Gratitude (Oliver Sacks, 2015) (1933-2015)

During the last few months of his life, he wrote a set of essays in which he movingly explored his feelings about completing a life and coming to terms with his own death.

“It is the fate of every human being,” Sacks writes, “to be a unique individual, to find his own path, to live his own life, to die his own death.”

Together, these four essays form an ode to the uniqueness of each human being and to gratitude for the gift of life.

“Oliver Sacks was like no other clinician, or writer. He was drawn to the homes of the sick, the institutions of the most frail and disabled, the company of the unusual and the ‘abnormal.’ He wanted to see humanity in its many variants and to do so in his own, almost anachronistic way—face to face, over time, away from our burgeoning apparatus of computers and algorithms. And, through his writing, he showed us what he saw.” — Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal (amazon) 

4:12 AM (Daseinsanalysis)

喜歡跟狗說爪哇語通常反應不錯不錯是沒有錯的意思連青蛙都累不成調 4:51 晨起的鳥接手此時微曦初現近日讀 Cyberpsychology (John Suler) 精神分析人本心理學質性研究的路數這是不尋常的右腦醒過來後你失去的是左腦線性邏輯主導一切的秩序有點像迷路加拿大荒野和巴黎街頭出獄前又被多判五年半我知道出獄後要去哪裡就是去那裡都無所謂 Bill Gates 這個混帳東西吃人夠夠後居然和中共合夥做滅絕人類買賣我可以理解貪但無法理解無底線的貪我可以理解惡但無法理解無底線的惡當無底線的貪加上無底線的惡你就知道中共病毒戰是怎麼回事

不值和徹底不值 (Daseinsanalysis)





Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum (William Foote Whyte, 1943) (accessible via scribd) (1914-2000)


The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis (Short Circuits) (Aaron Schuster, The MIT Press, 2016)

An investigation into the strange and troublesome relationship to pleasure that defines the human being, drawing on the disparate perspectives of Deleuze and Lacan.
Is pleasure a rotten idea, mired in negativity and lack, which should be abandoned in favor of a new concept of desire? Or is desire itself fundamentally a matter of lack, absence, and loss? This is one of the crucial issues dividing the work of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Lacan, two of the most formidable figures of postwar French thought. Though the encounter with psychoanalysis deeply marked Deleuze's work, we are yet to have a critical account of the very different postures he adopted toward psychoanalysis, and especially Lacanian theory, throughout his career. In The Trouble with Pleasure, Aaron Schuster tackles this tangled relationship head on. The result is neither a Lacanian reading of Deleuze nor a Deleuzian reading of Lacan but rather a systematic and comparative analysis that identifies concerns common to both thinkers and their ultimately incompatible ways of addressing them. Schuster focuses on drive and desire―the strange, convoluted relationship of human beings to the forces that move them from within―“the trouble with pleasure."
Along the way, Schuster offers his own engaging and surprising conceptual analyses and inventive examples. In the “Critique of Pure Complaint” he provides a philosophy of complaining, ranging from Freud's theory of neurosis to Spinoza's intellectual complaint of God and the Deleuzian great complaint. Schuster goes on to elaborate, among other things, a theory of love as “mutually compatible symptoms”; an original philosophical history of pleasure, including a hypothetical Heideggerian treatise and a Platonic theory of true pleasure; and an exploration of the 1920s “literature of the death drive,” including Thomas Mann, Italo Svevo, and Blaise Cendrars. (amazon) (accessible via scribd)

Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans Become Electric (John R. Suler, Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Based on two decades of participant-observation field research in diverse online environments, this engaging book offers insights for improving lifestyles and enhancing wellbeing in the digital age. John R. Suler, a founder of the field of cyberpsychology, explains its fundamental principles across a wide variety of topics, including online identity management, disinhibition, communication via text and photographs, intimacy and misunderstandings in online relationships, conflicting attitudes toward social media, addiction, deviant behavior, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and media overload. He provides a new framework, the 'Eight Dimensions of Cyberpsychology Architecture', which researchers, students, and general readers interested in cyberpsychology can apply as a valuable tool for creating and understanding different digital realms. Psychology of the Digital Age focuses on the individual, shedding new light on our conscious as well as subconscious reactions to online experiences and our intrinsic human need to self-actualize. (amazon) (kindle 2020-4-28)

see also

Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis (ed. Salman Akhtar, Stuart Twemlow, Routledge, 2018)

The Textbook of Applied Psychoanalysis is a unique and original contribution to the field of psychoanalysis. Emphasizing and underscoring the need for interdisciplinary discourse in understanding the dialectical relationship between mind and culture, this volume addresses a multiplicity of realms. These include anthropology, religion, philosophy, history, as well as evolutionary psychology, medicine, race, poverty, migration, and prejudice. Dimensions of social praxis such as education, health policy, and cyberpsychology are also addressed. The enrichment of our understanding of the fine arts (e.g. painting, sculpture, poetry) and performing arts (e.g. music, dance, cinema) by the application of psychoanalytic principles and the enhancement of psychoanalysis by bringing such arts to bear upon it also form areas of this book's concern. This magisterial volume brings distinguished psychoanalysts, philosophers, musicians, poets, businessmen, architects, and movie critics together to create a chorus of modern, anthropologically-informed and culturally sensitive psychoanalysis. (amazon) 

William Franke

On What Cannot Be Said: Apophatic Discourses in Philosophy, Religion, Literature, and the Arts. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007. Edited with Theoretical and Critical Essays by William Franke. Vol. I: Classic Formulations; Vol. II: Modern and Contemporary Transformations.

A Philosophy of the Unsayable. University of Notre Dame Press, 2014 (accessible via scribd)

5:06 AM (Daseinsanalysis)










this is not conspiracy (Daseinsanalysis)

假新聞(Fake News)可分兩種一是無意之錯誤的新聞(Misinformation)一是有意之錯誤的新聞(Disinformation)前者無知尚可原諒後者陰謀無法原諒後者之輿論引導策略極多比如說鯊魚理論高速製造話題轉移焦點遂把重要的信息淹沒在花邊信息的汪洋大海以至於不被注意等同消失比如說豢養專家編造論述講得天花亂墜頭頭是道比如說選擇性地強調不重要的議題(straw-man argument)比如說利用社交媒體大量隨地屎尿製造所謂民意


我要說的存有分析 (Dasinesanalysis)


存有從來都非抽象 我想講的存有分析 必須緊扣親歷之當代處境 重走一次 Kundera越過邊界前 走過的路 

存有的難題 不是刻意去找的 是被迫面對的 比如說 兩岸的毀滅的局 比如說 六十七十的局 比如說 生活方式(lifestyle)的決定 比如說 一事無成的結局

話語系統 如同任何系統 是為了馴化生命而設 所以 存有分析 非構建話語系統 可謂拆解話語系統 再看 那個存有 還能剩下甚麼殘渣

必須是從個人的真切的經驗出發的 所以必然是具體的現象學的反思的 上述說明過往者可以幫的忙有限 包括海德格 卡夫卡 卡謬 Samuel Beckett, J.G. Ballard, Vasily Grossman, Carlo Strenger

存有是被迫面對的 不是空想臆想的 是身處絕境的 無路可走的 捉襟見肘的 兩難抉擇的 是必然失敗的殘局 但又無法棄而不顧 這時你告訴我 為甚麼不退轉 為甚麼能不退轉

我相信地下文化(underground culture) 但台灣沒有地下 這時 我看著窗外 已經甦醒的山


Philip Cushman講的是 Empty Self à Multiple Self 這不讓人意外 因為現代的空洞 必然後現代四散 然後用新興藥物權錢追逐科技掛帥的thrill填補 我承認這是普世的局 但生在台灣 面對無人性的中國 我的題目 不是Empty 也不是Multiple (也不是Carlo Strenger講的Cosmopolitanism) 

而是Self in Siege 所以 這是生存底線受威脅的存有 符合我所理解的Psychology of the Self的本質 我想講的存有 不過是生存 (survive)  這說明了我的折翼的侷限 但這是真實的現實 從未展翅高飛

這或許說明 靈性(Spiritual)對我 是遙不可及的奢侈 我疼惜在壕溝裡猛力搔抓陰囊的斷腿士兵 請你告訴我 陰囊的靈性癢不癢

首先 你要知道 為什麼步兵(foot soldier) 才會猛力搔抓陰囊 (serious scrotum-scratching) 因為很久沒有洗澡 因為浸泡沼澤 因為發霉 意思是說 香港腳的陰囊

這是 為什麼 一般說來 空軍海軍長得比較文雅的原因


存有和敘事 有甚麼關係

昨天遇見Cyberpsychology John Suler, Mary Aiken
Cyber space 尤其是社交媒體 我們當前的存有方式
我不喜 不用 社交媒體
故 我不存在
所以 我在另一個地方 (somewhere else)
地方 (place) 不等同於 空間 (space)
地方 是地理學概念 必須具體
空間 是物理學概念 顯然抽象
我先前說過 不能抽象 而已

還有 速度 是關鍵
Kundera 去城堡 那天 說過
速度 和時間 (time) 和注意力 (attention) 和等待 (waiting) 有關
你我都知道  我們這個年頭 已經 沒有人 等待果陀

我們 在等甚麼 ?

C君提到 帶領敘事團體者 (或治療者) 是否需要自我揭露 因此才算誠實
是不是 自我揭露 才有互為主體的誠意 ?

Y君提到 敘事得以成立 是因為surrender (to someone?) 好像默默 把自己交給對方 其實 是說給對方聽的 寫給對方看的
Surrender 等不等於 abide (to abide with) ?
如果是 那surrender就是 詮釋學的前提

我知道 接下來 是未知的行程

昨天 看到把Delica 改裝成Camper Van 的視頻
這樣 比起全新VW California 大概 可以 省兩百萬
關鍵是 太陽能板 家電 瓦斯爐 水箱 水槽 床
意思是說 如果 你不開伙 不洗澡 席地隨便睡
你根本不必 這麼 費事

隨便 是關鍵字

移動的家 (Mobile Home) 這是 他們說
所以 關鍵是 你 對家的想像

Jack Reacher 的家 放在他的口袋
那是 沒有Van Van Life

這個世界 還有沒有 正常的河流 正常的樹 正常的天空 正常的牛 正常的蟲 正常的人

supposed to be 1 (Daseinsanalysis)

4/27 5:13 AM, 微曦; 4/28 3:47 AM, two consults to go; 

Buddhism and Psychotherapy (Daseinsanalysis)

1.    The Resonance of Emptiness: A Buddhist Inspiration for Contemporary Psychotherapy, by Gay Watson, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002 (google play)
2.    Beyond Happiness: Deepening the Dialogue between Buddhism, Psychotherapy and the Mind Sciences, by Gay Watson, Routledge, 2019 (accessible via scribd)
3.    A Philosophy of Emptiness, by Gay Watson, Reaktion Books, 2014 (accessible via scribd)
4. (A Buddhist Inspiration For A Contemporary Psychotherapy, Gay Watson's PhD Thesis, 1996) 

Gay Watson trained as a psychotherapist with the Karuna Institute of Core Process Psychotherapy, a Buddhist inspired psychotherapy. Concurrently she attained a first class honors degree followed by a doctorate in the field of Buddhist Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies of London University. She is the author of Resonance of Emptiness: A Buddhist Inspiration for a Contemporary Psychotherapy (RoutledgeCurzon, 2001) and coeditor of The Psychology of Awakening (Samuel Weiser, 2001). She is currently associated with The Karuna Institute and Sharpham College of Buddhism and Contemporary Inquiry, and a member of the editorial board of Contemporary Buddhism. She lives in Devon, UK, and is a Trustee of the Dartington Hall Trust. (amazon) 


但我更珍惜破碎的笨拙的不協調的不成曲調的沒有目的的沒有結果的動作比如說用力搔陰囊(serious scrotum-scratching)或少林寺出家做一個不知敬畏的和尚

關於敘事的聯想 (2020-4-25)

1. 起因是昨天下午 在竹北聽到成老師說人智學和敘事 用人智學來讀敘事 把敘事放進人智學的架構 所以昨天下午 他講的是 當人本心理學遇見人智學 以至於歸於人智學

2. 歸 是關鍵字

3. 流浪的 無家可歸的敘事 在尋找歸鄉的家

4. 敘事的本質 就是說故事(storytelling) 是為了處理(make sense)存在的經驗

5. 歷史學家的敘事 是史詩的(epic) 個人的敘事 是抒情的(lyrical) 小說家的敘事 是藝術的(artistic) 陌生人的敘事 是小酒吧和暗夜的(down those mean streets)

6. 你可以說 一個敘事 好聽 或不好聽 但它永遠不會是不重要的(insignificant) 瑣碎的(trivial) 如果它找到了一個形狀

7. 個別心理治療 是一個人和另一個人之間的 敘事和聽到一個敘事

8. 團體治療 是幾個人之間 彼此敘事 和聽到彼此的敘事

9. 敘事書寫團體 是幾個人之間 書寫敘事 和讀到彼此的敘事的文本

10. 所以 (7)(8)只是聲音的經驗 (9)除了聲音的經驗 也包含書寫的文字的經驗

11. 書寫 讓敘事 得以重複端詳 反覆修改 添加刪除

12. (9)會不會 是一個非常長的書寫的馬拉松團體

13. (7)(8)的心理動力 用精神分析的語言 是移情和反移情 當然(7)的心理動力是團體動力 包括團體成員彼此之間 各自和帶領者之間 和整個團體之間

14. (9)類似(8) 也會有複雜的團體動力 雖然(8)的本意 並非治療

15. 回到剛剛講的歸 忐忑不安的 背負回憶的敘事者 終於 掏心掏肺的敘事 有人聽到 有人見證 有人理解 有人感動 有人落淚(包括敘事者本身)

16. 這算不算歸

17. (7)(8)的場域 治療者(個別和團體治療者) 往往多事 還會加上解釋(interpretation)

18. 解釋 會不會傷害了歸?

19. 解釋的本質 是不是馴化(tame)了 那個敘事?

20. 馴化 算不算 歸? (家的本質 是不是馴化?)

21. 我先前說過 心理治療的理論 不過是為了 讓治療者 不要害怕 不要驚恐 不要大叫 不要失控

22. 所以 治療者 能耐得住 聽進去 怎麼樣的敘事 決定了 那個敘事 會不會夭折 會不會被馴化 的命運

23. 意思是說 治療者 要當心 不要把 他有幸目睹的敘事 硬塞進去 他的信以為真的話語系統

24. 意思是說 話語系統 畢竟 不是歸鄉

25. 暗夜行路 歸鄉猶遙

26. 讓我們祝福 那些流浪的敘事

27. 不要急著 找到他們的家

Civilization in Transition (Volume 10, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (1875-1961)

It includes papers focusing on the upheaval in Germany, and two major works of Jung's last years, The Undiscovered Self  (1957) (accessible via scribd) and Flying Saucers (The Undiscovered Self, 1957)

Bannon: Chinese Communist Party Is "Knowingly Responsible" For Pandemic, Should Be Nervous Trump Is Asking About It (2020-4-19)

Former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon told FNC's Maria Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures" that President Trump's suggestion Saturday that maybe the Chinese government "deliberately" did not inform the world health organization or other countries about the early coronavirus outbreak.

Bannon said China knew as early as December 2019 that the virus was spreading from human to human but told the world health organization in Mid-January that it was not. "This is about the Chinese Communist Party, and they are knowingly responsible for what happened," he said.

TRUMP: Now, the question was asked, would you be angry at China? Well, the answer might very well be a very resounding yes. But it depends. Was it a mistake that got out of control, or was it done deliberately, OK? There's a big difference between those two. In either event, they should have let us go in. You know, we asked to go in very early, and they didn't want us in. I think they were embarrassed.

MARIA BARTIROMO: Steve, that was the first time the president actually publicly raised the question of, was it deliberate? I found that stunning.

You haven't heard the president raise such an issue before. Your reaction?

STEVE BANNON: One of the key phrases the president used -- and I think, if I was in Beijing, I'd be very nervous right now -- he said, knowingly responsible, knowingly responsible.

And I think -- let's set aside for a second, this is a biological Chernobyl. But let's set aside a second the lab, and did it leak out of the lab with a technician on trying to find a vaccine? Let's leave aside the fact that, were they doing gain of function experiments there, against everybody's knowledge?

Let's leave aside for a second whether they have an offensive biological weapons program. That's all going to be investigated. As Pompeo and Senator Cotton says, that's all now being investigated by intelligence services, by the world's health organizations, et cetera.

Let's go back to knowingly responsible. And let's be precise. This is not the Chinese people and this is not China. The Chinese people, the decent, hardworking people of China, are the single biggest victims here.


BANNON: This is about the Chinese Communist Party, and they are knowingly responsible for what happened.

This is an act of commission. They knew, as a matter of fact, no later than the last week of December of 2019, they knew they had human-to-human transmission and community spread.

疫情至此 (Daseinsanalysis)




還是鬧大後才搞清楚被迫順勢善後 (這點難以置信)


對一個地方的感情 (Daseinsanalysis)






3:25 AM (Daseinsanalysis)



Howard Bacal說你學了那個






這明顯是譫妄的複視 (diplopia)






Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung (Gary Bobroff, Arcturus, 2020-4-1)

Carl Jung was the founder of analytical psychology who revolutionized the way we approached the human psyche. Drawing on Eastern mysticism, mythology and dream analysis to develop his theories, Jung proposed many ideas which are still influential today, including introversion, extroversion and the collective unconscious.

Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung introduces psychologist Jung's ideas in an engaging and easy-to-understand format. Jungian psychology expert Gary Bobroff breaks down the concepts of the psyche, collective unconscious, archetypes, personality types and more in this concise book. He also explores the influence on Eastern philosophy and religion on Jung's ideas, and how spiritualism enriched his theories.

With useful diagrams and bullet-point summaries at the end of each chapter, this book provides an essential introduction to this influential figure and explains the relevance of Jung's ideas to the modern world. (amazon) (kindle 2020-4-24)

ABOUT THE SERIES: The 'Knowledge in a Nutshell' series by Arcturus Publishing provides engaging introductions to many fields of knowledge, including philosophy, psychology and physics, and the ways in which human kind has sought to make sense of our world. 

How Psychoanalyst Thomas Ogden Found His True Self in Fiction (Noya Kohavi, Haaretz, 2017-3-29)

but, as i said before, to myself mainly, the therapist (analyst in no better shape, for obvious reason, since he is further away from the external reality) is destined to be a failed novelist, since he has no fucking idea of what action is, he just heard life stories of other people, he just imagined what those mean streets are, in other words, he is the famous mapmaker through and through, now, if he decides to stand up, go downstairs, to have a taste of real life, then, dear readers, you will yawn to death, no doubt at all, this is a bad thriller 

Email addresses and passwords allegedly from NIH, WHO and Gates Foundation, are dumped online (The Seattle TImes, 2020-4-21)

Anonymous activists have posted nearly 25,000 email addresses and passwords allegedly belonging to the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and other groups working to combat the coronavirus pandemic, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors online extremism and terrorist groups.

While SITE was unable to verify whether the email addresses and passwords were authentic, the group said the information was released on Sunday and Monday and almost immediately used to foment attempts at hacking and harassment by far-right extremists. An Australian cybersecurity expert, Robert Potter, said he was able to verify that the WHO email addresses and passwords were real.

The lists, whose origins are unclear, first appear to have been posted to 4chan, a message board notorious for its hateful and extreme political commentary, and later to Pastebin, a text storage site, Twitter and to far-right extremist channels on Telegram, a messaging app.

“Neo-Nazis and white supremacists capitalized on the lists and published them aggressively across their venues,” said Rita Katz, SITE’s executive director. “Using the data, far-right extremists were calling for a harassment campaign while sharing conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic. The distribution of these alleged email credentials were just another part of a months-long initiative across the far right to weaponize the covid-19 pandemic.”

The report by SITE, based in Bethesda, Maryland, said the largest group of alleged emails and passwords was from the NIH, with 9,938 found on lists posted online. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had the second-highest number, with 6,857. The World Bank had 5,120. The list of WHO addresses and passwords totaled 2,732.

Smaller numbers of entries were listed for the Gates Foundation, a private philanthropic group whose co-founder, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, last week announced $150 million in new funding to combat the pandemic. Also targeted was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Chinese research center in the city where the pandemic began that has been accused of a role in triggering the outbreak. 

The NIH, CDC, WHO and World Bank did not immediately reply to requests for comment Tuesday evening. The Gates Foundation said in a statement: “We are monitoring the situation in line with our data security practices. We don’t currently have an indication of a data breach at the foundation.”

The FBI declined to comment.

Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough said, “We’re aware of this account activity and are taking widespread enforcement action under our rules, specifically our policy on private information. We’re also taking bulk removal action on the URL that links to the site in question.”

Potter, chief executive of Australian company Internet 2.0, said he was able to gain access into WHO computer systems using email addresses and passwords posted on the Internet. The WHO has come under heavy criticism, including from President Donald Trump, who suspended funding to it because of its response to the coronavirus and for allegedly being too deferential to China.

“Their password security is appalling,” Potter said of the WHO. “Forty-eight people have ‘password’ as their password.” Others, he said, had used their own first names or “changeme.”

Potter said the alleged email addresses and passwords may have been purchased from vendors on the dark web, a portion of the Internet that is not indexed by most search engines and where hacked information often is posted for sale. He said the WHO credentials appear to have come from a hack in 2016.

SITE’s Katz said that while material from old hacks does appear on the dark web occasionally, “we have not yet found any rock-solid proof of that for this specific case.”

References to the hacked information already are being deployed online to fuel disinformation, including erroneous posting linking HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to the coronavirus.

Among the most prominent Telegram venues to share the information was the neo-Nazi channel “Terrorwave Refined,” a prominent recruiting and support channel for neo-Nazi groups such as Azov Battalion, The Base, and Nordic Resistance Movement. In the past four months, the number of users subscribed to Terrorwave Refined has increased by 30%, with the channel now hosting over 5,300 followers.

Terrorwave Refined shared Tweets and a thread on 9chan, another message board popular with extremists, containing the addresses and passwords. Terrorwave Refined posted a meme that implied that information seized through the email addresses and passwords “confirmed that SARS-Co-V-2 was in fact artificially spliced with HIV. . .”

A Twitter post with links to the data said, “Anons know what to do . . . make this go viral” — a likely reference to anonymous followers.

The Washington Post’s Matt Zapotosky contributed to this report.

遇 (Daseinsanalysis)



這時 (Daseinsanalysis)




這是 (Daseinsanalysis)

這是 Altis Life 不是 Van Life
這是 當綠繡眼遇見大野狼
昨天 得知 Carlo Strenger 已於去年十月猝逝
處理 過當代精神分析找到自己的聲音中年騎重機
不畏 暗殺勇於直言尋找以色列的世界公民認同
這是 我的兄弟



声援冷眼 (6:26)


YouTube, apparently, has been properly bought by fucking CCP, like WHO

Carlo Strenger (1958-2019)

sadly, i did not know he has passed away, till just now (2020-4-22)

Research on Jewish identity and world-citizenship
Strenger was interested in modern Jewish identity, particularly in modern Jewish Universalism, and has written about it in a variety of publications.[21] In The Fear of Insignificance (2011) he has worked out a psychology of world-citizenship.[22] To what extent are humans able to widen their ability for empathy and concern beyond the culture of their upbringing? He claimed that the development of modern Jewish Universalism provides an interesting paradigm for this identity, and has portrayed Sigmund Freud, Hannah Arendt, Isaiah Berlin,[23] Leo Strauss and Philip Roth[24] as examples. In his Israel, Einführung in ein schwieriges Land (Suhrkamp 2011), he has argued that Jewish Universalist ethics is currently in conflict with dominant nationalist tendencies in Israeli politics.[25] In Freud's Legacy in the Global Era (2016) Strenger has further developed his analysis of world citizenship through his concept of "New Cosmopolitans",[26][27] and has elaborated on Freud as a paradigm of Jewish Universalist identity.

Cinéma du look

Cinéma du look (French: [sinema dy luk]) was a French film movement of the 1980s and 1990s, analysed, for the first time, by French critic Raphaël Bassan in La Revue du Cinéma issue n° 448, May 1989,[1] in which he classified Luc BessonJean-Jacques Beineix and Leos Carax as directors of "le look".[2]


These directors were said to favor style over substance, spectacle over narrative.[3] It referred to films that had a slick, gorgeous visual style[3] and a focus on young, alienated characters[4] who were said to represent the marginalized youth of François Mitterrand's France.[5] Themes that run through many of their films include doomed love affairs, young people more affiliated to peer groups than families, a cynical view of the police, and the use of scenes in the Paris Métro to symbolise an alternative, underground society. The mixture of 'high' culture, such as the opera music of Diva and Les Amants du Pont-Neuf, and pop culture, for example the references to Batman in Subway, was another key feature.[3]