These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
生大于死 (Negativity vs Vitality) (存在治療)
入楞伽經 (Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra)
not sure why D. T. Suzuki emphasized this one.
恆大歌舞團 (存在治療) (1130330) (Negativity vs Vitality)
多少才夠 (福德身心診所)
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Self vs Subject (存在治療) (1130330)
自體 (self),主體 (subject),怎麼說明,兩者差別?
拉岡是不正常的精神分析。正常的精神分析,偶有一閃而過的概念,與主體有關,比如說,Bion 的 O,Kohut 的 tragic man,Winnicott 的 transitional object,Klein 對死亡本能的逼視。
回到開始,自體的謎,在於怎麼養大一個孩子,成為一個現實難不倒他 (她) 的人。
什麼是,現實難不倒,比如說,楊逵的壓不扁的玫瑰 (1906-1985),比如說,1988 年聲援獄中絕食的弟弟施明德,絕食到死的施明正 (1935-1988)。
意思是說,自體的謎,在於怎麼養大一個孩子,成為一個現實難不倒他 (她) 的主體。
「者」,只是 agency。
地圖 (subjects) (福德身心診所)
The map is not the territory ,意思是說,正常的完整的巨細無遺的強調景點的 (所謂經典 [canonical] 就是景點,這是為什麼 D&G 只中意minor literature) 地圖,不是領域 (territory),
The idiosyncratically-made map is the terriroty,意思是說,你走過千百回連地上的裂縫和路邊的流浪狗都認識你的地圖,是你的領域,
What is the difference between cartography and topography? (Subjects) (福德身心診所)(存在治療) (1130330)
Cartography is the science of making maps and reading maps. Cartography lets you know how to make maps based on location, distances, angles, scale, legend, etc… and lets you know how to read maps correctly and know your location or any location by reading the map.
Topography is the study of the shape and features of land surfaces. The topography of an area could refer to the surface shapes and features themselves, or a description.
That means that cartography is part of the topography.
Difference Between Topology and Topography
好像去遠足 4:45 AM (1/30/24) (星期二)
Monday, January 29, 2024
陽關三疊 (福德身心診所) (存在治療) (1130330)
關西休息站 (福德身心診所)
Human Curator: Art in the age of AI (Graham Harman, 2023-5)
時間不多,唯願準確 (福德身心診所)
David Boyle (2024-2-26)
David Boyle
Monday, February 26th 7-9pm GMT on Zoom (SEA)
David Boyle offers an intriguing exploration into the evolving landscape of psychotherapy, enhanced by cutting-edge technologies. Building on his keynote at the SEA Conference 2023, David ventures beyond the traditional confines of real human therapists and real therapy rooms to illuminate the groundbreaking role of AI therapists and Virtual Reality (VR) environments in therapeutic practices.
David will revisit the core insights from his SEA Conference keynote to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and psychotherapy. He'll delve into how these technologies can aid therapists in understanding and assisting their clients more effectively. David will also address AI's ethical considerations and limitations in therapeutic settings, emphasizing the importance of human judgment and empathy in the process.
He'll also introduce the transformative impact of VR in therapy. He'll delve into how VR is not just a tech gimmick but a powerful tool in treating phobias, PTSD, and more.
The presentation aims to give therapists a deeper understanding of VR and AI's capabilities and limitations, encouraging them to consider how AI can be integrated into their practice to enhance the therapeutic experience beyond the constraints of the real world. David's talk invites psychotherapists to engage with new technologies not as a replacement for the human touch in therapy but as complementary tools that can enrich their practice and client outcomes.
David has 20+ years of experience using technology tools in the creative industries. His work has changed the culture and economics of the world’s most prestigious entertainment and luxury brands, including EMI Music, HarperCollins Publishers, BBC, MasterClass and Harrods. David runs Audience Strategies, an agency that helps brands use a deep understanding of their audiences to drive growth.
David co-wrote the PROMPT series of books on how people can practically use language models in their work. He has worked with marketers, CEOs, strategists, market researchers, innovation experts, psychotherapists, screenwriters, songwriters, creative writers, and many more people. And he has trained many of the largest companies in the world on this.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Rent-seeking (尋租)
Gordon Tullock (1922-2014)
廟 (福德身心診所)
Saturday, January 27, 2024
甚麼是 Vitality (Negativity vs Vitality) (台灣)
心理治療的定義 (福德身心診所)
怎麼治療工具理性 (福德身心診所)
此外,將充分條件與必要條件合併,即成為充分必要條件(Sufficient and Necessary Condition),或簡稱充要條件。充要條件之定義為「有之必然,無之必不然」。即有A一定有B,並且無A則一定無B。也就是說,凡能夠滿足A的條件,一定也能滿足B的條件;而凡不能滿足A的條件,也一定不能滿足B的條件。這時,A實際上等於B。例如,「等邊三角形」與「等角三角形」互為充要條件。
西方哲學自蘇格拉底(Socrates, 470~399 B.C.)以來,喜採「定義」的方式來分析概念或文字的使用規則。當代的教育分析哲學家,在分析特定概念時,也經常由探究該概念的充分條件與必要條件開始。其中,較易達成的是找出概念的邏輯必要條件,又稱作「弱勢定義」(weak sense),即使用另一語詞來表達原概念的必要特徵(參見「必要條件」中懲罰的分析)。另一方面,概念也有「強勢意義」(strong sense)定義,即描述概念的邏輯充分必要條件。然而這種嚴格的定義,僅存在於人為的符號系統如幾何和邏輯中。由於教育之概念對象是日常語言,其分析活動較多從概念的邏輯必要條件,而非充分條件或充分必要條件著手。不過,這種概念分析活動也並不容易找著概念的一個或一組確切的邏輯必要條件。
Contributions to philosophy (Of the event)
Friday, January 26, 2024
工具理性 vs 價值理性 (福德身心診所)
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
英鋼琴家在倫敦商場彈琴直播,遭小粉紅集體「露」鳥和 pussy,「隨地大小便」,還要求「遵守中國法律」
6:42 AM (1/23/24) (星期二)
Monday, January 22, 2024
music (福德身心診所) (Negativity vs Vitality)
這時 你居然見到一個
我非常確定 你理應疑惑
意思是說 這個不可置信的懷疑論 (skeptical)
對你的稜角的不馴 是必要的
意思是說 我要你反抗壓迫
意思是說 靜謐的風景
是因為 那是輓歌
禮讚 生大于死的輓歌 (Ludovico Einaudi)
Sunday, January 21, 2024
痕跡 (Negativity vs Vitality) (Lacan)
蔡奇長得像是沒有被「餵飽」(jouissance) 的幽怨的慈禧太后,包子則長得像是過度發育的溥儀,蘇小和說,包子拿下鐘南山的兒子,要鐘家吐出科興疫苗貪的四千億,小和說,科興疫苗總共獲利兩萬億,意思是說,習家本來就貪了一萬六千億,這四千億,只是追回尾款,
聽到字母 vs 變成蠕蟲 (Negativity vs Vitality) (Lacan)
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Rudi Dornbusch (1942-2002)
China’s Economy Is in Serious Trouble
Topology (negativity vs vitality) (Lacan)
No book-length manuscript, however, has yet been published in English devoted to applying Lacan’s topological approach. This aspect of his work runs throughout his entire official teaching (1951–1981). Whereas during the 1950s and 1960s he developed the topology of surfaces (torus, Möbius strip, Klein bottle, cross-cap), from 1972 on he was to develop the topology of knots (Borromean, le sinthome). Indeed, his use of certain topological1 forms, and the logic that explains how they function, are inseparable from his theoretical development of two meaning systems: the one of representations and the other, of a jouissance system of libidinal meaning that materializes language by placing desire, fantasy, and the (partial) drives in it.
—Lacan: Topologically Speaking (Lacanian Clinical Field),ed. Ellie Ragland & Dragan Milovanovic, 2004
語言 vs 文字 (negativity vs vitality) (Lacan)
剛剛突然想到,拉岡說了一輩子話,語言為主,是有理由的,因為拓撲學被稱為質性數學,只能以語言呈現,無法以文字表述,意思是說,拉岡其人,就是一個大拓撲,你要理解,當七等生說,生命就是蠕蟲爬過留下的痕跡,那些痕跡,就是黏液,就是蛋白質,就是拓撲,意思是說,怎麼理解拉岡,等同理解他爬過留下的痕跡,痕跡既為痕跡,何來形式邏輯 (formal logic),意思是說,你我不當強求,他留下的隻言片語,有形式邏輯可言,意思是說,我們只能從那些隻言片語,想像那些黏液,想像那隻蠕蟲,我為什麼有上述想法,因為我也是說了一輩子話,留下些許黏液,我就是那隻蠕蟲,由此可見,結構主義的拉岡,是註定失敗的,因為那不過是,把黏液塞進結構中,企圖找到一點黏液之間的秩序,
Dialectics vs Topology (negativity vs vitality)
Robbe-Grillet's Dialectical Topology
A Dialectical Approach in Geography
The Roots of Mamardashvili’s Topological Approach
Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies
1/20/23 (星期六) (2024)
Friday, January 19, 2024
NATO and Russia go to war in the 2025 summer – Germany’s Bild
Xi Jinping is in a battle with China's own military, and the outcome could drag the US into WWIII
Thursday, January 18, 2024
共匪又製新毒 GX-P2V
A new strain of COVID is why someone should be held accountable for the first one
Chinese lab 'creates' mutant Covid strain with 100% kill rate in 'humanised' mice
Lacan the Mathematical Charlatan (2020)
Grothendieck meets Lacan (2022)
What are mathematicians opinions on the use of mathematical concepts in Lacanian psychoanalysis?
The Lacanian Subject of Mathematical Learning (2011)
- Lacan: Psychoanalysis, Mathematics, and the Impossible (2012)
Nagarjuna vs Adi Shankara
was an 8th-century Indian Vedic scholar and teacher (acharya). His works present a harmonizing reading of the sastras, with liberating knowledge of the self at its core, synthesizing the Advaita Vedanta teachings of his time. |
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Overcoming the Sokal Complex: Lacan, Psychoanalysis, and the Limits of Understanding
Lacan’s science of the subject: between linguistics and topology
Jacques Lacan and the Logic of StructureTopology and language in psychoanalysis
Lacan’s Use of Topology – A Chronology
Lacan: Topologically Speaking
Topology and the Jouissance of the Lacanian Theorist
From the Bridges of Königsberg – Why Topology Matters in Psychoanalysis
Why Topology Matters in Psychoanalysis – Part II
Writing the Structures of the Subject
Lacan and Topology
The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with Computers (Ray Kurzweil, 2014-6-18)
Since it was first published in 2005, Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity Is Near and its vision of an exponential future have been influential in spawning a worldwide movement with millions of followers, hundreds of books, major films (Her, Lucy, Ex Machina), and thousands of articles. During the succeeding decade many of Kurzweil's predictions about technological advancements have been borne out, and their viability has become familiar to the public through such now commonplace concepts as AI, intelligent machines, and biotechnology.
In this entirely new book Ray Kurzweil brings a fresh perspective to advances toward the Singularity—assessing his 1999 prediction that AI will reach human level intelligence by 2029 and examining the exponential growth of technology—that, in the near future, will expand human intelligence a millionfold and change human life forever. Among the topics he discusses are rebuilding the world, atom by atom with devices like nanobots; radical life extension beyond the current age limit of 120; reinventing intelligence by connecting our brains to the cloud; how exponential technologies are propelling innovation forward in all industries and improving all aspects of our well-being such as declining poverty and violence; and the growth of renewable energy and 3-D printing, which can be applied to everything from clothes to building materials to growing human organs. He also considers the potential perils of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, including such topics of current controversy as how AI will impact employment and the safety of autonomous cars, and "After Life" technology, which will reanimate people who have passed away through a combination of data and DNA.
Lila (Sanskrit: लीला līlā)
simulation hypothesis
The simulation hypothesis proposes that what humans experience as the world is actually a simulated reality, such as a computer simulation in which humans themselves are constructs.[1][2] There has been much debate over this topic, ranging from philosophical discourse to practical applications in computing.
The simulation hypothesis, as formulated by Nick Bostrom,[3] is part of a long tradition of skeptical scenarios. It was presented by Bostrom as not merely a philosophical speculation, but an empirical claim with quantifiable probabilities. The hypothesis has received criticism from some physicists, such as Sabine Hossenfelder who has called it pseudoscience,[4] and cosmologist George F. R. Ellis, who stated that "[the hypothesis] is totally impracticable from a technical viewpoint", and that "late-night pub discussion is not a viable theory".[5][6] Versions of the hypothesis have also been featured in science fiction, appearing as a central plot device in many stories and films, such as The Matrix.[7]
Baudrillard 會喜歡這個想法,因為他根本不認為這是一個「假設」,
A new therapy for Ukraine’s scarred soldiers: ketamine
What Is Biohacking And How Does It Work?
holobiont (全息生物) (共生總體) (Adolf Meyer Avich, 1943)
Poiesis (創世)
The Art of Being Posthuman: Who Are We in the 21st Century? (Francesca Ferrando, 2023-11-28)
This book offers a comprehensive reflection on the existential condition of the 21st century. A visionary introduction to existential posthumanism, it takes the form of eight meditations.
This posthuman journey of self-inquiry engages with a wide range of knowledge and wisdom: from the Paleolithic times to the futures of radical life extension, from multi-species evolutions to the rights of Nature, the Anthropocene and the rise of Artificial Intelligence.
The book declutters the habit of being human. Letting go of the need for anthropocentric mastery and species-specific ambitions, the reader emerges regenerated. The manifold paths of posthuman self-realization reveal that we are all co-creators in the existential unfolding: our lives are our ultimate works of art.
The Art of Being Posthuman is a self-help guide to navigate our brave new world.
4:47 AM (1/17/23) (星期三)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Rasa (aesthetics)
In Indian aesthetics, a rasa (Sanskrit: रस) literally means "juice, essence or taste".[1][2] It is a concept in Indian arts denoting the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or audience, but cannot be described.[2] It refers to the emotional flavors/essence crafted into the work by the writer or a performer and relished by a 'sensitive spectator' or sahṛidaya, literally one who "has heart", and can connect to the work with emotion, without dryness.
Rasas are created by one's bhava: [3] one's state of mind.
See also