These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Friday, January 31, 2020
48 (Max Scheler)
1/31 8:29 PM, 既然要戴口罩剃鬚顯然多餘我所理解的自體心理學是撐不下去的人的心理學這種人不是 Max Scheler 講的面對浩瀚宇宙的那個多愁善感的人所以恐怕他也幫不上忙雖然Manfred Frings 說 Scheler 的哲學是人的哲學或哲學的人類學撐不下去的人顯然沒有辦法挺立太久這件事我知道讓人好奇的是為什麼他還勉強站著不躺下去 what sustains him, after all 他一定有甚麼舒壓的招式比如說喝得大醉或一些讓人忘懷昨天和今天的好習慣回到上述與 Scheler 或 Heidegger 的對照我想最大的問題在我想的跟他們兩個想的是不同的世界我見到的是猥瑣不堪但又不得不苟延殘喘下去的世界這種世界沒有天使沒有經文沒有救贖只有兩雙拖鞋這是我剛剛去頂好買的我想讓人撐下去的不是理性而是理性疲憊放假之際的非理性就像卡謬的瘟疫裡那兩個深夜出俄蘭城去海裡短暫游泳的人 9:00 PM, decide to go to London this July, to attend Aco's graduation, then to Eidenberg, to pay homage to Fairbairn 2/1 9:00 AM, 人類是唯一跨物種有能力用科技文明干預大自然演化的物種 1:00 PM, H2 one AAD; quit by June; 3:00 PM, H2 one ADHD and bipolar disorder, agitation; 9:30 PM, one ER, r/o bipolar disorder, adm; 2/2 8:20 AM, one ER, bipolar disorder, s/p self-injurious behavior, hsitory of dissociation (+), adm; 7:30 PM, A7 one fever; 2/3 5:20 AM, H3 one bipolar disorder, manic recurrence, poor sleep all night;
WHO Declares Public Health Emergency Over Coronavirus; Person-to-Person Transmission Confirmed in U.S. (NEJM, Journal Watch, 2020-1-30)
At a news conference, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasized that this is "not a vote of no confidence in China ... WHO continues to have confidence in China's capacity to control the outbreak."
In fact, this seriously-and-cordially-academically-eager-to-please-CCP guy said it twice, which must mean something very serious and cordial and academic and eager-to-please.
At a news conference, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasized that this is "not a vote of no confidence in China ... WHO continues to have confidence in China's capacity to control the outbreak."
In fact, this seriously-and-cordially-academically-eager-to-please-CCP guy said it twice, which must mean something very serious and cordial and academic and eager-to-please.
Epigenetic Regulation in the Nervous System: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Impact (ed. J. David Sweatt, Michael J. Meaney, Eric J. Nestler, Schahram Akbarian, Academic Press, 2012) (Epigenetics)
Epigenetic Regulation in the Nervous System addresses current understanding of the roles of epigenetic processes at the molecular/cellular level, their impact on neural development and behavior, and the potential roles of these mechanisms in neurological and psychiatric disorders. This award-winning volume spans molecular epigenetics, development, cellular physiology and biochemistry, synaptic and neural plasticity, and behavioral models, and is unique in covering epigenetically based disorders of the central nervous system.
Behavioral epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors alter behavior, addressing the fundamental mechanisms that shape development and individual vulnerability/resilience to adverse behavioral outcomes. By understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in epigenetic modulation, researchers may be able to develop targeted therapies for those individuals in whom it malfunctions.
Edited by the most highly regarded leaders in the field, this book offers a comprehensive review of behavioral epigenetics and a balanced treatment of the strengths and weaknesses in experimentation in this area. Covering background material as well as topics of current interest, it serves both as a cutting-edge resource and a foundational reference. The book will benefit neuroscience researchers and graduate students with an interest in the links between gene regulation and behavior, as will clinicians dealing with disorders such as addiction, depression, and schizophrenia.
- BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 - Highly Commended, Neurology, British Medical Association
- BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 - First Prize, Neurology, British Medical Association
- 2013 PROSE Award winner for Best in Reference Works and Best Single Volume Reference in Science from the Association of American Publishers
- Presents a unified view of epigenetic mechanisms from behavior to genes and everything in between
- Discusses clinically relevant disorders in the context of epigenetics research, making the volume appealing to clinicians as well as basic scientists
- Provides numerous practical examples for the new investigator to facilitate implementation of research in neuroepigenetics (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
Epigenetics in Psychiatry (ed. Jacob Peedicayil, Dennis R. Grayson, Dimitri Avramopoulos, Academic Press, 2014) (Epigenetics)
Epigenetics in Psychiatry covers all major areas of psychiatry in which extensive epigenetic research has been performed, fully encompassing a diverse and maturing field, including drug addiction, bipolar disorder, epidemiology, cognitive disorders, and the uses of putative epigenetic-based psychotropic drugs. Uniquely, each chapter correlates epigenetics with relevant advances across genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. The book acts as a catalyst for further research in this potentially very important and useful area of psychiatry.
The elucidation of basic principles of epigenetic biology points to the creation of more optimal and effective therapies for major classes of psychiatric disease. In this regard, epigenetic therapy, the use of drugs to correct epigenetic defects, may help in the pharmacotherapy of patients with these disorders. With time, such advances may eventually point to replacements for psychotropic drugs presently of symptomatic value and low efficacy. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that other forms of treatment commonly used in the management of psychiatric disorders, like psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy, may also act by epigenetic mechanisms.
- Chapters review fascinating new areas of research across neuronal stem cells, cognitive disorders, and transgenerational epigenetics through drug addiction
- Relates broad advances in psychiatric epigenetics to a modern understanding of the genome, transcriptome, and protein
- Catalyzes knowledge discovery in both basic epigenetic biology and clinical application as epigenetic targets for drug discovery (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Epigenetics (ed. Dag Yasui, Jacob Peedicayil, Dennis R. Grayson, Academic Press, 2016) (Epigenetics)
Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Epigenetics is a comprehensive reference for the epigenetic basis of most common neuropsychiatric disorders. The volume is organized into chapters representing individual neuropsychiatric disorders, from addition to obesity contributed by leading experts in their respective fields. The epigenetic aspects of each disorder are discussed, in the context of the full range of epigenetic mechanisms including DNA modification, histone post-translational modification, chromatin organization and non-coding RNA. A particular emphasis is placed on potential epigenetic interventions, when the effects of environmental stimuli on epigenetic states is particularly relevant o disease.
Recent discoveries in epigenetic research enabled by epic advances in genomic technologies have positioned the field for broad translation to therapeutic interventions for previously unmanageable disorders Neuropsychiatric disorders represent a prime target of epigenetic interventions as they are highly debilitating, often chronic diseases with enormous costs to society. Thus, this volume will help define epigenetics as a key player in neuropsychiatric disorders, highlighting the full spectrum of epigenetic mechanisms underlying such disorders and introducing the vast range of epigenetic therapies under development.
- Analyzes the effects of environmental stimuli on epigenetic states that correlate with neuropsychiatric disease induction
- Reviews the epigenetic basis for common neuropsychiatric disorders, thereby guiding translational therapies for clinicians and mechanistic studies for scientists
- Extensive use of diagrams, illustrations, tables, and graphical abstracts for each section providing rapid assessment (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
Malignant Narcissism and Power (Charles Zeiders, Routledge, 2019-12-17)
Using psychodynamic theory and riveting case material, this book dissects the figure of the malignant narcissist leader (MNL). Across the world today, individuals and societies are impacted by unprecedented disruptive influences, from globalization and climate change to economic uncertainty and mass migration. The rise of populists and would-be saviors has promised certainty for anxious populations, but how far are such leaders suffering from the MNL pathology?
Through the psychoanalytic lens of Otto Kernberg, the authors explain the etiology of the charismatic MNL’s clinical features: charisma, grandiosity, criminality, sadism, and paranoia. The book outlines the limitations and complexity of diagnosis, contextualizing the MNL within the transcendental and millenarian movements, and discusses the patho-dynamics of high-pressure groups and totalitarian regimes, including types of groups, methods of mind control, categories of constituents, the corporate totalitarian state, and the authoritarian demagogue. The book looks at a wide range of leaders including Donald Trump, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Roger Ailes, Keith Raniere, Jan of Leiden, and Credonia Mwerinde.
Distinguishing the disordered personality of the MNL from other personality disorders, and presenting a new model of overlapping descriptors to categorize high-pressure group types and identifying types of followers as well, this book represents essential reading for psychodynamically minded psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, sociologists, political scientists, and those working in organizational development. (amazon) (kindle 2020-1-31) (refund 2020-2-3)
why Max Scheler (Daseinsanalysis)
起因是想知道Viktor Frankl受了他甚麼影響因為1911-1919他曾流浪十年因為1920s他曾是重要的哲學聲音因為1924他就洞察納粹和共產主義的興起會給人類帶來災難因為納粹把他的書列為禁書因為他的現象學不是胡塞爾的現象學因為他用德文寫出非德文因為他的出發點是人終點也是人因為他念頭多到無法形成系統因為他結了三次婚
Max Scheler (How does psychology of the self read Daseinsanalysis?)
Despite the aphoristic versatility which mark Scheler's work from a methodological viewpoint, it is a commonly agreed upon practice to distinguish in his productivity three periods, which follow from the writings themselves. The first period ends about 1910, in which he was primarily occupied with Kant and Rudolf Eucken, who was his teacher at Jena. He is also increasingly interested during this first period in Nietzsche, Dilthey, and Bergson. Besides his Dissertation and Habilitation (the latter is something like a second doctoral dissertation required in German universities to receive the rank of "Dozent," corresponding to something like associate professor in America), the following are the main works of this period: Das Ressentiment und Moralisches Werturteil, Versuche einer Philosophie des Lebens, Zur Rehabilitierung der Tugend, and some treatises in vol. X ( Nachlass), as well as other works published in vol. I. In his second period of productivity, 1910-1921, Scheler wrote the following major works: Zur Phänomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegefühle und Von Liebe und Hass ( 2nd ed. as "Wesen und Formen der Sympathie"), Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die Materiale Wertethik, Vom Ewigen im Menschen, and some treatises of vol. X. This period is characterized by applied phenomenology. Scheler's last period shows an increased tendency to emphasize the notion of "Drang" and "Trieb" (urge and drive). In many respects, Scheler breaks with previous opinions, especially with respect to religion. In the preface of Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft, 1925, he speaks of deep perturbations (Erschütterungen) in his religious ideas, which have developed during the past 5 years, and in the preface to the third edition of the Formalismus, 1926, he speaks of fundamental changes of opinion in the question of absolute being, emphasizing that one could no longer call him a theist in the traditional sense of that term. Many other valuable signs and hints to his change of thought during this period are contained in Scheler's speech: Die Formen des Wissens und die Bildung ( IX, 73-182, esp. footnotes), and Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos. In Philosophische Weltanschauung he has reached a point of almost daring formulations of a dynamic panentheism, in which the spirit, by itself impotent (ohnmächtiger Geist), and the strong urge (i.e., Drang, a word for which there is no adequate English term) are the two constituting factors in man and God, man becoming the place of deification. (M.F., 1997, pp. 6-7)
wondering if Scheler ever read about psychoanlaysis? (2020-1-31)
wondering if Scheler ever read about psychoanlaysis? (2020-1-31)
person and dasein (Manfred Frings, 1969) (How does psychology of the self read Daseinsanalysis?)
There can be no question that Scheler's philosophy would have evidenced new impetus through Sein und Zeit in his planned works, and perhaps his ideas as a whole cannot be adequately evaluated without a detailed investigation into the relation he had to the problematic of Sein und Zeit. I have contributed to this effect in Person und Dasein ( 1969). It is of extreme importance that in future research Scheler's ideas in this respect will be more exhibited.(M.F., 1997, p. 4)
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Epigenetics and addiction
Domesticated: Evolution in a Man-Made World (Richard C. Francis, W. W. Norton & Company, 2016) (Epigenetics)
Without domestication, civilization as we know it would not exist.
Since that fateful day when the first wolf decided to stay close to human hunters, humans and their various animal companions have thrived far beyond nearly all wild species on earth. Tameness is the key trait in the domestication of cats, dogs, horses, cows, and other mammals, from rats to reindeer. Surprisingly, with selection for tameness comes a suite of seemingly unrelated alterations, including floppy ears, skeletal and coloration changes, and sex differences. It’s a package deal known as the domestication syndrome, elements of which are also found in humans. Our highly social nature―one of the keys to our evolutionary success―is due to our own tameness. In Domesticated, Richard C. Francis weaves history and anthropology with cutting-edge ideas in genomics and evo devo to tell the story of how we domesticated the world, and ourselves in the process. (amazon)
Lamarck's Revenge: How Epigenetics Is Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Evolution's Past and Present (Peter Ward, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018) (Epigenetics)
Epigenetics upends natural selection and genetic mutation as the sole engines of evolution, and offers startling insights into our future heritable traits.
In the 1700s, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck first described epigenetics to explain the inheritance of acquired characteristics; however, his theory was supplanted in the 1800s by Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection through heritable genetic mutations. But natural selection could not adequately explain how rapidly species re-diversified and repopulated after mass extinctions. Now advances in the study of DNA and RNA have resurrected epigenetics, which can create radical physical and physiological changes in subsequent generations by the simple addition of a single small molecule, thus passing along a propensity for molecules to attach in the same places in the next generation.
In the 1700s, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck first described epigenetics to explain the inheritance of acquired characteristics; however, his theory was supplanted in the 1800s by Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection through heritable genetic mutations. But natural selection could not adequately explain how rapidly species re-diversified and repopulated after mass extinctions. Now advances in the study of DNA and RNA have resurrected epigenetics, which can create radical physical and physiological changes in subsequent generations by the simple addition of a single small molecule, thus passing along a propensity for molecules to attach in the same places in the next generation.
Epigenetics is a complex process, but paleontologist and astrobiologist Peter Ward breaks it down for general readers, using the epigenetic paradigm to reexamine how the history of our species―from deep time to the outbreak of the Black Plague and into the present―has left its mark on our physiology, behavior, and intelligence. Most alarming are chapters about epigenetic changes we are undergoing now triggered by toxins, environmental pollutants, famine, poor nutrition, and overexposure to violence.
Lamarck’s Revenge is an eye-opening and provocative exploration of how traits are inherited, and how outside influences drive what we pass along to our progeny. (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
If the human genome is like a computer that tells our bodies how to grow and function, our epigenome is like the software that runs the computer. Remarkably, this software can be influenced by conditions in our environment. (How Epigenetics Works, by Robert Lamb, pdf, accessible via scribd)
Lamarck’s Revenge is an eye-opening and provocative exploration of how traits are inherited, and how outside influences drive what we pass along to our progeny. (amazon) (accessible via scribd)
If the human genome is like a computer that tells our bodies how to grow and function, our epigenome is like the software that runs the computer. Remarkably, this software can be influenced by conditions in our environment. (How Epigenetics Works, by Robert Lamb, pdf, accessible via scribd)