不約而同他們都在講同一件事可見either/or是牢獄不見天日的solitary confinement
Solitary confinement is colloquially referred to in American English as "the hotbox", "the hole", "lockdown", "punk city", "SCU" (solitary confinement unit), "AdSeg" (administrative segregation), the "SHU" (pronounced "shoe"), an acronym for "special housing unit" or "security housing unit", or "the pound"; in British English as "the block" or "the cooler"; and in Canada, it is known as the Special Handling Unit. (wikipedia)
The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind, by Robert Romanyshyn, Spring Journal, Inc; 2007
... the task is precisely to be objective toward oneself and subjective toward all others (Kierkegaard 1967: IV 4542) (Everyday Mysteries, by Emmy van Deurzen, 2e, 2010, kindle location 496/9281)
我先前說過 心理治療所為何來 不過是讓一個人 因此 不要把自己看得太重 (not to take oneself too seriously)
可見 關於自己 通常困難是 subjective > objective 治療者尤然
關於他者 則 困難通常是 objective > subjective 因為人與他者關係 界面粗糙 除異化(alienation)物化(reification) 幾已無 其他可能
生命 所有美好 發生在往返 之間
the (im)possibility of objective study of subjectivity
and Matthew B. Crawford (2009, 2015)