015
有趣的是 王德威論抒情 出發在
I ague for
rethinking lyricism critically in the postsocialist Chinese context, citing the
treatises of two contemporary critics, Li Zehou and Kao Yu-kung 高友工 (1929-2016), as points of
departure. (p. 25)
Psychoanalytic Inquiry 2013, 33(2) - Bullying
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 22, 2019
Sunday, July 21, 2019
周周侃:中共定性“反送中”为颜色革命 (上下)
老周說中共雖然殘暴但你可以去劫法場而且中國經濟非常棒否則老周我不會白白胖胖 以上這些卓越的歷史洞見都將寫進書裡
Anton Ehrenzweig (1908 – 1966)
The Hidden Order of Art (1967) (accessible via scribd), published posthumously, has been in continuous publication since 1967, and is considered one of the three classics of art psychology, along with Rudolf Arnheim's Art and Visual Perception and Herschel Chipp's Theories of Modern Art.
The Hidden Order of Art (1967) (accessible via scribd), published posthumously, has been in continuous publication since 1967, and is considered one of the three classics of art psychology, along with Rudolf Arnheim's Art and Visual Perception and Herschel Chipp's Theories of Modern Art.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Psychoanalytic Approaches to Myth (Theorists of Myth) (Dan Merkur, Routledge, 2004)
accessible via scribd
Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump (JPR, 2019-7-18)
see also
see also
Karl Abraham: The Birth of Object Relations Theory (Isabel Sanfeliu, Routledge, 2014)
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the major milestones in Karl Abraham's career, and highlights his interest in mythology and his permanent focus on the libido. It explores his development of two different forms of early object relations: incorporation and destruction. (amazon)
Friday, July 19, 2019
Fairbairn and Relational Theory (ed. Frederico Pereira, David E. Scharff, Routledge, 2002)
The richness of Fairbairn's work is demonstrated in a series of essays offering a unique exploration of the application of his concepts to diverse areas ranging from philosophy to psychopathology. This volume opens with an examination of the origins and relevance of Fairbairn's ideas and subsequently turns to the application of his theory to the study of depression, hysteria, and to the field of liason psychiatry. Fairbairn's ideas are further applied to the study of dreams and aesthetics in two original essays. The book concludes with a delineation of the future of his contribution to contemporary theories of object relations and to the emergence of a new psychoanalytic paradigm.(amazon)
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China: Volume 1 (David E. Scharff, Phoenix Publishing House, 2015)
Psychoanalysis took root in many countries around the world in the twentieth century, but China has special significance. It was, of course, the largest country from which analysis was completely excluded, from 1949 until the Chinese opening up began in the 1980s. It was not only the banning of psychoanalytic thought that marked China in this period. There was also an absence of an effective mental health system during times of great need in China because of war, famine, industrial collapse, enormous population growth, and changes in social structure. This was followed with further changes in family structure through the one child policy, new policies of entrepreneurship, economic growth, urbanisation, and increasing exposure to the West.
This journal is conceived as a meeting place of cultures, as a place in which the issues of this important world encounter can be documented and examined. It is intended to be an intercultural journal in which theory and clinical experience can be presented and discussed. At a practical level, the editorial board is composed equally of eminent Chinese and Western colleagues who share an interest in the introduction and development of psychoanalysis in China. It contains articles from both Chinese and Western contributors, with discussion of ideas, and is a must-read for those with an interest in the development of psychoanalytic therapy in China. (amazon) (kindle (2019-7-21)
This journal is conceived as a meeting place of cultures, as a place in which the issues of this important world encounter can be documented and examined. It is intended to be an intercultural journal in which theory and clinical experience can be presented and discussed. At a practical level, the editorial board is composed equally of eminent Chinese and Western colleagues who share an interest in the introduction and development of psychoanalysis in China. It contains articles from both Chinese and Western contributors, with discussion of ideas, and is a must-read for those with an interest in the development of psychoanalytic therapy in China. (amazon) (kindle (2019-7-21)
Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China: Volume 2 (David E. Scharff, Phoenix Publishing House, 2019-4-2)
Volume 2 of 'Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China' continues the tradition began with Volume 1 of featuring cultural issues that confront analysts and therapists as they apply psychoanalytic thinking to their work with Chinese patients and students. Therapy and work with institutions are embedded in the civilisation, so the issues facing China and its people confront those who conduct therapy, consultation, and training there.
This issue focuses on a wide-ranging view of cultural issues that underlie the work of psychoanalytic therapy, and that should equally inform training for that work. Just as the mental health needs of China are enormous, the obstacles to real cultural understanding are formidable. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China aims to aid both the educator and the practitioner in their efforts to bridge cultural gaps by deepening understanding of Chinese culture and mentality, and by applying that evolving understanding to therapeutic, consultative, and educational work. (amazon) (kindle 2019-7-21)
This issue focuses on a wide-ranging view of cultural issues that underlie the work of psychoanalytic therapy, and that should equally inform training for that work. Just as the mental health needs of China are enormous, the obstacles to real cultural understanding are formidable. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China aims to aid both the educator and the practitioner in their efforts to bridge cultural gaps by deepening understanding of Chinese culture and mentality, and by applying that evolving understanding to therapeutic, consultative, and educational work. (amazon) (kindle 2019-7-21)
The Unconscious in Social and Political Life (The Political Mind) (David Morgan, Phoenix Publishing House, 2019-6-30)
Traumatic events happen in every age, yet there is a particularly cataclysmic feeling to our own epoch that is so attractive to some and so terrifying to others. The terrible events of September 11th 2001 still resonate and the repercussions continue to this day: the desperation of immigrants fleeing terror, the uncertainty of Brexit, Donald Trump in the White House, the rise of the alt-right and hard left, increasing fundamentalism, and terror groups intent on causing destruction to the Western way of life. If that were not enough, we also have to grapple with the enormity of climate change and the charge that if we do not act now, it will be too late. Is it any wonder many are left overwhelmed by the events they see on the news?Galvanised by the events outside of his consulting room, in 2015, David Morgan began The Political Mind seminars at the British Psychoanalytical Society and their successful run continues today. A series of superlative seminars, mostly presented by colleagues from the British Society plus a few select external experts, that examine a dazzling array of relevant topics to provide a psychoanalytic understanding of just what is going on in our world. This book is the first in The Political Mind series to bring these seminars to a wider audience.The Unconscious in Political and Social Life contains compelling contributions from Christopher Bollas, Michael Rustin, Jonathan Sklar, David Bell, Philip Stokoe, Roger Kennedy, David Morgan, M. Fakhry Davids, Ruth McCall, R. D. Hinshelwood, Renée Danziger, Josh Cohen, Sally Weintrobe, and Margot Waddell. They investigate so many vital issues affecting us today: the evolution of democracy, right-wing populism, prejudice, the rise of the far right, attitudes to refugees and migrants, neoliberalism, fundamentalism, terrorism, the Palestine-Israel situation, political change, feminism, austerity in the UK, financial globalisation, and climate change.This book needs to be read by all who are concerned by the state of the world today. Psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts with their awareness of what motivates human beings bring clarity and fresh insight to these matters. A deeper understanding of humanity awaits the reader of 'The Unconscious in Political and Social Life'. (amazon)
The Use of the Object in Psychoanalysis: An Object Relations Perspective on the Other (ed. David E. Scharff, Routledge, 2019-7-15)
Using Winnicott’s classic paper as its starting point, this fascinating collection explores a range of clinical and theoretical psychoanalytic perspectives around relating to "the object." Each author approaches the topic from a different angle, switching among the patient’s use of others in their internal and external lives, their use of their therapist, and the therapist’s own use of their patients.
The use of objects is susceptible to wide interpretation and elaboration; it is both a normal phenomenon and a marker for certain personal difficulties, or even psychopathologies, seen in clinical practice. While it is normal for people to relate to others through the lens of their internal objects in ways that give added meaning to aspects of their lives, it becomes problematic when people live as if devoid of a self and instead live almost exclusively through the others who form their internal worlds, often leading them to feel that they cannot be happy until and unless others change.
Assessing the significance of objects among adult and child patients, groups and the group-as-object, and exploring Freud’s own use of objects, The Use of the Object in Psychoanalysis will be of significant interest both to experienced psychoanalysts and psychotherapists and to trainees exploring important theoretical questions. (amazon)
Bothered By Alligators (Marion Milner, Routledge, 2012)
Milner's final text, Bothered by Alligators, came about when, in her nineties, she unexpectedly came across a diary she had kept during the early years of her son's life, recording his conversations and play between the ages of two and nine. With it was a storybook written and illustrated by him when he was about seven years old.
Whilst working on the material, Milner gradually realised that both diary and storybook were provoking questions she realised had scarcely been asked, let alone answered in her own analysis. Through her memories, her notebooks and by interpreting her own previously discarded drawings and paintings, she reaches a point of awareness that they were depicting things she did not know in herself, addressing her relationships not only with her son but also with her husband, her father, and in particular, her mother.
Like many of Milner's earlier books there is a deeply personal quality to Bothered by Alligators, but it is a quality that transcends the personal and reveals insights and conclusions that will be both interesting and useful to clinicians; and fascinating to readers from a psychological, a literary, an artistic or an educational background, and, in particular, those with an interest in psychoanalysis and autobiography and in Milner's work. (amazon) (kindle 2019-7-21)
Xi Jinping: The Backlash (Richard McGregor, Penguin Books, 2019-7-16)
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Jessica Benjamin的書寫的問題出在哲學訓練不足當然精神分析的概念本質上不易清晰化往往湯湯水水變成一鍋粥也有關還有就是太大太長繳繞不清這和她構建論述的意圖太強有關意思是說larger than life比生命還大比如說巨乳巨根或中國一線城市的景觀都是例子因為生命有他恰當的比例夠用夠長就好黃霑說過超過一個手掌的都算太大這是他訪韓說的
好看的書寫必有行歌Lawrence Block寫的Matthew Scudder系列中當Scudder走投無路絕望的看著窗外的時候你突然知道行歌在曼哈頓是可能的
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
two steps from hell
去年底韓國瑜的造勢場合用過 TSFH 的音樂當然他(們)不知道原鄉居士早就用這個音樂當成滅共的天籟和神曲意思是說老韓沒有歷史觀把國民黨玩成一個可笑的笑話當然老蔡也沒有歷史觀我先前說過台灣基本上是可笑罕見好笑只有豬哥亮是好笑這是為什麼我支持豬哥亮當台灣角頭的原因因為如果我們必須沒有歷史觀那我們至少要他媽的好笑
李伟东:当今党国已是崩溃前夜还是仍在膨胀当中?(“中国民主转型重大问题思考”系列节目 上集)
Monday, July 15, 2019
CCP paid us so well that China is not an enemy