Friday, September 20, 2019

Chinese news channel dealt blow as former Ofcom regulator quits (The Guardian, 2019-9-18)

But according to newsroom sources, Pollard was unhappy with some of CGTN’s coverage – which the broadcaster describes as “reporting news from a Chinese perspective” – particularly of the recent protests in Hong Kong.
Earlier this month his concern was evident when he objected on Twitter to a comment made by one of CGTN’s presenters, Liu Xin, about Sky News special correspondent Alex Crawford. Crawford was filmed recently confronting a Hong Kong police officer in riot gear for questioning someone who was marked clearly as a member of the press.
Xin commented: “She has the right to report the news but not the right to confront the police, obstructing their work in essence. In that sense, she has lost her neutrality as press.”
On 1 September Pollard, who worked with Crawford at Sky News, tweeted back: “I think you are completely wrong, Liu Xin. Alex Crawford is one of best, bravest and fairest reporters in the world.” He said her coverage of events in Hong Kong had been outstanding, adding: “Very fine journalism and NO loss of neutrality.”