It's not accurate to categorically state that serial killing was exclusively a 20th-century phenomenon or that mass killing is exclusively a 21st-century phenomenon. Both forms of violent crime have occurred throughout history, but they have gained more attention and recognition in different time periods due to various factors, including changes in communication, law enforcement techniques, and public awareness.
Serial killing, which involves a series of murders committed by the same person over an extended period, has been documented in various historical periods. However, it is true that the concept of serial killers as we understand it today, with extensive profiling and media coverage, became more prominent in the 20th century. This can be attributed to advancements in forensic science, criminal profiling, and the rise of mass media.
Mass killing, on the other hand, is not limited to the 21st century either. Acts of mass violence, such as mass shootings and genocides, have occurred throughout history. While the 21st century has seen some high-profile cases of mass killings, it is not accurate to suggest that this form of violence only emerged in this century.
Both serial killing and mass killing are complex phenomena influenced by a variety of social, psychological, and cultural factors. It's important to approach these topics with nuance and avoid generalizations about their historical occurrence. Instead, it's more accurate to say that our understanding, awareness, and documentation of these types of crimes have evolved over time.
連續殺人,是一個需要歷時多年,建構繁複象徵系統,無窮耐心等待,才能完成的作品;隨機殺人,前因亦複雜,但比起連續殺人而言,則憑藉的是衝動,在很短時間內完成 (意思是說,就是早洩),而且明顯自毀,沒有打算,活著離開,殺戮現場。小結,衝動自毀,是隨機殺人關鍵;你要理解,我們當今世界,剩下的只有,衝動自毀早洩。再者,隨機殺人,使用工具,決定其格調。持槍他殺自殺,一次完成者,堪稱乾脆;用刀亂砍,開車亂撞者,通常事後會裝病 (是幻聽叫我去做的),或大叫「草泥馬B你要搞清楚我爸爸是xxx」,企圖脫罪,堪稱孬種。