Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Psychology of the Self: An unfinished revolution

    Psychology of the Self:  An unfinished revolution

                                         自體的心理學:  未完成的革命

首先     我們回到1995


Stolorow argues, there seem to be two groups of theorists in self psychology

today: the loyalists and the expansionists.


Another way to characterize these groupings would be to contrast their strategies of theorizing and the way they position Kohut's contribution vis-a-vis other psychoanalytic schools.


One strategy (including Basch's and the Omsteins') establishes Kohut's work as constituting a complete, enduring, revolutionary paradigm, leaving only small details or implications to be worked out.


A second strategy positions Kohut's ouvre as a transitional development on the way to the fuller emergence of a more encompassing, more comprehensively revolutionary paradigm. Thus, Stolorow regards intersubjectivity theory and relational theories of various sorts as providing a more complete field or systems model, emphasizing the fully contextual interaction of subjectivities with reciprocal, mutual influence. Stolorow positions Kohut as caught between paradigms and regards as anachronistic some of Kohut's basic concepts, like the reincation of a self with a nuclear program or inherent design.


In a different, but closely related, fashion, Bacal also regards Kohut's self psychology as incomplete and transitional. Bacal positions self psychology as half a (relational) revolution, with object relations theories constituting the missing other half. Self psychology leaves only implicit the other, in its relation to the self; object relations theories leave only implicit the self, in its relation to objects. As Bacal notes, people suffer not just from self-depletion but from self-distortion, highlighting (as do object relations theorists) the embeddedness within the self of the history of unsatisfying relationships with others. Thus, in Bacal's perspective, as in Stolorow's, Kohut's contribution is inherently unstable and transitional. Kohut was moving us toward a more comprehensive framework, but, like Moses, Kohut himself never quite got there.


Lachmann and Beebe adopt a carefully honed middle position. Regarding Kohut's concepts as fundamental and seminal but incomplete, they integrate those concepts with a broad range of ideas and perspectives drawn from empirical research on children and others. … Unlike Stolorow and Bacal, Lachmann and Beebe do not seem to regard Kohut's self psychology as a transition to something else; but, unlike Basch and the Ornsteins, Lachmann and Beebe do not regard Kohut's self psychology as fundamentally complete in itself.


Beebe and Lachman describe self psychology as an inherited house of many rooms: some redecorate, some may do full renovations, and some keep the space in traditional forms. To use a less structural metaphor, we might see this group of theoretical leaders in self psychology as providing complex music with harmonies, counterpoint, and plenty of fruitful discordance.  (Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 5:3, 431-434, 1995)


以上   是廿年前的看法   




What sparked the Kohutian revolution? Basch gives a most convincing description of one powerful impetus to change: the sharp and immediate shift in the clinical experience with patients created by the adoption of Kohutian clinical practices. (ibid, pp. 433-434)


Basch的意思是說   寇哈特的自體心理學   基本上是一個臨床的革命




我說   寇哈特的自體心理學    是一個跟臨床有關    但超越臨床的革命


超越的意思是說   人的現象和經驗    人文學科   和社會科學   無法歸約於臨床   


臨床視野   誠然難得    所知有限 


未完成的革命   意思是說   人的歷史還在遽變中    人還在遽變中    人的現象和經驗    還在遽變中


自體的心理學 (Psychology of the Self)   不等於自體心理學 (Self Psychology) 


自體心理學    點燃了自體的心理學的革命    但不等於完成了自體的心理學的革命


只要人類這個物種     還沒有滅絕    還在地球上昂首闊步   發生最糟的和最好的     自體的心理學的旅途    就還沒有結束


我們不是奧林匹亞山上的神祉    我們屬於這個遽變的世界和歷史    我們屬於這個最糟的和最好的可能    我們無意逃離屬於人的命運    但我們願    留在現場    


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