These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Monday, January 31, 2022
Sunday, January 30, 2022
The Faculty (1998)
Cop (1988)
Blood on the Moon (James Ellroy, 1984)
Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy
Out of Sight (1998)
3 Ways That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Your Job Forever
2022-1-30 (on the road)
大凡十分嚴肅的事情 必須在十分調侃的氣氛下 被發生 才擔得起它的鹽 (worth its salt) 這是豬哥亮 主持牛肉場七十年的心得 我先前說過很多次 拯救中國的唯一希望 就是豬哥亮 意思是說 如果中國變成牛肉場
action vs. event
James Ellroy and Elmore Leonard
- Never open a book with weather.
- Avoid prologues.
- Never use a verb other than "said" to carry dialogue.
- Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said"… he admonished gravely.
- Keep your exclamation points under control. You are allowed no more than two or three per 100,000 words of prose.
- Never use the words "suddenly" or "all hell broke loose."
- Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly.
- Avoid detailed descriptions of characters.
- Don't go into great detail describing places and things.
- Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip. My most important rule is one that sums up the 10. 「 If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. 」
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Jackie Brown (1997)
Seven Psychopaths (2012)
Theatrum Philosophicum (Michel Foucault, 1970)
2022-1-29 (on the road)
Friday, January 28, 2022
China’s Digital Surveillance State Exposed in Data Leak
a friday, this is (on the road)
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Série noire
Apparently, detective novels are universal, whether you call it need, fantasy, or desire. And you must remember that Bolano said he'd rather be a homicide detective than a novelist.
Deleuze wrote an article “The Philosophy of Crime Novels” to praise this publishing event. I believe he'd enjoy Harry Bosch, Matthew Scudder, and Jack Reacher too.
Global tensions grow as Chinese rocket scientist defects to the West (2022-1-23)
Chinese Scientist Defects to U.S. Carrying Hypersonic Weapons Secrets
Zama Review: This Surreal Period Piece Is 2018’s Best Film So Far
the silencer (Antonio Di Benedetto,1964) (2022-2-1)
a thursday, that is (on the road)
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Deleuze and Beckett (2015)
Deleuze and Beckett: An Immanent Encounter (2014)
Abstract Machines: Samuel Beckett and Philosophy After Deleuze and Guattari (Garin Dowd, Rodopi, 2007)
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Immersion in the Mother: Lacanian Perspectives on Borderline States (2019)
See also
Borderline Personality Disorder: A Lacanian Perspective, Liliana Rusansky Drob, 2008
1:30 PM (van life 手記)
Monday, January 24, 2022
周一 (2022-1-24)
Giorgio Agamben: A Critical Introduction (Leland de la Durantaye, Stanford University Press, 2009)
「The law of the good neighbor」
See also
Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer Series: A Critical Introduction and Guide, Colby Dickinson, EUP, 2022-5-31T
he Agamben Dictionary, ed. Alex Murray, Jessica Whyte, EUP, 2011
12:26 MN 從午夜開始 (2022-1-23)
Saturday, January 22, 2022
CCP time to die crying
Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! (2008)
two itineraries
Once billed as a revolution in medicine, IBM’s Watson Health is sold off in parts
Deltacron: the story of the variant that wasn’t
Friday, January 21, 2022
星期五 (van life 手記)
How the ‘Real World’ at last Became a Myth
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Boss Level (2021)
I am Guan Yin, and Guan Yin has done this.
這句話,說明中資的滲透,無所不在,不過我還是比較喜歡,Payback (1999),那句 「So go boil an egg」,
星期四 (van life 手記)
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Four Rooms (1995)
The Core Complex (Mervyn Glasser, 1979) (perversion)
At the heart of Glasser’s (1979) concept of the core complex is a universal developmental step which deals with a child’s anxieties of abandonment and engulfment during early separation and individuation from their mother. Faced with this the individual either withdraws, experiencing tremendous isolation and feelings of abandonment, or reacts aggressively in fantasy or reality against the object in an effort to preserve the self. Aggression is a central component of the core complex. The annihilatory fear of a loss of separate existence provokes an intense aggressive reaction on the part of the ego. The Core Complex, therefore, describes a way of relating to significant others through sexualisation. This eroticised aggression towards the object is inevitably expressed through masochistic and sadistic behaviours.
anyone considering sexual deviance should keep in mind the distinction between a true perversion and the deviant elements which may feature in the sexual life of normal people or people suffering from various forms of disturbance / [argue that] the perversions should be identified by the specific nature of [a global structure involving the individual's whole personality] rather than any manifest sexual activity / exploration of this global structure of the perversions shows it to be enormously complex, with numerous elements dynamically held together to form 'component complexes' which themselves are dynamically inter-related to each other at the centre of this structure is such a component complex which we may refer to as the 'core complex' because it is fundamental to the pervert's psychopathology and substantially influences all the other component complexes / [discuss] the interrelated dimensions of the core complex and psychic homeostasis and [examine] how aggression in these contexts make a fundamental contribution to the nature and structure of the perversions / distinguish 'aggression' and 'sadism' on the nature of aggression / the establishment of the specific predisposition to perversions / aggression and the super-ego in the perversions (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)
5:05 AM (DoS = DoD)
I have nothing to ask but that you would remove to the other side, that you may not, by intercepting the sunshine, take from me what you cannot give (Diogenes of Sinope)
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Althusser’s Clinamen: Aleatory Materialism and Revolutionary Politics
5. Late work (1980–1986): Aleatory Materialism
After being interrupted by ill health and by the events following from the murder of his wife, in 1982 Althusser returned to the question of what was essential to Marx’s philosophy and expanded the scope of this inquiry to include speculation about the metaphysics that must underlie it. Freed by his ignoble status from the task of influencing the direction of the Communist movement, the texts associated with this project and gathered together in the bookPhilosophy of the Encounter differ tremendously in subject matter, style, and method from his other writings. Whether these texts represent a continuation of, or even the key to his philosophy or whether they are an aberration is presently being debated in the secondary literature. However, as there is strong textural and archival evidence that many of the ideas explicitly expressed in these works had been gestating for a long time, the contention that these writings are of a piece with his earlier work seems to be gaining ground.
The principal thesis of Althusser’s last philosophical writings is that there exists an “underground” or little recognized tradition in the history of philosophy. Variously labeled a “materialism of the encounter” or “aleatory materialism,” the method which he uses to articulate this philosophy is to simply comment upon works by philosophers who exemplify this current and to point out where, how, and to what extent they do so. In addition to Marx, the philosophers that he cites as being part of this underground tradition include Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius, Machiavelli, Spinoza, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein. From these readings in the history of philosophy, Althusser aims to suggest that this tradition exists and that it is both philosophically fecund and viable. He also wishes to return to and bolster the thesis he first ventured in the late 1960s that there are really only two positions in philosophy: materialism and idealism. As he understood it, the two tendencies are always in a war of opposition with the one functioning to reinforce the status quo and the other to possibly overcome it.
Perhaps because it functions in opposition to the idealist tendency in philosophy, aleatory materialism is marked almost as much by its rejections as it is by the positive claims it contains about the world and about history. As Marx is included within this tradition, it is not surprising that many of these rejections are also attributed to him during the course of Althusser’s earlier work. These include a dismissal of what Althusser calls “the principle of Reason,” or the idea that the universe or history has an origin or an end. With this prohibition, Althusser means to exclude from this tradition not only the usual suspects in the rationalist tradition, but also mechanical and dialectical materialisms with their logics of determination. Also dismissed, he maintains, is the myth that somehow philosophy and philosophers are autonomous, that they see the world from outside and objectively. Though there is an objective world, philosophy does not have knowledge of this world as its object for there is no way for it to ground itself and the material it thinks with and through arises historically. Philosophy is therefore not a science or the Science of sciences and it produces no universal Truth. Rather, the truths it produces are contingent and are offered in opposition to other competing truths. If philosophy does have an object, it is the void, or that which is not yet but which could be.
That the philosophy of the encounter lacks an object does not mean that it lacks positive propositions. However, given the epistemological status attributed to philosophy by Althusser, these metaphysical propositions or “theses” are true only insofar as they have explanatory or practical value. First among them, following Democritus, is the thesis that matter is all that exists. Second is the thesis that chance or the aleatory is at the origin of all worlds. That the patterns which constitute and define these worlds can be known, described, and predicted according to certain laws or reasons is also true. However, the fact that these worlds ever came to be organized in these patterns is aleatory and the patterns themselves can only ever be known immanently. Third, new worlds and new orders themselves arise out of chance encounters between pre-existing material elements. Whether or not such orders emerge is contingent: they do not have to occur. When material elements collide, they either “take” and a new order is founded, or they do not and the old world continues.
To Althusser, the propositions which have explanatory value at the level of ontology and cosmology also have value at the level of political philosophy. After first citing Rousseau and Hobbes as example of philosophers who recognized that the origin and continued existence of political orders is contingent, Althusser turns to Machiavelli and Marx for his principle examples of how aleatory materialism functions in the political realm. The anti-teleological, scientistic, and anti-humanist, Marxist philosophy developed by Althusser over the course of his career works well with the materialist metaphysics recounted above. In this understanding of Marxist philosophy, societies and subjects are seen as patterns of activity that behave in predictable ways. Though scientists may study and describe these orders in their specificity, it does not at first appear that philosophy can do much except to categorize these interactions at the most general level. However, citing Marx’s work again and taking inspiration from Machiavelli’s project of installing “a new prince in a new principality,” Althusser argues that the materialist philosopher may accomplish somewhat more than this with her descriptions, critiques, and predictions. This is because, by examining a political order not from the perspective of its necessity but with an awareness of its contingency, this philosopher may be able think the possibility of its transformation. If chance smiles on her, if someone listens and if effects occur, then elements might recombine and a new political might take hold. This is, to be sure, a very limited and unpredictable power attributed to the philosopher. However, it is also the only one that Althusser in his late works argues is adequate for political practice and that does not, like idealism, merely serve to reproduce existing relations.
Monday, January 17, 2022
perversion is the key to Le Sinthome
Sunday, January 16, 2022
What would I do with Lacan today? Thoughts on Sartre, Lacan, and contemporary psychoanalysis (Betty Cannon, 2016)
Novelist Goo-bo who has been writing leaves the house early in the morning with an excited mind to decide whether to publish his novel at a small publishing company where his senior Ki-yeong is the editor-in-chief.
Upon hearing the unexpected news, Goo-bo wanders around the streets in despair and meets various acquaintances accidentally or inevitably...
Release date in Korea : 2021/12
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Part 1: Beijing Is Intentionally Underreporting China’s Covid Death Rate
War With China? The Economic Factor That Could Trigger It
China’s True Unemployment Pain Masked by Official Data
Friday, January 14, 2022
US Accuses China of Developing Brain-Control Weapons
FDA warns of oral health problems linked to transmucosal buprenorphine
Pharmaceutical Self: The Global Shaping of Experience in an Age of Psychopharmacology (2011)
Patrick Landman on French Psychiatry and Stop DSM France (2016-3-31)
event 書目
星期五 (拉岡桑)
Thursday, January 13, 2022
The Principles of Deleuzian Philosophy (Koichiro Kokubun, 國分功一郎, 2021)
Koichiro 桑,上來就說,德勒茲對政治,其實沒有興趣,意思是說,D 和 D&G 是兩件事,對政治狂熱的是 G,但是,你不要忘記,D 和 G 會一拍即合,是有原因的,D 不是一般的哲學家,「看他長相就知道」,你見過哪一個哲學家,疼惜住在自己身上的,愉悅的跳蚤,活得像塊抹布,或用過的保險套,你見過哪一個哲學家,喜歡跟哲學史前輩們,從後面「亂搞」,生出一個個怪胎,而且,D 很挑剔,意思是說,他搞的是 minor literature,是正常的哲學家,看不上眼的,意思是說,正常的哲學家,搞的是莊嚴肅穆的正經大師,意思是說,正常的哲學家,從頭到腳,不知道什麼是瘋狂,不知道什麼是狂野,「還真以為自己在做哲學」,以上,關於,做哲學的恰當的姿勢的可能性,可以類推,心理治療,這是為什麼,我先前說過,你要疼惜,你要嚮往,「不像蘋果的蘋果」,的治療者,和治療,意思是說,你要珍惜,你要嚮往,身上住著「愉悅的跳蚤」的治療者,能夠跟你一起,發生的治療,意思是說,痊癒,就是你身上,也「因此」,住著愉悅的跳蚤,至於,跳蚤需不需要,有沒有可能,過度愉悅 (jouissance),這是一個有趣的問題,你要請教拉岡桑,回到 Koichiro 桑,德勒茲的哲學的「原則」,就是瘋狂,就是狂野,意思是說,腦筋太「整齊」的人,是讀不懂他的,
Deleuze vs. Lacan
(1) Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School, by Guillaume Collett, EUP, 2016
(2) Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis, ed. by Boštjan Nedoh, Andreja Zevnik, EUP, 2018
(3) Guattari's Diagrammatic Thought: Writing Between Lacan and Deleuze, by Janell Watson, Continuum, 2011
(4) Lacan Deleuze Badiou, by A. J Bartlett , Justin Clemens, Jon Roffe, EUP, 2014
(5) Ontology and Perversion: Deleuze, Agamben, Lacan, by Boštjan Nedoh, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
(6) Poststructuralist Agency: The Subject in Twentieth-Century Theory, by Gavin Rae, EUP, 2021
(7) The Myth of the Other: Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze, Bataille, by Franco Rella, Maisonneuve Press, 1994
The bodily event, jouissance and the (post)modern subject (Lissy Canellopoulos, 2010)
Seminar XXIII:Le Sinthome (拉岡桑)
New Technology Monitors Collapsing Glaciers
FDA Approves Novel Drug to Treat Insomnia
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
How AI Could Prevent the Development of New Illicit Drugs
RSI (拉岡桑)
6:09 PM (2022)
Irreplaceable “Thisness” (後結構主義和心理治療)
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis (後結構主義和心理治療) (Alan Bass)
The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis
Poststructuralism and Psychoanalysis (後結構主義和心理治療)
(1) The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis (Short
Circuits), by Aaron Schuster, The MIT Press, 2016
(2) The Politics of Desire:
Foucault, Deleuze, and Psychoanalysis, ed. by Agustín Colombo, Edward F. McGushin, Geoffrey Pfeifer, Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, 2022
(3) The Psychoanalysis of Sense:
Deleuze and the Lacanian School (Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies),
by Guillaume Collett, Edinburgh University
Press, 2016
(4) Deleuze and Psychology:
Philosophical Provocations to Psychological Practices (Concepts for Critical
Psychology), by Maria Nichterlein, John R. Morss, Routledge, 2016
(5) Derrida, Deleuze, Psychoanalysis (A
Critical Theory Institute Book), ed. by Gabriele Schwab, Columbia University
Press, 2007
(6) Lacan: Anti-Philosophy 3 (The
Seminars of Alain Badiou), by Alain Badiou, Kenneth Reinhard (Translator), Susan Spitzer (Translator), Columbia
University Press, 2018
(7) The Desire of Psychoanalysis:
Exercises in Lacanian Thinking (Diaeresis), by Gabriel Tupinambá, Slavoj Žižek (Foreword), Northwestern
University Press, 2021
(8) Worldlessness After Heidegger:
Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction (Incitements), by Roland Végsö, Edinburgh University Press, 2020
(9) Derrida and the Legacy of
Psychoanalysis (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs), by Paul Earlie, Oxford University Press,
(10) Fetishism, Psychoanalysis, and
Philosophy: The Iridescent Thing, by Alan Bass, Routledge; 2017
(11) A Search for Clarity: Science
and Philosophy in Lacan's Oeuvre (Diaeresis), by Jean-Claude Milner, Ed Pluth (Translator), Northwestern
University Press, 2020
(12) Poststructuralist Agency: The
Subject in Twentieth-Century Theory, by Gavin Rae, Edinburgh University Press,
(13) Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism), by Louis Althusser, Steven Rendall (Translator), Pascale Gillot (Foreword), Columbia University Press, 2016
星期二 (後結構主義和心理治療)
Monday, January 10, 2022
Sunday, January 9, 2022
deltacron ~ Cyprus reportedly discovers a Covid variant that combines omicron and delta
Hal Brands
Looking back, CCP started declining from 2008, and CCP in decline is more dangerous for the free world, in other words, the politically correct logic is, keep the bastard well fed, otherwise it will bite you.
Sergio Benvenuto 七講,有點陽光,宋永毅說,被中共洗腦者,須從另一系統,才能反思覺醒,這句話,符合批判思惟的策略,面對系統,須藉系統,方可抗衡之,多年前,林毓生在芝大,與 Paul Ricoeur 有一對話,請教 Ricoeur 如何讀精神分析,Ricoeur 說,精神分析是一自圓其說的系統,唯有從另一系統入,方可破解之,意思是說,老宋和 Ricoeur,講的是同一件事,這件事,就是,你要學兩種語言 (bilingual),才能思考,當然,如果你能學三種以上,會更有趣,
而且,他說,覺醒意識的萌芽,在遭受迫害的親身經歷,他文革期間,被羈押五年半,1999 年回中國收集資料,又被關半年,
宋永毅 (2021),詳細紀錄,毛澤東把玩膩的,成千上萬的女人,送給手下「繼續玩」,這件事,是共匪的下半身的潛規則,比如說,習近平和王岐山,也一起玩過「村花小芳」,你要理解,這件事,有一種「為人民的 pussy 服務」的莊嚴的趣味,
Saturday, January 8, 2022
George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Made Into a Graphic Novel
16 Blocks (2006) (accessible via myvideo)
This is the last great movie by Bruce Willis. Appropriately, fifty something, loser, alcoholic, divorced, bad leg, dyspnea on exertion, lost everything, except one final event, to right his life, for the one final time, guy. And this one happened to be the final work by Richard Donner, who was 76 that year.
毛澤東和文化大革命:政治心理與文化基因的新闡釋 (宋永毅,2021-10-28)
星期六 (perversion)
Friday, January 7, 2022
Sergio Benvenuto (b 1948)
(Sergio Benvenuto, 2016, book review)
(Sergio Benvenuto, 2020, book review)