(1) ICD (yet, you should respect the impulse (很像電磁波)per se) (so, impulse control disorders should be called impulse dyscontrol disorders?)
(2) Addiction (SUD, AUD) (yet, no addiction, no existence, so apparently, addiction is the raison d'être of your existence)
(3) Behaviour Addiction (including paraphilia, of course)
(4) OCRD (the essence of OCD is certainty and control, which means that OCRD are just trying to not to lose control)
(5) RDS (reward deficiency syndrome) (no wonder people are seeking dopamine fasting, a la ascetic whores, these days)
(6) objet petit a
(7) Le Sinthome
(8) jouissance
(9) impulse vs control (so, at the edge of chaos, means not yet losing control, but nearly losing control)
(10) vitality and its dark side (well, isn't this dark side negativity per se?)
(11) energy (能量本身,無善惡可言,自覺意識進場,人遂亟欲,控制能量,操弄自然,遂有 N vs V,遂有善惡可言) (意思是說,工具理性,目的在于,控制操弄,價值理性,起于人知所止,不欲控制操弄,遂把自己,交給那個能量)
see also
Cosmic Energy
Cosmic energy is one of the English translations of the Hindu term shakti. It refers to external spiritual energy and can also refer to prana, or the life energy that is the source of kundalini. Cosmic energy is thought to be a vital source that animates all forms of life and maintains the balance of the entire cosmos.