Wednesday, March 29, 2017

2:07 AM

now, busy day ahead, non stop, from 8 am to 4 pm, thursday should be better, since that fool will not come, they say, 吳思 apparently is doing some hard thinking, in a safe HISTORICAL way, according to him, which explains how totalitarian and oppressive that state is, now, 資本官家主義, can you imagine, how evil this damned term is, 二十幾年前那場事, he said, in 2014, now, in deep night, dogs barking, not far away, now, they are going to tokyo, on april first, and be back, on april fifth, and i shall be free, till april fourth, 你是央視的嗎, interesting, when that guy from the audience asked a question about 幸福, (i.e. 你幸福嗎), now, i know, dawn is not SO far away, 張博樹 wrote a new book, lethal lenin, and talked about it on voa, now, they invited a taiwanese to comment too, who apparently never read anything about lenin, however, now, this is interestingly shameful, which explains the level of the intellectuals in this island, QUASI-intellectuals, they are, now, april eightth, i shall talk about, back to history, back to nature, back to man, and inability to back to man, now, fascinated by jill scharff's old book, projective and introjective identification and the use of therapist's self, in 1992, not ordered yet, may review projective identification, the fate of a concept, in 2012, first, now, all these, are done, alone, which explains how alienated, i am, isn't it, doesn't matter, i say, but, do i believe myself, now, in deep night, dogs keep barking, not far away