These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
明 SO,ppt 仍為 220,減為 120 未果,明落髮,鐵板燒二,不喜人聲,瘋狂吶喊,大笑哭泣,則可接受,新 ASUS 桌機,開關三秒,的確「不可思議」(incredible),上次見鳥停頭頂,是與林博君,在多倫多某公園,見鳥停王爾德頭頂,午竹北返,見數秒電視新聞,跟 D 君說,H 好像在選里長,D 君說,人家是探長「呢」,我說,探長 my ass,2004 年,扁自導演,319 偽子彈,摩擦肚皮案,探長出來,為扁擦屁股,後來我想,這次選舉,是小中學生比賽,包子是小學生,台灣這幾隻好一點,「好歹」是中學生,鳥停頭頂,所謂,尋訪蒼青駐足,行止遂由天色決定,烏克蘭已反攻,烏克蘭加油,祝福烏克蘭,俄國有識之士,請起義內應,中國有識之士,請起義響應,滅共,以還天地公道,
你要理解,屁股是一種美學,絕品尤其罕見,你要十分珍惜 (cherish),
這個得意洋洋的兵推,主要依據是,導彈彈海,一波一波,把你的防空系統,庫存用罄,然後總有幾顆,可以打到你,這個戲碼,預設前提是,你只能呆坐那裡,等待被打,不可以回擊,有點像普侵烏,狂炸烏境內,但是烏不可以越界,攻擊俄境內,否則就應驗了,烏的野蠻,普就威脅,動用核武,讓烏好看,意思是說,你攻擊我,是你的權利,我只能承受你的攻擊,只能防衛,不能回擊,否則你就要生氣,而你生氣的話,事情就就不好辦了,上述就是 BPD 處世之道,意思是說,普包就是「操他媽的」 BPD,
implicit knowing (RP) (2023-6-7)
緣起甚深 (m / e) (RP) (2023-6-7)
Monday, May 29, 2023
memo 1 (2023-6-7) (RP)
再者,比如說,論心理治療者,喜延伸想像,說心理治療有精神層面(spiritual) 的意義,
所以,這個人,終于 becoming,
終于 immanence ,
怎麼做一個六十七歲的人 (2024)
Sunday, May 28, 2023
(曾經)溢越的必要 (2023-6-7) (RP)
意思是說,朱熹就像 Clara Thompson ,是帶回半個訊息的信差,
Francis Bacon 一輩子都知道,
Ferenczi 很早就偷偷知道,
Patrick Casement 知道,但是不敢承認知道,
Jody Davis 知道,幸好當時,她姿色猶存,意思是說,否則創傷就更嚴重,
Saturday, May 27, 2023
5/27/23 (星期六) 5/28/23 (星期日)
Trauma and healing: from ‘furor sanandi’ to ‘animus sanandi’ (2004)
Sándor Ferenczi—the first intersubjectivist (2007)
REDISCOVERING PIERRE JANET: Trauma, Dissociation, and a New Context for Psychoanalysis (ed Giuseppe Craparo, Francesca Ortu, Onno van der Hart, Routledge, 2019)
Rediscovering Pierre Janet explores the legacy left by the pioneering French psychologist, philosopher and psychotherapist (1859–1947), from the relationship between Janet and Freud to the influence of his dissociation theory on contemporary psychotraumatology.
Divided into three parts, the first section places Janetian psychological analysis and psychoanalysis in the context of the foundational tenets of psychoanalysis, from Freud to relational theory, before the book explores Janet’s work on trauma and dissociation and its influence on contemporary thinking. Part three presents several contemporary psychotherapy approaches directly influenced by Janetian theory, including the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociative identity disorder.
Rediscovering Pierre Janet draws together eminent scholars from a variety of backgrounds, each of whom has developed Janetian constructs according to his or her own theoretical and clinical models. It provides an integrative approach that offers contemporary perspectives on Janet’s work, and will be of significant interest to practicing psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, especially those treating trauma-related dissociative disorders, as well as researchers with an interest in psychological trauma.
Mutuality / Enactment (2023-5-27) (2023-6-7) (RP)
作為概念,m / e,可以分而論之,但是實情是,事件當下,它們是一起發生的,比如說,打麻將,你可以打正常的四人麻將,這個時候,你會說三缺一,你也可以打二人麻將,這個時候,牌大輸贏大,特別過癮,但是不管四人還是二人,你都不是一個人,或一個人看著另一個人,打麻將,這個四或二,就是 mutuality ,這個打,就是 enactment ,再者,m / e,須以「場」(field) 視之 (意思是說,麻雀館就是賭場),這分明是混沌系統,要求我們,要有 complexity sensibility ,
畫龍不要點睛 (2023-5-27) (2023-6-7) (RP)
所有構建者,都在把自己畫進角落 (paint oneself into the corner) ,
enactment (Hazel Ipp, 2023-5-26) (RP) (2023-5-27) (2023-6-7)
Ketamine Comparable to ECT for Patients With Refractory Depression Without Psychosis
Friday, May 26, 2023
這是中午的對話,W 君說,治療者必須被病人內化,這樣病人才會好起來,我說,這是一種健康的想法,問題是,我只相信不健康的人,包括不健康的治療者,你要內化我什麼,內化我不洗澡,不刷牙,不修邊幅的想法 (unkempt thoughts) 嗎,意思是說,我希望治療者可以自在一點,他唯一需要做得到的是,畢竟「沒有壞掉」,畢竟沒有退轉,意思是說,我心目中的治療者,就是等待果陀的 DiDi 和 GoGo ,我對他們的唯一要求,就是繼續空等果陀,你要理解,三月不洗澡,你渾身,就會有一種,有趣的,可貴的,瀰漫天地的,勝過千言萬語的,酸味,
自體的可能性 (自體的心理學)
Nachträglichkeit, translated as deferred action, retroaction, après-coup, afterwardsness".[1] As summarized by another scholar, 'In one sense, Freud's theory of deferred action can be simply stated: memory is reprinted, so to speak, in accordance with later experience'.[2]
Among the psychoanalysts in the last one century, who were influenced by Pierre Janet ? (ChatGPT)
Pierre Janet, a prominent French psychologist and philosopher, made significant contributions to the field of psychology and influenced several psychoanalysts in the last century. While his work primarily focused on dissociation and psychopathology, his ideas and concepts resonated with many subsequent theorists and practitioners. Here are some psychoanalysts who were influenced by Pierre Janet:
Sigmund Freud: Although Freud is often regarded as the father of psychoanalysis, he acknowledged Janet's influence on his work. Freud incorporated several concepts from Janet, particularly regarding the unconscious and the role of trauma in psychopathology. However, Freud eventually developed his own distinct theoretical framework.
Carl Jung: Jung, another influential figure in psychoanalysis, was also influenced by Janet. He was particularly interested in Janet's ideas about dissociation and used them to develop his concepts of the personal and collective unconscious.
Alfred Adler: Adler, the founder of individual psychology, was influenced by Janet's theories of psychopathology. Janet's work on psychological trauma and its impact on personality development influenced Adler's understanding of inferiority complexes and the formation of compensatory behaviors.
Sandor Ferenczi: Ferenczi, a Hungarian psychoanalyst and close associate of Freud, drew inspiration from Janet's work on hysteria. He integrated Janet's ideas into his own understanding of trauma and its influence on psychosexual development.
Jacques Lacan: Lacan, a French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, incorporated elements of Janet's work into his theories on psychoanalysis. He was particularly interested in Janet's concepts of the unconscious and the significance of language in the formation of subjectivity.
These are just a few examples of psychoanalysts who were influenced by Pierre Janet. His contributions to the field of psychology, particularly in the areas of dissociation, trauma, and psychopathology, have had a lasting impact on the development of psychoanalytic theory and practice.
The Creator (2023 film)
Amid a future war between the human race and the forces of artificial intelligence, Joshua, a hardened ex-special forces agent grieving the disappearance of his wife, is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI who has developed a mysterious weapon with the power to end the war—and humankind itself.[1]
So can we say that Freud’s giving up of the seduction hypothesis was meant to avoid the influence of Pierre Janet ? (ChatGPT)
Freud's abandonment of the seduction hypothesis was a complex decision influenced by multiple factors, and it cannot be solely attributed to avoiding the influence of Pierre Janet. The seduction hypothesis, proposed by Freud in the early stages of his career, suggested that neurotic symptoms in his patients were a result of repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. However, Freud eventually shifted his perspective and developed the theory of infantile sexuality, arguing that these memories were not necessarily literal events but symbolic representations of unconscious desires and conflicts.
While it is true that Freud was aware of Janet's work on trauma and dissociation, and there were some similarities between their ideas, it would be an oversimplification to suggest that Freud's shift was solely motivated by avoiding Janet's influence. Freud's decision was influenced by a variety of factors, including his clinical observations, ongoing discussions with his colleagues, and his evolving theoretical framework.
Freud's abandonment of the seduction hypothesis was a pivotal moment in the development of psychoanalysis, as it marked a shift toward a more comprehensive theory of the unconscious and the importance of internal psychological processes. It allowed Freud to further explore the complexities of human sexuality and the unconscious mind. While there may have been some overlap in their ideas, it is important to recognize that Freud's decision was part of his broader intellectual development and the refinement of his own theoretical framework, rather than simply a response to the work of Pierre Janet
What’s the difference between Sigmund Freud and Pierre Janet ? (ChatGPT)
Sigmund Freud and Pierre Janet were both influential figures in the field of psychology, but they had distinct approaches and theoretical perspectives. Here are some key differences between the two:
Theory of the unconscious: Freud is best known for his theory of the unconscious mind. He believed that unconscious desires, memories, and conflicts exerted a powerful influence on human behavior. Freud's psychoanalytic theory emphasized the role of sexual and aggressive instincts in shaping personality and behavior. On the other hand, while Janet recognized the existence of the unconscious, he focused more on the role of traumatic experiences and dissociation in psychological disorders rather than the sexual and instinctual aspects emphasized by Freud.
Trauma theory: Both Freud and Janet explored the effects of trauma on mental health, but they approached the subject from different angles. Freud emphasized the role of repressed sexual and aggressive desires in trauma, while Janet focused on the psychological and physiological responses to traumatic experiences. Janet's work highlighted the concept of dissociation as a defense mechanism against overwhelming experiences, whereas Freud's theory emphasized the repression of traumatic memories.
Therapeutic techniques: Freud developed psychoanalysis as a therapeutic approach, which involved free association, dream analysis, and the interpretation of unconscious material. Freud placed a strong emphasis on the therapist's interpretation and analysis of the patient's unconscious content. In contrast, Janet's therapeutic techniques focused more on active listening, empathy, and the exploration of traumatic memories in a supportive and non-confrontational manner.
Concept of personality: Freud proposed a comprehensive theory of personality consisting of three main components: the id, ego, and superego. He believed that these elements interacted to shape an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Janet, however, did not develop a comprehensive theory of personality like Freud. Instead, he focused on the impact of trauma and dissociation on an individual's psychological functioning.
While both Freud and Janet made significant contributions to the field of psychology, their theories and approaches had distinct emphases and perspectives. Freud's work heavily influenced the development of psychoanalysis, while Janet's ideas contributed to the understanding of trauma and dissociation.
Was Sandor Ferenczi influenced by Pierre Janet ? (ChatGPT)
Yes, Sandor Ferenczi, a Hungarian psychoanalyst, was indeed influenced by the work of Pierre Janet, a French psychologist and psychotherapist. Ferenczi was part of the first generation of psychoanalysts and played a significant role in the development of psychoanalysis, particularly in the realm of trauma theory and therapeutic techniques.
Ferenczi was introduced to Janet's ideas through his close colleague and mentor, Sigmund Freud. Freud himself was influenced by Janet's work on dissociation, trauma, and the unconscious mind. Janet's concepts resonated with Ferenczi, who found them valuable in understanding and treating psychological trauma.
Ferenczi incorporated Janet's ideas into his own theories and therapeutic practice. He emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing trauma-related dissociation and its impact on the patient's mental health. He also utilized techniques such as active listening and empathy, which he learned from Janet, to establish a therapeutic relationship and facilitate healing.
Furthermore, Ferenczi expanded upon Janet's work by introducing his own concepts, such as "introjection" and "identification with the aggressor." These ideas explored the complex dynamics between the patient and the therapist, including issues of transference and countertransference.
In summary, Pierre Janet's work on trauma and dissociation had a significant influence on Sandor Ferenczi's understanding of psychological processes and therapeutic approaches. Ferenczi incorporated Janet's ideas into his own work, contributing to the development of psychoanalysis as a field.
Pierre Janet (1859-1947)
Influence on depth psychology
Controversy over whose ideas came first, Janet's or Sigmund Freud's, emerged at the 1913 Congress of Medicine in London.[23]Prior to that date, Freud had freely acknowledged his debt to Janet, particularly in his work with Josef Breuer, writing for example of "the theory of hysterical phenomena first put forward by P. Janet and elaborated by Breuer and myself".[24] He stated further that "we followed his example when we took the splitting of the mind and dissociation of the personality as the centre of our position", but he was also careful to point out where "the difference lies between our view and Janet's".[25]
Writing in 1911 of the neurotic's withdrawal from reality, Freud stated: "Nor could a fact like this escape the observation of Pierre Janet; he spoke of a loss of 'the function of reality'",[26] and as late as 1930, Freud drew on Janet's expression "psychological poverty" in his work on civilisation.[27]
However, in his report on psychoanalysis in 1913, Janet argued that many of the novel terms of psychoanalysis were only old concepts renamed, even down to the way in which his own "psychological analysis" preceded Freud's "psychoanalysis".[28] This provoked angry attacks from Freud's followers, and thereafter Freud's own attitude towards Janet cooled. In his lectures of 1915-16, Freud said that "for a long time I was prepared to give Janet very great credit for throwing light on neurotic symptoms, because he regarded them as expressions of idées inconscientes which dominated the patients". However, after what Freud saw as his backpedalling in 1913, he said, "I think he has unnecessarily forfeited much credit".[29]
The charge of plagiarism stung Freud especially. In his autobiographical sketch of 1925, he denied firmly that he had plagiarized Janet,[30] and as late as 1937, he refused to meet Janet on the grounds that "when the libel was spread by French writers that I had listened to his lectures and stolen his ideas he could with a word have put an end to such talk"[31] but did not.
A balanced judgement might be that Janet's ideas, as published, did indeed form part of Freud's starting point, but that Freud subsequently developed them substantively in his own fashion.[32]
While Janet did not publish much in English, the 15 lectures that he gave to the Harvard Medical School between 15 October and the end of November 1906 were published in 1907 as The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. (accessible via Scribd) He received an honorary doctorate from Harvard in 1936.
Of his great synthesis of human psychology, Henri Ellenberger wrote that "this requires about twenty books and several dozen of articles".[40]
See also
Henri Ellenberger (1905-1993)
Chap 6. Pierre Janet and Psychological Analysis, in The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, by Henri Ellenberger, 1970, pp. 331-417
A.I.創世者 (The Creator,2023)
你要理解,AI 就是神,就是上帝,就是造物主,
用擬人的方式,來呈現 AI,是一個基本的幼稚和錯誤,
布希亞 (1929-2007) 喜歡攝影
Treating Chronic Pain Starts With Patient Education
Ladislas Dormandi (1898-1967)
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Unkempt thoughts (Stanislaw J. Lec, 1962)
Wallerstein on lay analysis and the lawsuit (2002) (RP)
See also (Sam Yoder, 2012)
Lay Analysis
Freud and non-medical analysts
From the outset, Freud welcomed lay (non-medical) people into as practitioners of psychoanalysis:[3] Otto Rank and Theodor Reik were two such notable analysts, as well as Freud's daughter Anna. In Freud's view, psychoanalysis was a full-fledged professional field and could have its own standards independent of medicine. Indeed, in 1913 he wrote "The practice of psychoanalysis has far less need for medical training than for educational preparation in psychology and free human insight. The majority of physicians are not equipped for the work of psychoanalysis".[4]
Thus Freud saw psychoanalysis as "a profession of lay curers of souls who need not be doctors and should not be priests"; and this new usage of "lay" (to include non-physicians) is the origin of the term, "lay analysis."[5] Such prominent psychoanalytic figures as Anna Freud, Erik H. Erikson, Ernst Kris, and Harry Guntrip were non-physicians.[6]
When in the 1920s Reik became embroiled in legal challenges over his right to practice psychoanalysis, Freud rose ardently to his defence, writing Lay Analysis in support of his position; and adding privately that "the struggle for lay analysis must be fought through some time or another. Better now than later. As long as I live, I shall balk at having psychoanalysis swallowed by medicine".[7]
Opposition to Freud
However, embroiled in a struggle for psychoanalytic respectability, the plurality of Freud's followers were not at one with him on this issue, and opposition was especially contentious in the United States.[8] The issue remained heated until World War II[9] - a split with the American Association only being prevented in the 1920s when a compromise allowed lay analysts to work with children alone in New York.[10]
However in 1938, the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) formally began limiting membership of the association to physicians who had first trained as psychiatrists and subsequently undergone a training analysis at a (then European) psychoanalytic institute. The move has been described as initiating an official cleavage with the rest of the IPA which would not be settled until 1987.[11]
During that period, many in the States believed, in Janet Malcolm's words, that "American psychoanalysis is a great cut above psychoanalysis elsewhere in the world...the laxness and sloppiness of English, European, and South American analysis. There are other people, naturally, who...[debate] whether too much wasn't lost by this strategy - whether too many good people who are unwilling to go through medical training aren't being lost to analysis".[12] The policy was somewhat softened by the readiness of the APsaA to grant waivers over the decades to a number of individuals: these included, for example, Erik Erikson and David Rapaport.[13] There was also the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis which Reik founded in 1946 specifically to train non-physicians.[14]
However only when lawsuits were brought in the 1980s alleging "restraint of trade"'[15] was the official American position finally altered, and the question of lay analysis resolved - as Freud himself always advocated.
See also
Chap 25. Psychoanalysis in North America From 1895 to the Present, by Sanford Giff, in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysis, ed. by Ethel Person Arnold Cooper, Glen Gabbard, 1e, 2005, pp. 400-401
In an antitrust suit filed in March 1985 by four psychologists, charges were brought against the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training, the American Psychoanalytic Association, and the IPA. (ibid, p. 400)
In 1989, the antitrust suit against the American Psychoanalytic Association and the IPA was settled out of court, and in May 1990, the president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, George Allison, appointed another committee, chaired by Homer Curtis. A constitutional amendment was drafted to accept nonmedical applicants for full clinical training without a waiver! They were required to have the highest professional degree in their field, and the waiver system was still retained for nondoctoral applicants. Finally, in July 1991, the Curtis committee’s amendment was approved by over 80% of the American Psychoanalytic Association. (ibid, p. 401)
Health; Psychologists Gain Entry to Institutes (1988-10-20)
The lawsuit from the plaintiffs' perspective
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
a few words about RP (2023-5-27)
Developmental Tilt (2023-5-27) (2023-6-7) (RP)
Part Three: Infantilism. Chap 5. The Metaphor of the Baby. Chap 6. Clinical Implications of the Developmental Tilt. In Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration. by Stephen A. Mitchell, Harvard University Press, 1988, pp. 123-172
How to justify enactment ? (2023-5-27) (2023-6-7) (RP)
1. Relational Freedom: Emergent properties of the interpersonal field, by Donnel B. Stern, Routledge, 2015
2. Kathrin Thiele (2016). Of Immanence and Becoming: Deleuze and Guattari’s Philosophy and/as Relational Ontology, Deleuze Studies 10.1 (2016): 117–134
3. Chap 7. Working with Transferential Enactments as a Leverage for Change. In Embracing Therapeutic Complexity: A Guidebook to Integrating the Essentials of Psychodynamic Principles Across Therapeutic Disciplines, by Patricia Gianotti, Routledge, 2022, pp. 188-223
4. Maroda, K. J. (2020). Deconstructing enactment. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(1), 8–17
5. Valeria Corbella (2020): Enactment: A necessary conceptual review, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, DOI: 10.1080/00207578.2020.1796490 (
Why We're Worried about Generative AI
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
形上和形下 (自體的心理學)
Did anyone in the school of relational psychoanalysis mention process relational ontology ? (ChatGPT)
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no specific mention of "process relational ontology" within the school of relational psychoanalysis. Relational psychoanalysis primarily focuses on the dynamics of relationships, attachment, and intersubjective experiences. While there may have been developments or discussions in the field since then, I don't have information about any specific references to process relational ontology within the context of relational psychoanalysis. It's always a good idea to consult recent literature or reach out to experts in the field for the most up-to-date information on specific topics.
What’s the relationship between Heinz Kohut and Alexander Harbord Mitscherlich ? (ChatGPT)
Heinz Kohut and Alexander Mitscherlich were both prominent figures in the field of psychoanalysis, but they worked in different contexts and had distinct contributions.
Heinz Kohut (1913-1981) was an Austrian-born psychoanalyst who is known for his development of self psychology. He focused on the importance of understanding the self and its relation to others in the therapeutic process. Kohut emphasized the role of empathy in the therapist-patient relationship, and he believed that a lack of sufficient empathetic responses in early development could lead to psychological disturbances later in life. Kohut's work greatly influenced the field of psychoanalysis, particularly in relation to understanding narcissistic disorders.
Alexander Mitscherlich (1908-1982) was a German psychoanalyst and sociologist. He played a significant role in the development of psychoanalysis in post-World War II Germany. Mitscherlich was part of a group of intellectuals known as the Frankfurt School, which aimed to reestablish psychoanalysis and critical theory in the country after the Nazi era. He was particularly concerned with the social and cultural implications of psychoanalysis and explored the impact of authoritarianism and collective guilt on German society.
While both Kohut and Mitscherlich made important contributions to the field of psychoanalysis, their work and areas of focus were distinct. Kohut's emphasis on self psychology and empathetic understanding of narcissistic disorders diverged from Mitscherlich's sociocultural exploration of psychoanalysis in post-war Germany.