Sunday, March 3, 2024

Karma (業力)(negativity vs vitality)

Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/, from Sanskrit: कर्म, IPA: [ˈkɐɾmɐ] ; Pali: kamma) is a concept of action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences.[1] In Indian religions, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein individuals' intent and actions (cause) influence their future (effect):[2] Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths. In some scriptures, however, there is no link between rebirth and karma.[3][4] Karma is often misunderstood as fate, destiny, or predetermination.[5]

The concept of karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in many schools of Indian religions (particularly in HinduismBuddhismJainism, and Sikhism),[6] as well as Taoism.[7] In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life as well as the nature and quality of future lives—one's saṃsāra.[8][9]

業力,既然是力,顯然與 vitality 有關,尤其黝暗的那種勢力,意思是說,否定生命的那種,意思是說,禮讚生命是一件費勁的,不自然的事,惡比善專心,比善堅持,善是偶然的,惡是必然的,善太溫吞,尤其婦人之仁那種,惡就是共匪,無時無刻不在作惡,包括你睡著的時候,忘記它的存在的時候,以上說明,業力主要是講惡,不是講善,意思是說,善終究敗于惡,除非有那種,打算與惡同歸於盡的善,「那種善,比惡更惡」 (包不同跟包龍星說,清官必須比貪官更貪,才治得了貪官,意思是說,中紀委必須比貪官更貪,才能反腐),所以連共匪都怕它,有點像臨床上,邊緣性人格違常者,必須碰到比他更邊緣性人格違常者,他才知道,什麼是邊緣性人格違常,這時他會跟對方說,你怎麼這麼邊緣性人格違常,意思是說,流氓土匪,碰到比他更流氓土匪者,他才知道,什麼是流氓土匪,這時他會跟對方說,你怎麼這麼流氓土匪,小結,業力就是生命的本質,這場黝暗的戲,讓人看不下去,所以人才會瞎掰這麼多,光明的道理,企圖免於必然,被業力吞噬,企圖懺悔彌補,業力造作,帶來的黑暗,但是,我們剛剛說過,這是註定失敗的,你要理解,凝視黑暗者,必成為黑暗的一部分,但是,地獄不空,誓不離地獄,「與惡同歸於盡,才是貨真價實的善,扭轉業力的唯一可能」,意思是說,做人,不要畏懼業力,要面帶微笑,內觀接受業力 (一般內觀數息,數的是呼吸,內觀業力,數的則是時間,數的則是歷史,十年百年千年為ㄧ息),業力就是你的症狀,就是你存在的理由 (拉岡桑講的 desire,尤其是 RSI 的 R,objet petit a,Le Sinthome,jouissance,就是業力)(精神分析講的 will to truth,就是 will to face one’s karma (通常是指個人業力)(批判的心理治療,才可面對共業),