Monday, October 29, 2018


10:12 PM, 月出山頭,
剛剛夜診我說, 關於 f (  ),
我的理解是, 那個空集合, 就是 Bion 晚年講的 O, (Cf. ),
就是京都學派講的空, 就是出家師父出家的原因,
我們芸芸眾生, 柴米油鹽一生, 畢竟畢竟不了, 我想是沒有機會見到它的,
這也許是遺憾, 但更可能是福氣, 我是說沒有見到它,
我有預感, 見到的人是回不來的,
剛剛我說, 我才剛看了幾十頁,
但可能村上春樹這次是想見到它 (killing commendatore, 2017),
可能我想多了, 因為村上常讓我失望,
我剛剛說, 那個空集合, 不是心理學,
是不是精神分析, 很難講,
拉崗也許以為他到得了那裡, 比如說

The literary stake is certain and Lacan does not recoil from formulating his hypothesis about the writing of Joyce, new master of the unreadable: he put an end, Lacan said, to the dream of literature (J/L, p. 36). This is a double thesis, about literature, as distinct from poetry, and about Joyce. Dream! This term provides sufficient indication that the literary stake is being measured against the yardstick of psychoanalysis. This is not a paradox, given that literature and psychoanalysis both share the same question: how far can one go, what can one obtain, with the word as sole instrument, be it spoken or written?

Soler, Colette. Lacan Reading Joyce (p. 1). Taylor and Francis. Kindle edition.

我說, 心理治療的開始是因為 f ( x ) x, 待不住在他自己裡面, 所以他尋找到 f ( x, y ), y 就是治療者, 在這個兩個人的關係的旅途中, x 找到了回到 f ( x )的路, 但我說, 我可沒有說, x 因此找到了面對那個空集合 f (  ) 的路, 我說, 那個空集合, 也許存在治療可以一窺, 一般治療者自己都不曾一窺, 他的限制就是他的治療的限制