Sunday, December 31, 2023

Nisargadatta Maharaj (尼薩加達塔·馬哈拉) (1897-1981)

an Indian guru of nondualism, belonging to the Inchagiri Sampradaya, a lineage of teachers from the Navnath Sampradaya.

The publication in 1973 of I Am That, an English translation of his talks in Marathi by Maurice Frydman, brought him worldwide recognition and followers, especially from North America and Europe.[1]

Adi Shankara (Adi Shankaracharya) (阿迪·商羯羅) (c 700-750 CE)

阿迪·商羯羅馬拉雅拉姆語: ആദി ശങ്കരന്‍, 天城文: आदि शङ्करĀdi Śaṅkara, 發音為/aːd̪i ɕaŋkərə/,788年—820年),印度教的創立者、吠檀多派的集大成者、不二論的創立者。商羯羅屬於南布迪里婆羅門種姓。



吠檀多不二論(梵語:Advaita Vedānta)

吠檀多不二論梵語Advaita Vedānta天城文अद्वैत वेदान्तIPA/əd̪vait̪ə veːd̪ɑːnt̪ə/)是印度哲學中最為突出的韋丹塔(即吠檀多),梵文Vedanta的字面意思是吠陀(Veda)的終極結論,也就是吠陀經典(Veda)的最後結論。 Advaita,字面解非二元或不二,是一種一元思想體系。Advaita主要指自我(Atman)和(Brahman)是絕對一和同(one and the same);另一個主要的術語Advitiya,意思是除了梵之外沒有任何是一切事物)。第一個有系統整理不二論的而且著作還依然廣泛流傳的是商羯羅[1]

van life with no such thing as metaphysics (12/31/23) (星期日)

柯文哲民調,炒地皮成功後,陡升為 MG 149%,侯友宜民調,包租公成功後,遽升為 2000+%,你要理解,共匪擅長,操作台灣民調,胡耀邦調查文革人吃活人,派十萬人工作組赴廣西,三天完成十萬篇碩博論文,意思是說,台灣兩千三百萬人,王滬寧派兩千三百萬中國網軍,三天完成兩千三百萬篇碩博論文,「並不讓人意外」,

這時,天猶未明,五包菸,過午,赴歷史現場,二事未了,南行未竟,如過境候機,預計要等三周,家樂福,拖把六片布,尚有一池上便當,當然是過期的,亦有六餐包,當然也是過期的,生大於死,意思是說,大悲莫過於生,大喜莫過於死,昨離自體 (的),遂可究竟生死,你要理解,不在意文法,亦不在意被理解,遂得自由,考慮讀完 Stephen Wolinsky,量子意識,造論之作,續約 zoom (1/16),z lib (12/31),四會 (APA,D39,IARPP,IAPSP) 不續,咖啡包,可撐一月,你要理解,自摸西是悲劇英雄,因為他必須,假裝相信,提領定存卅年,天九則栽在鳳凰女「十萬」,可見不可惹平先生徒弟,阿旺拿了三千萬,急流湧退,顯然創業,開了一家茶餐廳,意思是說,雀聖一,為何好看,因為符合,緣起邏輯,剛剛得知,李尚福四個月前,已叛逃美國,自摸西輸光,高利貸借來廿萬,被天九哥手下,挾持回港取錢,趁機逃跑,匿於飛姐茶餐廳,恰遇記憶驚人的阿旺,遂未改本色,又開始吹牛,意思是說,「好像忘了他在逃命」,不愧英雄,

Saturday, December 30, 2023

1121230 (息壤 6-6) (自體的心理學)


起因是,「Psychotherapy and its discontents」 (心理治療及其不滿)

1. 那個人,遂橫空出世,惟來路茫茫,已恍若隔世,

2. 除非他內化了某種形上結構,否則不得救贖,

3. 除非他遇見了他者,否則不得逃逸 (lines of flight),

4. 除非他變成了量子碎片,否則不得自由,

5. 但是,因為他就是量子碎片,所以他必自由,

6. 形體,詐 (乍) 現爾,

7. 此詐 (乍) 現之身 (生),他如何用,

8. 正考驗著,那個人,



van life metaphysics

燒餅油條,譚哥,來到混沌的邊緣 (the edge of chaos),等同來到理性的邊界 (the limit of rationality),都是對於禁錮生命的秩序 (orderliness) 的逃逸,意思是說,使用權力維穩的秩序和理性,就是我們的舒適區,起碼擁有權力者「要我們這樣相信」,意思是說,渡過邊界,在邊界流竄藏匿,就是漂流木 (flotsam) 的人生,就是放逐,就是流亡,你要理解,唯一誠實的書寫,只能發生在獄中或邊界,那個誠實,我們就稱之為 van life metaphysics,

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1906-1994)

He is best known today for his 1971 paper The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, in which he argued that all natural resources are irreversibly degraded when put to use in economic activity.

Magnum opus on The Entropy Law and the Economic Process

According to Georgescu-Roegen's own recollection, the ideas presented in his paradigmatic magnum opus were worked out in his mind over a period of twenty years or so before the final publication.[4]: xiv  The three most important sources of inspiration for his work were Émile Borel's monograph on thermodynamics he had read while studying in Paris (see above); Joseph Schumpeter's view that irreversible evolutionary changes are inherent in capitalism; and the Romanian historical record of the large oil refineries in Ploiești becoming target of strategic military attacks in both world wars, proving the importance of natural resources in social conflict.[15]: 146, 153 [41]: 161f [45]: 139f [39]: 185f, 196f [11]: 6 

奉茶 (明心篇)


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Lewis Mumford (1895-1990)

  • "Renewal of Life" series





中國經濟「三個趨零」 陸學者:內外隔離恐成孤島

van life metaphysics

Stephen Wolinsky 講的量子心理學 (quantum psychology),和量子意識 (quantum consciousness),非量子物理學細節,而是量子物理引發的感受力 (quantum sensibility),加上佛學印證,

「life becomes very even」(Wolinsky, 1993, p. 9),



與此同時,共匪團舔毛屍,遂致毛臘肉「勃起」,趙家人驚為神蹟,群起脫褲,在人民大會堂狂歡 (orgy),

昨復濕冷,DoDo 拉肚,今赴中美,再訪獸醫,

Slip of tongue,就是潛意識的表現,就是意識逃逸的證據,


量子心理學 (量子意識),處理的是,心 (mind) 物 (body) (matter) 之間,何以兩通,意思是說,量子心理學 (量子意識),要回答就是,草木瓦石,何以,皆有良知,但是量子心理學 (量子意識),無法回答,共匪匪諜,何以,喪盡天良,沒有良知,意思是說,量子物理,教導我們,反共滅共,把共匪匪諜,打回魂飛魄散的量子世界 (粒子不成其為粒子,波不成其為波),但是,你要理解,邪惡始終,宇宙漂浮,伺機形體匯聚,復為惡世間,

Borderline 是一個相對的概念,Bion 說過,治療室裡,有兩個人,病得較輕 (less sick)的那個,我們就稱之為治療者,所以,「當一個 BPD 遇見另一個,比他更 BPD 的 BPD」,他被迫成為對方的治療者,他才會終於知道,當年他自己的治療者,有多麼辛苦,

Consciousness raising (意識覺醒),只強調意識,未及潛意識,意思是說,文明程度,超過意識邊界,我們才能論及潛意識,意思是說,中國人,連意識都還被共匪洗腦的「屎」塞滿,還沒有條件談精神分析,意思是說,相信共匪匪諜認知戰操作的台灣人,連意識都還被共匪匪諜洗腦的「屎」塞滿,也沒有條件談精神分析,

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Does quantum physics have anything to do with Buddhism ? (ChatGPT) (2023-12-27)

Quantum physics and Buddhism are two distinct fields, one rooted in the realm of science and the other in philosophy and spirituality. While some individuals have drawn parallels or made speculative connections between certain aspects of quantum physics and certain concepts in Buddhism, it's important to approach these comparisons with caution and recognize the differences between the two.

Buddhism is a complex and diverse philosophical and spiritual tradition that originated in ancient India. It encompasses a wide range of teachings, practices, and schools of thought. Buddhism focuses on understanding the nature of suffering, the causes of suffering, and the path to liberation or enlightenment. Central concepts in Buddhism include impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and the absence of a permanent self (anatta).

On the other hand, quantum physics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, typically at the level of atoms and subatomic particles. Quantum mechanics introduces principles such as superposition, entanglement, and uncertainty, which describe the behavior of particles in ways that can be counterintuitive based on classical physics.

Some individuals have attempted to draw parallels between certain aspects of quantum physics, such as the idea of interconnectedness or the role of observation, and certain Buddhist concepts. For example, the concept of interdependence in Buddhism may be loosely compared to the interconnectedness of particles in quantum entanglement. However, these comparisons are often metaphorical and speculative rather than based on rigorous scientific or philosophical evidence.

It's crucial to approach such comparisons with a critical mindset. Quantum physics operates within a well-defined scientific framework with mathematical models and experimental verification, while Buddhism is a rich tradition with a diverse range of interpretations and practices. The two should be understood in their respective contexts, and caution should be exercised to avoid overgeneralizations or misconceptions about the nature of either field.

Can quantum physics help to elucidate consciousness ? (ChatGPT) (2023-12-27)

The relationship between quantum physics and consciousness is a topic of much debate and speculation. While some researchers and theorists suggest that there may be connections between quantum phenomena and aspects of consciousness, it's essential to note that the majority of the scientific community remains cautious and skeptical about such claims.

Quantum physics deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, and its principles can be quite counterintuitive. Some proponents of a connection between quantum physics and consciousness propose ideas such as quantum superposition, entanglement, or non-locality playing a role in explaining consciousness. However, there is no consensus on these ideas, and many experts argue that classical physics is sufficient to explain brain function and consciousness.

The challenge lies in bridging the gap between the microscopic world of quantum physics and the macroscopic world of the brain, which operates on a much larger scale. The brain is a complex biological system, and quantum effects at the level of neurons and synapses are typically considered negligible due to the warm and noisy environment of biological systems.

Furthermore, the vast majority of neuroscientists and physicists working on the nature of consciousness focus on classical physics and neural processes to understand cognitive phenomena. Many theories propose that consciousness emerges from the complex interactions of neurons and their networks, without the need for quantum effects.

In summary, while the idea of a connection between quantum physics and consciousness is intriguing and has generated much speculation, it remains a speculative and controversial area without robust empirical support. The scientific community continues to explore various avenues to better understand consciousness, but as of now, there is no widely accepted theory that relies on quantum physics to explain the nature of consciousness.

quantum mind (or quantum consciousness)

How to avoid being trapped in the dialectic of binary concepts?(自體的心理學)

你要理解,兩分法 (duality),是我們對於這個世界的,第一個分殊 (distinction),














Quantum computing is the key to consciousness

See also 

Brain experiment suggests that consciousness relies on quantum entanglement


量子糾纏,即在量子力學裏,當幾個基礎粒子在彼此交互作用後,由於各個粒子所擁有的特性已綜合成為整體性質,無法單獨描述各個粒子的性質,只能描述整體系統的性質,則稱這現象為量子纏結量子糾纏(quantum entanglement).

意思是說,意識就是量子糾纏,意識才是最大的謎,潛意識只是意識的異常 (anomaly),或逃逸的路線 (lines of flight) 之一,


意識是翕,潛意識是闢,翕闢成變,翕就是 being,變就是 becoming ,

Karma (業力) (自體的心理學)

剛剛突然知道,業力就是對於詐 (乍) 現的執著,或依戀,或不捨,


van life metaphysics (2024)







Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)

From 1597 to 1636 the Disputationes Metaphysicae were published in seventeen editions; no modern edition of Suárez's complete works is yet available and only few of Suárez's Disputations have been translated into English.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Victor Farías (b 1940)

Heidegger and Nazism

A one-time student of Heidegger, Farías is best known for his controversial book Heidegger and Nazism (1987), which concluded that Heidegger's philosophy is inherently fascist. His writings are informed by his philosophical education in Germany and a political commitment to the Chilean left. Farías viewpoint in his work is also conscious of Chile's involvement as a place of sanctuary and refuge to Nazis during and after the war. Upon its publication, Heidegger and Nazism obtained international attention and was published in 14 countries.

四世九日 (12/24/23) (星期日)


swedwoods seven days ago

Alfred North Whitehead


Experts Urge Caution in Prescribing Zuranolone for Postpartum Depression


RSI (Lacan)

Friday, December 22, 2023

Albert Memmi (1920-2020)


  • The Colonizer and the Colonized. Introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre; afterword by Susan Gilson Miller; translated by Howard Greenfeld. London, UK: Earthscan Publications, 1990, ISBN 9781853830709. Expanded ed. Boston: Beacon Press, c1991. ISBN 0-8070-0301-8
  • Decolonization and the Decolonized. Translated by Robert Bononno. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2006. ISBN 0-8166-4734-8
  • Dependence: A Sketch for a Portrait. New York: Orion Press [1968].
  • Jews and Arabs. Translated from the French by Eleanor Levieux. Chicago: J. P. O'Hara, c1975. ISBN 0-87955-327-8ISBN 0879553286
  • The Liberation of the Jew. Translated from the French by Judy Hyun. New York: Orion Press [1966].
  • The Pillar of Salt. Translated by Edouard Roditi. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-8070-8327-5
  • The Pillar of Salt. Chicago: J. P. O'Hara, [1975] c1955. ISBN 0-87955-907-1
  • Portrait of a Jew. Translated from the French by Elisabeth Abbott. New York: Orion Press [1962]
  • Racism. Translated and with an introduction by Steve Martinot. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2000. ISBN 0-8166-3164-6
  • The Scorpion, or, The Imaginary Confession. Translated from the French by Eleanor Levieux. New York: Grossman, 1971. 0670622710
  • Strangers. Translated from the French by Brian Rhys. New York: Orion Press [1960]


van life (12/22/23)


Thursday, December 21, 2023

行事曆 (2024) (福德身心診所)

四世六日 (12/21/23) (星期四)

冷 展望簽約 DoDo生病 下午自殺 不忍薩爾瓦多 

Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942-1989)

He was one of the victims of the 1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador.

Salvador (1986)

Salvador is a 1986 American war drama film co-written and directed by Oliver Stone. It stars James Woods as Richard Boyle, alongside Jim BelushiMichael Murphy and Elpidia Carrillo, with John Savage and Cynthia Gibb in supporting roles. Stone co-wrote the screenplay with Boyle.

甘蔗和 pussy

中國人民朝拜皇帝摸過的 pussy,pussy 人人都愛 (From Dusk Till Dawn, 1996),這點比較好理解,中國人民朝拜皇帝摸過的甘蔗 (sugar cane),這點比較不好理解,而且你要理解,老燈說,包子有四個替身,其中一個,數月前已被暗殺,意思是說,那根甘蔗很可能是替身摸的,當然也有可能真的包子早就掛了,意思是說,我們被看到的,都是那四個替身而已,意思是說,那根甘蔗,極可能也是替身,

嚴禁唱響中國經濟 陸國安部:依法打擊懲治


我希望 Ian Parker,可以用他的 Critical Discourse Analysis 來解讀,這次共匪的打擊真相,製造論述,


四世五日 (12/20/23) (星期三)


1121230 (息壤 6-6) (自體的心理學) (Negativity vs Vitality)

此題是生命哲學的命題,收尾在 Negativity vs Vitality,有兩個趣味,一是回到佛洛伊德的 Dual Drive Theory,二是看著那個人,面對生死微哂,

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Applied Epigenetics for Mental Health Professionals

Jim Belushi (b 1954)

Dr Rock (Salvador, 1986)

He is the younger brother of late comedy actor John Belushi (1949-1982). 

四世四日 (12/19/23) (星期二)


Monday, December 18, 2023

如何掙脫話語系統對我們的禁錮 (自體的心理學)

Lines of flight,



不這麼悲傷的結論是,極其罕見,你會遇到,曾試著掙脫的前輩 (意思是說,讀史,思想史,精神分析史,廿四史,你要尋找這樣的前輩,這件事德勒茲做過,這是德勒茲何以有趣的原因),




Antonio "Toni" Negri (1933-2023)

Arrest and flight

On 16 March 1978, Aldo Moro, the party leader of the Christian Democrats and the former Italian Prime Minister, was kidnapped in Rome by the Red Brigades. Forty-five days after the kidnapping and nine days before his death,[17] the Red Brigades called his family and informed Moro's wife of his impending death.[17] The conversation was recorded and later broadcasted. While a number of people who knew Negri at the time identified him as the probable author of the call, the caller was later revealed to be Valerio Morucci.[28][29]

On 7 April 1979, in a politically motivated arrest, Negri and other activists were charged with kidnapping, assassination and insurrection.[26] Padova's Public Prosecutor Pietro Calogero accused them of being involved in the political wing of the Red Brigades, and thus behind left-wing terrorism in Italy. Negri was charged with a number of offences, including leadership of the Red Brigades, masterminding the 1978 kidnapping and murder of the President of the Christian Democratic Party Aldo Moro, and plotting to overthrow the government.[30] At the time, Negri was a political science professor at the University of Padua and visiting lecturer at Paris' École Normale Supérieure. The Italian public was shocked that an academic could be involved in such events.[17]

A year later, Negri was exonerated of Aldo Moro's kidnapping after a leader of the BR, having decided to cooperate with the prosecution, testified that Negri "had nothing to do with the Red Brigades."[14] The charge of 'armed insurrection against the State' against Negri was dropped at the last moment, and, because of this, he did not receive the 30-year plus life sentence requested by the prosecutor, but received just 30 years for being the instigator of political activist Carlo Saronio's murder and having 'morally concurred' with the murder of Andrea Lombardini, a carabiniere, during a failed bank robbery.[14]

His philosopher peers saw little fault with Negri's activities. Michel Foucault commented, "Isn't he in jail simply for being an intellectual?"[31] French philosophers Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze also signed in November 1977 L'Appel des intellectuels français contre la répression en Italie (The Call of French Intellectuals Against Repression in Italy) in protest against Negri's imprisonment and Italian anti-terrorism legislation.[32][33] In the late 1980s Italian President Francesco Cossiga described Antonio Negri as "a psychopath" who "poisoned the minds of an entire generation of Italy's youth."[34]

In 1983, four years after his arrest and while he was still in prison awaiting trial, Negri was elected to the Italian legislature as a member for the Radical Party.[35] He was freed from prison claiming parliamentary immunity and was released, fleeing to France with the help of Félix Guattari and Amnesty International.[13] His release was later revoked when the Chamber of Deputies voted to strip him of his immunity.[26][13] Negri remained in exile in France for the next 14 years, where he was protected from extradition by the "Mitterrand doctrine".[13]

In France, Negri began teaching at the Paris VIII (Vincennes)[13] and the Collège international de philosophie, founded by Jacques Derrida. Although the conditions of his residence in France prevented him from engaging in political activities, he wrote prolifically and was active in a broad coalition of left-wing intellectuals.[26]

In 1997, he returned to Italy to serve out his sentence hoping to raise awareness of the status of hundreds of other political exiles from Italy.[13] His sentence was commuted and he was released from prison in 2003, having written some of his most influential works while behind bars.[13]

Listed in order of their first publication in English.

  • Antonio Negri, Revolution Retrieved: Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects, 1967–83.[59]Translated by Ed Emery and John Merrington. London: Red Notes, 1988. ISBN 0-906305-09-8
  • Antonio Negri, The Politics of Subversion: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989.
  • Félix Guattari and Antonio Negri, Communists Like Us. Cambridge, Mass.: Semiotext(e) Press, 1990. ISBN 0936756217
  • Antonio Negri, The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics. Translated by Michael Hardt. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991. ISBN 0816618771
  • Antonio Negri, Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse. New York: Autonomedia, 1991. ISBN 093675625X
  • Antonio Negri, Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State. Translated by Maurizia Boscagli. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999. Reprint by University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
  • Antonio Negri, Time for Revolution. Translated by Matteo Mandarini. New York: Continuum, 2003. ISBN 9780826473288
  • Antonio Negri, Negri on Negri: In Conversation with Anne Dufourmentelle. London: Routledge, 2004.
  • Antonio Negri, Subversive Spinoza: (Un)Contemporary Variations. Edited by Timothy S. Murphy, translated by Timothy S. Murphy, Michael Hardt, Ted Stolze, and Charles T. Wolfe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.
  • Antonio Negri, Political Descartes: Reason, Ideology and the Bourgeois Project. Translated by Matteo Mandarini and Alberto Toscano. New York: Verso, 2007.
  • Goodbye Mr. Socialism Antonio Negri in conversation with Raf Valvola Scelsi, Seven Stories Press, 2008.
  • The Cell (DVD of 3 interviews on captivity with Negri) Angela Melitopoulos, Actar, 2008.
  • Antonio Negri, The Porcelain Workshop: For a New Grammar of Politics Translated by Noura Wedell. California: Semiotext(e) 2008.
  • Antonio Negri, Reflections on Empire. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008. ISBN 9780745637051
  • Antonio Negri, Empire and Beyond. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008. ISBN 9780745640488
  • Antonio Negri, The Labor of Job: The Biblical Text as a Parable of Human Labor. Translated by Matteo Mandarini. Durham: Duke University Press 2009 (begun 1983).
  • Cesare Casarino and Antonio Negri, In Praise of the Common. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
  • Antonio Negri, Diary of an Escape. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2009. ISBN 9780745644257
  • Antonio Negri, Art and Multitude. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011. ISBN 9780745648996
  • Antonio Negri, The Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995. Edited by Giuseppe Caccia. Translated by Isabelli Bertoletti, James Cascaito, and Andrea Casson. Cambridge, Mass.: Semiotext(e), 2013. ISBN 1584351217
  • Antonio Negri, Factory of Strategy: 33 Lessons on Lenin. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. ISBN 0231146833
  • Antonio Negri, Marx and Foucault. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016. ISBN 9781509503407
  • Antonio Negri, From the Factory to the Metropolis. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2018. ISBN 9781509503452
  • Antonio Negri, Spinoza: Then and Now. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2020. ISBN 150950351X
  • Antonio Negri, Marx in Movement: Operaismo in Context. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2021. ISBN 9781509544233
  • Antonio Negri, The End of Sovereignty. Translated by Ed Emery. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2022. ISBN 1509544305

In collaboration with Michael Hardt

  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State-Form. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994. ISBN 0816620865
  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. ISBN 0674006712
  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire, New York: Penguin Press, 2004. ISBN 0143035592
  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Commonwealth, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-674-03511-9
  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Declaration, 2012.
  • Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Assembly. Translated by Ed Emery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. ISBN 9780190677961