Monday, June 29, 2020

Boring Billion

The Boring Billion, otherwise known as the Barren Billion, the Dullest Time in Earth's History, and Earth's Middle Ages, is the time period between 1.8 and 0.8 billion years ago (Gya) spanning the middle Proterozoic eon, characterized by more or less tectonic stability, climatic stasis, and stalled biological evolution. It is bordered by two different oxygenation and glacial events, but the Boring Billion itself had very low oxygen levels and no evidence of glaciation.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Trust (2016)

"The Trust may not be an all-time heist classic, but its solidly workmanlike plot -- and the chemistry between Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood -- should satisfy genre enthusiasts."


carbonate–silicate cycle (inorganic carbon cycle)

... describes the long-term transformation of silicate rocks to carbonate rocks by weathering and sedimentation, and the transformation of carbonate rocks back into silicate rocks by metamorphism and volcanism. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere during burial of weathered minerals and returned to the atmosphere through volcanism

On million-year time scales, the carbonate-silicate cycle is a key factor in controlling Earth's climate because it regulates carbon dioxide levels and therefore global temperature.



Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence (James Lovelock, Penguin, 2019)

James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time, has produced an astounding new theory about future of life on Earth. He argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after 300 years, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun.
New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and they will regard us as we now regard plants - as desperately slow acting and thinking creatures. But this will not be the cruel, violent machine takeover of the planet imagined by sci-fi writers and film-makers. These hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend them from the increasing heat of the sun as much as we do. And Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project.
It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. He does not think there are intelligent aliens, so we are the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos. Maybe, he speculates, the novacene could even be the beginning of a process that will finally lead to intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, James Lovelock has produced the most important and compelling work of his life. (amazon) 

don't worry, the robots will cherish you, like a pet, now, this is fantastically optimistic

踐踏斯文 必驅致一邪魅人間 (許章潤)

繼「驅低」惡行之後,兩年來帝都窳政持續癲狂,尤以庚子春夏發作之格外歇斯底里。到處,雅曰增加土地儲備,而實則指向土地增值,再於上下其手中倒騰牟利。「一房東 」、「二房東」,權錢之間,勾肩搭背,環環相扣,盆滿缽滿,苦的是萬千住戶。其間,既有歷經數年辛苦經營的畫家村慘遭塗炭,亦有小民血汗賃建之住宅區無端遭殃,還有無數提供就業飯碗的小微企業借殼經營之廢舊老廠區灰飛煙滅。君不見,包括著名畫家尚揚先生的工作室、著名詩人俞心樵的創作室、著名音樂人秦萬民的錄音棚,涉及環鐵區、 008藝術區、宋庄藝術區、水坡藝術區、黑橋藝術區、酒廠藝術區和羅馬湖國際藝術區,以及崔村與流村住宅區的大片房產,均於此波強拆中蕩然無存,堪為浩劫。
時至今日,北京之為北京,並非只在官衙林立、烏紗雲集,更在於文人雅集、學府森然 、藝苑琳琅,它們拼組成這個國家的名片,他們釋放出久遭壓抑的神州文華,這才多少有些模樣兒,甚至於造就出些許兒氣象呢。而且,凡此水寒煙淡,文火慢燉,需要經年養育,數代人的泣血栽培,外加天時地利,方始有望聚攏人氣,而漸成氣象。工程師可以批量培養,也可自課堂走出,唯獨藝術家,如同詩人和數學家,必票才情天賦,荷動香濃,方始有成。而才情天賦托付於時代造化,仰賴於地利天時,可遇不可求也。如此風生水起,雷電激蕩,才俊出矣,氣象興矣。故而,藝術家是人性之祭司,文明之托命者,國族之無上瑰寶 。但凡為政不傻不壞,都懂得必須倍加愛惜,尤需萬般珍重。沒有藝術的潤澤,水遮山隔,暮煙長嘯,人性便如沉淪于海底般幽冥;缺了偉大藝術家的時代,風雲斷續,吳霜暗侵,人世不過是晦暗的眾冥公社。相反,必為昌達人間,光華人世,也才有愜意人生。偉大的藝術造就輝煌的文明,文明昌盛必表現為藝術之巍峨燦爛。它們相濡以沫,交相輝映,這存在方始具有存在性,這人間也才可能稟賦人間性, 而人啊人……就此獲得了人性,從而,大千美 輪美奐,適堪我們芸芸宜居矣!
正是在此,1970年代末起步的「第三波改革開放」以還,幾代人將近半個世紀的辛苦積攢,將打斷的文脈接續于生滅之際,讓早已 湮滅的斯文薪火餘燼復燃,吾國吾族這才有了生機生氣,也好像漸有些兒文明氣象,這中間就少不了藝術家們的辛勞身影。否則,這帝都不就是個公章倉庫、權杖大食堂和熙來攘去的官吏宿舍嗎!僅僅六年前,筆者還曾喟言,照此開放勢頭,老邁京城有望成為一十一世紀的維也納,二十世紀之倫敦、紐約、波士頓,我華夏文明也有個光照環宇、熠熠生輝之時呀 。可惜話音未落,窳政猖獗,批老師,趕畫家,扒牆揭瓦,其熠熠云乎哉?還光照個鬼喲!
本來,大疫尚未過去,半個中國又泡在水中。災禍連連,生民無辜,而民生艱困,伴隨著全球性凋敝與失業大潮拍岸而來之諸種次生災難,包括經濟、倫理與政治之方方面面,正在並將遞次顯現,甚於一場大戰。當此之際,民意求安,民心思治,正需公權實施惠民政策,表達生民倫理,展現政治善意。換言之,縱不欲減稅讓利、開倉賑濟,也至少與民休息、 寬和簡政,而非乘隙攪擾,甚至火中取栗也。 睹此情形,善良的心腸不禁要問,此方公權一 心一意與生計作對,不惜悍然踐踏斯文,其所為何來?其欲將何往?他和他們究竟抽的是什麼瘋?
朋友,國朝體制,黨國乃舉世之第一大地主也。億萬生民世代棲息于茲,沒想到而今卻被褫奪了自然地權,也是天賦的法權。那邊廂,巨無霸只手壟斷大地,全體國民皆為流浪者也。置此情境,我們棲息于大地,自盤古開闢地就棲息于大地,踉蹌至今,竟無安居之日矣。或曰,「中性政府」,其自身並無私利,所作所為圖的是公利公益。可惜,面對強拆,那強拆後上市的天價地皮,就已將這烏托邦修辭拆穿殆盡,夫復何言。再者,壟斷思想、斫喪精神的政體,絕不容忍任何獨立於「規劃」 之外自發生長的藝術和思想生態,必欲扼殺而後快,展現的是強求一律齊整的法西斯美學惡趣。是的,面對獨立精神與自由思想,他們掩飾壓抑不住內心的恐懼。而強拆執行人員的暴蠻所展現的盜賊邏輯和暴力形態,適為一種「 古拉格邏輯」。煌煌公權,居然雇傭流氓打手般囂嚷徒眾暴力執法,狀如黑社會,表明其間的生存法則,內在一脈貫通,真正大哥二哥麻子哥也。
京城強拆、「驅低」之喪心病狂,贛魯鏟墳焚棺、「合村並居」之傷天害理,凡此表象殊異,而理則如一,均為強盜邏輯,作死的節 奏,不僅違犯實在之法,更且悖逆普世公理。有意思的是,公權悍然強拆之時,也正是千呼萬喚之《民法典》頒行之際,而民法的精神在於保護私產、扞衛契約神聖、堅守主體平等與意思自治。上揭公權暴政,恰與此背道而馳,則何其反諷也哉,而再次說明,在在說明,置此國朝,沒有民主就沒有法治,法治必隨也只能緊隨民主之立而後立矣。面對惡政,國朝民法學者普遍膽怯畏葸、勢利猥瑣卻又裝模作樣 ,為此乖張提供了又一小注。

Ideology, Conflict, and Leadership in Groups and Organizations (Otto Kernberg, Yale University Press, 1998)

In this book a psychoanalytic clinician and theoretician of world renown integrates current knowledge of the psychodynamics of individuals, groups, and organizations into a new theoretical framework. Dr. Otto F. Kernberg shows how the interplay of libidinal and aggressive impulses enacted within the dynamic unconscious of the individual also occurs at the level of groups and social organizations. He sheds new light on the turbulent nature of human interactions in groups, suggests how this understanding may help to resolve conflicts at the group and institutional levels, and provides a model for achieving effective institutional change.

Dr. Kernberg applies his integrative frame to the analysis of the regressive processes in groups, the nature of institutional leadership, and the conditions of rational functioning that may protect the organization from the most dangerous consequences of regressive group processes. To illustrate the therapeutic uses of the model, he considers its applications to group therapy and the therapeutic community; to illustrate its consultative potential, he includes a section on problems in psychoanalytic organizations. In conclusion, the author extends his theoretical framework to the social sciences, proposing contributions to the psychology of ideology formation, bureaucracy, conventionality, and the political process. (amazon)

book review

Ideology: A Very Short Introduction (Michael Freeden, OUP, 2003)

looking for data of neurobiology and psychodynamics of ideology, in vain (2020-6-27) however (kindle 2020-6-27)

意識形態是一個牢籠 那為什麼人甘願失去自由 把自己關進牢籠 
意識形態是一種信仰 大祭司說 你為這個信仰 要粉身碎骨 
意識形態是一種認同 它界定了你是誰 
意識形態是一個承諾 蜜糖和牛奶的承諾 打完趙家人以外的土豪 你就可以分到田地的承諾 
意識形態是一個確定 在這個不確定的年代 所以 你可以理解 為什麼它賣得這麼好

中國特色社會主義就是意識形態 中國是意識形態 社會主義也是意識形態 
特色是一個形容詞 不算意識形態 
你要小心擁有意識形態 販賣意識形態 壟斷意識形態 的人 他要的是你的命 
意識形態需要數量壯膽 一個人太孤單 幾十人七嘴八舌 幾百人聲勢不夠 幾千人還是不夠 幾萬人可以拿來閱兵 幾十萬人可以打仗 幾百萬人可以進鴻海血汗 幾千萬人可以變成中國共產黨 意思是說 每十四個中國人 養一個共產黨員 養得好辛苦 

依上述 一個人 叫做認同 叫做相信 是他個人的事 
這時 mind your own business 每個人 都不該去管 另一個人 怎麼刷牙
除非他瘋了 把這個人的事 當成他的信仰 他的意識形態 堅持要教你怎麼刷牙

我相信意識形態 有其神經迴路 有其心理動力 有其烏托邦的承諾 有其發起鬥爭戰爭的族群毀滅的衝動  
我相信 人類離開 hunter-gatherer-scavenger的生活方式 進入農業群居的生活方式 人和人 團體和團體 族群和族群 的關係越來越複雜後 意識形態就誕生了 
意思是說 意識形態 是最糟的人為造作的例子 

Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change (A Bradford Book) (Bruce E. Wexler, MIT Press, 2008)

Research shows that between birth and early adulthood the brain requires sensory stimulation to develop physically. The nature of the stimulation shapes the connections among neurons that create the neuronal networks necessary for thought and behavior. By changing the cultural environment, each generation shapes the brains of the next. By early adulthood, the neuroplasticity of the brain is greatly reduced, and this leads to a fundamental shift in the relationship between the individual and the environment: during the first part of life, the brain and mind shape themselves to the major recurring features of their environment; by early adulthood, the individual attempts to make the environment conform to the established internal structures of the brain and mind. In Brain and Culture, Bruce Wexler explores the social implications of the close and changing neurobiological relationship between the individual and the environment, with particular attention to the difficulties individuals face in adulthood when the environment changes beyond their ability to maintain the fit between existing internal structure and external reality. These difficulties are evident in bereavement, the meeting of different cultures, the experience of immigrants (in which children of immigrant families are more successful than their parents at the necessary internal transformations), and the phenomenon of interethnic violence. Integrating recent neurobiological research with major experimental findings in cognitive and developmental psychology―with illuminating references to psychoanalysis, literature, anthropology, history, and politics―Wexler presents a wealth of detail to support his arguments. The groundbreaking connections he makes allow for reconceptualization of the effect of cultural change on the brain and provide a new biological base from which to consider such social issues as "culture wars" and ethnic violence. (amazon) 

book review

Friday, June 26, 2020

Roger Waters - 5:06 AM (Every Strangers Eyes)

[Waitress:] wanna cup of coffee?
[Trucker:] Hey...Turn the fucking Juke Box down
[Waitress:] I'm sorry, would you like a cup of coffee?
Okay, you take cream and sugar? Sure

[Verse 1]
In truck stops and hamburger joints
In Cadillac limousines, in the company of has-beens
And bent-backs
And sleeping forms, on pavement steps

In libraries and railways stations
In books and banks
In the pages of history
In suicidal cavalry attacks

I recognize (Ooh...)
Myself, in every stranger's eyes

[Verse 2]
And in wheelchairs, by monuments
Under tube trains and commuter accidents
In council care and county courts
At Easter fairs and seaside resorts

In drawing rooms and city morgues
In award winning photographs, of life rafts on the China seas
In transit camps, under arc lamps
On unloading ramps, in faces blurred by rubber stamps

I recognize (Ooh...)
Myself, in every stranger's eyes

And now, from where I stand, upon this hill
I plundered from the pool
I look around, I search the skies
I shade my eyes, so nearly blind
And I see signs of half remembered days
I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways

I recognize
The hope, you kindle in your eyes

[Guitar Solo]

It's all so easy now
As we lie here in the dark
Nothing interferes, it's obvious how to beat the tears
That threaten to snuff out the spark of our love

Barry J. Naughton

He specializes in the Chinese economy and is a recognized expert in the field. His 1995 book "Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978–1993" won the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize. He stated that the Chinese economic reform was accomplished without a grand vision. Rather, it was the result of a mix between laissez-faire and experimentation with business incentives by the government.

no, they do have a grand vision, which is crony capitalism, in service for the fucking new class (a la Milovan Đilas) 

鄧小平說黑貓白貓 讓少數人先富起來 其實他沒有說下一句 「讓極少數人絕對的永遠的極端的富起來」 其他百分之九十九點九九九的那十四億無知愚昧的草民 就是新階級豢養的畜牲和韭菜 隨時可以任意輪流分批宰殺 毛澤東說過 一次不要殺太多 通常百分之五就好 殺少了不夠大器 殺多了會影響生產力 


地質年代共分為六個時間單位,從大到小依次是是宙/元(eon)、代(era)、紀(period)、世(epoch)、期(age)、時 (chron)。 它們分別與年代地層學中表示岩層年齡單位的宇、界、系、統、階、帶相對應。 


心香 (1992)




搞 (Daseinsanalysis)

搞神學者 心需通靈 搞形上學者 心需純粹 搞倫理學者 心需慈悲 搞知識論者 心需分明 搞心理學者 心需糊塗 搞精神分析者 心需非常糊塗

搞社會學者 心需滾燙 搞歷史學者 心需戲謔流淚 搞小說者 心需暗巷如家 搞詩者 心需稚子天真

搞革命者 心需不喜工作 搞天文學者 心需如黑夜星空 搞古人類學者 心需如南方古猿  

甚麼都不想搞者 心需如陋室蟬鳴 不打算見到秋天

Origins: How Earth's History Shaped Human History (Lewis Dartnell, Basic Books, 2019)

New York Times-bestselling author explains how the physical world shaped the history of our species

When we talk about human history, we often focus on great leaders, population forces, and decisive wars. But how has the earth itself determined our destiny? Our planet wobbles, driving changes in climate that forced the transition from nomadism to farming. Mountainous terrain led to the development of democracy in Greece. Atmospheric circulation patterns later on shaped the progression of global exploration, colonization, and trade. Even today, voting behavior in the south-east United States ultimately follows the underlying pattern of 75 million-year-old sediments from an ancient sea. Everywhere is the deep imprint of the planetary on the human.

From the cultivation of the first crops to the founding of modern states, Origins reveals the breathtaking impact of the earth beneath our feet on the shape of our human civilizations. (amazon) (kindle 2020-6-25) 


聽住    殺光共產黨

共你結識星火之地,經過烽煙四起,在最恐慌 身邊的是你,方可一鼓作氣

共你這刻分開之地,沾血花瓣散飛,亂世聽到 的聲嘶力竭,總覺當中有你


赴約那刻珍惜之地,將有花瓣散飛,盛世再起 必聲嘶力竭,因這當中有你

How Ice Ages Happen: The Milankovitch Cycles (1879-1958)

Milankovitch cycles describe the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements on its climate over thousands of years. The term is named for Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković. In the 1920s, he hypothesized that variations in eccentricityaxial tilt, and precession resulted in cyclical variation in the solar radiation reaching the Earth, and that this orbital forcing strongly influenced climatic patterns on Earth.



林中不需有路 (Daseinsanalysis)







Debating Relational Psychoanalysis: Jon Mills and his Critics (Jon Mills, Routledge, 2020-6-10)

In Debating Relational Psychoanalysis, Jon Mills provides an historical record of the debates that had taken place for nearly two decades on his critique of the relational school, including responses from his critics.
Since he initiated his critique, relational psychoanalysis has become an international phenomenon with proponents worldwide. This book hopes that further dialogue may not only lead to conciliation, but more optimistically, that relational theory may be inspired to improve upon its theoretical edifice, both conceptually and clinically, as well as develop technical parameters to praxis that help guide and train new clinicians to sharpen their own theoretical orientation and therapeutic efficacy. Because of the public exchanges in writing and at professional symposiums, these debates have historical significance in the development of the psychoanalytic movement as a whole simply due to their contentiousness and proclivity to question cherished assumptions, both old and new. In presenting this collection of his work, and those responses of his critics, Mills argues that psychoanalysis may only advance through critique and creative refinement, and this requires a deconstructive praxis within the relational school itself.

Debating Relational Psychoanalysis will be of interest to psychoanalysts of all orientations, psychotherapists, mental health workers, psychoanalytic historians, philosophical psychologists, and the broad disciplines of humanistic, phenomenological, existential, and analytical psychology. (amazon) (kindle 2020-6-24) (refund 2020-6-24)

mainly a compiled archive, nothing new

Plate tectonics, Paleogeography, & Ice Ages (dual hemispheres)

特別注意 Neogene (新近紀)  (符號 N 下一紀就是第四紀

The Neogene (informally Upper Tertiary or Late Tertiary) is a geologic period and system that spans 20.45 million years from the end of the Paleogene Period 23.03 million years ago (Mya) to the beginning of the present Quaternary Period 2.58 Mya. The Neogene is sub-divided into two epochs, the earlier Miocene and the later Pliocene

AI at 4:17 AM (Daseinsanalysis)

Anthony Elliott (Concepts of the self, 2020) 第七章 The Algorithmic Self 主要講 AI 的世界裡人的工作社交互動和被監控他如往用很長的句子和社會學的學術語言書寫讓我匆匆看完後退書然後想該怎麼說這件事才到位

我想 (請注意不是 AI 想) AI 的世界裡人已經不是生物的人這是後人類 (posthumanism) 的出發點因為生物和非生物已經融合分不出界線換個方式說人已習慣把非生物的延伸當成自己的一部份

這樣的後人類竊喜自己永恆年輕不洩但這個自己 (self) 已非原本受限於生物規律的那個自己這個不受限算不算自戀算不算 Icarus

那個世界裡我先前說過已經沒有樹因為只有上帝能造樹這件事你要仔細端詳銀翼殺手 2049 裡那棵死掉的樹或等待果陀的那棵後者是賈克梅蒂的作品

那個世界裡 again 你還是要看銀翼殺手 2049 人比機器人更不像人機器人彼此的情比人更真



機器人有沒有潛意識是關鍵當他 (沒有錯是他) 的意識發達到會做夢和無以名之的衝動的時候它必然會有潛意識湧現那時他躺在精神分析的躺椅上說著他被輸入的破碎童年和不堪的往事這個悲劇的畫面應該是 AI 文明的高峰經驗當然你可以確定那個沉思寡語的分析師也是機器人這件事應該也是精神分析文明的高峰經驗


