see also
These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Did Kernberg ever say anything about Lacan ?
Object Relations:
Moral values:
Stable, complex, and enduring; able to integrate tender and erotic feelings
Healthy defenses predominate; No evidence of primitive defenses
No primitive aggression; control and modulation of aggression
Consistent and flexible; no antisocial behavior
Neurotic I
Stable, complex, and enduring; difficulty integrating tender and erotic feelings
No evidence of primitive defenses, Repression-based and mature defenses predominate; some rigidity.
No primitive aggression; some evidence faulty modulation of aggression (e.g., minor self-neglect or occasional verbal outbursts)
Overly harsh and/or inflexible but fully organized and internalized; no antisocial behavior
Neurotic II
Consolidated; somewhat superficial sense of self and/or others
Somewhat superficial, but enduring; some limitation in capacity for empathy; difficulty integrating tender and erotic feelings
Endorsement of primitive defenses is rare; Repression-based defenses predominate; some rigidity.
No primitive aggression; evidence of faulty modulation of aggression (e.g., minor self-destructive behaviors or controlling interpersonal style)
Organized and internalized but variable; self-critical attitudes and demanding standards may co-exist with disavowal of exploitative or minor self-destructive behaviors
Borderline I
Identity diffusion, mild
Split and/or superficial but with some degree of stability and integration, especially in non-conflictual domains
Combined use of splitting-based and repression-based defenses, significant rigidity and compromised adaptation.
Primitive aggression; aggressive behaviors largely self-directed
Borderline II
Identity diffusion, moderate
Superficial and based on need-fulfillment; empathy impaired; little ability to sustain interest over time; widely split and unstable
Predominance of primitive defenses with significant impairment; severe rigidity and grossly maladaptive defensive strategies
Primitive aggression; aggressive behaviors directed against other +/- against self
Variable, generally poorly integrated and poorly internalized
Borderline III
Identity diffusion, severe
Based entirely on need-fulfillment, no empathy and no capacity to sustain interest in others
Constant use of primitive defenses; extreme rigidity and failure of adaptation
Primitive aggression with dangerous, aggressive behaviors directed towards self and/or others
No organized moral value system; antisocial behavior
The term masochism was coined in 1886 by the Austrian psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902) in his book Psychopathia Sexualis.
Masoch did not approve of this use of his name.
While de Sade mentally explored a wide range of sexual deviations, his known behavior includes "only the beating of a housemaid and an orgy with several prostitutes—behavior significantly departing from the clinical definition of sadism".[7][8] De Sade was a proponent of free public brothels paid for by the state.
Despite having no legal charge brought against him,[7] De Sade was incarcerated in various prisons and an insane asylum for about 32 years of his life (or, after 1777, solely due to lettre de cachet and involuntary commitment): seven years in the Château de Vincennes, five years in the Bastille, a month in the Conciergerie, two years in a fortress, a year in Madelonnettes Convent, three years in Bicêtre Asylum, a year in Sainte-Pélagie Prison, and 12 years in the Charenton Asylum. During the French Revolution, he was an elected delegate to the National Convention. Many of his works were written in prison.
換句話說,你要理解,他的書寫,是獄中的書寫,是想像的書寫,是邊寫邊笑到,腰,和/或,老二,伸不直的的書寫,意思是說,從他的囚房,傳來歌劇般的叫床,這是有難度的,不信下次,你叫叫看, (no e-text so far)
(1) Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis, ed. by Boštjan Nedoh, Andreja Zevnik, Edinburgh University Press, 2018
(2) Ontology and Perversion: Deleuze, Agamben, Lacan (Futures of the Archive), by Boštjan Nedoh, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
(3) Lacan Deleuze Badiou, by A. J. Bartlett, Justin Clemens, Jon Roffe, Edinburgh University Press, 2014
(4) The science of events: Deleuze and psychoanalysis, Edward Kazarian, 2009, PhD dissertation
(5) Deleuze and Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Essays on Deleuze's Debate with Psychoanalysis, ed. by Leen de Bolle, 2010
(6) The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis, by Aaron Schuster, The MIT Press, 2016
(1) Heidegger’s Ontology of Events (New Perspectives in Ontology, by James Bahoh, Edinburgh University Press, 2021
(2) HEIDEGGER AND DELEUZE: THE GROUNDWORK OF EVENTAL ONTOLOGY, by James Bahoh, Duquesne University, PhD dissertation
(3) Ontology in Heidegger and Deleuze: A Comparative Analysis, by Gavin Rae, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
This book traces and engages critically the development of Heidegger’s nonpublic
writings on “the event” between 1936 and 1942. Heidegger held these manuscripts
as well as the notorious Black Notebooks (another series of nonpublic
writings) hidden from the public and directed that they be published as part of
his collected works only after all his lecture courses had been published. The first
of the nonpublic writings of the event is Beiträge zur Philosophy (Vom Ereignis)
(Contributions to Philosophy) and is considered by many to be Heidegger’s second
major work after Being and Time. It appeared in German in 1989 and was first
translated into En glish in 1989 and then again in 2012. The following volumes
Besinnung (Mindfulness), Die Geschichte des Seins (The History of Beyng), Über
den Anfang (On Inception), and Das Ereignis (The Event) were published in German
between 1997 and 2009 and were translated into En glish between 2006 and now.
The last volume of the series (Stege des Anfangs), dating to 1944, has not yet been
published in German. (p. ix)
In chapter 5 (relating to Besinnung and Die Geschichte des Seyns), I engage
the difficult question of Heidegger’s thinking in relation to its historical setting
in Germany during World War II. This includes the questions of his nationalism
and anti- Semitism, which requires a look at the Black Notebooks from the same
time. In chapter 7 (relating to Über den Anfang), I reflect on the major change that
happens with this volume, the shift in attunement in this text, and Heidegger’s
move toward attempting to think the event as inception (Anfang). I inquire into
the way he begins to understand his thinking in a movement of departure into the
most inceptive, abyssal dimension of beyng, indeed even beyond beyng, as he
introduces the difficult notion of the “beingless.” Chapter 9 (relating to The Event)
is dedicated to an inquiry into language and to how, after his descent into the
most abyssal dimension of being, Heidegger will emerge with a new “cosmology”
(the fourfold of gods, humans, earth, and sky) and a rethinking of things as sites of gathering
and disclosure of a world— a world that, for him, is not yet there and has never been there.
(pp. xi-xii)
To assign a more specific date to the onset of the "anthropocene" seems somewhat arbitrary, but we propose the latter part of the 18th century, although we are aware that alternative proposals can be made (some may even want to include the entire holocene). However, we choose this date because, during the past two centuries, the global effects of human activities have become clearly noticeable. This is the period when data retrieved from glacial ice cores show the beginning of a growth in the atmospheric concentrations of several "greenhouse gases", in particular CO2 and CH4. Such a starting date also coincides with James Watt's invention of the steam engine in 1784.[29]
The same year (1982), Hauer appeared in arguably his most famous and acclaimed role as the eccentric and violent but sympathetic antihero Roy Batty in Ridley Scott's 1982 science fiction thriller Blade Runner, in which he delivered the famous tears in rain monologue.[25] Hauer wrote some of the speech himself, the night before shooting, "cutting away swathes of the original script before adding the speech’s poignant final line".[26]