These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Contemporary Object Relations in Los Angeles: Building on the Work of the London Kleinians (2023)
郭建龍:警察國家必毀於脆斷 (2020)
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Will Be Killed by Their Own Inner Circles, Biden and Zelensky Predict
"A Year” is the author’s documentary project by Dmytro Komarov. Part one (English subtitles)
9:45 AM (2/28/23)
APA Releases Revamped Practice Guideline on Eating Disorders
Monday, February 27, 2023
Kyōko Hayashi (林 京子, 1930 – 2017)
Hibakusha (pronounced [çibaꜜkɯ̥ɕa] or [çibakɯ̥ꜜɕa]; Japanese: 被爆者 or 被曝者; lit."person affected by a bomb" or "person affected by exposure [to radioactivity]") is a word of Japanese origin generally designating the people affected by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
Maliciously Iatrogenic Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says
Maverick Genius: The Pioneering Odyssey of Freeman Dyson (2013)
Sunday, February 26, 2023
2/26/23 (星期日)
Saturday, February 25, 2023
北京青年近衛軍雞 ZZ (ZiZi) 表演雞姦 ZJ (ZiJen)
China Reportedly Negotiating with Russia To Supply Kamikaze Drones
Anthony Blinken vs Jeffrey Goldberg
一個村莊有多少人 (2023-2-25)
At birth, it starts at one or two. Friendships peak in the late teens and early 20s. By their 30s, people tend to have about 150 connections, and that number remains flat until people reach their late 60s and early 70s, when their number of connections, Dr. Dunbar said, “starts to plummet.” “If you live long enough, it gets back to one or two.”
Friday, February 24, 2023
London Kleinians in Los Angeles: Laying the Foundations of Object Relations Theory and Practice (2023)
2/24/23 (星期五)
Quantum Physics and/as Philosophy:Immanence, Diffraction, and the Ethics of Mattering
Diffraction and response-able reading of texts: the relational ontologies of Barad and Deleuze (2019)
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Lawrence Block vs Seicho Matsumoto:A Comparative Study
Dopamine Receptor Partial Agonists: Who Are the Candidates?
2/23/23 (星期四)
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Don Eigler (b 1953)
2/22/23 (星期三)
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Hedda Bolgar (1909-2013)
- "I started a lot of things at 65."[9]
Uprooted Minds: A Social Psychoanalysis for Precarious Times: Second Edition (2023)
Psychoanalytic Investigations in Philosophy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Current Existential Challenges (2023)
2/21/23 (星期二)
Monday, February 20, 2023
2/20/23 (星期一)
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Psychoanalytic Psychoanalytic autopsy of CCP and Xi (2023)
Psychoanalytic Psychoanalytic autopsy of CCP and Xi
16. 所作所為,邪惡沒有底線, autopsy of CCP and Xi
後中共的中國:當中共政權解體,所有台灣人不可不知的天下大勢全推演 (2022) (2023-2-19)
Karen Barad (2023)
2/19/23 (星期日)
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Soros Remarks Delivered at the 2023 Munich Security Conference
Turning to China, Xi Jinping would be an obvious loser. His close association with Putin would hurt him. But China may be already undergoing a revolution. Most of Xi Jinping’s problems are self-inflicted. He started mismanaging the economy right from the beginning of his rule when he went out of his way to undo Deng Xiaoping’s reformist achievements.
Xi’s Zero Covid policy was his biggest blunder. It imposed enormous hardship on the population and brought them to the verge of open rebellion.
Then, in response to popular pressure, Xi suddenly abandoned the policy without putting anything else in its place. The result was Armageddon.
Without proper inoculations, infections spread like wildfire. Hospitals and morgues were overwhelmed and an untold number of people, most of them elderly, died within a very short period of time. The regime stopped providing information, but people could see what was going on when their relatives and friends began to die.
The first, urban wave of infections peaked in January; the second, rural wave is doing so just about now, but it will take another month or so for the health system to start functioning normally.
The chaotic way Xi Jinping exited Zero Covid shook the Chinese people’s trust in the Communist Party under Xi’s leadership. The current situation fulfills all the preconditions for regime change or revolution. But this is only the beginning of an opaque process, whose repercussions will be felt over a longer period of time.
In the short term Xi is likely to remain in power because he is in firm control of all the instruments of repression.
But I am convinced that Xi will not remain in office for life, and while he is in office, China will not become the dominant military and political force that Xi is aiming for.
Fortunately for Xi, he is not personally threatened from abroad because Biden is not interested in regime change in China. All he wants is to reestablish the status quo in Taiwan.
Due to his weak position at home, Xi responded positively to Biden’s offer in Bali to lower temperatures between the United States and China.
But the discovery of a Chinese surveillance balloon traversing the length of the US soured relations and it is on its way to poisoning them all together.
Preliminary examination of the remains indicate that it was designed to spy military targets, not for meteorological purposes.
In any case, Xi Jinping’s conversion to cooperation would have been only temporary and tactical. He would not be who he is if he could abandon his deeply felt beliefs so easily.
The fact is, we are witnessing a historic process in China whose significance is not widely appreciated.
Seichō Matsumoto (松本清張) (1909-1992)
English translations
- Points and Lines (original title: Ten to Sen)
- Inspector Imanishi Investigates (original title: Suna no Utsuwa)
- Pro Bono (original title: Kiri no Hata), trans. Andrew Clare (Vertical, 2012)
- A Quiet Place (original title: Kikanakatta Basho), trans. Louise Heal Kawai (Bitter Lemon Press, 2016)
2/18/23 (星期六)
Gelassenheit was a German word for tranquil submission used in the Christian mystical tradition. It has continued in English in two distinct usages:
- in Heideggerian usage,
Often translated as "releasement",[27] Heidegger's concept of Gelassenheit has been explained as "the spirito of disponibilité [availability] before What-Is which permits us simply to let things be in whatever may be their uncertainty and their mystery."[28] Heidegger elaborated the idea of Gelassenheit in 1959, with a homonymous volume which includes two texts: a 1955 talk entitled simply Gelassenheit,[29] and a 'conversation' (Gespräch) entitled Zur Erörterung der Gelassenheit: Aus einem Feldweggespräch über das Denken[30] ("Towards an Explication of Gelassenheit: From a Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking",[31] or "Toward an Emplacing Discussion [Erörterung] of Releasement [Gelassenheit]: From a Country Path Conversation about Thinking").[32] An English translation of this text was published in 1966 as "Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking".[32][33] Heidegger borrowed the term from the Christian mystical tradition, proximately from Meister Eckhart.[31][34][35]
- in the Anabaptist tradition
- An important part of Amish life is Gelassenheit (pronounced [ɡəˈlasn̩haɪt] (listen)), yieldedness, letting be, or submission to the will of God (in modern German approximately: composure, tranquility, serenity). This concept derives from the Bible when Jesus said, "not my will but thine be done,"[8] thereby making individuality, selfishness, and pride, abhorrent (see humility). "He submits to Christ, loses his own will, and yields (Gelassenheit) himself in all areas."[9] Serving others and submitting to God, therefore, permeates all aspects of Amish life. A person’s personality must be modest, reserved, calm, and quiet. The values which must be apparent in a believer’s actions are submission, obedience, humility, and simplicity. Gelassenheit should be the overriding aspect for every person within the Amish community, and it must be viewable through actions and possessions.[10] Lamentations 3:26 "quietly wait," "in the Froschauer [German] Bible reads 'in Gelassenheit' (instead of quietly) – one probable Biblical reference that helped to establish this important 'Anabaptist term.'"[11]
Long COVID Now Looks like a Neurological Disease, Helping Doctors to Focus Treatments
Friday, February 17, 2023
2/17/23 (星期五)
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
2/15/23 (星期三)
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Herbert Rosenfeld (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis) (2023)
2/14/23 (星期二)
Disgraced CRISPR-baby scientist’s ‘publicity stunt’ frustrates researchers
Monday, February 13, 2023
2/14/23 (星期一)
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Will ChatGPT Put Data Analysts Out Of Work?
How Will ChatGPT Affect Your Job If You Work In Customer Service?
2/12/23 (星期日)
9:35 PM,
十一點穿著黑色便鞋去買菸,小林說共匪徵召三百萬高中畢業生,去俄國留學,其實是去當免費炮灰和慰安婦,迄今尚未動工,我喜歡葡萄牙,習近平喜歡非洲黑屌,中國三點五億老人醫保被共匪侵吞,共匪推行零彩禮打炮運動,冷眼說不要買房不要創業不要投資,俠盜陳克正綁架貪官黃東明,索贖三千萬,得一千萬,為什麼 Spinner 相信 Scudder,