These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
2019-10-24 NSSI (ISSS)
numbered days
我們讀到 numbered days of the British Empire
所以我要講的是 numbered days of Taiwan
借來的時間和空間 borrowed time and space
Collected Short Stories: Volume 2 (W. Somerset Maugham, Penguin Classics; 1992)
The second of four volumes of short stories which reflect Somerset Maugham's wry perception of human foibles and gift for evoking drama from a sense of time and place. Set in Malaya, America and England, they include "Flotsam and Jetsam," "The Man With the Scar" and "The Vessel of Wrath." (amazon) (kindle 2019-9-29)
3:25 AM
這件事你知道所以 Scudder 走進酒吧或AA聚會
我們稱之為 eternal midnight restlessness
所以關鍵在煩躁衝動的動作 (action)
當然你可以抗議那未必是行動 (deed)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
CDC urges people to avoid vaping THC amid lung disease outbreak (2019-9-27)
time travel
watching Clint Eastwood
watching that porn show, between the president of the US, and the young wife of
his elderly loyal friend, in front of him, in Absolute Power (1997), i find
myself unable to stand it, go on watching, as he did; just came back from
gloria outlet, talked with D about time travel on the way, my point is, the
historian would be fascinated, but disappointed, after all, if he did do the
time travel, he would find himself puzzled as before, despite with the benefit
of hindsight, e.g. back to China 1949, he would still not know how and why the
KMT lost China to CCP so badly; this explains what Milan Kundera tried to say,
in the first page, in The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984), only nothing
less than eternal return can promise perfection, 關於歷史 你只有一次機會
一次不完美的機會 而不管你怎麼決定 都會有其後果 都要付出代價
Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy (Bill Gertz, Encounter Books, 2019-9-3)
The United States' approach to China since the Communist regime in Beijing began the period of reform and opening in the 1980s was based on a promise that trade and engagement with China would result in a peaceful, democratic state.
Forty years later the hope of producing a benign People's Republic of China utterly failed. The Communist Party of China deceived the West into believing that the its system and the Party-ruled People's Liberation Army were peaceful and posed no threat. In fact, these misguided policies produced the emergence of a 21st Century Evil Empire even more dangerous than a Cold War version in the Soviet Union.
Successive American presidential administrations were fooled by ill-advised pro-China policymakers, intelligence analysts and business leaders who facilitated the rise not of a peaceful China but a threatening and expansionist nuclear-armed communist dictatorship not focused on a single overriding strategic objective: Weakening and destroying the United States of America.
Defeating the United States is the first step for China's current rulers in achieving global supremacy under a new world order based an ideology of Communism with Chinese characteristics.
The process included technology theft of American companies that took place on a massive scale through cyber theft and unfair trade practices. The losses directly supported in the largest and most significant buildup of the Chinese military that now directly threatens American and allied interests around the world. The military threat is only half the danger as China aggressively pursues regional and international control using a variety of non-military forces, including economic, cyber and space warfare and large-scale influence operations.
Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy details the failure to understand the nature and activities of the dangers posed by China and what the United States can do in taking needed steps to counter the threats. (amazon)
The United States' approach to China since the Communist regime in Beijing began the period of reform and opening in the 1980s was based on a promise that trade and engagement with China would result in a peaceful, democratic state.
Forty years later the hope of producing a benign People's Republic of China utterly failed. The Communist Party of China deceived the West into believing that the its system and the Party-ruled People's Liberation Army were peaceful and posed no threat. In fact, these misguided policies produced the emergence of a 21st Century Evil Empire even more dangerous than a Cold War version in the Soviet Union.
Successive American presidential administrations were fooled by ill-advised pro-China policymakers, intelligence analysts and business leaders who facilitated the rise not of a peaceful China but a threatening and expansionist nuclear-armed communist dictatorship not focused on a single overriding strategic objective: Weakening and destroying the United States of America.
Defeating the United States is the first step for China's current rulers in achieving global supremacy under a new world order based an ideology of Communism with Chinese characteristics.
The process included technology theft of American companies that took place on a massive scale through cyber theft and unfair trade practices. The losses directly supported in the largest and most significant buildup of the Chinese military that now directly threatens American and allied interests around the world. The military threat is only half the danger as China aggressively pursues regional and international control using a variety of non-military forces, including economic, cyber and space warfare and large-scale influence operations.
Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy details the failure to understand the nature and activities of the dangers posed by China and what the United States can do in taking needed steps to counter the threats. (amazon)
李慎之:风雨沧海五十年——国庆夜独语 (1999-10-9)
The Gernsback Continuum (William Gibson, 1981) (b 1948) (b 1948)
Patrick Smith, 2014 (accessible via scribd)
Enlightenment reason is presented as an example of what he terms a ‘grand narrative’: an underlying pattern that resolves historical change into a single, totalising framework. William Gibson’s ‘The Gernsback Continuum’ (1981) effectively illustrates Lyotard’s argument in its tale of a photographer hired to catalogue the remnants of futuristic designs from the 1930s, ‘an architecture of broken dreams’ from when ‘what the public wanted was the future’ (Gibson 1988: 40–1). In the photographer’s mind, these fragments mesh not only with the technological visions of pulp science fiction but also with the Nazi architecture of the same period: ‘The Thirties dreamed white marble and slipstream chrome . . . but the rockets on the covers of the Gernsback pulps had fallen on London in the dead of night, screaming’ (Gibson 1988: 41). Eventually, the photographer’s thoughts become so intermingled that he is haunted by ‘semiotic phantoms’ (Gibson 1988: 44):
They were white, blond, and they probably had blue eyes . . . Here, we’d gone on and on, in a dream logic that knew nothing of pollution, the finite bounds of fossil fuel, or foreign wars it was possible to lose . . . It had all the sinister fruitiness of Hitler Youth propaganda. (Gibson 1988: 47)
Gibson’s explicit link between fascism and technological progress decentres the grand narrative of scientific optimism by arguing that it conceals a covert totalitarianism. However, Gibson’s protagonist only drowns out his ghosts by submitting to another kind of dystopia: the ‘really bad media’ of contemporary culture (Gibson 1988: 48). (The Short Story: An Introduction, by Paul March-Russell, 2009, p. 224)
《血的神话》纪录湖南道县屠杀 (文革)
The Killing Wind: A Chinese County's Descent into Madness during the Cultural Revolution, by Tan Hecheng, Oxford University Press, 2016
This article proposes that the therapist assessing a patient for BDP should attempt to establish a twofold focus that integrates the work of the psychodynamic and nonpsychodynamic contributors to brief therapy. The twofold focus consists of both an external situational or plot focus and an internal psychodynamic focus, which, continuing the literary analogy, can be called the character focus. (Alan Barasch, 1999, p. 51)
When contraindications have been ruled out, when a plot focus and a character focus can be established, and when the informed patient wants a brief therapy—and this may be the case for the majority of patients who ask for our help—then brief dynamic therapy is not only feasible but the treatment of choice. (p. 53)
Substantial experience with BDP shows that it is possible to foster characterologic or dynamic change in brief treatments. By exploring repetitive patterns of conflict, BDP can reveal the deeper meaning beneath current problems. In this regard BDP stands in the middle between the position of nonpsychodynamic brief therapies and the position of many psychoanalytically oriented therapists.
The nonpsychodynamic brief therapies tend to avoid character and try to deal with symptoms directly, for example, by reasoning and correcting faulty cognition (cognitive-behavior therapy), or by suggested solutions to problems and cheerleading (IPT). They select patients by DSM (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnosis and aimfor symptomreduction. They do not use transference to clarify focus or locate the origins of repetitive character patterns in past relationships. (p. 57)
In closing I will offer a few ideas fromthe history of the modern short story. For Edgar Allen Poe, its first modern practitioner, the two key principles of the short story were what he called “singleness of effect”—a particular emotional experience Poe focused on reproducing—and a length brief enough to be read in its entirety in one evening so as to have maximum impact on the mind of the reader.
For Williams James the structure of the short story was that it should be “a situation revealed” (Stegner and Stegner, 1957).
A recent literary handbook (Harmon andHolman, 1996) compares the novel and short story in this way: “The novel… tends to show character developing as the result of actions …. (The short story) may be distinguished fromthe novel in that it tends to reveal character through actions, the purpose of the story being accomplished when the reader comes to know what the true nature of the character is.”
Finally let me quote what WilliamTrevor (1987) has written about Anton Chekhov, perhaps the greatest contributor to the modern short-story form: “Chekhov noticed,” said Trevor, “that there was something the novel could not do: inspired, he fashioned the art of the glimpse” (book jacket of Love and Other Stories).
“The art of the glimpse”: this image might be kept in mind as we try to give brief psychodynamic therapy its distinct status as a separate, vital, psychotherapeutic formin its own right. (p. 58)
When contraindications have been ruled out, when a plot focus and a character focus can be established, and when the informed patient wants a brief therapy—and this may be the case for the majority of patients who ask for our help—then brief dynamic therapy is not only feasible but the treatment of choice. (p. 53)
Substantial experience with BDP shows that it is possible to foster characterologic or dynamic change in brief treatments. By exploring repetitive patterns of conflict, BDP can reveal the deeper meaning beneath current problems. In this regard BDP stands in the middle between the position of nonpsychodynamic brief therapies and the position of many psychoanalytically oriented therapists.
The nonpsychodynamic brief therapies tend to avoid character and try to deal with symptoms directly, for example, by reasoning and correcting faulty cognition (cognitive-behavior therapy), or by suggested solutions to problems and cheerleading (IPT). They select patients by DSM (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnosis and aimfor symptomreduction. They do not use transference to clarify focus or locate the origins of repetitive character patterns in past relationships. (p. 57)
In closing I will offer a few ideas fromthe history of the modern short story. For Edgar Allen Poe, its first modern practitioner, the two key principles of the short story were what he called “singleness of effect”—a particular emotional experience Poe focused on reproducing—and a length brief enough to be read in its entirety in one evening so as to have maximum impact on the mind of the reader.
For Williams James the structure of the short story was that it should be “a situation revealed” (Stegner and Stegner, 1957).
A recent literary handbook (Harmon andHolman, 1996) compares the novel and short story in this way: “The novel… tends to show character developing as the result of actions …. (The short story) may be distinguished fromthe novel in that it tends to reveal character through actions, the purpose of the story being accomplished when the reader comes to know what the true nature of the character is.”
Finally let me quote what WilliamTrevor (1987) has written about Anton Chekhov, perhaps the greatest contributor to the modern short-story form: “Chekhov noticed,” said Trevor, “that there was something the novel could not do: inspired, he fashioned the art of the glimpse” (book jacket of Love and Other Stories).
“The art of the glimpse”: this image might be kept in mind as we try to give brief psychodynamic therapy its distinct status as a separate, vital, psychotherapeutic formin its own right. (p. 58)
short story and short short story
Friday, September 27, 2019
注意聽高文謙先生的發言 要記得他說過
六四讓他落淚的是 看到清華大學老教授們 走在上街的人群中 拿著那張牌子 上面寫著 「跪久了 站起來遛遛」
The Short Story: An Introduction (Paul March-Russell, Edinburgh University Press, 2009)
This new general introduction emphasises the importance of the short story to an understanding of modern fiction.In twenty succinct chapters, the study paints a complete portrait of the short story - its history, culture, aesthetics and economics. European innovators such as Chekhov, Flaubert and Kafka are compared to Irish, New Zealand and British practitioners such as Joyce, Mansfield and Carter as well as writers in the American tradition, from Hawthorne and Poe to Barthelme and Carver.Fresh attention is paid to experimental, postcolonial and popular fiction alongside developments in Anglo-American, Hispanic and European literature. Critical approaches to the short story are debated and reassessed, while discussion of the short story is related to contemporary critical theory. In what promises to be essential reading for students and academics, the study sets out to prove that the short story remains vital to the emerging culture of the twenty-first century. (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
Psychotherapy as a Short Story: Selection and Focus in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy (Alan Barasch, 1999)
Barasch, A.S. (1999). Psychotherapy as a Short Story: Selection and Focus in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy. J. Am. Acad. Psychoanal. Dyn. Psychiatr., 27(1):47-59
The Aesthetics of Ruins: Illustrated by the Author (Value Inquiry Book Series 159) (Robert Ginsberg, Rodopi, 2004) (Ruins)
This book constructs a theory of ruins that celebrates their vitality and unity in aesthetic experience. Its argument draws upon over 100 illustrations prepared in 40 countries. Ruins flourish as matter, form, function, incongruity, site, and symbol. Ruin underlies cultural values in cinema, literature, and philosophy. Finally, ruin guides meditations upon our mortality and endangered world. (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
Ruin and Redemption in Architecture (Dan Barasch (Author), Dylan Thuras (Contributor), Phaidon Press, 2019-4-17)
Lost, forgotten, reimagined, and transformed: the compelling beauty of abandoned, reinvented, and rescued architecture
Ruin and Redemption in Architecture captures the awe-inspiring drama of abandoned, forgotten, and ruined spaces, as well as the extraordinary designs that can bring them back to life - demonstrating that reimagined, repurposed, and abandoned architecture has the beauty and power to change lives, communities, and cities the world over.
The scale and diversity of abandoned buildings is shown through examples from all around the world, demonstrating the extraordinary ingenuity of their transformation by some of the greatest architectural designers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Examples range from Victorian gas holders, imposing railway stations, factories, World War II flak towers and bunkers to Gothic churches and belle époque theaters.
This compelling book also brings to life the fascinating stories behind high-profile projects such as the High Line in New York, Tate Modern in London, the Prada campus in Milan, and Zeitz MOCAA in Cape Town, as well as extraordinary lesser-known abandoned - and regenerated - spaces around the world.
Iconic work from the stars of the 20th century including Marcel Breuer, Louis Sullivan, and Frank Lloyd Wright - as well as extraordinary transformations by such contemporary masters as Jean Nouvel, OMA, Thomas Heatherwick, and Herzog & de Meuron.
Ruin and Redemption in Architecture includes a foreward by Dylan Thuras, co-founder of Atlas Obscura, a guide to the world's most obscure places. (amazon)
Hong Kong May Topple Communism (Gordon G. Chang, WSJ, 2019-9-25)
A constant of Chinese history is that regimes begin to disintegrate along the periphery.
As Hong Kong entered the 16th straight week of unrest, protesters adopted origami cranes as symbols of resistance, sang their new anthem, burned the Chinese national flag, erected barricades, threw petrol bombs and beat opponents unconscious. The protest movement in the semiautonomous region now has taken on characteristics of an insurgency as people across Hong Kong society vigorously challenge local authorities.
The 79-day “Umbrella” protest of 2014, as large as it was, had little lasting effect on Beijing, which has ruled Hong Kong as a “special administrative region” since 1997. This year’s protests are different. “China’s disintegration is now under way,” Arthur Waldron, a China historian at the University of Pennsylvania, told me last month.
In Chinese history, regimes often unravel from the outside in. “Disintegration,” Mr. Waldron told me, “begins at the limits of empire, only to grow, steadily undermining adjacent territory, until the seats of central power are imperiled.” That’s what happened in the 10th century to the mighty Tang dynasty, which, as Mr. Waldron puts it, was “mortally wounded by military disorders remote to the capital.”
Similarly, in the mid-19th century, the Qing dynasty was fatally weakened by the 14-year-long Taiping Rebellion. Starting in southern China not far from Hong Kong, the revolt—actually an attempted revolution—claimed an estimated 20 million lives and displaced tens of millions more. The Manchu Qing rulers held onto power for nearly a half-century longer but never recovered from perhaps the most destructive civil war in history.
Almost every analyst today assumes that one way or another, Beijing will prevail in the current crisis. China’s Communist Party maintains the world’s largest standing army, with more than two million personnel. Some 7,000 are already stationed in Hong Kong. The hard-core protesters dressed in black—a “guerrilla force,” according to American correspondent Michael Yon—number only in the thousands.
Yet despite appearances, Beijing is at a disadvantage. The mass of Hong Kong residents firmly oppose Beijing’s encroachments. The protests, initially over a bill that would have allowed extradition to the mainland, have widened in scope. Now the target is China itself and its effort to eliminate the “one country, two systems” arrangement that had promised Hong Kong a “high degree of autonomy.”
China’s efforts to take over Hong Kong have resulted in a shift in self-identification, especially among younger adults. A recent Hong Kong University survey shows that the share of 18- to 29-year-olds who self-identify as Hong Konger rather than Chinese or mixed has surged to about 75% from 40% a decade ago. Almost nobody in this group believes he is Chinese only. A plurality of residents of all ages now see themselves as Hong Konger only.
Changes in self-identification have fueled a still-small independence movement, which did not exist a decade ago. Whether or not Hong Kongers want to separate fully from China, Beijing has to be concerned by protesters there repeating the line from “The Hunger Games”: “If we burn, you burn with us!”
As protesters clash with police, analysts worry about another Tiananmen, the June 1989 slaughter in Beijing. Soldiers in tanks and armored personnel carriers moved to the center of the capital, killing at will.
I think Chinese leaders know that such a response is not possible this time. Hong Kong’s dense urban landscape—tall buildings and narrow roads and alleys—reduces the advantages of armor and favors defenders, who can occupy the high ground from apartment buildings. Many protesters say they’re willing to fight to the end; eight have committed suicide to dramatize their cause.
The militant demonstrators not only are determined but are becoming an effective fighting force. Mr. Yon, who has observed them from the beginning, told me the emerging contingent of youthful fighters is “breathing, growing, evolving so fast that I am having difficulty tracking its evolution.” Chinese ruler Xi Jinping surely does not want his first war to take years, kill thousands of Chinese, and end in a loss.
The authorities don’t have the ability to clear the streets, and the longer the demonstrations continue, the higher the risk they spread to the mainland. Mainlanders have already crossed the border into Hong Kong to stand with the protesters there—like one earnest young man from Guangdong province who spoke with me earlier this month in front of the Mong Kok police station. He and perhaps 1,000 Hong Kong men and women in surgical masks had squared off with riot police in Darth Vader-type helmets and visors.
The majority of mainlanders have little sympathy for Hong Kongers, but they do have grievances of their own, especially as economic growth slows and Mr. Xi enforces tighter social controls. Beijing has to be worried that ordinary Chinese will be inspired by the boldness of those in Hong Kong, who have inflicted severe political damage on Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and forced her to announce concessions.
Protesters know Beijing is afraid of contagion and have targeted mainland tourists with messages delivered by Apple’s AirDrop app, among other means. They congregate around venues frequented by mainland tourists to press their case.
The protesters have significantly changed the political narrative in Taiwan, which Beijing also considers its rightful possession. Until the Hong Kong protests began, it looked as if a pro-Beijing figure would be elected Taiwan’s president this coming January. Now that’s unlikely. The governing Democratic Progressive Party, sometimes described as “pro-independence,” has shored up support and is expected to retain power.
There will be little for the Chinese Communist Party to celebrate Oct. 1, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic. Its imperial project is stalling and beginning to disintegrate along the periphery.
But refugees from China’s totalitarian rule have reason to be optimistic. A friend of mine fled Mao’s army as it approached Beijing seventy years ago, eventually ending up in New Jersey. She vowed never to return to China as long as the Communist Party ruled and had given up hope of ever going back. Last week, she told my wife she now knows she will soon return. She promises to take us to her favorite restaurant in the capital for a jiaozi dinner.
Mr. Chang is author of “The Coming Collapse of China.”
Thursday, September 26, 2019
中國經濟面臨崩塌 中南海不敢公佈8月1數據 它存在就讓中國經濟跌11%
10:32 PM
drizzle, back from the routine night stroll; 怎麼面對二十前後的混亂 自殘 漂流 放肆 無所謂, lately, heard more than once, they went to rTMS, 50000 dollars per package, ten sessions, like spa; now, this is what i call gimmick 噱頭; 我先前說過 台北需要噱頭 買賣雙方都需要; a gimmick is a promise, expensive, and larger than life; now, back to those wandering young souls, i have no quick fix for them, they are destined to be lost, for a few more years, at least, and the best i can do is to be there, to witness their ups and downs, their searching for a way, through that damned 20-30 so-called defining decade; this is no good news, there is no good news, i know, and they know, it's going to be tough, so tough, that some of them will not survive;
Power Causes Brain Damage (Jerry Useem, The Atlantic, July/Aug 2017)
In Sickness and in Power:
Illnesses in Heads of Government during the Last 100 Years, by David
Owen, Praeger,
中國式關系 (2016)
3:53 AM 弦月在山頭這件事發生在2016年一個不可思議的不貪污的領導綠帽離婚後下海創業失敗仗義為籌鉅款賣身接受一帶一路的神祕任務五年內不可以曝露身分
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Addiction Treatment—A Carlat Guide: Updated Reference Table
Dr. Michael Weaver has updated the designer drug table from his book Addiction Treatment—A Carlat Guide (2017). The new table is expanded to cover more drugs provide more information for each listing.
程晓农:共产党国家必然发生两次价值观剧变 (中国的陷阱与困境|20190925 第36集)
Private Truths, Public Lies:
The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification, by Timur
Kuran, Harvard
University Press, 1998
Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry) (ed. Robert Trestman, Kenneth Appelbaum, Jeffrey Metzner, OUP, 2015)
Correctional psychiatry has received increasing recognition as an area of practice with unique skills and knowledge. The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry brings together American and international experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the field. Students and psychiatric residents will find basic information that prepares them for clinical rotations, and psychiatrists working in jails and prisons will find a detailed review of the complex issues that arise in these settings.
The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry contains 73 chapters divided into 14 sections. The first three sections address history, structure, and processes including chapters on case law, human rights, ethics, organization and funding of systems, and stages of patient management that cover initial assessments through re-entry. The next three sections review in turn a broad array of management issues, emergencies, and psychopharmacology topics. Among other topics, these sections include chapters on sleep, detoxification, reassessment of community diagnoses and treatments, diversion programs, levels of care, malingering, substance use within facilities, and formulary management. Section seven has chapters on common psychiatric disorders, relevant medical disorders, and pain management. Sections eight through ten focus on psychotherapeutic options, suicide risk management, and addictions treatment. Chapters on aggression, self-injury, and other behavioral challenges appear in Section eleven. Section twelve reviews unique assessment and treatment needs of many distinct population groups. Special topics such as forensics, psychological testing, sexual assaults, quality improvement, training, and research, appear in Section thirteen, followed by a section devoted to current resources in correctional healthcare.
The range of topics covered and the number of prominent contributors set this book apart from other available resources. Readers at all stages of their careers will gain the depth of understanding and practical information they need to approach all of the common clinical, organizational, and ethical challenges they face. (amazon)
Correctional psychiatry has received increasing recognition as an area of practice with unique skills and knowledge. The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry brings together American and international experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the field. Students and psychiatric residents will find basic information that prepares them for clinical rotations, and psychiatrists working in jails and prisons will find a detailed review of the complex issues that arise in these settings.
The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry contains 73 chapters divided into 14 sections. The first three sections address history, structure, and processes including chapters on case law, human rights, ethics, organization and funding of systems, and stages of patient management that cover initial assessments through re-entry. The next three sections review in turn a broad array of management issues, emergencies, and psychopharmacology topics. Among other topics, these sections include chapters on sleep, detoxification, reassessment of community diagnoses and treatments, diversion programs, levels of care, malingering, substance use within facilities, and formulary management. Section seven has chapters on common psychiatric disorders, relevant medical disorders, and pain management. Sections eight through ten focus on psychotherapeutic options, suicide risk management, and addictions treatment. Chapters on aggression, self-injury, and other behavioral challenges appear in Section eleven. Section twelve reviews unique assessment and treatment needs of many distinct population groups. Special topics such as forensics, psychological testing, sexual assaults, quality improvement, training, and research, appear in Section thirteen, followed by a section devoted to current resources in correctional healthcare.
The range of topics covered and the number of prominent contributors set this book apart from other available resources. Readers at all stages of their careers will gain the depth of understanding and practical information they need to approach all of the common clinical, organizational, and ethical challenges they face. (amazon)
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Trajectories of prescription drug misuse during the transition from late adolescence into adulthood in the USA: a national longitudinal multicohort study (The Lancet, Psychiatry, 2019-9-19)
Prescription drug misuse is most prevalent during young adulthood (ages 18–25 years). We aimed to identify prescription drug misuse trajectories for three drug classes (opioids, stimulants, and sedatives or tranquilisers) from adolescence into adulthood, assess the extent to which different trajectories are associated with symptoms of substance use disorder, and identity factors associated with high-risk prescription drug misuse trajectories.
For this longitudinal multicohort study, nationally representative probability samples of 51 223 adolescents in the USA were followed up across eight waves from age 18 years (cohorts 1976–96) to age 35 years. Data were collected via self-administered paper questionnaires.
Five prescription drug misuse trajectories were identified and the defining characteristic that differentiated the five trajectories was the age when past-year prescription drug misuse high frequency peaked: rare or no misuse at any age, peak at age 18 years, peak at ages 19–20 years, peak at age 23–24 years, and peak at ages 27–28 years. Similar prescription drug misuse trajectories were identified for each prescription drug class. The later peak misuse trajectory for sedatives and tranquilisers crested at an older age (35 years) than that for the other drug classes. Prescription drug misuse trajectories were all associated with significantly greater odds of having two or more substance use disorder symptoms at age 35 years, especially the later peak trajectories. In controlled analyses, risk factors associated with the high-risk latest peak prescription drug misuse trajectory included high school heavy drinking, cigarette smoking, marijuana use, poly-prescription drug misuse, white race, and not completing a 4-year university degree.
Prescription drug misuse trajectories are heterogeneous, and any high-frequency prescription drug misuse is a strong risk factor for development of substance use disorders during adulthood, especially later-peak prescription drug misuse trajectories. These findings might help practitioners identify individuals at greatest risk for substance use disorders and target intervention strategies.
6:42 AM
DNS s/p CO intoxication
Delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome — In up to 40 percent of patients with significant CO exposure, a syndrome of delayed neurologic sequelae (DNS) can arise 3 to 240 days after apparent recovery. Characterized by variable degrees of cognitive deficits, personality changes, movement disorders, and focal neurologic deficits, DNS generally occur within 20 days of CO poisoning, and deficits may persist for a year or longer.
The development of DNS correlates poorly with COHb levels, although the majority of cases are associated with loss of consciousness during acute intoxication.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Sunday, September 22, 2019
老全交待大家私下看看就好不要傳閱 - 中央三股经济权力的搏杀及接班人分析
business model (所謂改革開放開始) = corruption
model (太子黨公然掠奪) = sophisticated
broker model (水深莫測的白手套系統) = 太子黨分贓完畢 草民中國人蒙主隆恩感恩戴德後
= 韓正 (江派) 胡春華 (團派) 丁薛祥 (習派) = 草民中國人 繼續吃草五千年 仰望皇帝們喝特供茅台 = 第四股力量 老全沒說 賣個關子
社保才是真暴雷 国企股权划转社保杯水车薪/王剑每日财经观察