As people construct a life narrative, researchers have found, they tend to remember more events from the teens and twenties than from any other time. It’s called the “reminiscence bump.” According to psychologist Dan McAdams of Northwestern University, events from this period loom so large because it’s when people are most preoccupied with forming an identity. “Identity is an internalized life story,” McAdams wrote in a 2001 article called “The Psychology of Life Stories.”
這個bump說明了 15-25歲的回憶 是形成我們每一個人的自我認同的關鍵 之後其實變化不多 忙於生活 日復一日 年復一年 像個陀螺 匆匆就到了今天 昨天前天 去年前年 可能還有印象 再早一點 就如雲霧中的來時路 記不得許多了
In what follows I reflect on the possibility that a particular kind of episodic memory, arguably the sort that plays a key role in constituting personal identity over time, might be especially prone to being induced by the coming technologies of the twenty-first century. ...
More specifically it raises the possibility that identity-constituting memories may not in time be earned, so to speak, in the first-order engagements with the found world of a person's experience, but may come to be supplied in the course of second-order engagements with prefabricated worlds of a kind that have been the lifeblood of the arts over recent millennia.
If that is so, then the potential for controlling the the political formation of collective memories, will have had a very powerful new weapon added to its armoury.(Subjectivity in the Twenty-First Century: Psychological, Sociological and Political Perspectives, ed. by Romin W. Tafarodi, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 142-143)
see footnote 3 (p. 166) too.
意思是說 操弄了15-25歲的人的記憶 你就控制了他是誰!
一般說來 心理治療的個案 年齡在20-30歲間居多 治療者恰巧在這個bump中後段遇見對方 遂可能有機會 促成對方整理 修復 前行
反之 如果你的病人是青少年 那你正在bump的前段 歷史的現場 目睹和製造他的回憶
跟宏茂說 當我們說 治療者和個案 年齡差距十歲以內(通常是治療者較年長) 治療效果較好時 可以這樣理解 因為他們兩人的bump是有交集的 而且治療者剛離開個案正在遭遇的bump未久 感同身受是很自然的