These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Saturday, August 31, 2024
The Valley of Light (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)
A lyrical and poignant novel from one of America's greatest storytellers, the author of To Dance with the White Dog.
On a sunny summer day in 1948, Noah Locke arrives in Bowerstown, a small North Carolina community bordered by lakes and set deep in the Valley of Light. A quiet, simple man and a war veteran, Noah has a mystical gift for fishing, yet he remains haunted by the war and by the terrible scenes he witnessed when his infantry unit liberated Dachau. His wandering—doing odd jobs and catching fish for sale or trade—is both an escape from his past and a search for a place to call home.
In the valley, Noah is initially treated with amusement by the locals he meets at Taylor Bowers's general store—until he begins fishing. Once they see his almost magical skills, however, he becomes the talk of the valley and is urged to stay long enough to participate in the annual school fishing contest. He agrees, accepting a job offer by Taylor to paint his store when he isn't filling orders for fish. He finds lodging in an abandoned shack by a small lake the locals call the Lake of Grief and, also, the Lake of No Fish, because they think all the fish have disappeared. Noah knows they are wrong. Beneath the water is a warrior bass waiting to test Noah's gift.
In the way that innocence creates powerful events, Noah meets Eleanor Cunningham, a young widow whose husband supposedly killed himself after returning home from the war. Over the course of a week, Noah will be led into the secret lives of the residents of the Valley of Light, will join them as they mourn a tragedy, and will experience a miracle that will guide him home at last.
Luminous, memorable, and deeply moving, The Valley of Light is the finest work to date from a brilliant storyteller. (Terry Kay, 2003)
二分論 (Dualism) (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)
Dualism 就是 Splitting,換句話說,屬原始低級,思考模式,
為何 Dualism 如此猖獗,剛剛突然知道,是因為它與線性思惟有關,線的兩端,各自相對,用力一扯,形成的張力,就是 Dualism,
如何破解 Dualism,警句碎片,是尼采維根思坦後期海德格的方法,
海德格 1936 年夏天,在小木屋,寫 Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) (German: Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)),該書就是 281 段碎片,無始無終,來去無蹤,拼湊而成,
碎片何以,不受限于 Dualism,
因為碎片,移動速度很快,在每一個點,暫駐時間很短,且跳躍方向,不可預期,碎片與碎片的碰撞,倏忽即逝,意思是說,碎片分明,就是 van life,
Friday, August 30, 2024
命運之愛 (Amor fati) (存在治療)(1130803) (negativity vs vitality)
Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary.[1]
Amor fati is often associated with what Friedrich Nietzsche called "eternal recurrence", the idea that everything recurs infinitely over an infinite period of time. From this he developed a desire to be willing to live exactly the same life over and over for all eternity ("...long for nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal").[2]
Albert Camus
The French philosopher Albert Camus, in his 1942 essay on "The Myth of Sisyphus", explores ideas similar to those of Nietzsche.[11] According to Camus's philosophy of absurdism, the human condition is analogous to the curse of Sisyphus, who in ancient Greek mythology was condemned to eternally repeat the task of pushing a boulder up a hill only to watch it roll back down again. Like Nietzsche, Camus concludes that happiness is only possible when the essential meaninglessness of one's existence is not only acknowledged but positively affirmed.[11]
In "Return to Tipasa" (1952), Camus writes:
What else can I desire than to exclude nothing and to learn how to braid with white thread and black thread a single cord stretched to the breaking-point?[12]
Camus, like Nietzsche, held his embrace of fate to be central to his philosophy and to life itself. Summarizing his general view of life in the above work, Camus further spoke of: "a will to live without rejecting anything of life, which is the virtue I honor most in this world."
Nihilism (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)
Contemporary understanding of the idea stems largely from the Nietzschean 'crisis of nihilism', from which derive the two central concepts: the destruction of higher values and the opposition to the affirmation of life.[9][5]
Nietzschean affirmation
In Gilles Deleuze's ontology, affirmation is defined as a positive power of a self-driven differentiation of forces that is opposed to the sublated interdependence of opposites of the Hegelian dialectic.[8]
Yiyi (存在治療)(1130803)
(problématique) 處理哲學史,
二掛號信,書推拉車,跨七百五,少了形上,人就非人,不願計較,不願算計,猶願疏闊,猶願寬厚,下午預覽,N vs V,柯文哲今落網,說明蔡壁如昔日,全身而退的高明,台灣之歷史情境,如日南海海槽,意思是說,無路可退,命若旦夕,理應迸發,絕頂創造力,與之相應,
Thursday, August 29, 2024
8/29/24 (星期四)
Then can we say that Erfahrung is procedural memory? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-29) (存在治療) (1130803)
*Erfahrung* and procedural memory share some similarities, but they are not the same thing.
1. **Erfahrung**:
- *Erfahrung* refers to the knowledge, skills, and understanding that are accumulated over time through repeated experiences. This includes not only practical skills but also insights, wisdom, and understanding gained from these experiences. *Erfahrung* can involve both explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) learning. It encompasses a broader range of experiences, including those that contribute to both procedural and declarative knowledge.
2. **Procedural Memory**:
- Procedural memory is a type of implicit memory that involves the learning and storage of motor skills and habits. It allows us to perform tasks without conscious awareness, such as riding a bicycle, typing on a keyboard, or playing a musical instrument. Procedural memory is about "knowing how" to do something, often without being able to verbally articulate how it's done.
While *Erfahrung* might involve the development of procedural memory, especially in the context of acquiring practical skills through repeated practice, it also includes much more. *Erfahrung* can encompass declarative knowledge (both episodic and semantic), insights, and wisdom that procedural memory alone does not capture.
In summary, *Erfahrung* is a broader concept that includes the accumulation of various types of knowledge and skills, of which procedural memory is just one aspect. Therefore, while procedural memory might be a component of *Erfahrung*, it does not fully encapsulate what *Erfahrung* represents.
Can we say that Erlebnis is episodic memory, Erfahrung is semantic memory? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-29) (存在治療)(1130803)
While there are similarities between the concepts, directly equating *Erlebnis* with episodic memory and *Erfahrung* with semantic memory isn't entirely accurate, as the distinctions between them are more nuanced.
1. **Erlebnis and Episodic Memory**:
- *Erlebnis* refers to a vivid, immediate experience, often with a strong emotional component. This does have a close connection with episodic memory, which is the memory of specific events or experiences that one can recall in a detailed, autobiographical manner. Episodic memory involves remembering personal experiences that have a particular context (such as time and place), similar to the nature of an *Erlebnis*.
However, *Erlebnis* is about the actual experience as it happens, rather than the memory of it. Episodic memory, on the other hand, is the mental record of such experiences.
2. **Erfahrung and Semantic Memory**:
- *Erfahrung* is related to the knowledge and understanding gained over time, often through repeated experiences. Semantic memory refers to our store of general knowledge about the world, including facts, concepts, and meanings that are not tied to personal experiences or specific events.
While *Erfahrung* does involve accumulating knowledge and wisdom, it also encompasses practical, procedural knowledge and the application of understanding in context, which goes beyond the scope of semantic memory. Semantic memory is more about factual knowledge without the personal or temporal context that *Erfahrung* might involve.
In summary, although there are overlaps—*Erlebnis* shares characteristics with episodic memory, and *Erfahrung* involves elements of semantic memory—the two pairs are not entirely synonymous. *Erlebnis* is more about the intensity and immediacy of an experience, while episodic memory is the recollection of such experiences. *Erfahrung* involves accumulated, contextual knowledge, whereas semantic memory is about factual, decontextualized knowledge.
正港分局 (2024) (Netflix)
我希望他們跟正確的沙河悲歌一樣說台語,你要理解,serial killer 是現代性的形上崩解,意思是說,沒有形上學在先,就沒有 serial killer,因為關鍵詞是「連續」,而連續需要形上的理由,意思是說,台灣沒有這種理由,起碼還沒有,我二十年前說過,當台灣有 serial killer,和能夠用七種語言叫床和寫小說者出現,台灣就確定,進入現代了,
Is cell membrane mainly composed of lipid? (存在治療)(1130803)
Yes, the cell membrane is primarily composed of lipids, specifically a type of lipid known as phospholipids. These phospholipids form a bilayer that serves as the fundamental structure of the cell membrane. This bilayer provides a flexible yet sturdy barrier that separates the cell's interior from its external environment. In addition to lipids, the cell membrane also contains proteins and carbohydrates, which are embedded within or attached to the lipid bilayer, playing various roles in cellular function, such as transport, communication, and structural support.
Minxin Pei (b 1957)
- The US Is Learning the Wrong Cold War Lessons on China, Bloomberg Opinions, June 24, 2024[10]
- To Beat China, US Should Stop Acting Like China, Bloomberg Opinions, May 30, 2024[11]
- What China Really Needs Is More Bad News, Bloomberg Opinions, February 8, 2024[12]
- Why China Can’t Export Its Model of Surveillance, Foreign Affairs, February 6, 2024[13]
- China’s Hands Are Tied Against Tangle of US Alliances, Bloomberg Opinions, April 16, 2024[14]
車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life) (2025)
形上學包括宇宙論本體論,知識論可視為其方法學,倫理學美學則為其推衍。形上必始于形下,形上學貴在,守在形下汗水,從岩石一世,達到人如其石,的形上結論。意思是說,重複的強迫性(repetition compulsion),並非無明作祟的病理,實為救贖的前提和習作。昨遇某勞動者,五十好幾女性,工廠二十六年,兩天後,八月卅一退休,我問,退休後計畫如何,君答,想搭火車,「一個人走出去」。昨置夢蝶全集,于診間書架,以誌一個荒漠的年代,的特立獨行。意思是說,亦宜另置,七等生全集。意思是說,唯一值得,為之感動,唯有形上。所謂形上的慰藉 (metaphysical consolidation)。意思是說,車行漂泊(van life),願在尋訪,形上廢墟。形上在那裡,曾經留下,蠕蟲爬過的痕跡。
你要理解,人類演化,毛髮脫落,是為散熱,以致可耐,長途跋涉。簡單講,毛多者熱,毛少者涼。其次你要理解,瓦斯爐必要,蓄電千瓦足矣,不冰箱洗澡作飯,只是燒開水泡茶,咖啡機泡麵,手機平板充電。我先前說過,外包策略,鄰近廁所便利商店。你要記得,Jack Reacher,身無長物。再者你要理解,多看遠方,視力很重要,盡量不聽,聽力也很重要。露營推拉車,置雜物,承載 60 公斤,加蓋為桌。
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
經驗是什麼 (存在治療)(1130803)
經驗,來自感官,來自六識 (尤其前五識),比如說,飲共匪毒奶粉,食共匪地溝油,吸共匪惡霧霾,趙家人人奶宴,脫褲勃起,這就是感官,這就是經驗,
這就是,經驗的分殊性 (distinction),
為什麼,Michael Foley 說,我們已無經驗,
就像消息,已為「假」(misinformation,disinformation) 消息,
很多年前,天母忠誠路,大葉高島屋,當時有一覺悟,就是原來,人類文明,可以童叟無欺,貨真價實,不用山寨套路,討價還價,國家機器,鉅額補貼,傾銷亂市 (世),
What’s the difference between Erlebnis and Erfahrung? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-29)
"Erlebnis" and "Erfahrung" are German terms that both translate to "experience" in English, but they have distinct connotations and are used in different contexts.
1. **Erlebnis**: This term refers to an immediate, lived experience, often one that is emotionally charged or deeply personal. It emphasizes the subjective, present-moment nature of the experience. An "Erlebnis" is something you experience in a particular moment, which can be intense, unique, or transformative. It's more about the quality and immediacy of the experience.
- **Example**: A thrilling ride on a roller coaster, falling in love, or witnessing a beautiful sunset can all be considered "Erlebnisse" because they are vivid, immediate experiences that have a strong impact on the person.
2. **Erfahrung**: In contrast, "Erfahrung" refers to experience in the sense of accumulated knowledge or wisdom gained over time. It suggests a process of learning or gaining understanding through repeated or extended exposure to situations. "Erfahrung" is often associated with the more reflective, cognitive aspect of experience, which contributes to one's knowledge or expertise.
- **Example**: Learning a language over many years, developing professional skills, or understanding cultural nuances through living in different countries would be considered "Erfahrungen" because they involve gradual accumulation of knowledge and insight over time.
In summary, "Erlebnis" is more about the immediacy and emotional intensity of a specific experience, while "Erfahrung" is about the accumulated knowledge and understanding that comes from a series of experiences over time.
to abide it (存在治療)(1130803)
那天我說,to abide it,把自己交給對方,就是詮釋學的精神,就是詮釋學的誠意,
主客有感主客皆泯 (存在治療)(1130803)
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
以周二為例回答 Yiyi (存在治療)(1130803)
前幾天,LR 來信,問我可不可以,換到周三,我說不行,
換句話說,後結構主義,最重要的訊息是,即使沒有 foundation,腳跟下沒有 ground (這就是所謂腳跟下大事),也願頑強蜉蝣 (劉大任就是蜉蝣),也願禮讚生命,
願的定義是,調侃意志的意志 (意就是胡塞爾現象學的意向性)(志就是孔丘講的三十而志于學)(意志就是 will,不管那是什麼樣的 will) (調侃就是揭穿國王沒有穿衣「光著屁股」)(你要理解,屁股是上帝給人類最好的禮物)(不信你沒有屁股坐下來看看),
塞車一小時後,8:28 AM,我見到小黑小花,
Yiyi (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)
1. Immanence,是經驗,是我們是誰,
經驗,可分當下的經驗,和沈思的 (meditative) 經驗,前者就是我們的一般人生,和日用生活,只可能是本體的 (ontic),後者就是海德格住在黑森林小木屋,散步在他的林中路,遂可以是本體論的(ontological),
這是為什麼,第一代革命家,皆為 true believer (Eric Hoffer),皆為自體疾患,因為他們無法安住在自己裡面,他們會起身,去改變這個世界,在屍橫遍野中,感受到巨大的平靜,
2. 慾望機器,沒有主體,只有連接,那我就會是連接的場所?那就沒有主客二分,那麼還有互為主體嗎?
D&G 講的是,去中心化 (decentered) 的主體,根莖的聯結 (rhizomatic connections),我想,他們不會說,「我」不存在,但是他們會說,「我」沒有那麼重要,
主客不分,是中哲 (印哲亦然)玩法,我想,D&G 沒有這麼瀟灑,
Foundation 就是,腳跟下大事,意思是說,你我腳底下,踩著什麼樣的「地」(ground),茲事體大,非哲學不可,
Monday, August 26, 2024
4% 宇宙 (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)
我們知道,原子占宇宙 4%,其他則是暗能量 74%,暗物質 21%,
你要理解,毛澤東每次,搞政治運動,鬥爭殺人,殺戮配額,只殺 5%,他笑著說,殺多了可惜,殺少了沒感覺,
剛剛突然知道,毛澤東懂宇宙論,知道宇宙的組成,意思是說,共匪就是,暗能量加上暗物質,就是否定生命 (negativity),每次被殺的那 5%,就是原子,就是禮讚生命 (vitality),
春秋戰國 (存在治療)(1130803)
春秋時期(公元前770年-公元前476年/公元前403年),簡稱春秋, 是東周的前半段時期。周室在平王東遷後實力大減, 沒有足夠的威望號令諸侯,因而形成春秋初期之局面。春秋時代周天子的勢力減弱,群雄紛爭,春秋霸政形成,齊桓公、宋襄公、晉文公、秦穆公、楚莊王相繼稱霸,史稱「春秋五霸」。當時齊桓公提出「尊周室,攘夷狄,禁篡弒,抑兼併」(尊王攘夷)的思想,因此周天子於表面上仍獲尊重。春秋時期因孔子修訂的《春秋》而得名。這部書記載了從魯隱公元年(前722年)到魯哀公十四年(前481年)的歷史,共二百四十二年。後史學家為了方便起見,一般從周平王元年(前770年)東周立國,平王東遷到雒邑起,到周敬王四十三年(前477年)或四十四年(前476年)為止(也有學者認為應到《左傳》記載之終(前468年)、三家滅智(前453年)或三家分晉(前403年)),稱為「春秋時期」。春秋時期之後是戰國時期。[1]據史書記載,春秋二百四十二年間,有三十六名君主被臣下或敵國所殺,五十二個諸侯國被滅。[2]。有大小戰事四百八十多次,諸侯的朝聘和盟會四百五十餘次。魯國朝王三次,聘周四次。
戰國時期(前475年/前403年—前221年),亦稱戰國時代,簡稱戰國,是中國歷史上的一段時期。關於戰國的起始年份,共有7種說法,一般有周敬王四十四年(前476年)[註 1]、周定王十六年(前453年)[註 2]或周威烈王二十三年(前403年)[註 3]這三種說法為較多人接受。而戰國時代結束於秦始皇二十六年(前221年)秦統一中原。後世史家劃分東周前半為春秋時代,後半為戰國時代:東周在周赧王五十九年(前256年)已被秦國所滅亡,所以東周不完全包括戰國時代。戰國時期各諸侯國混戰不休,故後世稱之為「戰國」,「戰國」一名取自於西漢劉向所編注的《戰國策》。周顯王三十五年(前334年)徐州相王、四十六年(前323年)五國相王後各大諸侯紛紛僭越稱王(吳、越、楚三國早在春秋時代已稱王),周天子權威進一步受損。戰國時代,政治、經濟、文化、科技大規模變革,例如郡縣制度、私田制、廣泛應用鐵器和貴族因亡國變為平民而傳播知識。各國為獲取土地、財富、人口不斷開展兼併戰爭,促使這個從春秋時期開始便戰爭頻仍的土地逐漸走向新時代,塑造了大一統的中央集權國家「車同軌,書同文,行同倫[1]」的雛形。戰國承春秋時代的亂世,啟帝秦發端,中續百家爭鳴,各國相繼圖強而舉國變法,湧現了大量名將爭鋒和名士縱橫捭闔之典故,為後世傳誦。
簡單講,春秋戰國 (770-221 BC),是中國歷史,唯一有創造力的五百年,之後的歷史,等同大陸連續劇,李洪海夏可可,崔朕王珊珊,毛澤東三十年屠殺八千萬中國人,鄧小平六四一夜屠殺八千萬中國人,習近平十二年屠殺八億中國人,所謂殺的越多,生的越多,歹戲拖棚,伊于胡底,伊,助詞無義。于,往。胡,何。底,止。伊于胡底意謂不知將落到什麼地步為止。比喻後果不堪設想。《詩經.小雅.小旻》:「我視謀猶,伊于胡底。」
What do we know about xia-shang-zhou dynasties (夏商周)? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-26)(存在治療)(1130803)
The Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties (夏商周) represent three successive and foundational periods in ancient Chinese history, spanning from around 2070 BCE to 256 BCE. These dynasties laid the cultural, social, and political foundations of Chinese civilization.
### Xia Dynasty (夏朝, c. 2070–1600 BCE)
- **Historical Status:** The Xia Dynasty is often considered the first dynasty in Chinese history, though its existence is partly legendary and somewhat contested due to the lack of definitive archaeological evidence. It is described primarily in later historical texts like the *Records of the Grand Historian* (Shiji) by Sima Qian and *Bamboo Annals*.
- **Key Features:**
- **Founding:** According to tradition, the Xia Dynasty was founded by Yu the Great, who is celebrated for controlling the floods of the Yellow River and establishing hereditary rule.
- **Governance:** The Xia society was primarily agrarian, with a clan-based system and early forms of bureaucracy. The Xia rulers are said to have developed rudimentary forms of centralized government and state rituals.
- **Cultural Contributions:** Although details are sparse, the Xia Dynasty is credited with the early development of bronze metallurgy and the establishment of rituals that would later influence Chinese culture.
### Shang Dynasty (商朝, c. 1600–1046 BCE)
- **Historical Status:** The Shang Dynasty is the first Chinese dynasty for which there is definitive archaeological evidence. It is well-documented through oracle bones, which are the earliest known Chinese written records, as well as various archaeological sites.
- **Key Features:**
- **Capital Cities:** The Shang capital moved several times, with the last and most famous being Yin (near modern-day Anyang).
- **Society and Culture:** The Shang society was hierarchical, with a king at the top who also served as a high priest, connecting the realms of the gods, ancestors, and the living. They practiced ancestor worship, which played a central role in their culture.
- **Bronze Work:** The Shang Dynasty is renowned for its advanced bronze casting, producing intricate ritual vessels, weapons, and tools.
- **Oracle Bones:** These were used for divination and are the earliest form of Chinese writing. Questions were inscribed on animal bones or tortoise shells, which were then heated until they cracked; the cracks were interpreted by diviners to answer the questions.
- **Military:** The Shang had a powerful military and engaged in frequent warfare, utilizing chariots and bronze weapons.
### Zhou Dynasty (周朝, c. 1046–256 BCE)
- **Historical Status:** The Zhou Dynasty followed the Shang and is divided into two main periods: the Western Zhou (c. 1046–771 BCE) and the Eastern Zhou (c. 770–256 BCE), the latter of which is further divided into the Spring and Autumn period (c. 770–476 BCE) and the Warring States period (c. 475–221 BCE).
- **Key Features:**
- **Mandate of Heaven:** The Zhou rulers introduced the concept of the "Mandate of Heaven" (天命), a divine right to rule that was used to justify the overthrow of the Shang. This concept became a central part of Chinese political philosophy, legitimizing the rule of the emperor as long as he governed justly.
- **Feudal System:** The Zhou implemented a feudal system, where the king granted land to loyal nobles in exchange for military support and allegiance. This system created a network of relationships that helped maintain order, but over time it led to the fragmentation of power.
- **Cultural Flourishing:** The Zhou period saw the development of key philosophical schools, including Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, especially during the Eastern Zhou’s Warring States period. These philosophies would shape Chinese thought and culture for millennia.
- **Technological and Cultural Advances:** The Zhou period also saw significant advances in iron technology, agriculture, and warfare, as well as the codification of rituals and music.
### Transition and Legacy
- **End of the Zhou Dynasty:** The Zhou Dynasty eventually weakened due to internal conflicts and external pressures, leading to the rise of regional powers. The Warring States period marked the end of Zhou rule and set the stage for the unification of China under the Qin Dynasty in 221 BCE.
- **Legacy:** The cultural, political, and philosophical developments during the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties laid the foundation for Chinese civilization. Concepts like the Mandate of Heaven, ancestor worship, and the early bureaucratic state continued to influence Chinese society for centuries. The Zhou period, in particular, is seen as a golden age of Chinese philosophy and cultural development.