These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Friday, April 30, 2021
Stanford study dives deeper into genetic differences between modern and archaic humans
A clock’s accuracy may be tied to the entropy it creates
Entropy (arrow of time)
ANTI-BIOPICS (反傳記片) (敘事何以療癒)
Sedation: The Ups and Downs of a Side Effect
Japanese bay full of fish scales could mark start of the Anthropocene
How a Difficult Childhood Makes It More Likely You’ll Have Mental and Physical Health Problems as an Adult
Using smartphones and AI, psychiatrists get toolkit for remote assessment
我心目中的心理治療長怎麼樣?(竹北 Seminar)
Neurable introduces brain-computer interface headphones
The Rise of Big Data Psychiatry
Alzheimer’s Disease Is Composed of Four Distinct Subtypes
Co-prescribing Opioids, Z-Drugs May Increase Risk of Overdose
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Ernest Hemingway on Writing (ed. Larry W. Phillips, 1984) (With x in mind) (accessible via scribd)
As Covid-19 Devastates India, Deaths Go Undercounted
Anti-Psychiatry, Roswell’s ‘Only Premier Health Conscious Lounge,’ Coming Soon
Driving Behaviors Harbor Early Signals of Dementia
Science Made Simple: What Is Quantum Computing?
Modern Human-Like Brains Evolved Long After Earliest Humans First Dispersed From Africa
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Treating Depression in 3 Minutes
High-bandwidth wireless BCI demonstrated in humans for first time
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
生命的型態 (How does narrative heal?)
Nobuhiko Obayashi (大林 宣彦) (1938 –2020)
Monday, April 26, 2021
epiphany (How does narrative heal?)
Earth’s Continental Crust Emerged 500 Million Years Earlier Than Thought
工作混口飯吃失眠淡出鳥來的日子 (How does narrative heal?)
Neuroscience research identifies a new target for the treatment of alcohol-withdrawal induced depression
Run (2013)
ccp‘s evil narcissism
Martin Rudwick (b 1932)
Sunday, April 25, 2021
猛男滾死隊 (2011)
The history of lithium, and its remarkable impact on mood disorders
‘Creative' genes gave Homo sapiens edge over Neanderthals: study
Digital neuroscience can help alleviate the mental health crisis
My letter to Xi Jinping on China's cotton problem
Mieko Kawakami (川上未映子) (b 1976)
India is struggling with a catastrophic second wave
Todd DuBose (How does narrative heal?)
Donald Spence (1926-2007) (How does narrative heal?)
Roy Schafer (1922-2018) (How does narrative heal?)
Friday, April 23, 2021
The Power of the Patient Voice
奉茶者的立場的說明 (site)
The Pathology of Normalcy (Erich Fromm, 2010) (site)
心理治療非白領所為 (竹北 Seminar)
Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead: Faber Stories (Milan Kundera, 2019) (1969)
S.1169 - Strategic Competition Act of 2021
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Milan Kundera's Fiction: A Critical Approach to Existential Betrayals (Karen von Kunes, 2019)
北醫三院醫生揭醫療亂象 每年數百萬患者失救
Oriana Skylar Mastro
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
‘Instigator’ Gene Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease Discovered
New Network Aims to Transform Care of First-Episode Psychosis
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (Patrick Radden Keefe, 2021)
關於批判的四種組合 (site)
Monday, April 19, 2021
Gene That Could Help Prevent or Delay Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease Identified
中國人學中文 ~「受事之始 即常作歸計」
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986)
The Logic of Gilles Deleuze: Basic Principles (Corry Shores, 2020)
The Priority of Events: Deleuze's Logic of Sense (Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies) (Sean Bowden, 2011)
The Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School (Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies) (Guillaume Collett, 2018)
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (Elizabeth Kolbert, 2014) (Posthuman)
Outside the Anthropological Machine: Crossing the Human-Animal Divide and Other Exit Strategies (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture) (Chiara Mengozzi, 2020) (Posthuman)
Deleuze on Literature (Ronald Bogue, 2013)
Dialetheism (site)
Scientists Develop New Blood Test That Could Diagnose Your Level of Depression
騙中傳奇 (1999)
Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction (Todd May, 2005)
SpaceX「星鏈」將顛覆網路未來!馬斯克預告:今夏結束 Beta 測試版
Adolescents With Lack of Empathy Show Early Signs of Psychopathy
Friday, April 16, 2021
Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise (Carl E. Walter, Fraser J. T. Howie, 2012)
Do We Need a Manual of Psychiatric Afflictions?
What about the French (site)
Chimeric contribution of human extended pluripotent stem cells to monkey embryos ex vivo
What is a Minor Literature? (site)
Biden's National Security Team Lists Leading Threats, With China At The Top
With x in mind
Genetic Predisposition to Schizophrenia May Increase Risk of Psychosis From Cannabis Use
Thursday, April 15, 2021
The Trouble With Therapy: Sociology And Psychotherapy (Peter Morrall, 2008) (site)
Study Maps Brain Regions Responsible For Intoxicating Effects of Alcohol
Trial of Psilocybin versus Escitalopram for Depression
Study cements age and location of hotly debated skull from early human Homo erectus
decoupling (脫鉤)
with x in mind
Horses Can Recognize Themselves in a Mirror
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Your Move (2017)
Dirty Lies (2017)
The Wall: History is Back (Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, 2019)
The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based conclusions about the disorder (2021-2-4)
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (ed. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, et al., 2014) (site)
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style (Johan Nylander, 2020)
Yes, manufacturing really is leaving China - and authorities are scrambling to slow down the exodus (Shannon Brandao, 2021-4-11)
Scientists Completed the First Human Trial of a Wireless High-Bandwidth Brain-Computer Interface
Monday, April 12, 2021
IEEE Researchers Demonstrate First Wireless Brain Computer Interface: Why Is It Significant?
Deleuze and Psychology: Philosophical Provocations to Psychological Practices (Maria Nichterlein, John R Morss, 2016) (site)
Assemblage Theory (Manuel DeLanda, 2016) (site)
Using brain interfaces to learn about learning
Will brain-computer interfaces transform human lives?
Sunday, April 11, 2021
The Critical Psychotherapy Network (site)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism [Philosophy Audioboook] Full Lecture (1946)
David Bacon (photojournalist) (b 1948) (site)
Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope (Cynthia Kaufman, 2012) (site)
underclass (site)
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Modern Human Brain Originated In Africa Around 1.7 Million Years Ago
世界第一个劳改档案数据库诞生 (2019) (site)
China’s Crony Capitalism: The Dynamics of Regime Decay (Minxin Pei, 2016) (site)
Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action (Peter Navarro, Greg Autry, 2011) (site)
The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower (Michael Pillsbury, 2015) (site)
Paul Gordon (site)
History on the Couch: Essays in History and Psychoanalysis (ed. Joy Damousi, Robert Reynolds, 2003) (site)
Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations (Zheng Wang, 2014) (site)
Is There a New Mechanism for Treating Depression?
Psychoanalysis and Politics: Histories of Psychoanalysis Under Conditions of Restricted Political Freedom (Joy Damousi, Mariano Ben Plotkin, 2012)
Psychoanalysis as Political Psychology (Stephen Frosh, 2014) (site)
From Vienna to Managua: Journey of a Psychoanalyst (Marie Langer, 1989) (site)
Toward a Social Psychoanalysis: Culture, Character, and Normative Unconscious Processes (Lynne Layton, Marianna Leavy-Sperounis, 2020) (site)
Psychoanalysis, Class and Politics: Encounters in the Clinical Setting (ed. Lynne Layton, Nancy Caro Hollander, Susan Gutwill, 2006) (site)
Uprooted Minds: Surviving the Politics of Terror in the Americas (Nancy Caro Hollander, 2014) (site)
A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Liberation Psychology (Daniel José Gaztambide, 2021-4-15) (site)
Paulo Freire: A Philosophical Biography (Walter Omar Kohan, 2021-5-20) (site)
Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change (Cynthia Kaufman, 2e, 2016) (site)
Friday, April 9, 2021
FDA Approves Once-Daily Nonstimulant for Treatment of ADHD
三個細胞圖 (竹北 Seminar)
Anti-Semitism and Analytical Psychology: Jung, Politics and Culture (Daniel Burston, Routledge, 2021-5-10)
Thursday, April 8, 2021
甚麼是「批判」? (critical psychotherapy) (site)
‘Brain Glue’ Helps Repair Circuitry in Severe TBI
亂流四月 (竹北 Seminar)
One-Third of COVID-19 Survivors May Develop a Neuropsychiatric Disorder Within Months of Infection
The researchers then investigated the occurrence of the following neuropsychiatric outcomes in the first 180 days after COVID-19 diagnosis: intracranial hemorrhage; ischemic stroke; Parkinson’s disease; Guillain-Barré syndrome; nerve, nerve root, and plexus disorders; neuromuscular disorders; encephalitis; dementia; psychotic disorders; mood disorders; anxiety disorders; substance use disorder; and insomnia.
Overall, 33.62% of COVID-19 patients received one of the above diagnoses within 180 days; this rate increased to 38.73% among patients who were hospitalized and 46.42% among patients admitted to intensive care.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Paulo Shakarian
The Dragon and the Computer: Why Intellectual Property Theft is Compatible with Chinese Cyber-Warfare Doctrine
科技奇點(Technological Singularity)
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Man Living Inside a Mini Van For 18 Months And Feels Like He Is Living Large In a Small Space
Jared Diamond (b 1937)
我與文本的關係 (竹北 Seminar)
George A. Romero (1940-2017)
Land of the Dead (2005)
往山裡去 (竹北 Seminar)
Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Silhouettes of invisible black holes
How the Event Horizon Telescope Hunts for Black Hole Silhouettes
The New Theatrics of Remote Therapy (Adam Gopnik, 2020-5-25)
元音老人 (1905-2000)
posthumanism (Pramod Nayar, 2013)
Blind Spots Uncovered at the Intersection of AI and Neuroscience – Dozens of Scientific Papers Debunked
Telephone Conversation (Wole Soyinka, 1963) (b 1934) (critical psychotherapy)
4/4 (竹北 Seminar)
七月中旬 (With x in mind)
「With x in mind: Psychotherapy Stories」
起因是,我十分喜歡「With culture in mind: Psychoanalytic Stories」 (Muriel Dimen, 2012) (1942-2016) 一書。Muriel Dimen 說,他們的團體,非以理論的共識為前提,
所以,甚麼是 x?
X 可以是一個摸索,一個尋找,一個回憶,一個遺失的回憶,
每個治療者,顯然會有不同的 x。
七月中旬啟程,以 Zoom 進行,兩周一次,共八次,費用琢收二千四百元。
A new Goldilocks black hole
Disrupted Biochemical Pathway in the Brain Linked to Bipolar Disorder
圜悟克勤 (1063-1135)
台灣公園及自然景點 (TripAdvisor)
Stealth Camping Tips For Van Life In The City
Friday, April 2, 2021
BrainGate: First Human Use of High-Bandwidth Wireless Brain-Computer Interface
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)
Researchers demonstrate first human use of high-bandwidth wireless brain-computer interface
2 + 3 = ?
becoming (critical psychotherapy)
Genetic Variants Tied to Sex Differences in Psychiatric Disorders
Daniel Jose Gaztambide (critical psychotherapy)
Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) (critical psychotherapy)
Paulo Freire (1921-1997) (critical psychotherapy)
Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942-1989) (critical psychotherapy)
Nancy Caro Hollander (critical psychotherapy)
Marie "Mimí" Lisbeth Langer (1910-1987) (critical psychotherapy)
10 Things to Know About Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - Part 1-5