Friday, June 26, 2020

Barry J. Naughton

He specializes in the Chinese economy and is a recognized expert in the field. His 1995 book "Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978–1993" won the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize. He stated that the Chinese economic reform was accomplished without a grand vision. Rather, it was the result of a mix between laissez-faire and experimentation with business incentives by the government.

no, they do have a grand vision, which is crony capitalism, in service for the fucking new class (a la Milovan Đilas) 

鄧小平說黑貓白貓 讓少數人先富起來 其實他沒有說下一句 「讓極少數人絕對的永遠的極端的富起來」 其他百分之九十九點九九九的那十四億無知愚昧的草民 就是新階級豢養的畜牲和韭菜 隨時可以任意輪流分批宰殺 毛澤東說過 一次不要殺太多 通常百分之五就好 殺少了不夠大器 殺多了會影響生產力