Wednesday, November 23, 2016


11/23 4:18 AM   儲水   Sebald說的   瓶中老鼠的故事   那是他車禍猝逝前的最後一次訪談  

"They put a rat in a cylinder that is full of water and the rat swims around for about a minute until it sees that it can't get out and then it dies of cardiac arrest," he told me. 
A second rat is put in a similar cylinder, except that this cylinder has a ladder, which enables the rat to climb out. 
"Then, if you put this rat in another cylinder and don't offer it a ladder, it will keep swimming until it dies of exhaustion," he explained. 
"You're given something --- a holiday to Tenerife or you meet a nice person --- and so you carry on, even though it's quite hopeless. That may tell you everything you need to know." he chuckled. (the emergence of memory: Conversation with W. G. Sebald, 2007, p. 172)

見過陳映真一面   是在宇宙的喜宴   同桌的   陳映真   聽著   沉默地   微笑著   去蝦殼   津津有味地    吃著蝦子    然後    在小碗裡    細心地洗著手   宇宙已逝十年   先生   昨天北京辭世   想著    這段往事    我點起紙菸    這時   冬夜的雨落個不停