Thursday, January 23, 2020

退休的妓女和退休的精神科醫生和退休的鮭魚 (Daseinsanalysis)

我很高興馬奎斯(1927-2014)在過世前寫了苦妓回憶錄 (Memories of My Melancholy Whores, 2004)這是他的最後一本小說

In 1999, García Márquez was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer.[65] Chemotherapy provided by a hospital in Los Angeles proved to be successful, and the illness went into remission.[65][90] This event prompted García Márquez to begin writing his memoirs: "I reduced relations with my friends to a minimum, disconnected the telephone, canceled the trips and all sorts of current and future plans", he told El Tiempo, the Colombian newspaper, "...and locked myself in to write every day without interruption."[90] In 2002, three years later, he published Living to Tell the Tale (Vivir para Contarla), the first volume in a projected trilogy of memoirs.[90]
In 2000, his impending death was incorrectly reported by Peruvian daily newspaper La República. The next day other newspapers republished his alleged farewell poem, "La Marioneta," but shortly afterwards García Márquez denied being the author of the poem, which was determined to be the work of a Mexican ventriloquist.[91][92][93]
He stated that 2005 "was the first [year] in my life in which I haven't written even a line. With my experience, I could write a new novel without any problems, but people would realise my heart wasn't in it."[94]
In May 2008, it was announced that García Márquez was finishing a new "novel of love" that had yet to be given a title, to be published by the end of the year.[95] However, in April 2009 his agent, Carmen Balcells, told the Chilean newspaper La Tercera that García Márquez was unlikely to write again.[94] This was disputed by Random House Mondadori editor Cristobal Pera, who stated that García Márquez was completing a new novel called We'll Meet in August (En agosto nos vemos).[96]
In December 2008, García Márquez told fans at the Guadalajara book fair that writing had worn him out.[94] In 2009, responding to claims by both his literary agent and his biographer that his writing career was over, he told Colombian newspaper El Tiempo: "Not only is it not true, but the only thing I do is write".[94][97]
In 2012, his brother Jaime announced that García Márquez was suffering from dementia.


