Wednesday, July 4, 2018

derrida (1992)

What are the depths of misery for you?: To lose my memory. 
Where would you like to live?: In a place to which I can always return, in other words from which I can leave. 
For what fault do you have the most indulgence?: Keeping a secret which one should not keep. 
Favourite hero in a novel: Bartleby. 
Your favourite heroines in real life?: I’m keeping that a secret. 
Your favourite quality in a man?: To be able to confess that he is afraid. 
Your favourite quality in a woman?: Thought. 
Your favourite virtue?: Faithfulness. 
Your favourite occupation: Listening. 
Who would you like to have been?: Another who would remember me a bit. 
My main character trait?: A certain lack of seriousness. 
My dream of happiness?: To continue dreaming. 
What would be my greatest misfortune?: Dying after the people I love. 
What I would like to be: A poet. 
What I hate more than anything?: Complacency and vulgarity. 
The reform I most admire: Everything to do with the difference between the sexes. 
The natural gift I would like to have: Musical genius. 
How I would like to die: Taken completely by surprise. 
My motto: Prefer to say yes.