Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1/31/23 (星期二)

2:54 PM,Desert Star,now,Bosch is in Chicago,and Ballard is going to find the tuxedo salesman in Beverly Hills,

7:52 PM,now,Hastings is the one who had hematuria,and killed the actress Laura,and Jake's younger sister Sarah,

10:54 PM,now,Hastings is clean,and the suspect is Ted Rawls,the ex-cop,

11:13 PM,人生就是,只能是碎片,把碎片再怎麼,檢起來,洗乾淨,重新拼湊回去,最好的結果,也只能是殘缺,而誰檢得最多,洗乾淨得最多,拼湊回去得最多,誰就是第一名,當然,我們的第一名,以為自己是完整無缺的,這就是為什麼,第一名是最無趣的人的原因,

Well,Rawls hit Bosch with his BMW,and fired at Bosch,Bosch fired back,and killed Rawls,