These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Monday, May 31, 2021
Despite high rates of alcohol use screening, few receive treatment
Manufacturing Happy Citizens: How the Science and Industry of Happiness Control our Lives (Edgar Cabanas, Eva Illouz, Polity, 2019) (site)
The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures (2020) (site)
Covid: Wuhan lab leak is ‘feasible’, say British spies
"There’s going to be Covid-26 and Covid-32 unless we fully understand the origins of Covid-19,” Peter J. Hotez said.
Is 'Patient Su' Covid's Patient Zero? IAN BIRRELL, who's led the way in exposing Beijing's lies, reveals how a woman aged 61 was diagnosed with virus THREE weeks before China admits that it even existed
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003)
Roberto Bolaño’s 12 Tips on “the Art of Writing Short Stories” (With x in mind)
Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) Applications in Mapping of Epileptic Brain Networks Based on Intracranial-EEG: An Update
Aboriginal memory technique may work better than Sherlock's 'memory palace' (How does narrative heal)
EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims
- An explosive new study claims researchers found 'unique fingerprints' in COVID-19 samples that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory
- exclusively obtained the new 22-page paper authored by British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen set to be published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery
- The study showed there's evidence to suggest Chinese scientists created the virus while working on a Gain of Function project in a Wuhan lab
- Gain of Function research, which was temporarily outlawed in the US, involves altering naturally-occurring viruses to make them more infectious in order to study their potential effects on humans
- According to the paper, Chinese scientists took a natural coronavirus 'backbone' found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new 'spike', turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible COVID-19
- The researchers, who concluded that COVID-19 'has no credible natural ancestor', also believe scientists reverse-engineered versions of the virus to cover up their tracks
- 'We think that there have been retro-engineered viruses created,' Dalgleish told 'They've changed the virus, then tried to make out it was in a sequence years ago.'
- The study also points to 'deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data' in Chinese labs and notes that 'scientists who wished to share their findings haven't been able to do so or have disappeared'
- Until recently, most experts had staunchly denied the origins of the virus were anything other than a natural infection leaping from animals to humans
- Earlier this week, Dr. Anthony Fauci defended US funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, saying the $600,000 grant was not approved for Gain of Function research
UK intelligence 'is helping US probe theory that Covid leaked from Wuhan lab' after Biden ordered officials to 'redouble' efforts to identify origins of virus
Is this finally proof Covid DID leak from Wuhan lab?
Waking Just One Hour Earlier Cuts Depression Risk by Double Digits
Looking to the Future of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Why Is It so Hard to Withdraw From Some Antidepressants?
趙家人攫奪改開迄今屬於全中國人的成果並將其資產外移後 --> 把十四億中國人當成分食殘渣的鎖國奴工 --> 計畫外匯 --> 計畫金融 --> 計畫經濟
The human genome has finally been completely sequenced after 20 years
Friday, May 28, 2021
178 gene variants linked to major depression
in the ruins of neoliberalism
Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power by Byung-Chul Han (book review)
Tips for Lithium Dosing for Optimal Renal Safety
The Sudden Rise of the Coronavirus Lab-Leak Theory
Thursday, May 27, 2021
How Addiction Hijacks Our Reward System
Neoliberalism and its discontents
To what extent are we ruled by unconscious forces?
A Philosopher Helps A Former Prisoner Dig Deep Into His Experiences, Thoughts, and Art
“Gistification” – Memory Details Fade Over Time, With Only the Main Gist Preserved
Scientists discover brain cells that compete to sustain or suppress traumatic memories
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Which Pharmacotherapies Are Most Effective for Schizoaffective Disorder?
Simple Diagnostic Tool Predicts Individual Risk of Alzheimer’s
Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism (Eva Illouz, 2007)
The Wuhan Lab Leak Question: A Disused Chinese Mine Takes Center Stage (WSJ, 2021-5-24)
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Iain Ferguson〈「另一個世界是可能的」:21世紀的激進社會工作〉(site)
Research Mindset for Data Scientist: the “First Principle” Thinking
Off-Label Psychiatric Use of Gabapentin Found to Be Frequent, Risky
Monday, May 24, 2021
Neuralink: Elon Musk’s brain implant
Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate On Covid-19 Origin (WSJ, 2021-5-23)
Molecular Biologists Travel Back in Time – Over 3 Billion Years
Incredible Microscope Sees Atoms at Record Resolution
Ancient Philosophy: A Free Online Course from the University of Pennsylvania
Childhood Disadvantage Affects Brain Connectivity
THE TRIAL ПРОЦЕСС - PROCESS (Sergei Loznitsa, Netherlands, 2018)
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Travelling Through a Wormhole in Space May Be Possible, New Research Suggests
隔世的風 (5/23)
Scientists Develop New Gene Editor to Correct Disease-Causing Mutations
The Wanderer: Decades of Dylanology have missed the point—the music is the message.
Overcoming Long-Term Trauma Can Be Facilitated
Gilles Deleuze, Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life
Lithium Distribution Differs in Brains of Depressed People
Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power (Byung Chul Han, Verso, 2017) (2021-5-22)
What Is Weak (Narrow) AI? Here Are 8 Practical Examples
What Is Strong (General) AI? Here Are 9 Practical Examples
「我今天下午要去高雄」 (2021-5-22)
他者有三種 (2021-5-22)
幾個命題 (2021-5-22)
Brain’s Memory Center Stays Active During ‘Infantile Amnesia’
Brain-Computer Interface Translates Brain Signals Associated with Handwriting into Text
After Xi: Future Scenarios for Leadership Succession in Post-Xi Jinping Era (2021-4-21)
Friday, May 21, 2021
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned (1998)
On the Normal and the Pathological (Georges Canguilhem, 1978) (2021-5-25)
Propranolol is ‘quite promising’ in treating some autism symptoms
The Man without Work: Jacques Martin (1922-1964)
Normal Versus Abnormal Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Psychiatry and the Long View: Paul Summergrad, MD
50 Very Short Rules for a Good Life From the Stoics
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Gene silencing
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Aristotle, father of logic and founder of western philosophy
Philosophy After Deleuze (Joe Hughes, 2012) (deleuze studies)
Matt Colquhoun
The promise of machine learning in predicting treatment outcomes in psychiatry
最大公約數 (site)
怎麼讀小說 (With x in mind)
64 Regions of the Genome That Increase Risk for Bipolar Disorder Identified
xi's rule by fear, control, and manipulation
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
最辛苦的當然是那些共匪女間諜和她們的教官要教會學會用莎士比亞的英文叫床有點像共匪招待你吃北平烤鴨那隻鴨子幽怨的眼睛翻白的看著你說 to fuck or not to fuck, that's the question
enjoy your symptoms (site)
捕捉到那個文學的瞬間 (With x in mind)
Study Examines Cognitive Effects of Schizophrenia Medications
Data Scientists Will be Extinct in 10 Years
George A. Romero's Dead Trilogy Is Still Relevant Decades Later
How Freud's Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis Applies to the Writing Experience (With x in mind)
Sunday, May 16, 2021
New research suggests depression impacts emotional responses to autobiographical memories
Understanding the 4 Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
IAPT (2008)
John Calhoun (1917-1995)
韩松 (b 1965)
姜貴 (1908-1980)
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict (Evelin Lindner, Praeger, 2006)
François Laruelle (b 1937)
Rx Lumateperone (Caplyta) for bipolar depression
Adolescents and Older Adults Lack Attention in Social Situations
Scientists Invent New Method for Producing Synthetic DNA
ritornello (Italian; "little return") (回復段) (deleuze studies)
creativity is tough (becoming) (With x in mind)
Levi Bryant (deleuze studies)
object-oriented ontology (OOO)
Friday, May 14, 2021
Brain Mechanism of Curiosity Unraveled
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Daniel W. Smith (b 1958) (deleuze studies)
Covid as biological war? China paper needs answers
The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (1988)
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media's Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption (Alexander Marlow, Threshold Editions, 2021-5-18)
楊凱麟 (b 1968) (deleuze studies)
Why Fiction Matters in Contemporary China (David Der-wei Wang, Brandeis University Press, 2020) (With x in mind)
Ronald Bogue (deleuze studies)
Claire Colebrook (b 1965) (deleuze studies)
- Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed (1997) (kindle)
- Gilles Deleuze (2002) (accessible via scribd)
- Understanding Deleuze (2002) (accessible via scribd)
- Deleuze and the Meaning of Life (2010) (accessible via scribd)
- Deleuze and Feminist Theory with Ian Buchanan (2000)
- Deleuze and History with Jeff Bell (2008)
- Deleuze and Gender with Jami Weinstein (2009)
- Deleuze and Law with Rosi Braidotti and Patrick Hanafin (2009)
Psychiatric Complications of Meditation Practice
至尊卅六計之偷天換日 (1993)
# 文迪來到一家雜貨店之前遇見一個小屁孩在霸凌一個小小孩那個兇惡的小屁孩說「我叫我大哥大白鯊叫八百個人來」文迪遂搶了小孩的褲子穿「那是他媽的內褲」這件事告訴我們共匪就是那個小屁孩
Waiting for the Barbarians (J. M. Coetzee, 1980) (b 1940)
Genetic Copycatchers Detect Efficient and Precise CRISPR Editing in a Living Organism
Does Driving Wear You Out? You Might Be Experiencing ‘Accelerousal’
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Individuation and Narcissism: The psychology of self in Jung and Kohut (Mario Jacoby, Routledge, 2015)
Death of the PostHuman: Essays on Extinction Vol. 1 (Claire Colebrook, Open Humanities Press, 2015) (posthuman)
Researchers Identify Childhood Behaviors That May Signal Future Self-Harm
Monday, May 10, 2021
The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis (from 2014)
書信體小說(epistolary novel)(How does narrative heal?)
China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons - including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department (Daily Mail, 2021-5-8)
Chinese Communist Espionage: An Intelligence Primer (Peter Mattis, Matthew Brazil, Naval Institute Press, 2019)
becoming > being
Evolutionary Dispute: Most Human Origins Stories Are Not Compatible With Known Fossils
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Alexander Nehamas (b 1946)
Chinese military scientists discussed weaponising SARS coronaviruses
Congress is finally investigating the lab accident covid-19 origin theory
ressentiment (無名怨憤)
Nietzschean affirmation
World's Most Dangerous Places: Coldest Road, Trip Antarctica, Wittenoom
Nietzschean Psychology and Psychotherapy: The New Doctors of the Soul (Uri Wernik, Lexington Books, 2016)
Nietzsche and Psychotherapy (Finn Janning, 2019)
Ring my Bell - on Nietzsche and Psychotherapy (Manu Bazzano, 2018)
Is Nietzsche relevant to the world of psychotherapy?
China's emissions now exceed all the developed world's combined
Nietzsche: Life as Literature (Alexander Nehamas, Harvard University Press, 1983) (How does narrative heal?)
Saturday, May 8, 2021
eternal return (永恆的輪迴)
Brain's movement control centre may have had key role in our evolution
How We Retrieve Our Knowledge About the World
當聽故事的人變成說故事的人 (With x in mind)
Beijing’s Woke Propaganda War in America (Miles Maochun Yu, Hoover Institution, Strategika, 2021-5-5)
Alain Renaut (b 1948) (How does narrative heal?)
- The Age of the Individual: Contribution to a History of Subjectivity , Gallimard, 1989
- Why we are not Nietzscheans (in collaboration with Luc Ferry, André Comte-Sponville , et al.), Grasset, 1991
後結構主義和心理治療有甚麼關係?(How does narrative heal?) (Critical psychotherapy) (becoming > being)
Much recent critical theory has dismissed or failed to take seriously the question of the self. French theorists--such as Derrida, Barthes, Benveniste, Foucault, Lacan, and Levi-Strauss--have in various ways proclaimed the death of the subject, often turning to German intellectual tradition to authorize their views. Stanley Corngold's heralded book, The Fate of the Self, published for the first time in paperback with a spirited new preface, appears at a time when the relationship between the self and literature is a matter of renewed concern. Originally published in 1986 (Columbia University Press), the book examines the poetic self of German intellectual tradition in light of recent French and American critical theory. Focusing on seven major German writers--Holderlin, Dilthey, Nietzsche, Mann, Kafka, Freud, and Heidegger--Corngold shows that their work does not support the desire to discredit the self as an origin of meaning and value but reconstructs the allegedly fragmented poetic self through effects of position and style. Offering new and subtle models of selfhood, The Fate of the Self is a source of rich insight into the work of these authors, refracted through poststructuralist critical perspectives. (amazon)
Friday, May 7, 2021
Critical Psychology: An Introduction (Dennis Fox, et al., 2e, 2009) (site)
Critical Psychology (ed. Ian Parker, 2011) (site)
From Therapeutic Power to Resistance? Therapy and Cultural Hegemony.(Michael Guilfoyle, 2005) (How does narrative heal?)
The Person in Narrative Therapy: A Post-structural, Foucauldian Account (Michael Guilfoyle, 2014) (How does narrative heal?)
Three Characters: Narcissist, Borderline, Manic Depressive (Christopher Bollas, 2021)
Gabapentin for alcohol use disorder: A good option, or cause for concern?
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Our Brains Tell Stories So We Can Live (Robert A. Burton, Nautilus, 2019-8-8) (How does narrative heal?)
Narrative Therapy (Stephen Madigan, 2e, 2019) (How does narrative heal?)
The Self We Live By: Narrative Identity in a Postmodern World (James A. Holstein, Jaber F. Gubrium, OUP, 1999) (How does narrative heal?)
Postmodern Narrative Theory (Mark Currie, 2e, 2010) (How does narrative heal?)
The genetic mistakes that could shape our species
「他者的聲音的文本的他者性」(竹北 Seminar)
“Repairing the Irreparable, Bearing the Unbearable: Clinical Work with Formerly Incarcerated People who Have Served Life-Sentences” (2021-5-15)
On Being and Becoming: An Existentialist Approach to Life (Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei, OUP, 2020)
The Gateway to Conscious Awareness
‘Mother Trees’ Are Intelligent: They Learn and Remember
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Highlights From APA’s Online 2021 Annual Meeting
Fast-Acting Options for Mood Disorders and Psychiatric Emergencies
Monday, May 3, 2021
Subtle Differences in Adult ADHD Compared to Pediatric ADHD
Watch: Interview with Roger Garside, author of China Coup
Zhang Qianfan (张千帆) (b 1964)
SHEEP (2013)
2034 (2021-3-9)
The Human Genome at 20: How Biology’s Most-Hyped Breakthrough Led to Anticlimax and Arrests
Ketamine: Not A Simple Treatment, But a Worthy One
How to Distinguish a Psychopath From a ‘Shy-Chopath’
New Digital Psychiatry Tools to Improve Care
A Lesson in Writing a Narrative Family History (How does narrative heal?)
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Talk on the Wild Side
How Does the Brain Flexibly Process Complex Information?
Sex, Drugs, and Psychosis: Reviewing Psychiatric Medications’ Taboo Side Effect
Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong (2011-6-20)
Yan Lianke (阎连科) (b 1958)
Rhinoceros in Love (戀愛的犀牛) (1999)
Hu Jiwei (胡績偉) (1916-2012)
He Huaihong (何怀宏) (b 1954)
Researchers Solve a 350-Year-Old Puzzle and Discover a New Rule of Nature
Transporter Imbalance Implicated in Schizophrenia
Understanding The 4 Types Of Artificial Intelligence
新时代公民道德建设实施纲要 (2019-10-27) (How does narrative heal ?)
Herbert Stein (1916-1999)
Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update
China: The Anaconda in the Chandelier (Perry Link, 2002)
Saturday, May 1, 2021
60-Year Scientific Mystery About DNA Replication Solved
The Computers Are Getting Better at Writing