10/23 2:14 PM. 入監前日霜降聽到小澤征爾七英里路 is there a place, called core network, inside the brain, which is supposed to be the home of consciousness? but, citadel, of the senses? (daniel bor, 2012) well, it sounds like a defensively-guarded prison, doesn't it? 讓訊息進來讓經驗穿過你讓它們把你搞亂再看有沒有新的秩序發生或即使不發生也沒有關係因為七英里路半客死他鄉是最好的旅途結局
10/23 3:03 PM. YM (12/21) (rev 1051023)
10/23 3:06 PM. 點起一支Peace
10/23 6:25 PM. s/p lousy traffic
10/24 9:21 AM. was notified just now that L was sent to ICU due to fever and leukopenia 10/22
10/24 4:54 PM. tired. take a break. till 6:00 PM.
10/24 11:33 PM. all quiet on the western front, at least, so far. four consults, tomorrow morning.
10/25 7:25 AM. well, this is day 2.
10/25.10:57 AM. one consult unfinished. ICU-21 transferred back 10/26. 走進陽光
10/25 4:42 PM. "我賺最多" "讓他演" "Welcome" "Of course, (you bitch)" 蘇清公公是一個傑出的吹簫演出家 屁眼們說 輕諾寡信 說得真好
10/25 7:00 PM. remembering kitaro koi. the violin interlude is very very beautiful.
10/26 6:08 PM. this is day 3. two MC case notes (done 7:01 PM). 社關案待評估是否可行 (forward to 正熙, consider asking him to take in charge of this project, 7:32 PM). case report awaits review (done 7:16 PM)
10/27 4:26 AM. day 4. 弦月 山頭
10/27 4:17 PM. just back.
10/27 8:43 PM. W agitated at H2, restraint, RT. titrating clozapine from tomorrow. (DC clozapine, sialorrhea much, 10/28)
10/29 9:12 AM. day 6. duty from 10 PM. not for weak or fainthearted.
10/29 10:47 PM. duty from 10 PM till 10/30 10 PM. ER one, 71 y/o, r/o delirium; H3 one, 70 y/o, manic.
10/30 1:19 AM. H3 new pt AAD. back to the office.
10/30 9:41 AM. ER not yet calling.
10/30 10:31 AM. 清楚穩穩做人 清楚包括看清想清
看清想清 包括台灣大陸 (taiwan watch, china watch) 李登輝留給台灣兩個禮物 一是黑金 一是宋楚瑜 前者培養了他自己和國民黨的吃相優雅 後者造成國民黨分裂 唯其分裂 民進黨才可能一次二次奪權 我先前說過 中共需要出現他們的李登輝 來把龐然巨獸從裡面搞爛 民主才能從中發生 但是看習近平幾年來佈局 這條路越來越不可能了 民進黨的尷尬不在陳水扁有本事亂搞 在陳水扁貪汙 這破壞了革命的integrity和正當性 以目前局勢看來 陳水扁必反撲 順便搞亂所有理性的可能的進程 如果大陸的痛苦在imposed deception和self-censorship 民進黨的痛苦則在吃相難看和self-deception 國民黨的痛苦則在宮廷政治腐敗 且由奢入儉難 不歸零不足以復興 所以顧立雄不知道 他正在做一件幫國民黨死去活來的事 以近一年的變化觀之 蔡英文應會用力做很多糟糕但振振有辭的事 女人玩政 搞了半天小動作和文雅的潑辣 就是演得不大像政治家 雖然台灣男性也沒有人演得好 基本上 這群傢伙 男女不論 皆演技欠佳 跑龍套 在第三世界 混口飯吃而已
10/30 2:43 PM. nine hours to go
10/30 4:39 PM. ER 邱 adm.
10/30 6:11 PM. virtual 白斬雞 for dinner, 所謂畫餅. 還有三小時到LA 轉機十小時
10/31 12:20 MN. windy. sleeping in the airport. waiting for dawn.
10/31 12:13 Noon. 有點急 這樣不好 我知道
10/31 10:18 PM. day 8, very busy. 5 consults, tomorrow morning. day by day. one day at a time.
11/1 6:49 AM. day 9. 邱 agitated, singing loudly, around 3-4 am. sleep for 1+ hr after haldol / anxicam 1/2 amp im, wake up just now, disturbing again. shall add risperidone 1 mg bid from today.
11/2 6:57 PM. 94 y/m, day 10. dementia with depression and BPSD, adm. 小鬼難纏. preview ppt tomorrow noon at 天成.
11/3 1:46 AM. 逐漸成形 原鄉 ordered two books from abebook (uneasy dwelling, daseiinsanalysis) ordered a kindle (mick cooper, 2e, existential therapies)
11/3 3:48 PM. day 11. back from 天成, Nobita 公文宿舍文將出, 11/4 PM 2:00 觀音演習無法派人出席.
11/4 7:46 AM. day 12. 我今天下午要去高雄.