Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Learned helplessness (negativity vs vitality)

Does Julie Reshe have anything to say about learned helplessness?

The Mouse Forced Swim Test

The forced swim test is a rodent behavioral test used for evaluation of antidepressant drugs, antidepressant efficacy of new compounds, and experimental manipulations that are aimed at rendering or preventing depressive-like states.

Mice are placed in an inescapable transparent tank that is filled with water and their escape related mobility behavior is measured. The forced swim test is straightforward to conduct reliably and it requires minimal specialized equipment. Successful implementation of the forced swim test requires adherence to certain procedural details and minimization of unwarranted stress to the mice. In the protocol description and the accompanying video, we explain how to conduct the mouse version of this test with emphasis on potential pitfalls that may be detrimental to interpretation of results and how to avoid them. Additionally, we explain how the behaviors manifested in the test are assessed.


意思是說,精疲力竭,放棄游泳的老鼠,吃一點抗憂鬱劑,就會撐久一點,才 (畢竟,終於,還是) 放棄,


Winnicott 說,能夠擁有 illusion,才是健康,意思是說,生病失去的,就是擁有 illusion 的能力,

意思是說,抗憂鬱劑,的作用,就是讓人,找回 illusion,暫時不破滅,


我想,Julie Reshe,戴著那雙可愛的大眼鏡,會同意,這個結論,

但是,我想,Julie Reshe 難解釋的是,一個人,或一隻老鼠,如何失去 illusion,而不放棄,


意思是說,那隻老鼠,才是當之無愧的,negative psychoanalyst,