These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
schizoanalysis (Negativity vs Vitality)
D&G 論分裂分析,是有理由的,因為 S 的 loosening of association,恰恰破解了,完整的句子,環環相扣,無懈可擊的邏輯,讓我們可以,用不完整的句子,發出「動物般的聲音」,來到混沌的邊緣,這是為什麼,叫床這麼重要的原因,你要理解,那是宇宙的語言,生命誕生的依據,很多很多年前,我曾跟一個小說家說,當台灣有人,可以用七種語言叫床和寫小說,台灣的現代化就算完成,
repetition compulsion (Negativity vs Vitality)
Is CRISPR safe? Genome editing gets its first FDA scrutiny
Monday, October 30, 2023
Negativity vs Vitality
N vs V,最大的問題在於,為什麼,憑什麼,生命還有希望?但是,弔詭的是,就如悲劇,未必比喜劇深刻,死亡未必,比起生命,更為深刻,你要理解,上述兩個未必,是客氣話,我是相信喜劇比悲劇深刻的,同理,我相信死亡是必然,生命是意外,但是,死亡無趣乏味,生命才是趣味,我說過很多次,對於一個人,一個作品,我能想到,最大的恭維,就是,這是一個有趣的人,這是一個有趣的作品,意思是說,唯其有趣,所以超越了乏味,戲謔了死亡,意思是說,悲劇只是說明,希望是不可能的,但是喜劇證明了,希望居然,還是可能的,這是為什麼我說,生命,或喜劇,是意外的原因,
Negativity vs Vitality,eqauls,Thanatos vs Eros,Necrophilia vs Biophilia,所以,我們必須回到佛洛依德的 dual drive theory (Beyond the pleasure principle, 1920) ,重新想,佛洛姆當年想過的事情,
We shall argue, based on the ideas formulated in Beyond the Pleasure Principle and in later metapsychological texts, that Freud could not wholly justify the existence of an opposition and a symmetry between the two classes of instincts. Even though up to his last works Freud held on to this instinctual dualism, again and again his arguments lead to the idea that the life instincts should be regarded, ultimately, as death instincts. (Fátima Caropreso and Richard Simanke, 2008)
In Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud (1920) introduced his second instinctual dualism hypothesis. Until then he had argued for the existence of a duality of self-preservation and sexual instincts. This duality had been challenged for some time, mainly since he articulated the concept of narcissism. In 1920, sexual and self-preservation instincts once and for all become part of the same type of instinct — the life instinct. And then Freud established another opposition — the life instinct and the death instinct.
Our intention in this article is to take up the arguments Freud developed in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, specifically arguments concerning the notions of the life and death instincts. We shall then examine some ideas developed in subsequent metapsychological texts. We argue that, if one keeps in mind the development of Freud's metapsychological theory beginning with his Project for a Scientific Psychology (Freud, 1895), the death instinct, rather than being a new and extra-theoretical idea, given Freud's work up to then, seems to be something that, one way or another, makes explicit what was implicit in all his previous theoretical work. Put another way, the death instinct is a concept that fulfills an internal need in psychoanalytic metapsychology as it had been presented from the beginning.
To put it another way: when one thinks about the theses developed in Beyond the Pleasure Principle and in other metapsychological works, it is hard to avoid the impression that for Freud a tendency toward death lies behind all vital phenomena, including those that seem to work to preserve life.
10/30/23 (星期一)
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Saturday, October 28, 2023
The Takedown (French: Loin du périph) (2022)
This one is about the ethics of psychoanalysis and bubble butt.
Reducing Burnout in VA Therapists: Study Points to Role of Institutional Support
基于自體的心理學的心理治療,殊勝何在? (SP 2023) (自體的心理學) (結語)
Friday, October 27, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
九之五 (雨,還是下得很大)
九之五 (這時,雨越下越大)
九之五 (這時,天落起雨來)
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
九之四 (2024)
Monday, October 23, 2023
psychoanalysis of ai (Isabel Millar)
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Shoji Aketagawa - Tabi (旅) (1996)
Tabi is an extremely unusual album for Aketagawa, consisting of four hour-long discs. I'm not sure why the decision was made to release these as a set, they work great as separate albums, but not so well together. Nevertheless, I believe these recordings are exclusive to this release (many Aketa releases are like this), and they haven't been reissued since. Of course, this means the original album is stupidly rare. I was very thankful that someone uploaded these as lossless files to a certain music sharing website about a year ago. Due to the rarity of this set, I have uploaded it here in its entirety for the world to enjoy once again. Disc 1 - fukushima take passe'temps/aketagawa shoji solo 0:00 sangaibushi 3:35 take passe'temps 19:02 toyosawa lake 25:44 alone together 35:03 el humahuaqueño 44:04 strange wood blues 49:19 ocarina medley (孝の鹿、常動曲、アイ・リメンバー ・タカシ、若き蒙古、シメロンの灯、 初夢、南部牛追唄) Disc 2 - at the kyorin/aketagawa shoji session 1:01:08 at the kyorin 1:17:41 now's the time 1:29:03 hernia blues 1:32:20 babel 1:44:25 nanbu ushioiuta Disc 3 - hanamaki osawa onsen/aketagawa shoji yoshino hiroshi duo 1:56:49 heart jump osawa 2:13:41 oi go omaenaa 2:29:39 aketa's blues 2:40:29 poem in lovely Disc 4 - i lived with hiroshi itaya/aketagawa shoji & aketa nishiogi sentimental philharmony orchestra 2:56:27 airegin rhapsody 3:17:12 african dream 3:44:03 nanbuushioiuta〜oyo hyakusawa
now, this one, is for the traveller, which explains why aketa wanted it to last for 4 hours.
Primary care providers need to be better equipped at addressing substance use disorders
Shoji Aketagawa (明田川荘之) (b 1950)
結構是完成系統構建的執念,剛剛突然知道,所有結構下面,都隱藏著巨大的暴力,所以,無結構者 (例如 Winnicott),和後結構者 (例如 D&G),才是護生,結構嚴密者 (例如共匪),毫無疑問,只能害生,
Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021)
Nancy's first book, published in 1973, was Le titre de la lettre (The Title of the Letter, 1992), a reading of the work of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, written in collaboration with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
main character syndrome
Popular Weight-Loss Drugs Come with Side Effects
Grammar Changes How We See, an Australian Language Shows
Friday, October 20, 2023
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Mark Fisher (1968-2017)
Fisher committed suicide at his home on King Street, Felixstowe on 13 January 2017 at the age of 48, shortly before the publication of his latest book The Weird and the Eerie (2017). He had sought psychiatric treatment in the weeks leading up to his death, but his general practitioner had only been able to offer over-the-phone meetings to discuss a referral. Fisher’s mental health had deteriorated since May 2016, leading to a suspected overdose in December 2016, when he was admitted to Ipswich Hospital.[45] He discussed his struggles with depression in articles[46] and in his book Ghosts of My Life. According to Simon Reynolds in The Guardian, Fisher argued that "the pandemic of mental anguish that afflicts our time cannot be properly understood, or healed, if viewed as a private problem suffered by damaged individuals."[47]
What to watch in Hamas-Israel conflict (Peter Zeihan)
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Monday, October 16, 2023
Advancing Psychotherapy for the Next Generation: Humanizing Mental Health Policy and Practice (2023)
insight vs outsight
相對於零一二三,一到一點五,insight > outsight (甚且不欲見 outsight),一點五到一點七,insight 和 outsight 比重相當,二點零以上,以至三, 則明顯 outsight > insight;now,有趣的是零,我想,零是放下或超越 insight 和 outsight(let go or beyond insight and outsight),
Insight,就是我們對內在世界的認識,outsight ,就是我們對外在世界的認識。
David Smail,糾結 insight 久矣,畢竟歸宗於 outsight,其學思行徑之歷程,值得參考。
negativity vs vitality
definition of addiction / perversion
Sunday, October 15, 2023
The Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence (Isabel Millar, 2021)
This book examines the crucial role of psychoanalysis in understanding what AI means for us as speaking, sexed subjects. Drawing on Lacanian theory and recent clinical developments it explores what philosophy and critical theory of AI has hitherto neglected: enjoyment. Through the reconceptualization of Intelligence, the Artificial Object and the Sexual Abyss the book outlines the Sexbot as a figure who exists on the boundary of psychoanalysis and AI. Through this figure and the medium of film, the author subverts Kant’s three Enlightenment questions and guides readers to transition from asking 'Does it think?' to 'Can it enjoy?' The book will appeal in particular to students and scholars of psychoanalysis, philosophy, film and media studies, critical theory, feminist theory and AI research.
Negativity in Psychoanalysis: Theory and Clinic (ed. Duane Rousselle, Mark Gerard Murphy, 2023-12-12)
Negativity in Psychoanalysis examines the role of negativity in psychoanalytic theory and its application in clinical settings.
While theories around negativity and death drive have become routinized within philosophical interpretations of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, they often mask an inherent positivity. This volume assembles highly esteemed psychoanalytic theorists and clinicians for an in-depth discussion on the topic. It features comprehensive introductions to Freudian and Lacanian perspectives, alongside contemporary clinical and cultural issues. The book also investigates how psychoanalytic negativity influences and is influenced by social, theological, and philosophical dialogues.
This work will prove invaluable for practicing psychoanalysts and those in training, while also appealing to academics and scholars in critical and cultural theory, continental and post-continental philosophy, and sociology, especially those whose research intersects clinical and theoretical traditions.
Negativity vs Vitality
Thanatos vs Eros
Matter vs Life
Inanimate vs Animate
Nothing vs Something
(Why is there something, rather than nothing?)
無 vs 有
空宗 vs 有宗
絕對無 (absolute nothingness)(京都學派) vs 純粹力動 (pure vitality) (純粹力動現象學,吳汝鈞)
體 vs 用
翕 vs 變
Negativity vs Vitality
Being vs Becoming (event)
Transcendence vs Immanence
Comfort zone vs Leaving the comfort zone behind (on the road) (van life)
市集中的土地公 (明志篇)
4:56 AM (10/15/23) (星期日)
昨晚跟 Albert 說,要注意,共匪內宣外宣,信息戰認知戰,要判斷,要反擊,
2024,題目,「Negativity vs Vitality」,
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Kandahar (2023)
Friday, October 13, 2023
What are the stages of lacanian psychoanalysis?
3:00 AM (10/13/23) (星期五)
Thursday, October 12, 2023
IPSO (Pierre Marty, 1972)