Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pat Deegan's Personal Medicine for Depression: A CommonGround Guide (CommonGround Program Guides) (Patricia E Deegan, Allison Stiles, Pat Deegan, PhD & Associates, LLC, 2019-3-1)

Depression can be a reaction to a loss, a hardship, trauma or a change in life circumstances. But when we experience depression that lasts a long time and interferes with our ability to keep up with responsibilities, it may mean we need some additional support.
My name is Pat Deegan. Like you, I have experienced depression. Over time, I learned to manage my depression so I could get back to doing the things in life that matter most to me. Of course, there are still times when I experience depression. But since discovering my Personal Medicine, I have the tools and know-how to get back on track.  In this Guide, you will have the opportunity to discover your own unique Personal Medicine for Depression. (amazon)