Thursday, February 20, 2025

What’s picnolepsy, according to Paul Virilio? (ChatGPT, 2025-2-20) (自體的心理學)(車行哲學)

 Paul Virilio’s concept of picnolepsy refers to small, imperceptible gaps in consciousness caused by the acceleration of speed and technology. The term is derived from the Greek puknos (dense, frequent) and lepsis (seizure, interruption), signifying a series of micro-absences or blackouts in perception.

Key Aspects of Picnolepsy:

1. Micro-Interruptions in Consciousness

 Virilio borrows from neurology, where picnoleptic seizures are brief, unnoticed lapses in awareness (like petit mal epilepsy).

 In the realm of speed and technology, these blackouts symbolize moments where perception and memory fail to register events in real time.

2. Speed and the Loss of Presence

 With the acceleration of movement (cars, trains, planes), human perception struggles to keep up.

 These gaps in awareness create a fragmented experience of reality - what happens in between moments of perception goes unnoticed.

 Example: When moving at high speeds, we don’t fully register our surroundings, as they blur into non-existence.

3. Picnolepsy and Modern Media

 The digital age extends picnolepsy beyond physical speed to media speed.

 The rapid flow of images and data results in discontinuous perception, where events are absorbed in fragments rather than as coherent narratives.

 Example: Scrolling through social media creates a jumpy, fragmented reality, where information is consumed but not deeply processed.

4. War, Dromology, and Temporal Gaps

 In warfare, real-time surveillance and missile guidance systems operate at speeds beyond human cognition.

 Decision-making is increasingly automated, as humans become picnoleptic spectators rather than active participants.

 The faster events unfold, the less time there is for ethical or critical reflection.

5. The Accident of Time Perception

 Virilio often connects speed with accidents (e.g., faster cars lead to deadlier crashes).

 Picnolepsy is the accident of time perception, where the human mind can no longer process reality in a continuous manner.

Modern Implications of Picnolepsy:

 Social Media & Attention Spans: The constant influx of fragmented information leads to shortened concentration and memory gaps.

 Live News & Digital Overload: Instant reporting means no time for reflection, just bursts of disconnected updates.

 Surveillance & AI Decision-Making: As machines operate at speeds beyond human cognition, humans become passive observers of events unfolding too fast to process.

 Virtual Reality & Simulation: The boundaries between experience and memory blur, creating a world of micro-disconnections.

Virilio’s Warning:

Picnolepsy suggests that modern life is lived in perceptual blackouts, where we miss moments of presence due to technological acceleration. We may think we are seeing everything, but in reality, we are constantly skipping over time - living in a fragmented, discontinuous world.

Would you say this aligns with your interest in the problematics of AI and posthumanism? Virilio’s concerns about human perception failing to keep up with speed seem relevant to the idea of “物的反撲,人的退位” - the displacement of human cognition by machinic processes.