Saturday, November 2, 2019

Daoistic humanism in ancient China: Broadening personality and counseling theories in the 21st century (Lee Yueh-Ting, 2003) (Daseinsanalysis)

Lee, Y.-T. (2003). Daoistic humanism in ancient China: Broadening personality and counseling theories in the 21st century. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 43(1), 64-85.


American psychology, including humanistic psychology, tends to focus on Western cultures and European/American-centric theories while neglecting Eastern or other cultures. Examining Laozi's Daoism (previously called Taoism), the article expounds the following humanistic issues from the perspective of ancient Chinese philosophy: (a) the principle of wei wu-wei (or following the noninterference or nonaction) or spontaneity and natural way; (b) openness and tolerance; (c) water personality; (d) high regard for females and mothers; (e) moderation and avoidance of extremes; (f) the welfare of others and the world; and (g) opposition to war and love of peace. Connections between early humanistic counseling and Chinese Daoism are also discussed.

now, you can be very much sure, that there is no such thing as Daoistic humanism, in contemporary China, under the CCP rule, or you may say, there is Anti-Daoistic humanism instead