These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Saturday, December 31, 2022
中國沒有父親 (怎麼讀中國的精神分析)
event is it, but not only that it, which is in the usual sense (2023)
4:01 AM (12/31/22)
Friday, December 30, 2022
Facilitating the Process of Working Through in Psychotherapy: Mastering the Middle Game
王劍說李強狂舔習近平屁眼頻呼 SOBOMGFYMB「好美味」「好美味」
Italy Says Covid Cases on China Arrivals Are Omicron
Handbook of Good Psychiatric Management for Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder
Thursday, December 29, 2022
如何成為一個成功的失敗的小說家 (how to be a successfully failed novelist)
Research Urgently Needed on 988 Crisis Line Effectiveness, Caller Demographics, and More
how to be a character (2023) (David Morrell, 2008) (b 1943)
The Successful Novelist: A Lifetime of Lessons about Writing and Publishing, by David Morrell, Sourcebooks, 2008
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Researchers Outline DSM-5-TR Changes, Rationale Behind Changes
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Prescribing Together:A Relational Guide to Psychopharmacology
metanarratives 就是能指
電影鴨 (1999)
French moment vs Chinese moment
Monday, December 26, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
以一九二零年代為例 (2023)
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Levi-Strauss and the Buddhists (Ivan Strenski, 1980)
Buddhist not-self meets poststructuralist subjectivity
A-Signifying Semiotics
Friday, December 23, 2022
Duns Scotus (1265-1308) haccecity (存在的個體性)
先生遊南鎮,巖中花樹,「顏色一時明白起來」,(顏色一時明白起來的,其實是汝心) (人自以為是萬物之靈,其實「萬物皆有靈」)
Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event)
The latest Alzheimer’s drug should be cheaper than the last one, analysis says
One of the many questions swirling around two new Alzheimer’s drugs — Aduhelm, which was approved last year amid controversy, and lecanemab, whose FDA nod could be nigh — is their cost. Aduhelm was first priced at $56,000 per year, but that was later slashed in half. Medicare balked because of doubts about whether the drug works, putting in place a policy that all but prohibits reimbursing for Aduhelm and any Alzheimer’s medicines that work by targeting toxic plaques in the brain. That category that includes lecanemab, the latest Alzheimer’s disease treatment from Eisai and Biogen.
Enter a draft analysis from ICER. The influential nonprofit said yesterday lecanemab must be cheaper than $20,000 a year to be cost-effective for modestly delaying the advance of Alzheimer’s. Eisai hasn’t said how much it will charge for the drug, expected to win FDA approval by Jan. 6. STAT’s Damian Garde has more.
- (一)出家阿闍梨,出家時授十戒師,故又作十戒阿闍梨、親教師、得戒和尚、和尚。
- (二)受戒阿闍梨,受具足戒時之羯磨師,又作羯磨阿闍梨、羯摩和尚。
- (三)教授阿闍梨,受具足戒時之授威儀師,故又作威儀阿闍梨、教授和尚。
- (四)受經阿闍梨,教授佛教經典讀法、意義之師。
- (五)依止阿闍梨,與出家僧人共居,指導其起居之師,出家僧人僅依止一宿,共同起居時的老師,即可稱之。又稱依止阿闍梨、依止師,也可稱為和尚[1]。
星期五 (2022-12-23)
救愛之歌 (helpless songs) (西海謙一郎, Kenichiro Nishiumi, 2018)(2022-12-24)
The Tragedy of the Self. Individual and Social Disintegration Viewed Through the Self Psychology of Heinz Kohut (2000) (2022-12-21) (2023)
6 Times Quantum Physics Blew Our Minds in 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Virus and fear surge in China: what’s happening and why?
BF.7 is the name for the BA., which itself has evolved from the BA.5 sub-variant. BF.7 is not unique to China. It accounted for over 5 per cent of the cases in the US in October and over 7 per cent of the cases in the UK.
But the surge in China has nothing to do with the variant circulating there, according to virologist Dr Ekta Gupta.
“There is no scientific evidence to suggest that there is one particular variant that is driving the surge in China. Neither is there evidence to suggest that any new variant is the cause. If you look at the Gisaid data (a global database of Sars-CoV-2 genomes), nothing vastly different has been uploaded from the country,” virologist Dr Gupta said.
She said it was the large susceptible population that was the key driver of the surge.
“From what I can understand, the strict lockdowns in China meant that a huge proportion of the population did not get the infection."
Treatment-Resistant Depression Associated With High Mortality, Lost Work Days, Health Care Use
放下能指你就自由 (2022-12-21) (2023)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
appropriation (據為己有) (2022-12-21)
著名華裔病毒學家丁亮說:未來3個月 中國進入地獄模式 (2022-12-21)
Antidepressants Do Not Appear to Increase Risk of Serotonin Syndrome in Patients Prescribed Linezolid
關於一二三的說明 (2022-12-21)
舞鶴長篇小說回望白色恐怖歷史 從高一生的56封家書穿越時空對話 (2022-12-21)
星期三 (2022-12-21)
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Exploring Core Competencies in Jungian Psychoanalysis: Research, Practice, and Training (2022) (2022-12-21)
Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis: From the Frankfurt School to Contemporary Critique (2022) (2022-12-21)
Session 16 (2022-12-21) (June,2023)
中國皇帝的邏輯 (2022-12-21)
China COVID wave could kill one million people, models predict (2022-12-21)
Humanism: the fourth wave (John Heron) (2022-12-21)
Thinking the event: Alain Badiou’s philosophy and the task of critical theory (Bruno Bosteels, 2010) (2023)
Monday, December 19, 2022
關係學派導讀 (June, 2023) (2022-12-21)
起因是 「Meeting of Minds: Mutuality in Psychoanalysis, by Lewis Aron, Routledge, 2001」中譯本出版,受心靈工坊之邀,2023-6-7 至 2023-6-28,每周三晚,7:00-9:00,進行導讀,
這個課程,旨在迴顧關係學派過去三十年,梳理其重要概念,包括 mutuality,development tilt,ritual and spontaneity,dialectical constructivism,dissociation,mu
1.1 Sullivan Revisited. Life and Work. Harry Stack Sullivan’s Relevance for Contemporary Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, by Marco Conci, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche Trento, 2012
1.1 Pioneers of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Carola H. Mann, Stuart Kantor, Gary Schlesinger, Routledge, 2015
1.1 The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s-1990s: Rethinking transference and countertransference, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Irwin Hirsch, Routledge 2017
1.1 Further Developments in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, 1980s-2010s: Evolving Interest in the Analyst’s Subjectivity, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Irwin Hirsch, Routledge 2017
1.2 The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi: From ghost to ancestor, ed. Adrienne Harris, Steven Kuchuck, Routledge, 2015
1.2 The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi, ed. Judith Dupont, translated by Michael Balint, Harvard University Press, 1988
1.3 Mutual Analysis: Ferenczi, Severn, and the Origins of Trauma Theory, Peter L. Rudnytsky, Routledge, 2021
1.3 Elizabeth Severn: The "Evil Genius" of Psychoanalysis, by Arnold Rachman, Routledge, 2018
1.4 Clara M. Thompson’s Early Years and Professional Awakening: An American Psychoanalyst (1893-1933),
by Ann D'Ercole, Routledge, 2023
1.4 Clara M. Thompson’s Professional Evolution and Legacy: An American Psychoanalyst (1933-1958), by Ann D'Ercole, Routledge, 2023
2.1 Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, by Stephen Mitchell, Jay Greenberg, Harvard University Press 1983
2.1 Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration, by Stephen Mitchell, Harvard University Press, 1988
2.1 Relationality: From Attachment to Intersubjectivity, by Stephen Mitchell, Routledge, 2000
2.2 The Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, by Steven Kuchuck, Confer Books, 2021
2.2 key texts to be listed
3.1 Beyond Doer and Done to: Recognition Theory, Intersubjectivity and the Third, by Jessica Benjamin, Routledge, 2017
3.2 Bass, A. (2015) The Dialogue of Unconsciouses, Mutual Analysis and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 25:2-17
3.2 Davies, J. M. (1994) Love in the Afternoon: A Relational Reconsideration of Desire and Dread in the Countertransference. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 4:153-170
3.2 Davies, J. M. (2013) My Enfant Terrible is Twenty: A Discussion of Slavin's and Gentile's Retrospective Reconsideration of “Love in the Afternoon”. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 23:170-179
3.2 Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice, Study and Research, by Roy E. Barsness, Routledge, 2017
3.3 Cushman, P. (2015) Relational Psychoanalysis as Political Resistance. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 51:423-459
3.3 A Psychotherapy for the People: Toward a Progressive Psychoanalysis, by Lewis Aron, Karen Starr, Routledge, 2012
4.1 Magid, B. & Shane, E. (2017) Relational Self Psychology. Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context 12:3-19
4.1 Shane, E. (2018) A Relational Self Psychological Approach to the Clinical Situation. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 28:687-695
4.1 Magid, B., Fosshage, J. & Shane, E. (2021) The Emerging Paradigm of Relational Self Psychology: An Historical Perspective. Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context 16:1-23
4.2 De-Idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique From Within, ed. Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce Slochower, Routledge, 2018
4.2 Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique, ed. Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce Slochower, Routledge, 2018
4.3 Relational and Intersubjective Perspectives in Psychoanalysis: A Critique, ed. Jon Mills, Jason Aronson, 2005
4.3 Debating Relational Psychoanalysis: Jon Mills and his Critics, by Jon Mills, Routledge, 2020
從來沒有打算在瑣碎卑微中找到真理 (2022-12-21)
this is van life (2022-12-21)
The Immanence of Truths: Being and Event III (Alain Badiou,2022) (2022-12-21)
The new volume reverses the perspective adopted in Logics of Worlds. Where in that book, Badiou saw fit to analyze how truths, qua events, appear from the perspective of particular worlds that by definition exclude them, in The Immanence of Truths Badiou asks instead how the irruption of truth transforms the worlds within which they by necessity must arise. An emphasis on regularity and continuity has given way to an attempt, one unquestionable in its philosophical power and implications, to formalize rupture and reconfiguration.
The Being and Event trilogy is a unique and ambitious work that reveals how truths can be at once context-specific and universal, situational and eternal.
Psychopharmacology Algorithms: Clinical Guidance from the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Psychiatry Residency Program (2020) (2022-12-21)
Critical Psychiatry: Controversies and Clinical Implications (2019) (2022-12-21)
Critical Psychiatry Network A Complete Guide - 2021 Edition (2022-12-21)
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Session 16: Now, this is exactly what Philip Cushman said about “travels with the self” (2022-12-21)
The transformation of subjectivity, including the deepening of interiority and growing attention on various aspects of the self, is a salient context of the psycho-boom and the psycho-boom is also vigorously shaping this new subjectivity. This is an issue that I will discuss in the future. (Hsuan-Ying Huang. 2015)
Huang Hsuan-Ying (2015) From Psychotherapy to Psycho-Boom: A Historical Overview of Psychotherapy in China, Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China, Volume 1, pp. 1–30
The Future Of Cloud-Based Data, Analytics, and Machine Learning: Highlights from AWS re:Invent 2022
中共中央衛健委12/17/22公告 (2022-12-21)
Spy agencies to report on Chinese leader corruption (2022-12-21)
Oukitel P2001 ($45900 !)
Saturday, December 17, 2022
this is van life (這才是 van life)(2022-12-21)
Session 16 (2022-12-21)
二十萬俄軍 (2022-12-21)
Friday, December 16, 2022
The Analyst’s Torment: Unbearable Mental States in Countertransference (Dhwani Shah, 2022) (2022-12-21)
BRETT KAHR’S TOP TEN BOOKS OF 2022 (2022-12-21)
this is van life (Buddha Approaching the Bodhi Tree) (Ficus religiosa) (2022-12-21)
this is van life (Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness) (2022-12-21)
當林雪把那個銅板捐給教會 (2023) (2022-12-21) (2022-12-24)
台灣權貴和大陸權貴的比較研究 (TD vs CD) (2022-12-21)
The Object Relations Lens: A Psychodynamic Framework for the Beginning Therapist (Christopher Miller, 2023) (2022-12-21)
Nuclear Fusion Lab Achieves ‘Ignition’: What Does It Mean?
Session 16 (2022-12-21) (2022-12-24)
This is untimely, but necessary.
1. 首先,存在主義,(Kierkegaard)
2. 其次,結構主義,(Saussure)
3. 再者,後結構主義,(Bataille),「in praise of delirium」 (The Delirium of Praise: Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski. by Eleanor Kaufman, 2003)
4. 一至三,都沒有希望,
5. 但是,差別在,一要我們執拗,二要我們繼續,追著只差一步的胡蘿蔔狂奔,三要我們,「微笑」著,甘為荒煙漫草,
6. 我們現已來到,後結構主義之後,
7. 我粗淺的理解是,我們不知道,我們現在,在哪裡,
8. 有人說,process philosophy,new materialism,speculative realism,object oriented ontology,agential realism,
9. 簡單講,就是,物的反撲,的世界,
10. 回到開始,存在主義,
11. 二戰巴黎,是圍城的,沒有出路的磨難 (ordeal),
12. 存在主義,希望給絕望,留下執拗,
13. 這件事情,我認為,不會過時,
14. 當下一次,圍城的絕望,再度發生的時候,
15. 未幾,結構主義興起,
16. 這說明了,執拗是會被嘲諷的,
17. 結構主義說,你是被決定的,
18. 但是,在那個被決定的,能指鏈的命運中,
19. 能指,承諾它偶爾,會乍 (詐) 現,讓你在迷宮裡,繼續,
20. 等待,比如說,果陀,
21. 意思是說,結構主義,要你被決定的同時,
22. 不放棄,泅泳,
23. 就像,強迫游泳測試(Forced swimming test) 的,那隻老鼠,(實驗時間為六分鐘,前二分鐘為適應期,記錄後四分鐘內老鼠呈現靜止不動的時間(immobility time),大多數的抗憂鬱藥物能減少小鼠的不動時間,抗焦慮與抗精神病藥物卻不產生影響)
24. 未幾,後結構主義興起,
25. 意思是說,六八年狂風沙,
26. 讓人一度以為,事件真能,改變世界,
27. 這個「以為」,撐持了,接下來三十年的逃脫,
28. 今天,我們知道,
29. 沒有人,成功逃脫,
30. 而今日,物的反撲,
31. 恰恰說明,人已成為物,
32. 正確的說,尚且不如物,
33. 至此,你問,那還說什麼,後結構主義的心理治療,
34. 我想,那是因為,D&G 的「微笑」,即使不是答案,
35. 也是,一種「酣暢」,
36. 意思是說,給我酣暢,此生足矣,
37. 而且,我目前的看法,物的反撲,無法持久,
38. 意思是說,人必回來,
39. 或至少,他以為回得來,
40. 這時,我們想起,一開始提過的,Philip Cushman,(Travels with the Self: Interpreting Psychology as Cultural History, Philip Cushman, 2019)
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Kindness Can Have Unexpectedly Positive Consequences (2022-12-21)
BQ.1. BQ.1.1 (地獄犬,Cerberus)
this is van life (2023)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
印第安人的歌聲是因為悲傷 (2023) (2022-12-21)
this is not van life (2022-12-14)
什麼是自由 (2023) (2022-12-14)
China braces for COVID wave (Axis China, 2022-12-13) (2022-12-14)
- Long lines formed outside fever clinics as people with symptoms sought treatment and COVID tests, Reuters reports.
- Chinese experts are urging Beijing to quickly approve updated vaccines that are more effective against newer strains of the virus, per the Financial Times. Those vaccinated in China have received the Sinopharm and Sinovac jabs, which are less effective against omicron.
- People have rushed to pharmacies to stock up on cold medicines, including traditional Chinese herbal remedies the Chinese government has heavily promoted as beneficial to treating COVID but which so far have scant scientific evidence to support their efficacy.
- Feng Zijian, who advises China's COVID task force, said last week that COVID could infect up to 840 million people, per the New York Times.
- Since then, the central government and local authorities have continued to dismantle elements of the extensive contact tracing and testing system that health authorities implemented effectively for almost three years.
- Chinese authorities also announced they would no longer use the nationwide location tracking app that collected cellphone data on the travel history of Chinese residents to determine who had entered a COVID outbreak zone.
- Last week, China's top medical advisor Zhong Nanshan compared COVID's death rate to the flu, stating the rate was about 0.1%, though scientists are still debating how lethal the disease is.