Wednesday, August 7, 2019

M (FJU 2019 入夏之後) - Otto Rank

起因是半個月前無路可走反覆讀 Explorations of the Psychoanalytic Mystics, by Dan Merkur, Rodopi, 2010 其中有一章講Rank


先前2014-8-16處理過Otto Rank但已不卒讀那時我是把溯源放在FerencziRank兩人的但其實對Rank一知半解Rank的關鍵在他是藝術家他勇敢歧出他預見了六十年後他沒有學派他被用但被遺忘


failed artist (artiste manqué)

Rank regarded the neurotic as a failed artist (artiste manqué), paralyzed by the fact that life is bounded by non-existence at one end and death at the other. By contrast, the creative person willingly accepts life as a loan, for which death is repayment. The artistic type alternates between separation from, and union with, the group (family, society), living with “affirmation of the given” and its “creative appropriation” (Rank, 1932, p. 64). (p. 321)

Lieberman, E.J. (2012). Rankian Will. Am. J. Psychoanal., 72(4):320-325

迄今曾傳遞Rank香火的主要作者包括Esther Menaker (1907-2003), Jessi Taft (1882-1960), E. James Lieberman (b 1934), Fay B. Karpf, Will Wadlington零星小眾實在安靜

Separation, Will, and Creativity: The Wisdom of Otto Rank, by Esther Menaker, Jason Aronson, 1977
Otto Rank: A Rediscovered Legacy, by Esther Menaker, Columbia University Press, 1982
Otto Rank; a biographical study based on notebooks, letters, collected writings, therapeutic achievements and personal associations, bJessie Taft, Julian Press,1958
The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank: Inside Psychoanalysis, bE. James Lieberman (Author, Editor), Robert Kramer (Author, Editor), Gregory C. Richter (Author, Translator), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012
Acts of Will (the Life & Work of Otto Rank), by E. James Lieberman, Free Press, 1985
The Psychology and Psychotherapy of Otto Rank: An Historical and Comparative Introduction, by Fay B. Karpf, Philosophical Library V, 1953


By date of first publication

German title (current edition)
English translation (current edition)
Der Künstler
The Artist
Der Mythus von der Geburt des Helden (Turia & Kant, 2000, ISBN 3-85132-141-3)
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero (Johns Hopkins, 2004, ISBN 0-8018-7883-7)
Die Lohengrin Sage [doctoral thesis]
The Lohengrin Saga
Das Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage
The Incest Theme in Literature and Legend (Johns Hopkins, 1991, ISBN 0-8018-4176-3)
Die Bedeutung der Psychoanalyse fur die Geisteswissenschaften [with Hanns Sachs]
The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Human Sciences
"Traum und Dichtung" and "Traum und Mythus" in Sigmund Freud's Die Traumdeutung
The Interpretation of Dreams eds. 4–7: "Dreams and Poetry"; "Dreams and Myth" added to Ch. VI, "The Dream-Work." In Dreaming by the Book L. Marinelli and A. Mayer, Other, 2003. ISBN 1-59051-009-7
Das Trauma der Geburt (Psychosozial-Verlag, 1998, ISBN 3-932133-25-0)
The Trauma of Birth, 1929 (Dover, 1994, ISBN 0-486-27974-X)
Entwicklungsziele der Psychoanalyse [with Sándor Ferenczi]
The Development of Psychoanalysis / Developmental Goals of Psychoanalysis
Der Doppelgänger [written 1914]
The Double (Karnac, 1989, ISBN 0-946439-58-3)
Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit
Truth and Reality (Norton, 1978, ISBN 0-393-00899-1)
(Consists of Volumes II and III of "Technik der Psychoanalyse": Vol. II, "Die Analytische Reaktion in ihren konstruktiven Elementen"; Vol. III, "Die Analyse des Analytikers und seiner Rolle in der Gesamtsituaton". Copyright 1929, 1931 by Franz Deuticke.)
Will Therapy, 1929–31 (First published in English in 1936; reprinted in paperback by Norton, 1978, ISBN 0-393-00898-3)
Seelenglaube und Psychologie
Psychology and the Soul (Johns Hopkins, 2003, ISBN 0-8018-7237-5)
Kunst und Künstler (Psychosozial-Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-89806-023-3)
Art and Artist (Norton, 1989, ISBN 0-393-30574-0)
Erziehung und Weltanschauung : Eine Kritik d. psychol. Erziehungs-Ideologie, München: Reinhardt, 1933
Modern Education

Beyond Psychology (Dover, 1966, ISBN 0-486-20485-5)

A Psychology of Difference: The American Lectures [talks given 1924–1938; edited and with an introductory essay by Robert Kramer (Princeton, 1996, ISBN 0-691-04470-8)