Daniel Stern à (3) (4)
Jessica Benjamin à (2) (3)
Robert Stolorow, George Atwood, Donna Orange à (2) (3)
Bernard Brandchaft à(3)
Beatrice Beebe à (3) (4)
Vittorio Gallese à (1)
保羅田立克和心理學(Terry Cooper, 2006)的關鍵在第三章那章講的是田立克和佛洛姆的不同的路但是我們不要忘了田立克經歷的一九一六年七月和他是第一個被納粹逐出校園的德國教授一百零一年後的你有這樣的覺悟敢這樣做嗎
Cooper引述了Guy Hammond (1965)*
*Man in Estrangment: A Comparison of the Thought of Paul Tillich and Erich Fromm, by Guy Hammond, Vanderbilt University Press, 1965
In this chapter I will explore some of the similarities and differences between Tillich and Fromm as representatives of theological and secular humanism. As a psychoanalyst and Marxist, Fromm is one of the most eloquent spokespersons for the position that humanity must heal itself and not rely on a transcendent Source to provide its redemption. Tillich obviously disagrees. (Cooper 2006, p. 63)