Friday, May 17, 2024

The 4-Percent Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality (Richard Panek, 2011) (negativity vs vitality)

The epic, behind-the-scenes story of an astounding gap in our scientific knowledge of the cosmos.

In the past few years, a handful of scientists have been in a race to explain a disturbing aspect of our universe: only 4 percent of it consists of the matter that makes up you, me, our books, and every planet, star, and galaxy. The rest—96 percent of the universe—is completely unknown. 

Richard Panek tells the dramatic story of how scientists reached this conclusion, and what they’re doing to find this "dark" matter and an even more bizarre substance called dark energy. Based on in-depth, on-site reporting and hundreds of interviews—with everyone from Berkeley’s feisty Saul Perlmutter and Johns Hopkins’s meticulous Adam Riess to the quietly revolutionary Vera Rubin—the book offers an intimate portrait of the bitter rivalries and fruitful collaborations, the eureka moments and blind alleys, that have fueled their search, redefined science, and reinvented the universe.

意思是說,negativity 等于 vitality,negativity 就是 vitality,

‘Quantum internet’ demonstration in cities is most advanced yet

臥龍生 (1930-1997)


  • 因臥龍生的作品再版多次,又有出版社盜印問題,最早版本已難收集。再者,臥龍生的作品從未修正。所以此依林保淳劉全宗先後整理之年表,對照原始連載期刊、報紙及各版本資料,偽書不計。
  • 原林保淳所列《女俠白鳳蝶》、《翠袖青霜》二書僅有預告、並未出版,故不列入。《虎穴》一書為黃玉書代筆偽書,亦不列入。
  • 原劉全宗所列《女捕頭》一書,臺灣版本掛李涼之名,恐屬偽書,故不列入。








社交媒體和遊戲,是讀 Gen YZ 及其後者的方法,意思是說,讀一代人,方法有三,一讀其科技,二讀其事件,三讀其慾望,




然後,有史至此,不過五千年,且前兩千五百年,創字之初,殘篇斷簡,講不出個完整的句子,意思是說,3 x 2.5 = 7.5,有史以來,只有七點五事件,




5/17/24 (星期五)

3:08 AM,寄二信,甫過半,二百五,莫管細節,看著遠方,四百公尺,中俄瀛台雞奸事後菸聲明,有趣的是,沒有說明細節,誰雞了誰多久,誰奸了誰幾次,


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Garry Crawford

Game Studies

Another area where Garry Crawford has made significant and important contributions to is the study video game culture. Significantly, his early work here focused most notably on sports video games, but beyond this his work expanded to explore the sociology of video games in his book Video Gamers (2012), and then (with Daniel Muriel) the growing social and cultural significance of video game culture in their book Video Games as Culture (2018).  Video Games as Culture not only considers contemporary video game culture, but also explores how video games provide important insights into the modern nature of digital and participatory culture, patterns of consumption and identity formation, later modernity and contemporary political rationalities.[7]

Closely connected to this is his work on cosplay culture, and in particular his book with the practicing artist David Hancock Cosplay and the Art of Play. This book offers an introduction to cosplay as a subculture and community built around playful spaces and everyday practices of crafting costumes, identities, and performances. This book draws on new and original ethnographic research with cosplayers, but moreover, also employs more innovative arts-led practice research.[8]

Selected publications

  • Cosplay and the Art of Play (2019) (with David Hancock)
  • Digital Football Cultures (2019) (edited with Stefan Lawrence)
  • Video Games as Culture (2018) (with Daniel Muriel)
  • Introducing Cultural Studies (Third Edition) (2017) (with Brian Longhurst, Greg Smith, Gaynor Bagnall and Michael Ogborn)
  • Video Gamers (2012)
  • Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Gaming (2011) (edited with Victoria K. Gosling & Ben Light)
  • Theorising the Contemporary Sports Supporter (2010)
  • The Sage Dictionary of Leisure Studies (2009) (with Tony Blackshaw)
  • Introducing Cultural Studies (Second Edition) (2008) (with Brian Longhurst, Greg Smith, Gaynor Bagnall and Michael Ogborn)
  • Consuming Sport: Sport, Fans, and Culture (2004)

Video Game, a window to look into the world of the Gen YZ and beyond. Another window, the social media.

Brains Are Not Required When It Comes to Thinking and Solving Problems—Simple Cells Can Do It (Basal Cognition)

See also

The Thinking Heart: Three Levels of Psychoanalytic Therapy with Disturbed Children (Anne Alvarez, 2012) (negativity vs vitality)

How do we talk about feelings to children who are cut off from feeling? How do we raise hope and a sense of safety in despairing and terrified children without offering false hope? How do we reach the unreachable child and interest the hardened child?

The Thinking Heart is a natural sequel to Live Company, Anne Alvarez' highly influential and now classic book about working with severely disturbed and damaged children. Building on 50 years experience as a child and adolescent psychotherapist, Alvarez uses detailed and vivid clinical examples of different interactions between therapist and client, and explores the reasons why one type of therapeutic understanding can work rather than another. She also addresses what happens when the therapist gets it wrong.

In The Thinking Heart, Alvarez identifies three different levels of analytic work and communication:

• the explanatory level – the "why - because"

• the descriptive level - the "whatness" of what the child feels 

• the intensified vitalizing level - gaining access to feeling itself for children with chronic dissociation, despairing apathy or 'undrawn' autism.

The book offers a structured schema drawing on and updating some of her classic work. It is designed to help the therapist to find the right level of interpretation in work with clients and, provides particular help with the unreachable child. It will be of use to Psychotherapists, Psychoanalysts, Clinical and Educational Psychologists, Child Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Special needs teachers and carers of disturbed children.

Anne Alvarez is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and is retired Co-Chair for The Autism Service at the Tavistock Clinic, London. She is currently a visiting teacher and lecturer for the Tavistock Clinic, and a Lecturer on the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society Child Programme.



Patients of a saint (2020)


精神病理學的必要 (negativity vs vitality)

精神病理學的必要,等同于,不正常的必要,比如說,焦慮的必要,失眠的必要,憂鬱的必要,狂躁的必要,妄想的必要,loosening of association 的必要,幻覺的必要,恐懼的必要,絕望的必要,恐慌的必要,自閉的必要,拒學的必要,不語的必要,注意力欠缺的必要,總之,你翻開 DSM-V TR,這一切,都是必要的,因為拿掉這一切,你就沒有理由相信,你的生命,是一齣好看的爛片,你要理解,我們存在的理由,就是成為,一部 B 咖的,好看的爛片 (讓我們向 Bruce Willis 致敬),比如說,好看的 A 片,你要理解,共匪 (和匪諜)就是。正常的不好看的 A 片 (不好看的定義,就是你搞了半天,射不出個鳥)(鳥,就是飛鳥,就是鳶飛魚躍,就是翻山越嶺的大雁,意思是說,就是回到自然),你要理解,最可鄙的,就是正常,就是不好看,最感動的,就是不正常,就是好看,知道這件事,之後,你點起紙菸,看著遠方,「大約四百公尺」,不正常的正常的(正常的不正常的)(不正常的不正常的)(總之不是正常的正常的)釋懷起來,意思是說,這是一個準確的釋懷 (正確和準確不同,正確未必準確,準確必須正確),你要理解,準確超越了工具理性,是價值理性的正確體現,

The Last Word On Nothing

Hyperspace and a Theory of Everything (Michio Kaku)

25 years after its discovery, dark energy remains frustratingly elusive

“What got physicists into physics usually is not the desire to understand what we already know,” Perlmutter told me years ago, “but the desire to catch the universe in the act of doing really bizarre things. We love the fact that our ordinary intuitions about the world can be fooled.”

“I’m very glad I said that,” he says now when I remind him of that quote, “because that does feel so much like what I see all around me.” Still, referring to the progress (or lack thereof), he says, “It’s been slow.” He laughs. “It’s nice to have mystery, but it would be nice to have just a little bit more coming from either the experimental side or the theoretical side.”

See also

Richard Panek


The Last Word On Nothing

Panek first joined the multi-author blog known as The Last Word On Nothing after being invited as a contributor by Ann Finkbeiner.[6]

5/16/24 (星期四) (Negativity vs Vitality)

You should not pathologize Negativity vs Vitality, yet most likely, psychopathology are related to Negativity vs Vitality.  



(1) ICD (yet, you should respect the impulse (很像電磁波)per se) (so, impulse control disorders should be called impulse dyscontrol disorders?) 

(2) Addiction (SUD, AUD) (yet, no addiction, no existence, so apparently, addiction is the raison d'être of your existence) 

(3) Behaviour Addiction (including paraphilia, of course) 

(4) OCRD (the essence of OCD is certainty and control, which means that OCRD are just trying to not to lose control) 

(5) RDS (reward deficiency syndrome) (no wonder people are seeking dopamine fasting, a la ascetic whores, these days)

(6) objet petit a 

(7) Le Sinthome 

(8) jouissance 

(9) impulse vs control (so, at the edge of chaos, means not yet losing control, but nearly losing control) 

(10) vitality and its dark side (well, isn't this dark side negativity per se?) 

(11) energy (能量本身,無善惡可言,自覺意識進場,人遂亟欲,控制能量,操弄自然,遂有 N vs V,遂有善惡可言) (意思是說,工具理性,目的在于,控制操弄,價值理性,起于人知所止,不欲控制操弄,遂把自己,交給那個能量)

see also

Cosmic Energy

Cosmic energy is one of the English translations of the Hindu term shakti. It refers to external spiritual energy and can also refer to prana, or the life energy that is the source of kundalini. Cosmic energy is thought to be a vital source that animates all forms of life and maintains the balance of the entire cosmos.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS)

Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) involves dopamine resistance, a form of sensory deprivation of the brain's reward or pleasure mechanisms. The syndrome occurs because of an individual's inability to derive reward from ordinary, everyday activities.

Dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS)

Gilles Deleuze: Vitalism and Multiplicity (John Marks, 1998) (negativity vs vitality)

 '[...] a vitalism rooted in aesthetics' (N, 91). (ibid, Chap 1, p. 1)

意思是說,vitality 不是源于形上學,倫理學,知識論,或自然科學,意思是說,vitality 必然激情衝動,而你要尊重,那個激情衝動,不要病理化待之,你要理解,生命生成 (becoming),翕闢成變,不是被安排好的理性的溫吞的行程,而是意外的冒險的沒有退路的旅行,意思是說,理性是 vitality 事後很久,才逐漸發生的,

What’s schizoanalysis? (ChatGPT, 2024-5-15)

Schizoanalysis is a concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their work "Anti-Oedipus." It's a form of psychoanalysis that focuses on understanding the multiplicity of desires and the processes by which desire is constructed, rather than on diagnosing and treating individual pathologies. It explores how social, cultural, and political forces shape subjectivity and seeks to liberate individuals from oppressive structures.

What is tranversality, in terms of mathematics? (ChatGPT, 2024-5-15)

In mathematics, particularly in the context of dynamical systems and differential equations, "transversality" refers to a geometric condition between two objects, such as curves or manifolds.

When dealing with differential equations, transversality often arises in the study of stability, bifurcations, and intersections of solutions. For example, if you have a system of differential equations representing a dynamical system, transversality conditions might ensure that certain solutions or trajectories intersect or interact in a particular way.

Formally, suppose you have two objects, such as curves or manifolds, represented by equations. Transversality implies that these objects intersect in such a way that their tangent spaces at the point of intersection do not coincide. In simpler terms, they meet at a well-defined angle rather than being tangential or overlapping.

Transversality conditions are crucial in various areas of mathematics, including differential topology, differential geometry, and dynamical systems theory, as they often dictate the behavior and structure of solutions to differential equations.

What’s the difference between transversality and transference, according to Felix Guattari? (ChatGPT, 2024-5-15)

Félix Guattari, a French psychoanalyst and philosopher, contributed significantly to the understanding of psychology and social theory. He explored the concepts of transversality and transference in the context of psychoanalysis and social systems.

  1. Transversality: This concept refers to the crossing or intersecting of different dimensions, disciplines, or levels of reality. Guattari used transversality to emphasize the need to break down the rigid boundaries between different domains, such as the personal and the social, or the individual and the collective. Transversality suggests a fluid exchange of ideas, experiences, and influences across these boundaries, promoting creativity, innovation, and the emergence of new perspectives. It's about fostering connections and relationships that traverse conventional categories or structures.

  2. Transference: In psychoanalysis, transference refers to the unconscious redirection of feelings and desires from one person or object to another, often based on past experiences or relationships. Guattari, influenced by psychoanalytic theory, explored transference in the context of therapeutic relationships and social dynamics. However, he also critiqued traditional psychoanalytic notions of transference, suggesting that they could be overly focused on individual pathology and neglectful of broader social and political contexts. Guattari was interested in understanding how transference operates not only within the clinical setting but also in everyday interactions and social structures. He saw it as a mechanism through which power dynamics, ideologies, and affective attachments shape our relationships and identities.

In summary, transversality emphasizes the interconnectedness and fluidity between different dimensions or levels of reality, while transference focuses on the unconscious processes of projecting feelings and desires onto others. Guattari's work often sought to integrate these concepts to better understand the complexities of subjectivity, social organization, and change.

Transversality (橫截性,橫向性)

See also 


Transversality does nothing less than schizophrenize the transference.”
(Genosko, 1996, p. 14)

Guattari's Therapeutics: From Transference to Transversality

Transversality’ is a key term in the work of Félix Guattari. As a conceptual and pragmatic motor for the generation of heterogeneity, it extends throughout all of his work, including the writing he undertook with Deleuze. It promotes the rupture and redistribution of hierarchical structures, the mobilisation of operations of deterritorialisation across the social and cultural field, and it gains a ‘chaosmic’ dimension in the later writings. Its ‘origins’, however, are to be found in Guattari's early work at the Clinique de la Borde and in militant Marxist movements in the 1950s and early 1960s. This is an initial and necessarily provisional effort to embed the concept in a social and therapeutic pragmatics and thus counter a debateable tendency towards a dilution or diffusion of transversality in theoretical abstraction, where it risks becoming a synonym for a generalised sense of creative differentiation.


Clinical trial shows that cytisinicline can help people quit vaping

意思是說,廿一世紀的娛樂,就是製造成癮,復發明戒癮,意思是說,你有本事成癮,就有人信誓旦旦,他有本事讓你戒癮,有趣的是,不癮你就不存在 (比如說,Jack Reacher 咖啡因成癮,每天六杯咖啡),不戒癮你就不能,重新拼湊破碎的存在,而且成癮昂貴,戒癮當然也必須昂貴,





Pruning the dendritic tree (2011) 

Sculpting neural circuits by axon and dendrite pruning (2015) 

意思是說,注意力 (attention),來自極簡,

意思是說,青春期的大腦,是一個創造力的混亂 (creative mess),成年初期,就是那個混沌的作品,中年就是自以為是,重複販賣那個作品,老年就是放棄販賣那個作品,回到出發的混亂,意思是說,生命始于混亂,終于混亂,

Netflix 問題在于,亟欲討好,全世界一百九十個國家,扣掉那五個畜牲當道不宜人居的地區,五十四億男女老少,所以動作非動作,劇情非劇情,悲劇非悲劇,喜劇非喜劇,基本上,就是一個麥當勞基因改造漢堡薯條可樂餐,意思是說,我們希望,Netflix 拒絕理中客,專業的敬業的誠實的拍好看的 A 片,

Doghouse (2009)

A memorable and happy weekend. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Can we say that the humanities are unfalsifiable therefore there is no real paradigm shifts after all? (ChatGPT, 2024-5-14)

The claim that the humanities are unfalsifiable and therefore lack real paradigm shifts is a complex one. While it's true that the humanities often deal with interpretations of human culture, society, and history that are not easily subjected to the same kind of empirical testing as natural sciences, it doesn't mean that they are completely unfalsifiable or lack paradigm shifts.

In the humanities, paradigms can shift based on new evidence, reinterpretations of existing evidence, changes in cultural perspectives, and shifts in theoretical frameworks. For example, in literary studies, a new critical theory can emerge that challenges and overturns established interpretations of literary works. Similarly, in history, new archaeological discoveries or archival documents can lead to revisions of historical narratives.

While the criteria for what constitutes a paradigm shift in the humanities may differ from those in the natural sciences, the concept still applies. Paradigm shifts in the humanities involve significant changes in the way scholars understand and interpret human culture, society, and history. These shifts may not always involve the same kind of empirical testing or validation as in the natural sciences, but they are nevertheless important for advancing knowledge and understanding in these fields.