Sunday, November 19, 2017


11/19 7:56 AM. 12/22 consensus meeting, ppt done, review of the past six years. three talks, at home, by the end of 2017, ppt done. 12/9 SP, ppt done. 11/27 YM (use 12/9 ppt). 11/22 MC consult (taipei) 6:00 PM. 11/23 home visit 1:00-4:00 PM. 11/26 whole day fucking obligatory nonsense course (taipei). tough and tiring, tight schedule, as usual, exhausted by THIS bottom-up survival, the hell about FUCKING prospect. and, as regards myself, decision 2018, change soon, and, the writer's block, unfinished, got to be personal, i know, yet, what for, if nothing but personal, is there something, beyond personal? jenn is going for that damned exam today and tomorrow, aco just went through her exam yesterday. best wishes for them. guarding angel, try to be. 8:23 AM. ER (1), adm. 9:40 AM. in the office, waiting. 106 (beds). 11:13 AM. A7 one fever. H2 one violence. H3 one mood unstable, in seclusion room. 4:22 PM. A7 one setting fire while weekend pass at home, then got lost from 8 AM to 2 PM. 10:06 PM. A7 fever again, subsided later. resume that book. express myself as possible, and try to distill the key issues. 11/20 7:22 AM. cold. jenn and deb left half an hour ago. 1:02 PM. A7 pneumonia with pul edema, CM take over. 11/21 11:15 AM one consult left