Sunday, May 19, 2024

Can we say that CCP is necropolitics? (ChatGPT, 2024-5-19) (negativity vs vitality)

Labeling the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as practicing necropolitics requires a nuanced understanding of both necropolitics as a concept and the specific actions and policies of the CCP. Necropolitics, as articulated by Achille Mbembe, involves the use of power to dictate who may live and who must die, often through systemic violence, oppression, and the marginalization of certain populations.

To determine if the CCP's practices can be characterized as necropolitical, we can examine several aspects of its governance:

1. **Surveillance and Control**:

   - The CCP employs extensive surveillance technologies to monitor and control its population. This includes the use of facial recognition, internet censorship, and social credit systems. While these practices are primarily biopolitical (focused on the governance of life), they can have necropolitical dimensions if used to target and suppress dissent, leading to detention or extrajudicial punishment.

2. **Treatment of Uyghurs and Other Ethnic Minorities**:

   - The CCP’s policies in Xinjiang, where Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities have been subjected to mass internment, forced labor, and repressive surveillance, can be viewed through a necropolitical lens. These actions involve severe human rights abuses and have led to significant loss of life, cultural destruction, and psychological trauma.

3. **Suppression of Dissent**:

   - The violent suppression of political dissent, such as the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 and the ongoing crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, exemplifies necropolitical governance. The state’s willingness to use lethal force to maintain control and eliminate perceived threats highlights its use of necropolitics.

4. **Economic Policies and Labor Practices**:

   - The CCP’s economic policies, which sometimes prioritize rapid industrialization and economic growth over environmental and human health, can have necropolitical effects. For instance, poor working conditions, pollution, and displacement of vulnerable populations reflect an indifference to the lives of those who are economically marginalized.

5. **Public Health and Pandemics**:

   - The CCP’s handling of public health crises, such as the initial response to the COVID-19 outbreak, demonstrates complex governance dynamics. While the state ultimately implemented strict measures to control the virus, the initial suppression of information and silencing of whistleblowers could be seen as prioritizing political stability over individual lives, a necropolitical tendency.

In summary, while not all aspects of the CCP's governance are necropolitical, certain policies and practices do exhibit necropolitical characteristics. Specifically, actions that involve the systematic use of violence, repression, and control over life and death, particularly in regions like Xinjiang and in the suppression of political dissent, align with Mbembe’s concept of necropolitics. Therefore, it is fair to argue that some aspects of the CCP’s governance can be described as necropolitical.

這個回應,中國人理應知道,匪諜 (尤其在台灣潛伏和半公開和公開的那些)也應該當成座右銘,

事實上,我很驚訝,這次 ChatGPT 的回應 (我去年問過同樣的問題),你要理解,以前它會說,不予置評,意思是說,以前它怕得罪共匪,