His seminars have been published in the seven volume Problématiques series while many of his most important essays are found in La révolution copernicienne inachevée (1992).
The Unfinished Copernican Revolution
Following the introduction of the theory of generalized seduction, Laplanche published a collection of essays under the title "The Unfinished Copernican Revolution" which referred specifically to the "object" of psychoanalysis, the unconscious — the generalised seduction theory emphasising that such a revolution is "incomplete."
Freud, who repeatedly compared the psychoanalytic discovery to a Copernican revolution, was for Laplanche both "his own Copernicus but also his own Ptolemy." On the Copernican side, there is the conjoint discovery of the unconscious and the seduction theory, which maintains the sense of "otherness"; on the Ptolemaic side, there is (to Laplanche) the misdirection of the Freudian "return to a theory of self-centering". Thus 'what Laplanche calls Freud's "going astray", a disastrous shift from a Copernican to a Ptolemaic conception of the psyche ... occurred when Freud replaced his early seduction theory ... of sexuality as an "alien-ness" decentring the psyche'[11] with one centred upon the individual — 'the illusion of a universe that Laplanche would characterize as Ptolemaic, where the ego feels it occupies the central position'.[12]
Jean Laplanche's works
- Hölderlin et la question du père, Paris, PUF, 1961.;[14] Hölderlin and the question of the father, Victoria, ELS Editions n° 97, 2007, ISBN 978-1-55058-379-3[15][16]
- Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse (The Language of Psycho-Analysis), with Jean-Bertrand Pontalis, Paris, PUF, 1967.
- Vie et mort en psychanalyse (Life and Death in Psychoanalysis), Paris, Flammarion, 1970.
- Problématiques I: L'angoisse, Paris, PUF, 1980.
- Problématiques II: Castration-Symbolisations, Paris, PUF, 1980.
- Problématiques III: La Sublimation, Paris, PUF, 1980.
- Problématiques IV: L'inconscient et le ça, Paris, PUF, 1981.
- Fantasme originaire. fantasmes des origines, origines du fantasme (Fantasy and the Origins of Sexuality), Paris, Hachette 1985.
- Problématiques V: Le baquet-transcendence du transfert, Paris, PUF, 1987.
- Nouveaux fondements pour la psychanalyse (New Foundations for Psychoanalysis), Paris, PUF, 1987.
- Traduire Freud, Paris, PUF, 1989.
- La révolution copernicienne inachevée (Travaux 1967–1992), Paris, Aubier 1992 ISBN 2-7007-2166-7. Réédition : Le Primat de l'autre en psychanalyse, Paris, Flammarion, 1997, ISBN 2-08-081390-0; rééd. sous le titre La Révolution copernicienne inachevée: PUF / Quadrige, 2008. (La pulsion pour quoi faire (Paris, APF, 1984) and "Le mur et l'arcade" are now in the book: La révolution copernicienne inachevée.)
- Le fourvoiement biologisant de la sexualité chez Freud, Paris, Les empêcheurs de penser en rond, 1993.
- Entre séduction et inspiration: l'homme, Paris, PUF, 1999.
- "Masochism and Sexuality", An Interview with Jacques André, Journal of European Psychoanalysis, 16, 2003,
- Problématiques VI: L'après-coup – La "Nachträglichkeit" dans l'après-coup (1990–1991), Paris, PUF, 2006. (A better English translation of "Nachträglichkeit" is afterwardsness; the old translation was deferred action).
- Problématiques VII: Le fourvoiement biologisant de la sexualité chez Freud suivi de Biologisme et biologie, Paris, PUF, 2006.
- Sexual. La sexualité élargie au sens freudien. 2000–2006, Paris, PUF, 2007. English Transl.: Freud and the Sexual, Edited by John Fletcher, Translated by John Fletcher, Jonathan House and Nicholas Ray, New York, The Unconscious in Translation, 2011.
Since 2010, the translation in English of Jean Laplanche's complete works has begun.[17]