These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Thursday, August 31, 2023
What just happened: Storm clouds loom for China’s economy
Night of the Living Dead (1990)
It is the only "official" remake of the 1968 film, with other "unofficial" remakes coming out after, as a result of the source material's lack of copyright ownership (resulting in being in the public domain).
Survival of the Dead (2009)
The prologue follows the actions of National Guard Sergeant "Nicotine" Crockett, who, along with Kenny, Francisco and Tomboy, desert their posts and rob the protagonists of the previous film. Meanwhile, off the coast of Delaware lies Plum Island, home to two feuding Irish families: the O'Flynns and the Muldoons. The former family, led by Patrick O'Flynn, round up a posse to kill the undead on the island. O'Flynn learns that the Muldoons are keeping their undead loved ones safe until a cure is found. Tensions come to a head when O'Flynn and his posse arrive at the Muldoon house to dispatch their undead children, only to engage in a brief gunfight that leaves a woman dead as well. Unable to put the children down himself, Patrick surrenders his weapons when the Muldoon posse arrives. Seamus Muldoon contemplates killing Patrick until Patrick's daughter Janet suggests he be exiled from the island instead.
Boy joins the National Guardsmen and through him they learn of Plum Island. They watch a video made by Patrick and follow the instructions in it that leads them to a nearby dock. At the dock, O'Flynn and his men attempt to rob the Guardsmen, which results in a shootout. Francisco steals a ferry boat and bites off the finger of an attacking zombie in the process. All of the O'Flynns but Patrick are killed by zombies, and he boards the ferry. During the trip to the island, Patrick says that he sent other people to Plum Island to anger the Muldoons.
When the group reach the island they discover that the Muldoons have chained up their zombies in imitations of their previous lives. They also see that the people sent to the island by Patrick have been killed. Patrick sees his daughter Janet ride by on a horse, apparently dead and turned into a zombie. Patrick attempts to gather allies when two Muldoons attack them, shooting Crockett and Kenny. The latter dies from his wounds, and is shot in the head by Patrick to prevent reanimation. Francisco realizes that he infected himself when he bit off the zombie's finger, and asks Tomboy to shoot him to keep him from turning. Tomboy shoots him and is then captured by Muldoon.
Patrick finds out that the daughter he saw earlier was actually Janet's twin sister Jane. Janet, still alive, joins Patrick and the Guardsmen in their attack on the Muldoons. A standoff occurs at the bridge that separates the two families' land, and the O'Flynn group is captured; Boy and Janet escape. Muldoon reveals his attempts to persuade the zombies to eat something other than human flesh, and uses Jane as a test case. He tries to persuade the dead woman to bite her horse, but instead she attacks and bites her sister Janet. A melee ensues and captured zombies are released, consuming people from both sides. Muldoon and O'Flynn call a truce that is almost immediately broken when Muldoon shoots O'Flynn, who pulls a hidden gun and kills Muldoon.
Crockett and his group attempt to leave the island. Janet witnesses her sister bite the horse and rushes to tell Crockett's group the news, but before doing so she is shot in the head by Patrick, who wanted to prevent his daughter turning before succumbing to his own wounds. Crockett, Boy, and Tomboy board the ferry and escape the island while the zombies are eating the horse. Crockett muses about the purpose of war as the reanimated O'Flynn and Muldoon stagger toward each other, guns unloaded, and attempt to shoot and kill each other again.
trauma is your way of life (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
治療者既已入戲怎麼寫劇評 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學) (RP)
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
行刑前最後一支菸 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
雀聖一三收 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
cohesiveness vs coherence (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
what's the big difference between lacan and the post-structuralists (alenka zupancic) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Ljubljana school of psychoanalysis
Philosophers related to School include Slavoj Žižek, Rastko Močnik, Mladen Dolar, Alenka Zupančič, Miran Božovič and Eva Bahovec. Other scholars associated with the school include philosophers Zdravko Kobe, Rado Riha, Jelica Šumič Riha, sociologist Renata Salecl and philosopher Peter Klepec.
盧比安納(標準斯洛維尼亞語:Ljubljana[ljuˈbljàːna] ( 聆聽);普雷克穆列斯洛維尼亞語:Lüblana[lybˈlaːna])是斯洛維尼亞的首都、最大城市,也是盧比安納城市市鎮的行政中心。面積163.8平方公里,人口約29.3萬(2019年統計)。
我本不知,Zizek 住在這麼一個,童話一般的地方,
Put some flowers in the graveyard (Land of the Dead, 2005)
Put some flowers
in the graveyard.
"Flowers in the graveyard. "
Why do you call them that, Riley?
I don't get it.
These here flowers ain't
the kind you lay down on the ground.
These here are sky flowers,
way up in heaven.
That's why I love you, Charlie.
Because you still believe in heaven. (p. 7)
Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Increases Risk of Hypertension, Study Suggests
Monday, August 28, 2023
Negative psychoanalysis for anxia corda (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Julie Reshe is a philosopher and a negative psychoanalyst of Ukrainian Gypsy origin. She is currently a visiting professor at the Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan and director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis at the Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS).
Julie Reshe is a Ukrainian-born philosopher, a practicing negative psychoanalyst, and a public intellectual. She is currently a visiting professor at University College Cork and University College Dublin. She is also a Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis at the Global Centre for Advanced Studies.
See also
And well …
As nouns the difference between negation and disavowal
is that negation is the act of negating something while disavowal is a denial of knowledge, relationship, and/or responsibility towards something (or someone).
意思是說,negation 是否定,disavowal 是否認,意思是說,前者是荒野中漂泊的沙河彼岸的聖徒,後者是與這個世界無法發生健康的關係的破碎的自體疾患,
Positive Psychoanalysis (肯定的精神分析)~ 確定有,no doubt about it (毫無疑問,不知人間之苦,不知一文錢,足可逼死英雄漢,中年崩潰,是瞬間的事,等等)
Lacanian Psychoanalysis (窮的精神分析)~ 唯其窮 (lack) (匱乏),所以有,
Negative Psychoanalysis (否定的精神分析)~ 既然確定沒有,「so be it」 (Cf Nihilism) (Cf Nietzsche) (Cf Keiji Nishitani) (Monsieur Lacan,我沒有,但我不窮)
去墾丁的十七種方法 (8/28/23) (星期一) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Dennis Hopper
這個人,有趣在兩件事情,一是他曾被好萊塢拋棄,流浪廿年,二是他每次出現,都是出現在,不該出現的地方,你要理解,這兩件事情,有多麼罕見,多麼不容易,你才能理解,他真的就是 easy rider,你也才恍然大悟,van lifer 就是當代的 easy rider,起因是,你需要移動,你需要交通工具,
William Goldman 十誡
“Screenplays are structure”
William Goldman
1. Thou shalt not take the crisis out of the protagonist’s hands.
2. Thou shalt not make life easy for the protagonist.
3. Thou shalt not give exposition for exposition’s sake.
4. Thou shalt not use false mystery or cheap surprise.
5. Thou shalt respect thy audience.
6. Thou shalt know thy world as God knows this one.
7. Thou shalt not complicate when complexity is better.
8. Thou shalt seek the end of the line, taking characters to the farthest depth of the conflict imaginable within the story’s own realm of probability.
9. Thou shalt not write on the nose – put a subtext under every text.
10. Thou shalt rewrite.
From Adventures in The Screen Trade by William Goldman.
1989-5-6 香港上映,不到一個月後,中國大陸變成厲鬼地獄,
How dangerous is tranq, the new drug sweeping America?
8/27/23 (星期日)
紀錄那個下午 (息壤 6-3)(2023-8-26)
紀錄那個下午 (息壤 6-3)(2023-8-26)
1. 那個下午,誠斌講,生命故事,的敘說,
2. 起因是,2000 年,社大所遇,歐吉桑歐巴桑,
3. 以致,2023 年,重遇他們,的「疊影」,
4. 這些,歐吉桑歐巴桑,非專業的書寫者,亦非創意書寫者,
5. 他們,只是,笨拙的,誠意的,素樸的,文字使用者,
6. 以致,他們寫下來的,只是,笨拙的,誠意的,素樸的,其真實所歷,生命故事,的片段,
7. 誠斌說,在這個過程中,他是一個奇特的他者,
8. 後來有人發問,什麼是,奇特的他者,
9. 我插嘴說,奇特的他者,就是「接生者」,
10. 你要理解,若非有人,帶那麼一個書寫團體,互相觸動,互相感動,互相激動,
11. 書寫需要的「那一股氣」,無由致之,
12. 其間,在座,有人,發言,
13. 提到其「停格的書寫」,
14. 那是一個,哀悼的書寫,為逝者留下見證的書寫,
15. 換句話說,那就是,歷史的書寫,
16. 後來,誠斌說,他認為,沒有所謂,停格的書寫,因為「所有書寫,都是疊影」,
17. 疊影,之為疊影,說明其中,必有「皺摺」,
18. 也必有,時間的軸向,
19. 誠斌說,生命故事的敘說,「藏在皺摺之中」,
20. 關於時間,敘說和時間,自己作為他者,Paul Ricoeur 曾在沙漠,荒丘沈思,
21. 上述,是一個,二十三年的,生命故事,的片段,
22. 疊影在,2023-8-26 下午,竹北慕溪園,
那個人熟悉的世界 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
痕跡 (traces),就是,證據 (evidence) ,
怎麼分辨 AI 的書寫 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
最近讀到幾冊 Amazon kindle unlimited 的書,兩三段下來,心生疑惑,這應該是 AI 的書寫,
怎麼分辨,人的書寫,和 AI 的書寫,
AI 沒有體溫,不會放屁,沒有味道,說話條條有理,書寫亦然,
你說,萬一有一天,AI 假裝有體溫,假裝會放屁,假裝有味道,假裝說話顛三倒四,書寫亦然呢,
也是你分辨 AI 和生命的依據,
Saturday, August 26, 2023
怎麼形容那個人 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
happiness my ass (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
生命是一個收納箱 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
歷史判斷 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
信差 (messenger) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
8/26/23 (星期六) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Friday, August 25, 2023
保任 vs 酣暢 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
「不要核酸要吃飯 不要封鎖要自由 不要謊言要尊嚴」
「不要文革要改革 不要領袖要選票 不做奴才做公民」
Cf. 馮睎乾:彭載舟已被包子悄悄槍斃了
什麼是生態系統 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Erich Fromm (RP)
McLaughlin, N. (1998). Why do schools of thought fail? Neo-Freudianism as a case study in the sociology of knowledge. J. Hist. Behav. Sci., 342:113-134.
Frankel, J. B. (1998). Are Interpersonal and Relational Psychoanalysis the Same? Contemp. Psychoanal.34:485-500
Frankel, J. B. (1998). Reply to Hirsch Contemp. Psychoanal.34:539-541
Hirsch, I. (1998). Further Thoughts about Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives: Reply to Jay Frankel Contemp. Psychoanal.34:501-538
Mitchell, S. A. (1999). Letter to The Editor Contemp. Psychoanal.35:355-35
Cortina, M. (2017) Is Fromm Relevant for Relational Approaches in Psychoanalysis?. Psychoanalytic Review 104:437-450
Cortina, M. (2015) The Greatness and Limitations of Erich Fromm’s Humanism. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 51:388-422
Cortina, M. (2000) Erich Fromm's Legacy: Beyond a Two-Person Psychology*. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 36:133-142
Cortina, M. (1992) The Legacy of Erich Fromm. by Daniel Burston.: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991, xi + 260 pp., $29.95.. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 2:571-580
8/25/23 (星期五) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Written Exposure Therapy May Be Viable Treatment for PTSD
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Behavioral Neuroscience
8/24/23 (星期四)
5 Examples of Behavioral Economics in Your Everyday Life
Affective Finance: Psychoanalysis and Economic Crisis
Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence (2021)
From Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology to Relational Psychoanalysis, a Historical and Clinical Perspective (Marco Conci, Gabriele Cassullo, 2023)
Conci, M. & Cassullo, G. (2023) From Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology to Relational Psychoanalysis, a Historical and Clinical Perspective. International Forum of Psychoanalysis 32:1-3
父親是什麼名堂? (what the hell is father?) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
基于自體的心理學的心理治療,其治療關係,是如何光景 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
8/23/23 (星期三)
空穴當然來風 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
我想,negentropy 來自完整生態系統,其中的無數散戶 (意思是說,散戶就是 negentropy,負熵就是「食物鏈中,個別生命存在的狀態」) 他們構成了大自然,環環相扣,動物後面,還有無語的植物,無私的光合作用,養活了動物,養活了這個世界,意思是說,動物死後,理應曝屍,回到大地,分解為無,以回報天地,
Worm Brains, Decoded like Never Before, Could Shed Light on Our Own Mind
Europe spent €600 million to recreate the human brain in a computer. How did it go?
How Scary Is China’s Crisis?
America's exposure to an economic crisis in China is 'surprisingly small,' according to Nobel economist Paul Krugman
The US Is Leading the Economic Growth Race Against China
信心 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
No One Should Want to See a Dictator Get Old
不合時宜的人民領袖:習近平研究 (鄧聿文 2023/05/01)
Chinese submarine crash rumor unsubstantiated: MND
Maternal care during infancy regulates the development of neural systems mediating the expression of fearfulness in the rat (1998)
The mothers of infant rats show individual differences in the frequency of licking/grooming and arched-back nursing (LG-ABN) of pups that contribute to the development of individual differences in behavioral responses to stress. As adults, the offspring of mothers that exhibited high levels of LG-ABN showed substantially reduced behavioral fearfulness in response to novelty compared with the offspring of low LG-ABN mothers. In addition, the adult offspring of the high LG-ABN mothers showed significantly (i) increased central benzodiazepine receptor density in the central, lateral, and basolateral nuclei of the amygdala as well as in the locus ceruleus, (ii) increased α2 adrenoreceptor density in the locus ceruleus, and (iii) decreased corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) receptor density in the locus ceruleus. The expression of fear and anxiety is regulated by a neural circuitry that includes the activation of ascending noradrenergic projections from the locus ceruleus to the forebrain structures. Considering the importance of the amygdala, notably the anxiogenic influence of CRH projections from the amygdala to the locus ceruleus, as well as the anxiolytic actions of benzodiazepines, for the expression of behavioral responses to stress, these findings suggest that maternal care during infancy serves to “program” behavioral responses to stress in the offspring by altering the development of the neural systems that mediate fearfulness.
Martin Stanton (b 1950)
Interesting and bizarre.
He is known for his pioneering work in establishing Psychoanalytic Studies as a distinct and thriving academic subject that is now taught in universities around the world – he founded the first prototype Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK, in 1986. He is equally known for his innovative and challenging work on the nature and function of unconscious processes. This began this with his first book Outside the Dream (1983) – and originally and free-associatively explored the vital impact of Lacanian thinking on contemporary psychoanalysis at that time (when Lacan was largely unknown in the English-speaking world). The book was equally a poetic account of Stanton's own early personal engagement with psychoanalysis. He spent much of the 1970s training to be an analyst in Paris, and was a student at the Ecole Normale Superieure, where he attended classes and lectures by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Michel Foucault, whose teaching variously resonates in the footnotes to the book.
He followed Outside the Dream with a critical introduction to Sándor Ferenczi (1991) – which was the first major study of the pioneer Hungarian psychoanalyst, and this provoked a widely celebrated "Ferenczi renaissance" (Berman, 2002) in both the psychotherapeutic and cultural worlds. In the 1990s, he opened up large avenues in Ferenczi's thinking that were previously undiscovered, above all the critical value of utraquism – or the productive and free-associative use of analogies – in analytic work with unconscious processes, in particular the use of the analogy of the teratoma (an embryonic form of tumour) to engage with the after-effects of sexual abuse.
In Paris, Stanton also became closely linked with the work of the French psychoanalyst Jean Laplanche, and, through him, became actively involved in seminal debates on the central role of afterwardsness in the unconscious psychological process of trauma. These debates are now generally referred to under the general title of the new seduction theory. In this context, in 1998, Stanton launched his own notion of the bezoaric effect, which was developed from an analogy with animals' production of bezoar stones from progressive digestive regurgitations in wild and desert terrain (1998). At the same time, his book Out of Order (1997) presented an extensive critical review of his own contributions in the light of his psychoanalytic forebears, Ferenczi, Michael Balint, and Laplanche.
In this context, Out of Order was clearly written to re-connect psychoanalytic clinical work to its founding revolutionary impetus in the residual unconscious, and help people gain the strength and insight to remain open to unpredictable and unforeseen change, and to challenge their world, rather than conform and adapt to increasingly confined norms.
SSRIs May Increase Risks Associated With Anti-Amyloid Alzheimer's Medications
Monday, August 21, 2023
René Allendy (1889-1942)
In 1924 he underwent analysis with René Laforgue[1] and was trained to practice as a psychoanalyst. In 1926, Princess Marie Bonaparte, a protogée of Freud, was a founding member of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris, of which he was secretary between 1928 and 1931.
Anaïs Nin was a patient and later a lover of Dr. Allendy in 1932 . The story of the relationship between Allendy and Nin is described in detail in the diaries of Anaïs Nin, specifically in the volume entitled: Henry and June. Dr. Allendy also analyzed Antonin Artaud.
Why did they say that although Jupiter's moon Europa has underground water, but it was not supply of negentropy, therefore cannot sustain life ? (ChatGPT 2023-8-21)
The concept of negentropy, also known as negative entropy or entropy reduction, is related to the idea that living systems can maintain and increase their order and complexity by importing more order from their surroundings than they lose through internal processes. This concept is based on the idea that life requires an ongoing input of energy to counteract the natural tendency for entropy to increase, as dictated by the second law of thermodynamics.
When scientists assess whether a particular environment could potentially sustain life, they consider various factors, including the availability of energy sources, chemical building blocks, and suitable conditions for biochemical reactions. In the case of Jupiter's moon Europa, while it does have underground water, there are several challenges that make it less likely to be a suitable habitat for life as we know it:
Harsh Environment: Europa is an extremely cold moon with surface temperatures averaging around -160 degrees Celsius (-260 degrees Fahrenheit). The surface is covered in a thick layer of ice.
Limited Energy Source: While there is evidence of a subsurface ocean beneath Europa's ice crust, the energy sources necessary for life, such as sunlight, are scarce in this dark, distant environment. The Sun's radiation is weak at Europa's distance from it, making photosynthesis, a common energy source for life on Earth, unlikely.
Chemical Composition: Life as we know it relies on a variety of complex organic molecules. While there is evidence of potentially interesting chemical reactions happening in Europa's subsurface ocean due to interactions with the moon's rocky interior, it's unclear whether these reactions could provide the necessary building blocks for life.
Lack of Nutrients: Nutrient cycling is essential for the sustenance of life. In terrestrial ecosystems, nutrients are recycled through various biological and geological processes. It's unclear whether Europa's environment could support similar nutrient cycling.
Habitability Constraints: Even if life can adapt to extreme conditions, there are limits to what forms of life can survive. The harsh conditions on Europa could restrict the potential diversity and complexity of life forms that could exist there.
In summary, while Europa's underground water is intriguing and could potentially harbor interesting chemistry, the overall environment is challenging for life as we know it due to its harsh conditions, lack of readily available energy sources, and other factors. The concept of negentropy is just one aspect of the broader picture scientists consider when evaluating the potential habitability of a celestial body.