These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Sunday, April 30, 2023
4/30/23 (星期日) 5/1/23 (星期一)
4/30 六分,5/1 放假,5/2 新生,5/11 醒吾,5/11 輔大變態心理,5/1 小林說,拿掉被管制維穩的人民幣匯率,人民幣比美元,真實價值,只剩「數十百千比一」,以至廁紙一張,意思是說,所謂第二大經濟體,是奠基於一個「廁紙」的謊言,這可以解釋,五一長假,出遊者眾,為什麼擠睡的是公廁,而不是公園街頭,昨晚跟 Albert 說,做一點反認知戰的翻譯工作,The Final Struggle: Inside China's Global Strategy, by Ian Easton, Eastbridge Books, 2022 / Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China, by Michael Beckley, Half Brands, W. W. Norton & Company, 2022,我說,國民民眾勝選,台灣就亡了,因為他們,「無意反共,等同投共」,我說,你要理解,認知戰就是假消息,就是假輿論,就是假判斷,所以台灣人聽住,你要作中國觀察的功課,你要有你的對於共匪政權的本質是什麼的歷史判斷,我說,在這個不忍賣台的前提下,你再告訴我,你是怎麼樣的台灣人,而你我要捍衛的就是那「怎麼樣」三字,意思是說,我不在意,你是怎麼樣的台灣人,只要你為了捍衛台灣而反共,你也不用在意,我是怎麼樣的台灣人,只要我為了捍衛台灣而反共,我跟 Albert 說,接下來數月,共匪和匪諜,統戰論述,一定鋪天蓋地,挑戰干擾誤導你我的認知,這是反認知戰為什麼迫切的原因,
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Stephen A. Mitchell (1946-2000) (RP)
- Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory (1983), with Jay Greenberg
- Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration (1988)
- Hope and Dread in Psychoanalysis (1993)
- Freud and Beyond: A History of psychoanalytic thought (1996), with Margaret Black
- Influence and Autonomy in Psychoanalysis (1997)
- Relationality: From Attachment to Intersubjectivity (2000)
- Can Love Last? The Fate of Romance over Time (2001)
Jeffrey Masson and Ferenczi renaissance (RP)
Masson later wrote several books critical of psychoanalysis, including The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory. In the introduction to The Assault on Truth, Masson challenged his critics to address his arguments: "My pessimistic conclusions may possibly be wrong. The documents may in fact allow a very different reading."[9] Janet Malcolm interviewed Masson at length when writing her long New Yorker article on this controversy, which she later expanded into In the Freud Archives, a book that also dealt with Eissler and Peter Swales. Masson sued The New Yorker for defamation, claiming that Malcolm had misquoted him. The ensuing trial drew considerable attention.[10] The decade-long, US$10 million lawsuit came to a close in 1994 when the court ruled in The New Yorker‘s favor.[11] "The Court of Appeals affirmed ... that Malcolm had deliberately altered each quotation not found on the tape recordings, but nevertheless held that petitioner failed to raise a jury question of actual malice."[12] Subsequent to the case, Janet Malcolm claimed to have found her handwritten notes indicating that Masson had lied in relation to the remaining disputed quotations, as he had lied in relation to quotations where there were recordings.[13][14]
In 1985, Masson edited and translated Freud's complete correspondence with Wilhelm Fliess after having convinced Anna Freud to make it available in full. He also looked up the original places and documents in La Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris,[15] where Freud had studied with Charcot. Masson writes that the scientific community has been largely silent about his views, and that he suffered personal attacks once he deviated from the traditional views on the seduction theory and the history of psychoanalysis.[4] Both the traditional view and Masson's case against it are built on the account that Freud's seduction theory patients reported having been sexually abused in early childhood; several Freud scholars have disputed this account.[16]
- 1984. The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory. Farrar Straus & Giroux. ISBN 0-374-10642-8
- 1984. "Freud and the Seduction Theory A challenge to the foundations of psychoanalysis," The Atlantic Monthly, February 1984.
- 1985. (editor and translator) The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904. ISBN 0-674-15420-7
- 1986. A Dark Science: Women, Sexuality and Psychiatry in the Nineteenth Century. ISBN 0-374-13501-0
- 1988. Against Therapy: Emotional Tyranny and the Myth of Psychological Healing. ISBN 0-689-11929-1
- 1990. Final Analysis: The Making and Unmaking of A Psychoanalyst. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-52368-X
Friday, April 28, 2023
Ian Parker (b 1956)
- Parker, I. (2017) Revolutionary Keywords for a New Left. Washington/Winchester. Zero Books. ISBN 978-1-785356421
- Parker, I. and Pavón-Cuéllar, D. (eds) (2017) Marxismo, psicología y psicoanálisis. Morelia, Mexico: Paradiso editors, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. ISBN 978-6-079787103
- Parker, I. (2018) Psy-Complex in Question: Critical Review in Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Social Theory. Washington/Winchester. Zero Books. ISBN 978-1-785357497
- Parker, I. (2019) Psychoanalysis, Clinic and Context: Subjectivity, History and Autobiography. Abingdon/New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367144333
- Parker, I. (2020) Psychology through Critical Auto-Ethnography: Academic Discipline, Professional Practice and Reflexive History. Abingdon/New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367344177
- Parker, I. (2020) Socialisms: Revolutions Betrayed, Mislaid and Unmade. London: Resistance Books. ISBN 978-0-902869-71-4
- Parker, I. (2020) Mapping the English Left Through Film: Twenty-Five Uneasy Pieces. London: Folrose. ISBN 978-0-906378-09-0
- Parker, I. and Pavón-Cuéllar, D. (2021) Psychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology for Liberation Movements. London: 1968 Press. ISBN 9781919601908
- Parker, I. (2022) Radical Psychoanalysis and Anti-Capitalist Action. London: Resistance Books. ISBN 978-0-902869-29-5
- Parker, I. (2022) Stalinist Realism and Open Communism: Malignant Mirror or Free Association. London: Resistance Books. ISBN 978-0-902869-27-1
Socialisms: Revisiting revolutions betrayed, mislaid and unmade (Ian Parker, 2020)
Introduction: Blueprints
Russian Federation
Republic of Serbia
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
People’s Republic of China
Republic of Cuba
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
4/28/23 (星期五) (自體的心理學) (NBDs) (問學篇)
Thursday, April 27, 2023
在一二三之間移動和判斷 (問學篇)
Living (2022)
Living is a 2022 British drama film directed by Oliver Hermanus from a screenplay by Kazuo Ishiguro, adapted from the 1952 Japanese film Ikiru directed by Akira Kurosawa, which in turn was inspired by the 1886 Russian novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy. Set in 1953 London, it depicts a bureaucrat in the county Public Works department (played by Bill Nighy) facing a fatal illness.
dreams (akira kurosawa, 1990) (1910-1998)
In the latter half of his career especially, his work spoke volumes about his own sense of self. (Akira Kurosawa: A Viewer’s Guide, Eric San Juan, 2018, p. xvi)
4/27/23 (星期四)
寄信,worth dying for,「不止 lyrical ,甚且 comical」 ,bad luck and trouble ,無三不成林,林就是世界,子曰,三人行必有我師焉,意思是說,二人行只有麻煩焉,意思是說,師父是第三者,意思是說,我此生其實畢竟無師,
Generations The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America's Future (Jean Twenge)
The United States is currently home to six generations of people:
-the Silents, born 1925–1945
-Baby Boomers, born 1946–1964
-Gen X, born 1965–1979
-Millennials, born 1980–1994
-Gen Z, born 1995–2012
-born after 2012, to be named
worth dying for in nebraska
now, reacher just checked in at the bizarre apollo inn, and he is not aware that tyler the sniper was going to shoot him, now, reacher drove the drunk doctor to the woman with nosebleed, you see, reacher would do such things, which made his life meaningful, which means not meaningless, now, after driving the doctor home, reacher is going to look for seth duncan, now, the duncans are going after him, now, a truck is waiting two miles south of the canadian border in montana, and reacher is waiting the replacement to come to him, now, it’s too late, they are here, now, dorothy brought reacher home for breakfast and told him the story 25 years ago, and meantime, the two killers are coming their way, now, on his way, through the field, to fetch the pick-up truck, reacher met the 15 year-old stoner, who can hear the ghost crying, now, 「this one is lyrical」,
交叉性 (intersectionality)
這個歷史判斷,就是對於共匪暴政的邪惡本質,有清楚的認識和判斷,這個認識和判斷,你可以參考吉拉斯的新階級 (趙家人),也可以參考毛時代,那被迫害屠殺的 (遠遠不只) 八千萬中國冤魂的哀嚎,然後你可以想想,什麼是套路甚深,你要理解,統戰就是離間挑撥,就是見縫插針,你要理解,文化中國,禮失求諸野,野就是台灣,意思是說,中國已無文化中國,意思是說,滅共才能復甦文化中國,意思是說,共匪不是中國人,共匪是迫害中國人的土匪,意思是說,你要學習辨識,窩藏台灣的匪諜,你要學習包容差異,每個人異議的權利,但你「更」要捍衛,是非的界線,那是統戰動搖不了的底線,
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Jack Reacher
Aimé Césaire (1913-2008)
coined the word négritude in 1935
Bodies and Social Rhythms: Navigating Unconscious Vulnerability and Emotional Fluidity (Steven Knoblauch, 2020)
See also
Body time: physiological rhythms and social stress, by Gay Gaer Luce, Pantheon Books, 1971
Homeless wanderers: Movement and mental illness in the Cape Colony in the nineteenth century (Sally Swartz, 2015)
Saturday, April 22, 2023
The Infernal Machine (2022) ,
Off Grid Life: Your Ideal Home in the Middle of Nowhere, by Foster Huntington, Black Dog & Leventhal, 2020
After spending three years on the road living in a camper van, Foster Huntington, author of Van Life, continued his unconventional lifestyle by building a two-story treehouse. Foster, like many others, are finding tranquility and adventure in living off the grid in unconventional homes. Organized into sections like tree houses, tiny houses, shipping containers, yurts, boathouses, barns, vans, and more,
Off Grid Life features 250 aspirational photographs in enviable settings like stunning beaches, dramatic mountains, and picturesque forests. Also included are images of fully designed interiors with kitchens and sleeping quarters as well as interviews with solo dwellers, couples, and families who are living this new American dream.