These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Friday, June 30, 2023
Evil Fucking Chinese Balloon Used Fucking Shamelessly Stolen American Tech to Spy on Badly-Fucked-Up Americans
Thursday, June 29, 2023
關於語言 (自體的心理學) (SP 2023)
他者的定義 (SP 2023) (RP)
他者的定義 (SP 2023) (RP)
他者的定義是,來自另一個世界的人 (life elsewhere),
意思是說,離鄉者,自己,才能成為自己的他者 (self as the other),才見得到他者,才見得到自己,才認得了家,才回得了家,
Deleuze and Guattari Studies
Deleuze Studies
Former title:
Deleuze Studies (Volume 1, 2007 to Volume 11, 2017)
Currently known as:
Deleuze and Guattari Studies (Volume 12, 2018 onwards).
A Life of Variable Speeds: On Constructing a Deleuzian Psychotherapy (2007)
Desire-Delirium: On Deleuze and Psychotherapy (2016)
Deleuze and Immanence Notes on the limits of psychotherapy's existence
Deleuze Psychomotrician. Could There Be a Deleuzian Therapy? (2016)
Deleuze and Stupid Psychology (2015)
Affirming psychosis and trauma in psychoanalytic psychotherapy through Gilles Deleuze's Schizoanalysis (2014)
The Future of Psychotherapy
Integrating Deleuze and Guattari's Theory of Difference Into the Practice of Object Relations Therapy (2004)
Still anti-oedipus? - Reflections on Deleuze and Guattari (2021)
Spaces of Refuge: The Clinical Practice of Félix Guattari and Institutional Psychotherapy (2022)
Institutional Psychotherapy and Institutional Analysis (2023)
李尚福效瓦格納率五大軍區殺進北京滅秦自封漢高祖包子已變性易容改名lady bobo夜投美領館尋求庇護
共匪推「習屁眼思想」愛「你也配做趙家人」的國主義教育法 特提台灣要加強舔包之屁眼的培訓
FDA Issues Draft Guidance for Conducting Clinical Trials With Psychedelic Substances
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Psychoanalysis In Transition:Exploring the Vista from Couch to Collective (October 6-9, 2023)
My Mother's Eyes: Holocaust Memories of a Young Girl (Anna Ornstein, 2004) (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
Looking Back: Memoir of a Psychoanalyst (Paul Ornstein, Helen Epstein, 2015) (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4) (1924-2017)
Psychoanalysis in Transition: Reading Paul H. Ornstein (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) (Paul H. Ornstein, 2021)
not accessible, not sure why,
Psychoanalysis and Society’s Neglect of the Sexual Abuse of Children, Youth and Adults Re-addressing Freud’s Original Theory of Sexual Abuse and Trauma (Arnold Rachman, 2022)
你要理解,自然無所謂過期,expiry date 是人為設定,星巴克外面,原本擺了五包,今天中午,只剩四包,兩周前,我買過一包,內蒙九月一日開始,消滅母語,意思是說,縱橫原野的爽朗牧人,即將要被變成,小農經濟的無脊漢人,有點像放山雞,變成養雞場,找不到那兩個逃亡,escape from New York,escape from LA,柯文哲對台灣的貢獻,在於讓共匪以為可能有希望,以致明年二月前不會攻台,意思是說,多借了八個月 borrowed time,中國人,你要理解,共匪非中國人,共匪是迫害中國人,和全人類的「非人」,意思是說,你我不「滅共」,中國人只能被迫「非人」,滅共,是一個判斷,歷史判斷,價值判斷,良心判斷,勇氣判斷,把這個判斷拿掉,你我就只能是畜牲,我先前說過很多次,你我要好好做人,滅共,就是你我,好好做人的前提,「我今天下午要去高雄,卅年內抵達,途中會遇見三個人」,
Is a Drug to Treat Cannabis Addiction Finally Within Reach?
The Art of Being Posthuman: Who Are We in the 21st Century? (Francesca Fernando, 2024)
Existential posthumanism embraces the question ‘Who am I?’ in relation to: 'Where, When, and Why are We?'. This journey of self-discovery engages with a wide range of knowledge and expertise – from ancient paths of wisdom to the latest developments in science and biotechnologies; from Paleolithic times to the futures of radical life extension. The book declutters the habit of being human: as individuals, as societies, as a species. Letting go of the need for anthropocentric mastery and species-specific ambitions, the reader emerges regenerated. Being posthuman, in the 21st century, entails awareness of inter-being: from our symbiotic co-evolutions to the rights of Nature; from the geological time of the Anthropocene to the rise of Big Data and artificial intelligence. In ecology, biology, technology and ontology, the manifold paths of posthuman self-realization will reveal that we are all co-creators in the existential unfolding: our lives are our ultimate works of art.
The Art of Being Posthuman is a self-help guide to navigate our brave new world.
物的反撲和自體的心理學:Snake Plissken 和那張破椅 (自體的心理學) (SP 2023)
Monday, June 26, 2023
The Coup Is Over, but Putin Is in Trouble
基于自體的心理學的心理治療,殊勝何在 (SP 2023)
結語: RP 崛起的意義何在 ? (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
• RP 的二人心理學的親和力和吸引力,來自那股清新的,給治療室和治療者帶來的 Ferenczi 的風,
• 所以,關鍵是 The Technique
at Issue: Controversies in Psychoanalysis from Freud and Ferenczi to Michael
Balint (Andre Haynal,1988),
• 依此,Michael Balint 是一個重要的 post-Ferenczi 的治療理念和技術的反省者,對 RP 應有重要啟發,
• 意思是說,Balint 所欲完成,恰是修訂其師之過 (過錯,超過,過猶不及);
• 而 Howard Bacal 的 Specificity theory,也應是重要參考,
• 代表從 post-Kohut 端,所作修訂,
• 而此修訂恰來自 Balint,且上溯及 Ferenczi;
• 意思是說,RP 的崛起,對精神分析史的意義,在於復興了「布達佩斯學派」 ,體現在 「
Ferenczi,Balint,Haynal,Bacal 的法脈」 ,
• 但是,因為 RP 太強調 Sullivan 和人際精神分析,反而讓此法脈不顯,
• 可能這是因為,Clara Thompson
• 因此,須要重新評估 Thompson 對人際精神分析的影響,其限制何在;
• 換句話說,人際精神分析,過度強調 Sullivan
Ferenczi 的無形影響,
• 剛剛說過,這個遮掩,部分因為 Thompson 只是 Ferenczi 的半個信差,這點應重新評估 The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi (1993,2015);
• 然而 RP 諸君,似乎沒有真正理解,「The Legacy of Ferenczi 的問題性」,Ferenczi 留給了我們,什麼問題?
• 那個問題性,要回到精神分析史的關鍵片語,「解釋架構重心的移轉」,以致我們走了一百年,「從一人心理學,才終於來到二人心理學」,
• 所以,RP 崛起的意義何在,在於回到 1920s 的三個城市,Vienna,Berlin,Budapest,
• 其中 Berlin vs Budapest
代表 post-Freud 的「兩條法脈之爭」
• 你姑且可以理解這個「兩條法脈之爭」為,Berlin
vs Budapest ,一人心理學 vs 二人心理學,以至那些「雙語者的
versus」 ,
CLINICAL ADVANCES IN Alzheimer’s Disease: Preparing for the Future
consilience (also convergence of evidence or concordance of evidence) (證據一致)
Although the concept of consilience in Whewell's sense was widely discussed by philosophers of science, the term was unfamiliar to the broader public until the end of the 20th century, when it was revived in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, a 1998 book by the author and biologist E. O. Wilson, as an attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the sciences and the humanities that was the subject of C. P. Snow's The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (1959).[1] Wilson believed that "the humanities, ranging from philosophy and history to moral reasoning, comparative religion, and interpretation of the arts, will draw closer to the sciences and partly fuse with them" with the result that science and the scientific method, from within this fusion, would not only explain the physical phenomenon but also provide moral guidance and be the ultimate source of all truths.[12]
Edward Osborne Wilson (1929-2021)
他者的必要 (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
A Simple Guide To The History Of Generative AI
The Future Internet: How the Metaverse, Web 3.0, and Blockchain Will Transform Business and Society (Bernard Marr, 2023)
預見下一世 (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
RP 的論床理論 (clinical theory) 是什麼?(RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
RP 的論床理論 (clinical theory) 是什麼?
首先, Charles Spezzano 說,RP 除了犯規以外,其他時間都很正常;(Spezzano, C. (1998) Listening and Interpreting—How Relational Analysts Kill Time Between Disclosures and Enactments: Commentary on Papers by Bromberg and by Greenberg. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 8:237-246)
其次,Jon Mills 對 RP 的臨床理論的批評,就是治療的溢越 (therapeutic excess),換句話說,RP 的臨床理論,就是溢越,因為溢越中,方可見原所未見,
換句話說,Ferenczi 的臨床理論,包括 active technique,和 mutuality (除了最後那一步 mutual analysis),就是 RP 的臨床理論;
然後,昨晚 Estelle Shane 講 RSP (Relational Self Psychology),她說她為什麼對自體心理學不滿,以致來到 RSP,
自體心理學講設身處地的同理,以至不可避免的 disruption-restoration,這就是自體心理學的臨床理論,
Shane 說,她問 Kohut,這個情況下,Kohut 什麼時候,會對這個病人說,「你好像沒有體諒到你母親的困難」,Kohut 說,「Never」,
意思是說,Kohut 認為,我們不須也不該面質,(換句話說,自體心理學擅長 concordant countertransference,擅長站在病人那邊,像心靈捕手裡的羅賓威廉斯,跟病人重複說,it’s not your fault,it’s not your fault,不願 complimentary countertransference,站在病人的重要他者那邊,對病人說,你知道做你的爸爸媽媽有多麼慘嗎),
Shane 說,在那個 Never 中,她開始傾向關係學派,因為關係學派會把他者 (作為他者的治療者) 帶進治療室,
(Shane 的這個說法,有一個前提,那就是,她認為,自體心理學的心理治療,治療者只是提供自體客體的功能 (selfobject function),病人並未與治療者這個人相遇,
這個說法,我不同意,我認為,自體客體,就是治療者容許,他的 self 為病人所用,use of therapist's self,這個所用,必須有其形體的存在,
唯與 RP 差別是,自體心理學的治療者的,作為他者,似乎太體貼了,RP 的治療者的,作為他者,則是動作派,是要跟病人滾成一團的);
小結,我想, RP 的臨床理論是,視治療為人際場 (interpersonal field),視其中所發生的情節為人際事件 (interpersonal event),視互相所發生的事件 (mutual enactment) 為打開語言所不能及的地方的一把鑰匙,雙方遂得以見,原本只靠語言,無法知悉的,潛意識的真相;
在這個說法中,治療者衝動在先,道歉在後,病人接受這個道歉後,兩人遂坐下來,一起試著理解,「剛剛到底發生了什麼」;意思是說,治療者的基本動作是,enactment,apologize,reflection together,病人的基本動作是,enactment,forgive,reflection together;意思是說,「不打不相識,而唯其相識在先,才能識己」(這就是有名的,二優先於一),
他們沒有說清楚的是,「關係的潛意識」 (relational unconsciousness);這必須借助英國客體關係理論,才能道盡其中糾結之曲折;
比如說,「投射認同,就是最重要,最有趣,最困難,也最常見的 mutual enactment」,
(一人到二人心理學,有數聯結概念 (bridge concepts),包括 transference countertransference matrix,projective identification,transitional object,use of the object,selfobject,attachment,petit objet a,這些概念,都在描述,那個關係的暗流 (relational undercurrent),意思是說,RP,二人心理學,要小心,不要低估了 「< 2 人」心理學已作的貢獻),(6/25)
(而且,Kohut 說,disruption 不是治療者 deliberately 要它發生的,disruption 恰恰說明治療者是有限的,會不可避免的犯錯;比照此說,我會說, 「mutual enactment 不是治療者 deliberately 要它發生的,mutual enactment 恰恰說明治療者和病人,兩人的關係的暗流,無以名之的讓兩人發生事件」
有趣的是,克萊茵學派對此暗流,會隔岸觀火,RP 則會奮不顧身,一躍而下,急流幾乎滅頂在先,上氣不接下氣倖存在後,「才開始思考」)
(換句話說,一般正常的精神分析學派,是三思而後不行,RP 是三行而後,「有時候」,終於想起要思)
(簡單講,RP 之殊勝,在于行動,衝動控制困難的行動,仗義拔刀相助的行動,讓這個世界發生改變的行動)
(回到臨床理論,RP 會說,唯其經由行動,汝方可脫胎換骨)
臨床理論,預設了治療者的理想型 (ideal type),
我想,一般正常的學派,預設了一個 old,gentle,harmless,nice guy,作為理想的治療者,(比如說,中年以後的佛洛伊德)
RP 則預設了一個 impulsive,fallible,sinful,God forsaken man,作為理想的治療者,
(比如說,永遠年輕 (eternal youth) 的Ferenczi)
這種主角,就是 RP 的治療者的理想型,
6/25/23 (星期日)
Saturday, June 24, 2023
6/24/23 (星期六)
Friday, June 23, 2023
互為主體性理論的臨床實踐:以魯智深為例 (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
基于自體的心理學的心理治療,殊勝何在 (SP 2023)
6/23/23 (星期五)
Thursday, June 22, 2023
王 (滬寧) 宋 (濤) 內部報告披露共匪如何藉匪諜操弄台灣選舉
報告:中共利用非法手段 試圖影響台灣選舉
殭屍大鬧西門町 (1988)
預見下一世 (RP) (2023-6-28) (S4)
Melanie Klein’s Narrative of an Adult Analysis (Christine English, 2023)
Beyond Language in Relational Psychotherapy: The Selected Works of Helena Hargaden (Helena Hargaden, 2023)
When bodies invade - Merleau-Ponty and psychoanalysis (RONALDO MANZI, 2023)
An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics: Consultancy Research and Training (David Lawlor, Mannie Sher, 2021)
Systems Psychodynamics: Innovative Approaches to Change, Whole Systems and Complexity (David Lawlor, Mannie Sher, 2023)
The Clinical Paradigms of Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion (Jan Abram, Robert Hinshelwood, 2023)
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction (Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot, Uri Hadar, 2023)
The Routledge International Handbook of Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity, and Technology (ed. David M. Goodman, Matthew Clemente, 2023)
Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction (Mark Winborn, 2023)
Winnicott and Labor’s Eclipse of Life: Work is Where We Start From (Nathan Gerard, 2023)
Ferenczi's Confusion of Tongues Theory of Trauma: A Relational Neurobiological Perspective (Arnold Rachman, Clara Mucci, 2023)
A Political Psychoanalysis for the Anthropocene Age: The Fierce Urgency of Now (Ryan LaMothe, 2023)
Clickbait capitalism: Economies of desire in the twenty-first century (ed. Amin Samman, Earl Gammon, 2023)
Hidden Histories of British Psychoanalysis: From Freud’s Death Bed to Laing’s Missing Tooth (Brett Kahr, 2023)
Freedom: A Disease Without Cure (Slavoj Žižek, 2023)
On the History and Transmission of Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Speaking of Lacan (Chris Vanderwees, 2023)
Neuropsychoanalysis: An Introduction to Neuroscience and Psychodynamic Therapy (Gerd Thomas Waldhauser, 2023)
Analyzed by Lacan: A Personal Account (Betty Milan, 2023)
Michael Balint and his World: The Budapest Years (ed. Judit Szekacs-Weisz, Raluca Soreanu, Ivan Ward, 2023)
Levinas for Psychologists (Leswin Laubscher, 2023)
Psychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Retrospective (Jeffrey Berman, 2023)
Making Room for the Disavowed: Reclaiming the Self in Psychotherapy (Paul L. Wachtel, 2023)
The Human Psyche and its Ailments: Understanding the Relational Nature of Mental Distress (James Barnes, 2023)
Novel Connections: Between Literature and Psychotherapy (Martin Weegmann, 2023)
Beyond Oaths and Codes: Toward a Relational Psychoanalytic Ethics (Anton Hart, 2023)
Trauma And Attachment Across Generations: An intersubjective approach to the intergenerational transmissions of trauma (Bruce Bradfield, 2023)
Decolonial Psychology: Toward Anticolonial Theories, Research, Training, and Practice (ed. Lillian Comas-Díaz, Hector Y. Adames, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, 2024)
夏至次日 (6/22/23)
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
關於 enactment (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
6/21/23 (星期三)
RP 就是社會行動 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
諸互為主體性理論之比較 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
New Tool Reveals How AI Makes Decisions
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
van lifer 手記
聽說台灣有一萬兩千人,住在車上,這件事我半信半疑,就像我對郭台銘和柯文哲,是否打算賤價出賣台灣,起先疑信參半,如今深信不疑,至於國民黨舔共,則世人皆知,亦無懷疑餘地,回到台灣的 van lifer,為什麼不信,因為台灣太熱,車子裡就像烤箱 (除非你停在大樹下不動),房租不貴,實在不必住在車上,地狹人稠,沒有足夠的移動空間,你要理解,Mr Chrome 在溫哥華,住在車上五年,那是因為,加拿大地廣人稀,隨便到那,都是森林,都是湖泊,台灣搞了半天,只有一個可憐的日月潭,而且停車場過夜,可能還會被趕,意思是說,台灣的 van lifer ,無法悠遊,只能在露營區,擠成一團,這分明不是他媽的,真正的 van lifer,
基于關係學派精神分析的心理治療,殊勝何在?(RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
RP 三板斧是,互相性 (mutuality),事發性 (enactment),他者性 (otherness ,intersectionality ),此三招,發生於人際場 (interpersonal field),所發生者,遂為人際事件 (interpersonal event),秉照事件 (event) 在歷程哲學 (process philosophy) 的生成 (becoming) 意涵,以及場之混沌系統命格,事發遂發生在混沌的邊緣 (at the edge of chaos),意思是說,RP 三板斧,遂讓我們見到宇宙的創造和毀滅,注意,是同時見到,意思是說,見到的人,往往無法活著回來,講述這個見證的故事,意思是說,RP 的心理治療,就是死守蛇島,猶對俄國比中指的烏克蘭軍人,意思是說,RP 殊勝在於,讓我們來到歷史現場,粉身碎骨,比那個中指,意思是說,其他學派,至多讓我們事後,隔岸觀火,比那個中指,或更常見的是,等而下之,「朋友,不要離題,只說你的普魯斯特的童年罷,這裡沒有卡夫卡的中指」,
治療者的長相 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
讓睡眠可以自然的發生 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
自體的心理學的心理治療 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene (2017)
6/19/23 (星期一)
六題 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
沒有圍牆 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
Sunday, June 18, 2023
The Best Prompts To Show Off The Mind-Blowing Capabilities Of ChatGPT
奉勸治療者 (RP) (2023-6-21) (S3)
6/18/23 (星期日)
關係學派的治療者如何照顧自己?(2023-6-21) (RP) (S3)
Saturday, June 17, 2023
How Foxconn unscathedly abandoned CCP
The Upper West Side Cult That Hid in Plain Sight
Rx Stilnox 10 mg hs, Rivotril 0.5 mg hs, Mesyrel 50 mg hs, Seroquel 25 mg hs, 1/2 bottle whiskey hs
意思是說 給人帶來靜謐的風景 就是不會讓人勃起 或有強烈感受的風景 意思是說 必須是熟悉的 沒有意外的 不會讓你嚇一跳的 照這個邏輯 最好的策略是 單純的樂段 一再的重複 海潮般的重複 意思是說 入睡得以發生 就在把自己交給那個重複
6/17/23 (星期六)
The real patient zero? Three Wuhan lab scientists genetically altering Covid were the FIRST to contract the virus, claims report
Memo (S3) (RP) (2023-6-21)
1. 互為主體性,命格屬詮釋學,倫理學上自我滿意,本體論上喜歡遐想,知識論上則無法客觀。簡單講,是一個待人接物的誠意,誠意在先,自是有教養的表現,但對於自體疾患而言,治療結束的時候,病人方終可以,以主體應世,意思是說,好不容易,終於養大,一個讓人不省心的孩子。意思是說,治療自體疾患,就像養大孽子,互為主體性是一個千山萬水後的善終。
2. 執念就是妄想,「把執念走到底」,就是「把妄想走到底」。只有一個妄想者,其執念不得辯證,病得不輕;有兩個妄想者,可以辯證,但有點單調;意思是說,有趣的人生,至少要有「三個以上」妄想,意思是說,三方成大千世界。(團體治療,宜五至十人,因其互動的可能性是 n (n-1) / 2,比如說,五個成員,加上治療者,6 (6-1) / 2 = 15,有點少;十個成員,加上治療者, 11 (11-1) / 2 = 55,尚可處理;十五個成員,加上治療者,16 (16-1) / 2 = 120,太多了,超過可用的範圍,遂只能變成上課說教的團體 (didactic) ) (依此,一對一的個別治療,其互動的可能性是, 2 (2-1) / 2 = 1,這是為什麼個別治療,無法成為混沌系統的原因,因為變化的可能性太單薄了,複雜不起來,混沌不起來)。比如說,儒釋道;比如說,兩黨政治,加上一個關鍵少數的,趁機搞怪的小黨。relational depth (2023-6-21) (RP) (S3)
1. Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy, by Dave Mearns, Mick Cooper, SAGE, 2e, 2017
2. Relational Depth: New Perspectives and Developments, by Rosanne Knox, David Murphy, Susan Wiggins, Bloomsbury Academic, 2012
3. Creative Engagement in Psychoanalytic Practice, by Henry Markman, Routledge, 2021