These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
How medicine’s revolutionary advances are changing the way we live
Namewee’s ‘The Wall’: A Metaphor for the CCP’s Repression of Mainland Chinese People
Autistic Phenomena and Unrepresented States: Explorations in the Emergence of Self (2023)
AI Bot ChatGPT Passes US Medical Licensing Exams Without Cramming – Unlike Students
1/31/23 (星期二)
Study Supports Repetitive TMS for Patients With Treatment-Resistant Depression
Monday, January 30, 2023
Learning the Psychology of Xi Jinping to Understand China
About the Author
Alfred L. Chan is a Professor Emeritus at Huron University College, Western University, and a Research Associate with the Asian Institute at the Munk Centre for Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. A political scientist and a China expert, he has taught at Carleton University, McGill University, and Calgary University. He has published in leading international journals on China such as The China Quarterly, The China Journal, Studies on Contemporary China, and Pacific Affairs. He is also the author of Mao's Crusade.
On the Couch in Beidaihe: The Political Psychology of China’s President Xi Jinping (2018)
1/30/23 (星期一)
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Jordon Walker, a la CCP, is mutating the virus
1/29/23 (星期日)
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Analysis: Xi puts top brain in charge of Taiwan unification strategy
1/28/23 (星期六)
Friday, January 27, 2023
CDC publishes first estimates of bivalent boosters’ effectiveness against XBB.1.5
什麼是 becoming
Thursday, January 26, 2023
ChatGPT in health care: 5 burning questions about the buzzy new tool
Cornerstones of Attachment Research (2020)
年五 (1/26/23) (星期四)
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
China’s Tragedy of Errors: Pandemic Redux (Ilana Freedman)
Writing techniques
When starting a book, he says, the story is not always clear, but Connelly has “a hunch” as to where it is going. The books often reference real-world events, such as the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the September 11 attacks. Events that might seem of minor significance are included in some of the books, because of Connelly’s personal interest in them. For example, City of Bones, in which Detective Bosch investigates the murder of an 11-year-old boy, was written during Connelly's early years as a father of a daughter, and it hit close to home. According to Connelly, he didn't mean to write about the biggest fear of his life; it just came out that way.
Detective Bosch's life usually changes in harmony with Connelly's own life. When Connelly moved 3,000 miles across the country, Bosch's experiences sent him in a new direction in City of Bones, written at that time. According to Connelly, his "real" job is to write about Bosch.
Connelly often changes perspectives between characters in his novels. In Void Moon, Connelly frequently alternates between following protagonist Cassie Black and antagonist Jack Karch. In Fair Warning, Connelly outright changes the overarching perspective of the book on occasion, regularly following protagonist Jack McEvoy in a first-person point of view while occasionally branching away from his story to follow the antagonists in third-person.
變換觀點 (change perspective),有四種可能,1 + 3 (第一人稱,穿插第三人稱),或 3 + 1,或 1 + 1,或 3 + 3,
但是,Hope to Die (Lawrence Block),1 + 1,分別寫 Scudder 和 A.B.,甚至 A.B. 的部份還用斜體字,結果失敗,不能卒讀,讀者只好逢 A.B. 的章節,就跳過不讀,(為什麼會 1 + 1,因為你想通吃,兩個人的內心世界,都要描寫)
1 是心理學的 (psychological) 自述,3 是人類學的 (anthropological) 田野,
意思是說,最難看的 thriller,就是 psychological thriller,
3 + 3,3 + 1,1 + 3,也許會好一點,
所以,書寫和人生,的關鍵在,必須有 3,
Writing style
Grant's prose has been described as "hardboiled" and "commercial" in style. A 2012 interview suggested that many aspects of the Jack Reacher novels were deliberately aimed at maintaining the books' profitability, rather than for literary reasons. For instance, making Jack Reacher have one parent who was French was suggested as being partly because the presence of only American members of Reacher's family would limit the series's appeal in France. The same interview stated that Grant "didn't apologise about the commercial nature" of his fiction.
Hard-boiled 的關鍵在,沒有形容詞,沒有副詞,所有句子,都很簡短,只有主詞,動詞,受詞,比如說,Shit happens,life goes on,比如說,Jack fucks Mary,(twice,of course),
"棺材板上辦春晚 屍骨堆里慶新年”,橫批:喪事喜辦。
A huge data leak of 1 billion records exposes China’s vast surveillance state
年四 (1/25/23) (星期三)
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Relational Conversations on Meeting and Becoming: The Birth of a True Other (2023)
Sean Carroll (b 1966)
author of four popular books: From Eternity to Here about the arrow of time, The Particle at the End of the Universe about the Higgs boson, The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself about ontology, and Something Deeply Hidden about the foundations of quantum mechanics.
His 2016 book The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning and the Universe Itself develops the philosophy of poetic naturalism, the term he is credited with coining.
What is phenomics?
Phenomics is the study of how the environment and a person’s lifestyle interact with the expression of their genes to influence their health and risk of disease. Just as we have a genetic profile, we have a “phenomic” profile, a metabolic fingerprint.
Metabolic Side Effects of Antipsychotics Vary, Meta-Analysis Finds
eccentric (2023)
年三 (1/24/23) (星期二)
Monday, January 23, 2023
我心目中第三世的心理治療 (2023)
China builds team to develop strategies to thwart post-Taiwan invasion sanctions
年二 (1/23/23) (星期一)
from L to G (2023)
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Insight vs Outsight (2023)
The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now (2023)
年一 (1/22/23) (星期日)
Saturday, January 21, 2023
1/21/23 (星期六,除夕)
China’s Covid Surge Could Make Xi More Dangerous
Ferenczi's Last Decade (2023)
Friday, January 20, 2023
A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma: The Inner Worlds of Outer Realities
1.5 vs 2
China Is Preparing for War, Retired General Warns
Landscapes of the Chinese Soul: The Enduring Presence of the Cultural Revolution (2018)
About the Author
Tomas Plaenkers is a member of the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt am Main, working in private practice and as a training analyst member of the Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute. From 2000 to 2005 he taught analytic psychotherapy at the Shanghai Mental Health Center in China, training Chinese psychiatrists and psychologists. He heads the research project ’Forms of Biographical Processing of Social Upheavals, as Exemplified by the so-called Cultural Revolution in China’.
China's pessimistic Gen Z poses challenge for Xi post-COVID
1/20/23 (星期五)
According to the “Daily Star” report, the British psychic Craig Parker threw out a new prophecy. He said that he had predicted an unexpected conflict in Taiwan, which would have serious consequences for the world. He explained that the accident could be two submarines. Or if two planes collide, this event will involve China and Russia, and trigger a bigger conflict. Craig Parker said bluntly that this is “the most serious thing in the next two years.”
The Phenomics Revolution
1/19/23 (星期四)
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
卡西酮類化合物其實都是從卡西酮所衍生。卡西酮(Cathinone)是一種生物鹼,可以在一種名稱恰特草(Khat)的植物(學名 Catha edulis)的莖、葉、花蕊中發現。恰特草是原生於東非衣索匹亞及中東地區的常綠灌木,早在13世紀時就被產地居民嚼食,作為抵抗飢餓或工作疲勞時提神用。卡西酮與安非他命的化學結構式相似,同屬中樞神經興奮劑,能產生類似安非他命的效用,如:精神亢奮、幻覺、心跳加速等症狀,過量使用時可能會引發高燒、胸痛、心搏過速、四肢麻木、肌肉僵硬、妄想,甚至誘發暴力行為。長期使用中毒時,也可能引起錳誘發型帕金森症,臺灣在2016年發生的知名飯店女子命案就跟卡西酮有關。
1/18/23 (星期三)
On Side Effects, Destructive Processes, and Negative Outcomes in Psychoanalytic Therapies: Why Is It Difficult for Psychoanalysts to Acknowledge and Address Treatment Failures? (2014)
"We’re all vulnerable’: One in 10 people will end up with long COVID, new study says
What an Endless Conversation with Werner Herzog Can Teach Us about AI
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Après-coup in Psychoanalysis: The Fulfilment of Desire and Thought (2023)
How bad is China’s covid outbreak?
1/17/23 (星期二)
Monday, January 16, 2023
1/16/23 (星期一)
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Conversations with Lev Shestov by Benjamin Fondane
1/15/23 (星期日)
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Matthew Scudder
Matthew Scudder novels
- The Sins of the Fathers (1976)
- Time to Murder and Create (1976)
- In the Midst of Death (1976)
- A Stab in the Dark (1981)
- Eight Million Ways to Die (1982)
- When the Sacred Ginmill Closes (1986)
- Out on the Cutting Edge (1989)
- A Ticket to the Boneyard (1990)
- A Dance at the Slaughterhouse (1991)
- A Walk Among the Tombstones (1992)
- The Devil Knows You're Dead (1993)
- A Long Line of Dead Men (1994)
- Even the Wicked (1997)
- Everybody Dies (1998)
- Hope to Die (2001)
- All the Flowers Are Dying (2005)
- A Drop of the Hard Stuff (2011)
- The Night and the Music (2013) (A collection of Matthew Scudder short stories and novelettes, 11 in total)
- A Time to Scatter Stones (2019) (Novella)
Why COVID’s XBB.1.5 ‘Kraken’ Variant Is So Contagious
1/14/23 (星期六)
Charles Bukowski on Writing and His Crazy Daily Routine
Charles Bukowski: Sunlight Here I Am: Interviews and Encounters 1963-1993 (2003)
Louis Althusser (1918-1990)
Late work (1980–1986): Aleatory Materialism
Phone Therapy: A Guide for Practitioners Working with Voice Alone (2023)
江枫 | 黄浦江封: 新冠冲击—中国的等级社会正在崩解
意思是說,習近平消滅了中產階級,以致中國只有兩個階級,一是 0.1% 特權階級和他們養的家奴和獒犬,二是 99.9% 濫命一條一無所有階級,後者此刻正手握磚頭和菜刀準備屠匪,
辦桌 vs 流水席
Students find new way to cheat through AI, and teachers haven’t been able to stop it
Scientists See Quantum Interference between Different Kinds of Particles for First Time
NASA just found a planet almost the size of Earth and it's in the habitable zone of a star
Autism Spectrum Disorder:A Review
the old man (2022)
Ecopipam May Reduce Tics in Children With Tourette Syndrome
1/13/23 (星期五)
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Autism Treatment Shifts Away from ‘Fixing’ the Condition
1/12/23 (星期四)
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
How does entropy relate to chaos theory?
1. haccecity (存在的個體性) (Duns Scotus, 1265-1308)
2. 換句話說,「草木瓦石,皆有良知」,
3. 講這八個字之前,讓我們重返南鎮,
4. 先生游南鎮,一友指岩中花樹問曰:「天下無心外之物。如此花樹,在深山中自開自落,於我心亦何相關?」先生曰:「你未看此花時,此花與汝心同歸於寂。你來看此花時,則此花顏色一時明白起來。便知此花不在你的心外。」
5. 這段話的意思是說,
6. 先生遊南鎮,岩中花樹,「遂」顏色一時明白起來,
7. 殊不知,顏色一時明白起來的,其實是汝心,
8. 岩中花樹,顏色從來沒有不明白過,
9. 意思是說,人自以為是萬物之靈,讓萬物顏色一時明白起來,
10. 其實「萬物皆有靈」,反倒是萬物讓人顏色一時明白起來,
New Omicron Subvariant Is 'Crazy Infectious,' COVID Expert Warns
xi the fucking 「SOB」 plans to totally destroy china’s economy and annihilate the chinese people and fuck the world again with his 「tailor-made virus」
1/11/23 (星期三)
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
FDA Approves Second Monoclonal Antibody Medication for Alzheimer’s
1/10/23 (星期二)
Monday, January 9, 2023
那本書 (二) (2023)
To understand just one life you have to swallow the world. (Salman Rushdie)
1/9/23 (星期一)
Sunday, January 8, 2023
1. 菊次郎十六式
2. 救愛之歌
3. 野草根莖聯結療法
4. 放下能指你就自由療法
5. 來到混沌的邊緣
6. 一時顏色明白起來
7. 遂覆舟不知所蹤
8. 老夫這裡沒有那種閑家具,非以移情取勝
9. 兩個陌生人,落拓江湖,遂以萍水相逢,江湖道義殊勝 (陌生人的善意療法)
10. 分子革命療法
11. 「我們都是野蠻人」療法
「we are all savages」 (The Revenant, 2015)
12. a la schizoanalysis
13. 老木匠療法 (Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson, 1919)
14. 岩中花樹療法
15. 一把鹽送行流離療法 (Flotsam, Remarque, 1939)
16. 一個乾淨明亮的地方療法