Thursday, May 30, 2019

M (FJU 2019) - S13 課前

Session 13 (2019-6-1)

We shall start from 

The Key Issues in Treating the Difficult Patients

boundary vs. flexibility
structure vs. relaxation
abstinence vs. responsiveness
passivity vs. activity
anonymity vs. self-disclosure
T-CT matrix vs. real relationship
words vs. actions
how to survive the projective identification process

Davies, J.M. (1994). Love in the Afternoon: A Relational Reconsideration of
Desire and Dread in the Countertransference. Psychoanal. Dial.,

Spezzano, C. (1998). Listening and Interpreting—How Relational Analysts
Kill Time Between Disclosures and Enactments: Commentary on Papers
by Bromberg and by Greenberg. Psychoanal. Dial., 8(2):237-246

Davies, J.M. (2013). My Enfant Terrible is Twenty: A Discussion of Slavin's
and Gentile's Retrospective Reconsideration of “Love in the Afternoon”
Psychoanal. Dial., 23(2):170-179 


                      那個房間裡的風暴 是兩個人的風暴

1.                前言: 自體心理學和關係學派之比較研究

2.                Ferenczi留給我們的問題是甚麼?

3.                Tracing Back

3.1    Sullivan

Sullivan Revisited: His Relevance for Contemporary Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychoanalysis, by Marco Conci, Routledge, 2011 (scribd)

3.2    美國精神分析的局 和被忽略半世紀的鬱勃

Shrink: A Cultural History of Psychoanalysis in America, by Lawrence R. Samuel, University of Nebraska Press, 2013 (kindle 2013-3-31)

Freud and the Americans: The Beginnings of Psychoanalysis in the United States, 1876-1917, by Nathan G. Hale, Oxford University Press, 1971

The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States: Freud and the Americans, 1917-1985, by Nathan G. Hale, Oxford University Press, 1995

Constructing The Self, Constructing America: A Cultural History Of Psychotherapy, by Philip Cushman, Da Capo Press, 1995 (questia)

Travels with the Self: Interpreting Psychology as Cultural History, by Philip Cushman, Routledge, 2018 (kindle 2018-10-18)

A History of the Division of Psychoanalysis in the American Psychological Association, ed. by Murray Meisels, Robert C. Lane, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc, 1994 (questia)

4.               回顧三十年

5.                RPBS (Relational Perspectives Book Series)書目

6.                議題

7.                Jon Mills的批判

Relational and Intersubjective Perspectives in Psychoanalysis: A Critique, ed. by Jon Mills, Jason Aronson, Inc., 2005

Conundrums: A Critique of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, by Jon Mills, Routledge, 2012 (kindle)

8.                結語:  關於自體無法歸約回去關係 (2019-1-2)